There are nuances: Fitosporin-M - how to properly dilute and use for plant protection

Fitosporin-M is well known to many. This is a microbiological product with a systemic principle of action. The composition is based on live bacteria Bacillus subtilis, also known as Bacillus subtilis.

The fungicide helps fight a wide range of fungal and bacterial diseases (scab, blackleg, rot, etc.). But you can be sure that these infectious problems will not affect your garden only if you know how to dilute Fitosporin and how to use the ready-made solution.

Treatment with Fitosporin exclusively inhibits pathogens. The substance does not pose a threat to human health or domestic animals. The drug can be used even for flowering and fruit-bearing crops. At the same time, you can eat the fruits even on the day of processing. This is one of the important advantages of the fungicide and the secret of its popularity.

Basic properties

Fitosporin is a new generation biologically active fungicide for caring for plants at all stages of their development. Three types of fertilizer have been developed:

  • Fitosporin M is a universal remedy for all crops;
  • Fitosporin K – fungicide in the form of potassium nano-gel;
  • Fitosporin for potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers.

The drug is based on live spore bacteria that inhibit the proliferation of microorganisms that harm the plant. Among the active components is humus, which is a source of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, thanks to which treatment with Fitosporin allows you to enrich the soil.

Phytosporin can be used during fruiting. It is harmless to humans and insects.


The versatility of the product lies not only in the fact that it is suitable for all plants, but also in its multifunctionality:

  • seed treatment before sowing;
  • soil disinfection;
  • means for the prevention of viral and bacterial plant diseases;
  • means for improving the rooting of seedlings and cuttings;
  • increasing plant immunity in stressful situations.

Fitosporin is prescribed for:

  • late blight;
  • bacteriosis;
  • rust;
  • black spot;
  • root rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • black leg.

Reviews from gardeners

Reviews from practicing summer residents vary, some are positive, some are negative, and some are simply neutral.

  • “I have been using Fitosporin for several years now. It was not possible to completely get rid of diseases on tomatoes, but the problems became much less. I carry out the treatment regularly and alternate it with other fertilizers.”
  • “I didn’t notice any changes after using the product. Perhaps I didn’t follow the processing rules.”
  • “100% effective, especially if used not only for spraying, but in combination for soaking seeds, cultivating soil, etc.”
  • “Helps for prevention and in the initial stages of damage. If the bushes are severely affected, then there is no result.”

Advantages of the product

  1. Ease of use.
  2. Safe composition.
  3. Wide spectrum of action.
  4. Improving soil quality.
  5. Growth stimulator.
  6. Compatibility with other insecticides and acaricides.
  7. Preservation of properties during temperature changes: bacteria under unfavorable conditions become spore-like.
  8. Low cost.

Important: the effect of Fitosporin is noticeable only when used systemically throughout the growing season.


Fitosporin is available in three forms:

  • powder;
  • paste;
  • water emulsion.

The effectiveness of the product is the same. The shape only affects the speed of preparation of the working solution.

Phytosporin powder

Price: 20 rubles for 10 g.

Used for the prevention and treatment of fungal and bacterial diseases of plants. The advantage is that the properties are preserved after opening the package for a long time.

The powder is diluted 1-2 hours before the planned treatment of plants. It is recommended to do this in the evening hours, in dry weather.

Store the resulting solution for 6 hours.

Phytosporin paste

Price: 35-40 rubles per 100 g.

The paste is a fast-soluble fungicide enriched with humic substances. Unlike powder, it has a prolonged effect. Used for disease prevention and as an immunomodulatory agent for seedlings.

Important: the therapeutic effect of the paste is lower than that of the powder and solution.

The paste is used to prepare a stock solution that can be stored for 4 years. The working solution is suitable for 6 hours.

Phytosporin solution

Price: from 80 rubles per 100 ml.

The liquid form of Fitosporin is a concentrated solution that is used to spray plants or fruits before storing them.

The main area of ​​application is caring for indoor and decorative flowers. Formulations for fruit and vegetable crops are presented separately.

Important: Fitosporin-A “Reanimator” is produced in liquid form, intended for the treatment of plants.

When to process tomatoes in a greenhouse?

Since closed ground conditions prevent the product from being washed off by rain, treatment with Fitosporin in a greenhouse has several features.

First of all, not only plants are subject to treatment. At the beginning of the season, all internal surfaces and parts of the greenhouse structure are treated with a solution of the drug. A week before planting seedlings (sowing seeds), water the soil.

Soil treatment method:

  • Depending on climatic conditions, greenhouses are processed from the end of March (in the southern regions) to the end of April (in areas with long winters).
  • The solution consumption rate is 5 l/m2.
  • Watering is carried out with a watering can.
  • The wet soil is sprinkled with dry soil and covered with film material.
  • After 3-4 days, the beds are opened to dry.

Treatment of tomatoes - seedlings and adult plants - is carried out with a regular solution no more than once every two weeks, if the situation is calm. If signs of disease appear on some bushes, spraying is carried out weekly.

Easy to use, “Fitosporin” has proven itself not only as a means of preventing and combating late blight and other fungal and bacterial infections. The drug promotes improved absorption of nutrients by plants. However, in the fight against tomato infections, using this drug exclusively means making a gross agrotechnical mistake. Even super-medicines do not free the summer resident from the need to properly care for planted vegetables.

How to breed Fitosporin for seedlings

Depending on the form of the drug and the crop it treats, the manufacturer indicates on the back of the package the dosage of Fitosporin for a certain period of plant development.


The powder form is diluted 1-2 hours before processing the plants.

In 1 tsp. contains 3-3.5 g of the drug.


Paste-like Fitosporin is considered the most convenient. A mother liquor is prepared from it, which is the basis for working solutions, depending on further processing.

To obtain a concentrate, take paste and water in a ratio of 1:2.


Liquid Fitosporin is already a concentrated working solution. It is used to spray plants leaf by leaf. Before use, it is diluted in a ratio of 10 drops per 100 ml of water.

If it is necessary to treat infected plants, the concentration is increased to a ratio of 1:2.

Safety precautions when working

When working with the drug, observe the following precautions:

  1. While preparing Fitosporin, do not handle food.
  2. Do not dilute the medicine in food containers.
  3. In case of contact with eyes, nose, mouth or skin, immediately rinse the affected area with running water.
  4. Use rubber or silicone gloves.
  5. Use a respirator, gauze bandage or safety glasses.
  6. Do not eat, drink or smoke while spraying plants.
  7. If you accidentally swallowed the medicine, drink activated charcoal immediately and consult your doctor.
  8. After the procedure, take a shower and change clothes.

Features by plant


Application of Fitosporin for tomato seedlings Tomatoes and peppers are treated with Fitosporin throughout the growing season. For dilution, adhere to the dosages recommended by the manufacturer:

  • To treat seeds, dilute 1 drop of concentrate (stock solution) per 200 ml of water. If the base is powder, then dilute 0.5 tsp. for 1 liter of water;
  • For watering the soil before sowing tomato seedlings – 1 tsp. concentrate per 1 liter of water. Water the day before sowing.
  • To water the seedlings themselves, Fitosporin is diluted 5 g per 10 liters of water.

Fitosporin is always used as a disease prevention during the seedling period. To get the effect, three times treatment is necessary before planting in the ground.

After germination, the seedlings are watered with powder dissolved in water. This protects the plants from blackleg.

After 10 days, spraying is carried out by preparing a working solution of 0.5 tsp. powder solution per 5 liters of water.

Before planting in the ground, it is necessary to soak the root system. To do this, 10 g of powder (about 3 tsp) is diluted in 10 liters of water. The roots of the seedlings are dipped into the resulting solution for a few minutes, after which they are immediately planted in the ground.

Attention: if the earthen ball on the root system of the seedlings is dense, then planting is carried out without soaking, followed by watering with Fitosporin solution at the rate of 1 glass for each seedling.

14 days after planting seedlings in the ground, preventive treatment is indicated: 10 ml of the liquid form of the drug (for vegetable crops) is dissolved in a bucket of water and the bushes are sprayed with the resulting product.


When growing cucumbers, the manufacturer recommends using this product for soaking seeds and spraying. Experienced gardeners must add to these recommendations soaking the root system of cucumber seedlings before planting them in the ground, especially in a greenhouse.

  1. Both powder and paste are suitable for soaking seeds. The powder is diluted with water in a ratio of 1.5 g of product per 1 liter of water. Stock solution – 2 drops per 1 glass of water.
  2. For soil treatment, both for seedlings and for already grown seedlings in the garden, per 1 sq.m. take 0.5 tbsp. for 5 liters of water. Watering the soil is carried out at least 12 hours before transplanting.
  3. It is possible to use Fitosporin to prepare compost. For 50 kg of compost mixture add a solution of 1 tbsp. concentrate per 1 liter of water.

For spraying, dilute 2 tbsp in 10 liters of water. powder. Prepare the solution using rain or well-settled water so as not to cause burns to young foliage.

Processing frequency:

  • spraying every 10-14 days;
  • watering at the root once a month.

Important: cucumber seedlings and plants planted in the ground are not sprayed at temperatures below +20°C.

When grown in greenhouse conditions due to high air humidity, cucumbers are sprayed once every 14 days to prevent fungal diseases.


As with other vegetable crops, before sowing, cabbage seeds are recommended to be soaked in a solution of the powdered form of Fitosporin. The proportions are standard for all vegetables.

If this stage is skipped, then before planting in the ground, the roots of the seedlings must be soaked in this preparation. To do this, dilute 1 tsp for each liter of water. powder.

Root treatment of young plants in the ground should be carried out every 3 weeks.


Bulbous crops, both vegetables and flowers, require a single treatment with Fitosporin. Bulbs are pickled in a powder solution to prevent gray rot, as well as fusarium, which leads to dry rot, especially of tulip bulbs.


Before planting strawberry seedlings in the ground, it is necessary to prepare the soil, especially in rainy spring. This will protect the roots from rot. To do this, dilute 5 g of powder in a bucket of water.

Leave for 1-2 hours and water over damp soil.

10 days after planting, young strawberries are watered with a diluted mother liquor from the paste as a stimulator of root growth. The product is diluted at the rate of 3 tsp. concentrate per 10 liters of water.

For trees and shrubs

  1. It is not only possible, but also necessary to spray trees and shrubs with phytosporin, from the stage of leaf appearance to the fruiting period.
  2. Fitosporin can be used to treat fruits, since Bacillus subtilis, the basis of the product, is safe for humans and animals.
  3. Fitosporin is used on fruit trees and shrubs against rust, powdery mildew and scab. Berries, such as gooseberries and currants, are susceptible to these diseases.

For trees, use a paste solution. Spray according to the instructions three times a year: in spring, summer and autumn, or when the buds swell, during the flowering period and after flowering. This treatment protects plants from diseases by 30%.

Rate and frequency of processing

Treatment should be carried out late in the evening or early in the morning, even in cloudy weather. If it rains or there is high humidity, the disease may progress, so repeat the treatment after a week.

Do not exceed the dosage of medicinal liquid, especially when using fertilizers. “Fitosporin” is used for as long as the diseased plant needs for complete recovery. The action of the medicine will be effective at a temperature not lower than +5 ° C.

Important! If you are treating indoor plants, the drug cannot be used as often as in the case of garden crops. Water the plant with “Fitosporin” once every month until complete recovery.

If tomatoes grow in a greenhouse or greenhouse, the solution can be added even when all the fruits have been collected. Bacteria will have a positive effect on tomatoes until the first frost.

If you pour Fitosporin on your tomatoes during hot sunny weather or heavy rain, the active substances will stop working.

Video: Treatment of tomatoes with “Fitosporin” against late blight

Compatibility with other drugs

Fitosporin can be mixed with other plant treatment products:

  • with various fertilizers and fungicides, with the exception of alkaline media;
  • with iodine for processing fruit and berry crops;
  • with chemical insecticides (Aktara, Decis);
  • with growth regulators (Zircon, Epin);
  • with antibiotics (Fitolavin).

Attention: Firosporin-M, containing GUMI, is not recommended to be combined with growth regulators.


They are considered analogues of Fitosporin.

  1. Alirin. Biological fungicide based on live basteria. Its plus is the stimulation of protein and vitamin C production. It reduces the amount of nitrates, improves soil quality and promotes plant growth.
  2. Gamair based on Bacillus subtilis. Unlike Fitosporin, it is used exclusively for prevention and is powerless in case of plant infection.
  3. Baktofit. The product is based on Bacillus subtilis, however, unlike Fitosporin, the effectiveness of the drug is significantly reduced under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and at high temperatures.
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