Planting tomato seeds for seedlings: when to plant, timing, best methods, step-by-step instructions, growing features, care and planting in open ground
A large number of different factors influence the production of a high-quality and large harvest of any vegetable.
The leaves are covered with yellow spots
Rusty spots on cucumber leaves: causes and solutions to the problem
Why do rusty spots appear on cucumber leaves? A common cause of such changes is a fungal infection.
Diseases and pests of garlic: signs, rules and treatment methods
Having planted spring garlic in the spring, in the summer you can cut off the feathers, add them to the salad, and in the fall
mag boron fertilizer application for tomatoes
Fertilizing strawberries with boric acid: recipes and timing
Why do you need to fertilize with boric acid? Many gardeners use boron to treat their plots.
Strawberry variety “Tsarina” - description of the variety and care for the royal harvest
The “Tsarina” variety of strawberries pleases with fragrant, large berries. Strawberries have gained popularity due to their unpretentiousness and enviable frost resistance.
The leaves of tomato seedlings are curling: what to do?
Common causes of leaf plates curling Incorrectly selected soil. Skipping the stage of seed disinfection before sowing.
Proven ways to get rid of slugs on cabbage
Proven ways to get rid of slugs on cabbage
It is important for every gardener to know how to get rid of slugs on cabbage, because these pests are capable of
Tomatoes in a greenhouse: how to properly form a tomato bush
Greenhouse / Formation Formed bushes give the best harvest If summer in Russia lasted
Blueberry Patriot: description of a tall variety, rules for planting and further care of the bush
History of selection The homeland of the Patriot variety is North America. Received in 1952 as a result
When the cabbage begins to curl into a head of cabbage - timing
Why don't heads of cabbage set and how to fix it?
Cabbage is a unique vegetable and a valuable dietary product that everyone wants to see in their garden.
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