Pear variety Naryadnaya Efimova.
Pear variety Naryadnaya Efimova - international champion
Elegant Efimova. Description of the variety Pear variety Naryadnaya Efimova is an autumn plant, but many grow it
Queen Elizabeth strawberries: how to grow a royal crop
Strawberries vs wild strawberries: what's the difference? Very often, gardeners mistakenly call garden strawberries strawberries.
potassium humate for tomatoes
Liquid potassium humate for tomato: application for seedlings, instructions
Potassium humate for tomatoes. Rules for fertilizing with potassium When plants are supposed to be planted in open ground,
11 ways to plant potatoes and get a high yield
Of more than a dozen tuberous plants of the New World, only potatoes and
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Apple tree Dream: description of the variety and characteristics. When to collect and store? Features and cultivation, pruning and ripening times
Apple tree Dream is a high-yielding, winter-hardy variety. The plant was obtained at the All-Union Scientific Research
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Honey apples: description, varieties, care and cultivation
The earth is home to a huge number of plants that are grown for their edible, nutritious fruits. Juicy fruit
A classic version of achik chuchuk salad
What salad is ideal for traditional pilaf?
Home Appetizers Achik Chuchuk is a very tasty traditional vegetable salad of Uzbek cuisine. This
What do cranberries and lingonberries have in common and how do they differ from each other?
The taste and aroma of wild berries is familiar to every person since childhood. Naturally matured
Cherry blossoms
Description of the Vasilisa cherry variety, cultivation and care
Description and characteristics of the variety The tree itself is very beautiful, especially during flowering.
Remedies against cabbage pests, how to treat them, how to fight them
Pest control agents and treatment times In the gardener’s arsenal there is a large number of industrial preparations and
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