planting cucumbers
How to properly plant cucumbers in open ground with seeds, at what depth
When to plant cucumbers with seeds in open ground Sowing is done after establishing a comfortable temperature so that
The best varieties of tomatoes for pickling and canning
The difference between a tomato for pickling A product for canning is selected according to a number of criteria: small size, easy
'You won't believe your eyes when you see it - Blue Bunch tomato f1
You won't believe your eyes when you see it - the Blue Bunch f1 tomato for lovers of exotic varieties
Blue tomatoes are one of the most interesting nightshade crops for gardeners. They have the original
Description of the “Need Size” tomato variety, cultivation and main advantages
Tomato “Required Size”: description of the Tomato variety with medium ripening periods. From planting seeds to
Cucumber Picnic f1
Cucumber variety Picnic F1: characteristics, features, growing rules
It’s worth starting the description of the Picnic f1 cucumber variety with the fact that this hybrid belongs to
Tomato Swan Princess F1: description of the variety from Lyubov Myazina, reviews from those who grew the hybrid
What a wonderful Tsarevna F1 tomato, its beauty, taste, endurance, and productivity inspire gardeners. Bright fruits
Tomato “Silver Spruce”: characteristics and description of the variety, reviews
Agree, if you plant the same tomatoes all the time, then you can
Cherry plum: planting and care, propagation, description of the best varieties for the Moscow region and other regions | (Photo & Video) + Reviews
Let's get acquainted with the plant Cherry plum, originally from Western and Central Asia. In addition to the usual one, there are Iranian,
As you prune, so eat - schemes for autumn pruning of currants to increase productivity
Currants are a berry crop with a very valuable vitamin composition. Modern varieties are well adapted to
Bergamot pear has a short shelf life
Pear variety Bergamot (Moscow, Autumn): 23 photos, description, planting, care and reviews from gardeners
Description of the variety There are several varieties of Bergamot pears, their descriptions have similar characteristics: high
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