Top 10 most common reasons why leaves curl on plants

Think curled leaves on your plants are not a cause for concern? And in vain, because at a minimum, this process disrupts photosynthesis, which can already lead to unpleasant consequences, and at maximum, it can be a sign of a serious illness from vitamin deficiency to a virus.

But what should we save plants from? Why do their leaves curl at all? So, we carefully study our garden and vegetable crops and their growing conditions on the site. We know how to identify the problem and will advise you.

Reason 1. Illiterate watering

All plants are very sensitive to the watering regime - it is its violation that most often leads to curling of the leaves. Moreover, this applies to both seedlings and adult plants, whether in a greenhouse or in open ground.

Before growing a particular crop, you should definitely familiarize yourself with its moisture requirements. Some plants are drought-resistant and cannot tolerate stagnation of water in the soil, others will wither with infrequent watering, others will generally require an ideal balance, unable to tolerate either overwatering or underwatering - and instantly reacting to this, including by curling the leaves.

What to do?

Restore the correct watering regime and regularly loosen the soil around the plants. Familiarize yourself with the rules of mulching. Consider each culture's preferences.

What is tomato curl, the causative agent

Among the many diseases that destroy tomato plants, the infectious virus is the most insidious enemy and in practice cannot be treated. A gardener who has disease-prone tomato beds often makes a choice and the only correct decision is to destroy the infected bushes. It is necessary not only to dig them up and remove them from the garden, but also to set them on fire. Otherwise, you risk destroying the entire tomato crop. Curl on tomato leaves refers specifically to a disease that is incurable. Chlorosis is a constant “friend” of this scourge.

It appears when the bush changes its color:

  • dark green turns into light green;
  • has a lighter tone in appearance;
  • the top of the tomato takes on a curly appearance, hence the name of the disease;
  • the creation of chlorophyll is impaired;
  • germination slows down and does not receive the desired design.

The cause is a viral disease:

  1. The Tomato leaf curl virus and the first signs of the disease were discovered by gardeners back in 1993 of the 20th century in the state of California, USA. Then it received more thorough research in Turkmenistan in 1994, and then three years later the virus crossed the Mediterranean Sea and continued to destroy Italian tomato greenhouses and then became America.
  2. The disease is relatively rare and does not occur often, but in its person all gardeners who grow tomatoes have acquired a dangerous enemy. It is better to know about the enemy earlier - warning is also considered timely weapons and reliable protection.

Reason 2. Temperature violation

Failure to maintain temperature conditions when growing seedlings at home, suffocating heat or damp cold in a greenhouse, scorching sun or constant cold drafts in open ground are stressful for any plant. Even worse for them are sudden temperature fluctuations, especially for young crops. And first of all, tender leaves will react to all the factors described above, including by twisting the leaf blades.

What to do?

Again, first of all, study the temperature preferences of the planted plants. In an apartment, do not place pots with seedlings or indoor flowers on window sills, where there is constant direct sunlight or there is a high risk of drafts from an open window; do not allow the leaves of the plants to touch the window glass. In the greenhouse, do not forget to hang a thermometer and regularly open windows and/or doors for ventilation, make sure that condensation does not accumulate on the inner surface of the covering material. In open ground, shade young plants in extreme heat and protect them with screens from drafts, follow the watering schedule, and spray the plants in the evenings.

The most typical causes of leaf deformation in different crops

Rolling potato leaves

The information provided earlier is too general. Moreover, this is true not only for house plants, but also for those growing in the garden, vegetable garden or greenhouses. The causes of leaf curling due to nutritional disturbances are equally characteristic of trees or shrubs, as well as seedlings.

Each crop has its own specific agricultural technology and, naturally, the reasons for the appearance of curled leaves will also be individual. For example, in cucumber seedlings this can be explained by a lack of moisture, and in some shrubby form of lilac - by excessive pruning. Below is a description of these reasons for some popular crops.



Violets The most common reason why violet leaves curl and fall off is improper watering. Moreover, the signs of excess and lack of moisture have approximately the same manifestation: the edges of the leaves curl up and the disappearance of swellings characteristic of violets is observed on the plates. In addition, the veins on the upper part of the leaf blade become very visible on them, which is practically not observed in healthy plants.

If the leaves and stems curl at the same time, this is a sure sign that the flower is infected with mite parasites. It is relatively difficult to notice, for example, a cyclamen mite - you need to carefully examine the undersides of the leaves.

Sometimes violet leaves curl from excess nitrogen fertilizers. This happens when, instead of specialized fertilizers, a mixture of nitrate and potassium fertilizers is used. In this case, the doses should be adjusted or such feedings should be abandoned altogether.



Begonias The main reason why begonia leaves curl is poor nutrition. The plant does not tolerate potassium deficiency and excess nitrogen. The second most common cause of the phenomenon is improper watering.

In the warm season, begonia needs to be watered daily, during dormancy - once a week. Diseases that have such consequences include powdery mildew and gray rot. In addition, insufficient looseness of the soil can lead to curling of begonia leaves.



Roses Rose leaves curl mainly due to improper temperature conditions and lack of moisture. In hot weather, it is recommended to water more often, loosen and mulch the soil. Bushes of many varieties need to avoid direct sunlight, so in hot weather at midday it is recommended to shade them.

Often curled leaves on roses are the result of sap-sucking insects, in particular aphids and mites. It will be useful to inspect the bushes daily to identify parasites and apply the necessary measures in a timely manner. Treatment often comes down to spraying the bushes with a simple soap solution.



Peonies Curled leaves on your peonies are most often the result of insect activity. In particular, bronze beetles love to eat the leaves and buds of the plant, aphids love to suck out its juices, and the ants that breed them can be carriers of bacterial and viral infections.

The influence of other factors on the deformation of foliage in peonies is much less, since the plant, due to its developed roots, can be cultivated on almost any soil and is not too demanding on fertilizing.



Ficus The curling of ficus leaves into a boat occurs mainly due to improper watering, in particular when using tap water. The chlorine contained in it leads to burns, which causes curling.

Overwatering when watering is no less dangerous for the plant. This leads to root rot, which can also cause deformed foliage. It is quite problematic to quickly dry ficus soil, therefore, if the plant has been overwatered, it is recommended to urgently replant it into a new substrate.

Too low humidity and lack of watering lead to the fact that ficus leaves begin to curl at the edges. In this case, it is necessary to water the plants on time and move it to a room with more humidity. Or at least move it away from heating devices.



Rhododendrons The main reason why rhododendron leaves curl is natural - this is how plants react to cold weather. Moreover, this phenomenon is characteristic of both deciduous crops grown indoors and evergreens grown outdoors.

In the spring, you just need to water the bushes and sprinkle the leaves (of course, those that are not in the Sun), and they will return to normal.



Blueberries are one of the most difficult crops to grow, so the issues of caring for them and diagnosing their condition will have many nuances.

When cultivating this plant, it should be remembered that despite the obligatory presence of acidic soil (pH from 3.5 to 4.0), it urgently needs calcium. With its deficiency, blueberry leaves curl, after which the edges turn yellow, blacken and dry out. Sometimes such manifestations can be seen spreading up the shoots of the plant.

To solve the problem, simply feed the plants with calcium salts. In this case, it is recommended to use not chalk or ash, but calcium phosphate, into the solution of which a little vinegar is added (1 kg of double superphosphate is poured into 5 liters of hot water and 200 ml of 9% table vinegar is added).

Such a mixture practically does not react with the soil and does not change its acidity. In this case, diseased and damaged leaves should be removed.



Hydrangea The most common cause of leaf curling in hydrangeas is insects (aphids, mites, cicadas, etc.). Usually, they are treated with some kind of insecticide.

Conventional insect control products will help in resolving the issue - Karbofos, Enzhio, Coragen, etc.

It is not recommended to use too active substances, since the plant can also react to them in a similar way. The same can be said about the use of herbicides on the site to control weeds - there should be no such soil treatments near the hydrangea.



Gloxinia Gloxinia leaves curl from attack by parasitic insects (most often cyclamen mites or thrips), or due to errors in care. The main reason is incorrect temperature conditions. The plant must be kept in fairly strict conditions: temperatures from 18°C ​​to 25°C without significant temperature fluctuations during the day.

The same applies to lighting. The plant is recommended to stay in light for 8 hours. It is not recommended to use direct sunlight. They cause burns to the leaf blades, as a result of which they not only curl, but also lose their green color.



Asters Asters most often have leaves that curl as a result of fungal infections, in particular fusarium. The following measures are recommended as prevention:

  • do not plant asters close to each other;
  • apply fertilizers (compost, humus, etc.) in the fall, not in the spring;
  • treat plant seeds with foundationazole before planting;
  • alternate planting sites for asters in the garden at least once every 5 years.

In addition, the plant's leaves may curl due to excessive watering.

Agricultural crops (tomato, pepper, eggplant, cucumber, potato)

Agricultural crops

Agricultural crops Various garden plants also suffer from the problems described above. In order to grow healthy plants with high yields, gardeners need to know all the intricacies of the agricultural technology of these crops.

In most cases, the causes of leaf curl are similar in the same families, but in some cases there may be differences even in closely related varieties. Sometimes even different varieties react differently to certain destabilizing factors.

For example, when growing tomato seedlings, you should not overwater young plants or expose them to direct sunlight. In adult seedlings, the leaves often curl due to a fungal infection that the plant “picked up” either during picking, or even at the planting stage.

When growing tomatoes, it is correct to regularly feed the plant with at least wood ash in order to provide the bush with the necessary minerals for flowering. Watering should be sufficient and carried out in the evening. If you do it in the morning, the leaves may curl due to an increase in air humidity around the plant under the influence of sunlight.

Insecticide “Aktellik”

When growing cucumber seedlings, special attention should be paid to watering. Moreover, this applies to all components of this process: intensity, frequency, time of implementation, termination in case of prevention and treatment of the plant, etc. It is necessary to water cucumbers daily, in the evening, avoiding moisture getting on the flowers. Features of playing Pin Up Casino for real money Initially, I would like to notify the player that the range of Live games is extensive. Therefore, the most popular slot machines are at the beginning of the list. It has become easier to receive a profitable casino bonus, get a Pin Up casino promo code and activate it on the website. But maybe you should think about spending this winnings on something else? Most Novomatic slots are not progressive, but there are a few slots that offer progressive jackpots. The atmosphere is as if you are in a real casino.

When growing potatoes, the main reason for leaf curling will be pest attacks. The Colorado potato beetle and its larvae, wireworms, potato flea beetles and other insects can significantly damage the roots, stems, tubers and leaves of the plant.

In addition, many of them are carriers of viruses and bacteria that can infect more than one plant. Potatoes require regular treatment against pests, and the choice of products currently does not pose a particular problem - more than 80% of existing insecticide preparations found on the market are recommended for use primarily on potatoes.

Thematic video:

Signs of elemental deficiency in plants / Why leaves curl, wither, turn yellow and die

Why do plant leaves curl? | TOP 5 Main reasons

Reason 3. Lack of light

The reason for leaf curling may also be a lack of light. Moreover, this again applies to both seedlings and adult plants, regardless of their place of growth.

What to do?

For seedlings, follow the growing light regime. When sowing seeds for seedlings already in January-February, do not forget to provide additional illumination for normal development, preferably with special phytolamps.

When choosing a location for greenhouses and beds, consider the location of nearby tall objects (trees, walls, fences) so that they do not shade the plantings most of the day.

Do not allow plantings to become denser - neighbors that are too close can also provide each other with a lack of light. Regularly and competently thin out and prune plants.

What causes the pathology?

The main reasons why tomato leaves curl in a greenhouse

  1. The root system is damaged when transplanting seedlings into a greenhouse.
  2. Excessively active fertilizer, as a result of which there is an excess of microelements and minerals.
  3. Insufficient quality feeding, which results in a shortage of necessary elements.
  4. Too much or, on the contrary, scanty watering.
  5. Incorrect execution of pinching and pinching.
  6. Uncomfortable temperature in the greenhouse (an overly warm atmosphere is especially dangerous).
  7. Infection of the plant with various diseases.
  8. Damage by garden pests.

The most dangerous situation is when leaf curling is caused by several reasons. In this case, it is quite difficult to treat tomatoes.

Below is a more detailed description of each of the reasons and tips for improving the condition of tomatoes. It is recommended that you carefully read this paragraph of the article in order to be aware of what can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the seedlings.

Reason 4. Imbalance of nutrients in the soil

Both excess and deficiency of nutrients in the soil in different conditions and for different crops can cause a variety of leaf curls. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, sulfur, magnesium, boron, copper - they all play an important role in the life of plants, but in the right doses and in balance with each other.

Here it is important to clearly understand that the symptoms of starvation or an excess of nutrients can often be similar, so you will have to analyze the situation comprehensively. Thus, curling of the lower leaves of plants may indicate an excess of potassium or nitrogen, and a lack of the same nitrogen or phosphorus - the difference in this case will be in the coloring of the deformed leaf blades and in the direction of curling (inward, outward, spiral).

What to do?

Carefully study the symptoms and apply fertilizers in a timely manner.

Reason 5. Incorrect feeding

If, after reading the previous paragraph, you are urgently going to the nearest garden store for a heavy dose of fertilizer, we hasten to stop you. Wrong (at the wrong time, in the wrong quantity, in the wrong composition, in the wrong way) feeding plants can just as likely cause your green pets a whole bunch of problems - and leaf curling may not be the worst of them.

Any fertilizers must be carefully selected for each specific crop and time of year, must be applied in a certain amount and in a certain way, and alternate with each other. If you neglect these rules, you can overfeed the plant or add unnecessary substances to it - and as a result you will get a completely different result than you expected: from discoloration and curling of leaves to general oppression, lack of harvest and even death of the plant.

What to do?

Apply fertilizers exclusively according to the crop being grown, and do it on time and strictly according to the instructions, observing safety precautions.

No. 2 Mistakes when watering

Curled dendrobium leaves due to insufficient watering

There are relatively few errors as such when watering. These include:

  • violation of the watering regime;
  • use of water of unsuitable quality;
  • watering at the wrong temperature.

The most common reason, naturally, is the first. Leaves may curl due to excess moisture in the soil. This is especially noticeable for drought-resistant crops. At the same time, the leaves of moisture-loving plants will wither if there is a lack of moisture.

Solving this problem is quite simple - you need to adjust the watering regime. The only thing to remember is that this needs to be done gradually so as not to expose your pet to additional stress.

For drought-resistant crops, moderate or heavy watering followed by loosening the soil is recommended. It is recommended to water moisture-loving crops with a small amount of water, but do this constantly. A good solution would be to use wick irrigation or mulch the soil with material appropriate for a particular plant.

Urea (carbamide) is one of the preparations for feeding

An additional measure, carried out simultaneously with the normalization of plant watering, can be the application of foliar fertilizing with urea. To do this, spray the leaves of the plant once with a solution of urea in water (1 tablespoon per 5 liters of water). 2-3 days after fertilizing, it is recommended to spray the leaves with a 0.3% solution of potassium permanganate.

Another common mistake when watering, which leads to plants curling into tubes, is the use of unsettled tap water. It contains too high a concentration of fluorine and chlorine compounds, which, as already mentioned, are extremely harmful to plants. Everything here is relatively simple: the water should be allowed to settle for several days before watering.

Using too cold or too warm water when watering is also undesirable, since root hairs are very sensitive to its temperature. In the most unfortunate cases, they may temporarily lose their abilities, and the plant will be deprived of soil nutrition for several days. This can have critical consequences, since the curling of the leaves will be followed by their withering and death of the plant.

For irrigation, you should use water with a temperature 2-3 degrees warmer than the air temperature in the room.

Reason 6. Pest infestation

Unexpected guests of the site - various pests (worms, insects, as well as their larvae and caterpillars) may also want to feast on the future harvest, or even just any parts of your plant. Even if pests are not currently feeding on plant tissues, they can make tunnels and nests inside or on the plant - gnawing, drilling and making holes in roots and stems of any degree of lignification, as well as leaves, buds, flowers, ovaries, fruits... In addition In addition, insects not only inhibit the development of the plant, drawing out all the juices from it, but can also transmit viruses (see below).

Of course, a plant that is deprived of normal nutrition and/or photosynthesis due to attack by pests, as well as losing its integrity, will respond primarily by changing the color and shape of its parts - including curling of the leaves.

Aphids, leaf rollers, mole crickets, mites, whiteflies, wireworms, beetles, nematodes - this is not a complete list of small living creatures that can cause the leaves of your plants to curl.

What to do?

Monitor your plantings, take timely actions to prevent the invasion of parasites and fight pests using specialized means and traditional methods.

Rose leaves are curling - what to do?

As for flowers, everything is very simple for them too. A drip irrigation system is better suited for roses. If the sun is shining, create some shade. In peonies, the leaves curl due to potassium permanganate, which is used before seedlings. To replenish the loss of copper, you need to use a solution of copper oxychloride. In tulips, the cause may be a fungus. It develops when the flower is at the bud stage. A burgundy liquid comes to the aid of the flower. Garden violets need to be watered rarely. Fuchsia mainly suffers from a lack of zinc. But hydrangea can curl its leaves due to herbicides. A unique plant is considered to be rhododendron. Its leaves are curled after winter. But if they are twisted tightly, then the plant is in danger. It must be watered with warm water and cleared of ice and snow.

Remember that most problems with leaf curling lie in improper care. Reconsider your attitude towards the plant, and it will definitely get better.

Reason 7. Viral diseases

Plant pests are not always visible to the naked eye. Microscopic parasitic viruses infect plant cells from the inside and are transmitted through vegetative propagation, with the sap of diseased plants, with sucking insects, and also through undisinfected garden tools.

Mosaic, chlorosis, jaundice, furrowing, mottling, streaking, dwarfism, clubroot, etc. - all of them lead to both modification of the leaves and stems of plants, as well as curling and changing their color.

What to do?

Maintain crop rotation and agricultural practices. Use varieties and hybrids with high immunity. Carefully inspect your plants at any stage of development. Engage in preventative treatment of plants. Control insect pests. If a viral disease is detected, promptly prune and destroy the damaged parts, and remove heavily infected plants entirely.

Plant diseases and insect pests

Unfortunately, insects and pests abound and become a common problem with curled leaves. Pests living in the soil, like the cockchafer or mowers, eat the roots, which is reflected in the leaves. Many leaves are damaged by spider webs or mites. Guzmania leaves curl most often because of pests. They envelop them in cobwebs, the leaves curl and dry out. The caterpillars gnaw on the plants and drink the juice, the leaves become dehydrated and curl.

However, plants tend to get sick. There are a variety of viruses, a number of bacteria and fungi that also become a problem with curled leaves. For example, tomatoes can get cancer. As this disease progresses, the plant curls its lower leaves and dies.

If the cause of curled leaves was insects, then it is necessary to spray the plants to get rid of them, and also treat the soil to completely exterminate them. Sick plants must be removed to avoid the risk of bacteria spreading.

Reason 8. Fungal diseases

Diseases that cause leaf curl can be not only viral. A variety of pathogenic fungi cause ailments familiar to gardeners, such as powdery mildew, fusarium, verticillium, rhizoctonia, scab, cancer, rot, rust, dwarfism... Fungal diseases account for more than 80% of all plant “sores” that you can find in plants. yourself on the site! And leaf curling may be one of the signs of these diseases.

There are many ways to infect plants with fungi: through stomata, lenticels, through epidermal cells, wounds and cracks from sunburn. Insect pests can be carriers of infection, which greatly facilitate the penetration of fungal infections into the plant. Fungal spores and mycelium elements are perfectly preserved in soil, plant debris, and are transported by wind, raindrops, etc.

What to do?

Measures for the prevention and control of fungal plant diseases are almost identical to those given above: correct crop rotation and agricultural technology, regular inspection of plants and disease prevention, control of harmful insects.

The list also includes the treatment of affected plants with special fungicide preparations designed to suppress the development of pathogenic fungi.

Reason 9. Bacterial diseases

Bacteria also greatly contribute to the deterioration of your cultivated plants. They can cause various spots, rot, ulcerations, tumors, growths, wilting - including various types of curling and drying of leaves. Moreover, the lesions can be general, causing the death of the entire plant or its individual parts; local, limited to diseases of individual parts or organs of the plant; and also be of a mixed nature.

Bacteria penetrate plants through various damage and natural passages (leaf stomata, flower nectaries, water pores, etc.). The development of bacteriosis is usually facilitated by increased humidity and air temperature, the presence of water droplets on plants, high soil pH, as well as a lack of phosphorus and potassium.

What to do?

Antibiotics, copper-containing preparations, and fungicides are used to combat pathogenic bacteria. Unfortunately, they do not provide a 100% guarantee of cure in any of the cases, so prevention measures, proper pruning and fertilizing of plants, healing the soil and maintaining temperature and humidity conditions for growing are at the forefront.

Main causes of twisting

There are many reasons why plants start to get sick and deteriorate. For example, you need to avoid chlorine, otherwise the foliage will begin to dry out. For old seedlings you need:

  • magnesium,
  • potassium,
  • fluorine.

And for young plants, you need to purchase:

  • molybdenum,
  • valuable boron,
  • copper and magnesium.

Sometimes, for no apparent reason, the leaves begin to fall rapidly. Gardeners note that during this period the plant sharply changes color and begins to turn yellow.

This process can occur immediately after purchase.

The reason may be new conditions, as well as different air temperatures. If you start watering the foliage with too cold water, leaving it in an open draft, or placing the vessel in the hot sun, then it is doomed to death.

For example, citrus bushes will quickly deteriorate from dry black soil.

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