How to properly use boric acid to grow strawberries

Application in horticulture

Boric acid is a colorless and odorless substance with a crystalline structure that looks like scales. It is widely used in agriculture, in particular for growing fruit and berry crops, ornamental plants, as well as some root crops.

Reference! Boric acid is included in the group of harmful substances with the least harm to humans. Contact of acid on the skin will not cause negative effects, but it is still better to do the job with gloves.

This substance is used to enrich the soil, stimulate seed germination, and as an insecticide and fungicide. Boron plays a vital role in plant life, and its deficiency in the soil can lead to crop loss.

After harvest

Once the berry crop is harvested, you should take care of the crop so that it bears fruit next year. Having spent a lot of energy, strawberries need supporting nutrition that will allow them to prepare for the coming winter. Fertilizing is applied after the last berries are collected, no later than September (for early and mid-season varieties).


Ammonia is an excellent substitute for expensive drugs. In terms of effectiveness, it can be compared to wood ash. Proper use of ammonia makes it possible to refuse the application of other mineral fertilizers. Due to rapid weathering, fertilizing based on ammonia solution must be applied immediately.

How to take care of the future berry harvest:

  • Before work, put on gloves and a respirator;
  • prepare the mixture in the fresh air;
  • dissolve 40 ml (bottle) of 10% ammonia in a 10 liter bucket of water;
  • add 5 drops of iodine to the composition;
  • Pour the solution into a watering can and water the bushes generously.

Read about 18 ways to use ammonia in the garden

Novofert "Universal"

A complex fertilizer that replenishes nutrient deficiencies without having a toxic effect on plants. Thanks to the content of magnesium, boron, calcium, sulfur and other elements, the product enhances the crop’s resistance to adverse factors, significantly increasing profitability.

How to use Novofert:

  • Dissolve 20 g of the drug in 10 liters of settled water;
  • if you water at the root, a 10-liter volume will be enough for a 5 m2 plot;
  • when spraying bushes, the prepared solution is enough to treat 200 m2;
  • fertilizing is carried out no later than September;
  • Strawberries must be fertilized twice with a break of 10-12 days.

How much does it cost: 270 rubles for 250 g.

What is it used for when growing strawberries?

The presence of boron in the soil is very important for the normal growth of strawberries.
Boron helps synthesize nitrogen compounds necessary for the plant, has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and helps increase the chlorophyll content in the foliage.

Strawberries planted in forest or soddy-podzolic soil need boron most of all. This type of fertilizer should also be used to enrich soil that is oversaturated with carbonates. Strawberries that grow in swampy or oxidized soil also need similar nutrition.

Benefits of use

Proper use of this microfertilizer has a number of positive effects on the growth of strawberry plantations.
Adding such fertilizer to the soil will help increase the number of ovaries on the bushes.

Strawberries that do not lack boron will grow sweeter and tastier.

The presence of this substance in the soil is a good repellent against insects, in particular ants. Helps in the prevention of plant diseases such as dry and brown rot, bacteriosis. If the soil contains a sufficient amount of boron, then strawberries survive drought better.

Why you need to feed strawberries in spring

Spring feeding of strawberries is mandatory for several reasons. Firstly: at an early stage of growth, the plant develops immunity. To cope with various diseases and fungal infections, bushes need additional nutrients. Secondly, why you need to feed strawberries in early spring: to increase yield. If you fertilize the plant after the snow melts with the choice of suitable compounds, the fruiting ability becomes better: the berries appear large, fragrant and very tasty. Such fruits contain more useful and nutritious elements, and they can also be stored a little longer. Strawberry bushes, which grow in high humidity, are especially susceptible to fungal infections. If the summer is warm but rainy, then the plant and entire plantations can be destroyed by brown spot or any other dangerous disease. Therefore, fertilizing is necessary in order to make strawberries more resistant to the appearance of fungi and bacteria.

The first spring feeding of strawberries is also necessary to maintain active growth. Without nitrogen and phosphorus, especially if the plant has been growing in one place for several years, the perennial will develop frail. Gardeners note that such bushes form a lot of mustaches, which take a lot of energy. It is better to feed strawberries annually, observing the timing of each application of fertilizer, as well as selecting suitable preparations.

What are the signs of boron deficiency?

You can understand that a strawberry plantation is experiencing boron starvation by several signs.
First of all, you should take a closer look at the foliage. With little boron, the leaves become curved and their edges begin to die.

A plant starved of this element stops growing, the berries on it are smaller, as a result of which the overall yield of the strawberry plot is significantly reduced.

A lack of boron can also be determined by the taste of the berries: they become more watery, and the sweetness is not felt at all.

Boric acid as a fertilizer for strawberries

It is customary to feed strawberries three times a year. Fertilizers are used when the growing season begins in the spring, during the autumn period when flowers appear, and also before preparing the plantation for winter.

Boric acid is especially relevant during the flowering period. Such fertilizer will increase the overall yield of the strawberry plot and will have a positive effect on the sweetness and size of future berries.

Important! During the flowering period, preference should be given to the root and subroot feeding methods. Otherwise, acid may accumulate in the berries and cause harm to humans.

How can you tell if strawberries lack boron?

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A lack of boron results in leaf curling and subsequent death. The leaves are simply deformed, they may not grow correctly, become distorted, or change shape. It is extremely important to feed strawberries with boric acid before the leaves just begin to deteriorate. When signs of necrosis of the above-ground part appear, the chance to save the crop becomes minimal.

If fertilizing is not carried out on time, this may threaten the plant's withering. But in addition, the ovaries will stop developing, small berries will form, and their number is very small and grow unevenly. These strawberries taste sour, watery, and contain little sugar.

Signs of boron deficiency in strawberries

It is very important to follow the dosage when preparing mixtures for feeding. If there is too much boron, it will simply burn the roots or leaves of the strawberry. The roots will develop slowly, just like the above-ground part.

The negative impact of the element can also affect humans. If you water the plant with it too often or do not know the proper concentration, it will accumulate in the berries. By consuming such a product, you can easily get inflammation of the mucous membranes and skin.

Boric acid as a method of pest control

This acid has antibacterial properties and is also useful as a disinfectant.
This makes this type of fertilizer a good option for pest control. Spraying with such acid will repel insects.

This is especially true for ants, which can spread aphids throughout the area with strawberries. Also, this method of prevention will help get rid of unwanted fungal growths and some types of rot.

How to prepare the solution?

There are many boron-containing gardening preparations that you can buy and prepare a solution according to the instructions. However, there are also recipes in which you can make the solution yourself by purchasing the main ingredient at the pharmacy.

Important! To prepare all types of solutions with this substance, you should use only warm water. After the required volume can be achieved by adding cool water.

Mixture with iodine

Boric acid and iodine are well suited for feeding strawberries in the spring.
To prepare the solution you will need 10 g of acid, 200 g of ash, and 30 drops of iodine. All this is dissolved in ten liters of water.

After preparation, the solution is applied to the plants by spraying. This must be done before the buds bloom.

With potassium permanganate

To prepare such a solution, you will need 100 g of ash and 20 g of urea. This should be placed in a ten-liter container with water, adding 5 g of acid and 3 g of potassium permanganate. Once all the ingredients have dissolved, the product is ready for use.

Organic fertilizer for strawberries

When using organic fertilizers during autumn fertilization of strawberries, you must follow the recommended doses. They try to apply them no more than once a year, since if there is an excess of nitrogen, the roots will burn. This will lead to the death of the plant or infection with a fungal infection. Also, during organic fertilizing, irrigation of the ground mass is not allowed, as this will lead to rotting and the development of harmful insects. Here are some recommended organic fertilizers:

  • Chicken manure - applied once every 2-3 years and only in the spring, since the composition has a large amount of nitrogen. Fertilizer is useful immediately after snow melts and sanitary procedures are carried out. To prepare the solution, organic matter is diluted in water 1:2 and mixed well until a homogeneous mass is obtained. This composition can be diluted in warm moisture - 0.5 liters per bucket. To avoid burning the roots, it is applied 10-15 cm from the bush. You should not overdo it with fertilizer, as it contributes to the accumulation of nitrates in the fruits.
  • Yeast is one of the popular ways to feed strawberries in the spring. There are many useful recipes. The fact is that yeast, namely its bacteria, when multiplied in a humid environment, provides many nutrients. This is excellent protection against harmful bacteria and fungi. Yeast bacteria prevent pathogenic microflora from developing.

Other recipes

In addition to potassium permanganate and iodine, boric acid is often combined with other substances.
For example, a mixture of boric acid and nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer makes strawberries less watery and increases their sugar content.

A mixture of boric acid and potassium salt is an effective preventative against fungal diseases. To prepare such a solution, a couple of grams of salt and acid are dissolved in ten liters of water.

A solution with boric acid and superphosphate will help avoid the death of fruits and the appearance of cracks on them. 2 g of acid are diluted in ten liters of water, after which 10 g of simple or double superphosphate are added. This product also helps increase productivity.

Dosage and correct use for strawberries

All plants need boron constantly, at all stages of the growing season. All garden crops are conventionally divided into three groups, according to the amount of their need for boron.

Strawberries belong to the group of plants that least need this element. Therefore, you need to be careful so that when using boric acid you do not cause an overdose and destroy the plantation.

When feeding strawberries with the mixture, you should avoid getting the solution on the berries and flowers. These types of fertilizers are best applied to moist soil - after precipitation or watering. This should be done during the day, in the light of the sun.

Pay attention! Strawberries are most inclined to accept such fertilizers when flowering begins. Increasing the boron content will significantly improve the quality and quantity of berries.

To treat strawberry seeds with a boric acid solution, you need to take a rag bag, place the seeds there, and put it in the solution for 24 hours. The solution in this case should be light - a maximum of two grams of boric acid per 10 liters of water.

Fertilizing methods

Seedlings are fertilized using two methods that complement each other. By alternating the method, you get strong plantings strewn with delicious, juicy strawberries.


Feeds are added to the root area in two ways:

  • plantings are watered with solutions and herbal infusions;
  • Powders are scattered around the roots and granules are dug in.

After regular irrigation, the beneficial compounds dissolve and are gradually absorbed by the roots.

Reference! Root feeds are applied to moist soil. Before the procedure, granules and powders are dissolved. After applying fertilizers, water the bushes again, otherwise dry concentrated products will cause burns to the rhizomes. The supply of food and water to the aboveground part will be disrupted.


Spraying the aboveground part of plantings - shoots, leaves - is a useful operation:

  • stimulates the formation of ovaries;
  • prevents premature shedding of flowers;
  • protects against diseases;
  • prevents insect invasion.

The foliar technique helps to quickly, within 48 hours, nourish the cells of the berry culture with micro- and macroelements. Spray in the afternoon, early morning or in dry, cloudy weather so as not to accidentally burn the foliage. To prepare working solutions, take settled warm (18 – 20℃) water. Sheet plates are processed on both sides.

The second option for foliar treatment of plants is dusting. Powder the leaves and root area after moistening so that the nutrient powder sticks to the surface of the leaves and soil and does not fly away from the wind.


Some gardeners use acid in the wrong way. By doing this, they harm the growth of the crop or its quality. Common mistakes include applying the solution to already opened flowers and to the berries of the plant.

This causes acid to accumulate in the berries, causing kidney disease after consumption. Enriching soil with boron, which already has enough of this element, is also a serious drawback. When using acid as insect bait, the dose is often exceeded. After this, the ant quickly dies right next to the plant, not having time to spread the poison throughout the anthill.

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