Gooseberry Malachite - what to do with the plant after picking the berries
History of origin of the variety Work on developing a new frost-resistant, highly productive gooseberry variety began back in
fresh mint
Popular varieties of mint with names, photos and descriptions
Peppermint Peppermint or English mint was obtained by crossing wild species (field mint and
Allelopathy is the mutual influence of plants on each other as a result of their release of various chemicals into the environment
Mixed plantings: what to plant in the same bed with tomatoes in a greenhouse
In most cases, successful plant compatibility schemes are based on someone else's growing experience or personal
How and at what distance should cucumbers be planted in a greenhouse and open ground, diagrams
There is probably not a single vegetable garden or greenhouse where cucumbers do not grow. A
Instructions for use of Thiovit Jet for grapes, cucumbers and others, compatibility, analogues and reviews
Description of the drug Fungicide Tiovit Jet is produced in the form of water-soluble granules. The active substance of the product is
How to properly use cabbage vinegar against pests and how effective this remedy is
How to properly use cabbage vinegar against pests and how effective this remedy is
Is it possible to treat cabbage with vinegar against pests? Using vinegar to eliminate pests is very effective.
growing cabbage
Cabbage seedlings - when to plant and how to grow at home
Cabbage is a favorite of many gardeners. How can you not love a vegetable that you can eat in
Tomato variety Hundred Pudov: description and cultivation features
Author rating Author of the article Yakov Pavlovich Professor, Head of the Department of Vegetable Growing Articles written 153 Tall
Parthenocarpic cucumbers
Description of parthenocarpic cucumbers. How to grow them correctly?
Parthenocarpic cucumbers - this word is often found on seed packages, but not all
Seed selection
How to grow tomato seedlings in a city apartment: the experience of practitioners and tips for beginners
Selecting seeds When choosing seeds, it is better to go shopping at a large garden center. Here you
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