How to understand by the color of the leaves what cucumbers lack (photos with examples)

Dark green leaves with light edges

If the leaves of your cucumbers begin to lighten at the edges, but the main plane continues to remain dark green, then this is a sign that the plants are severely deficient in calcium. This condition is also indicated by thin and light stripes in the veins.

To compensate for the deficiency of this component, you should water the plants with a solution of calcium nitrate prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. funds for a bucket of water (10 l).

Calcium deficiency

Having received a test showing low calcium levels, the worst thing you can do is start taking calcium supplements without understanding the reasons. Calcium is not only our bones, it is also neuromuscular conduction, the work of receptors and transporters, and the work of the heart.

Early signs of calcium deficiency are deterioration of hair, nails, teeth, skin, muscle spasms and cramps, laryngospasm.


You may not have enough calcium if you don't eat foods that contain it. For example, do not tolerate or do not like dairy products (they are the main source of calcium, moreover, they contain calcium and phosphorus in the optimal ratio for absorption).

Problems with calcium can also occur with vitamin D deficiency, decreased function of the parathyroid glands, and chronic gastrointestinal diseases that impair calcium absorption. A deficiency can be observed in cases of underweight or in people with an unbalanced diet, etc.

The most dangerous consequence of calcium deficiency is osteoporosis (changes in bone structure, leading to low-traumatic fractures and decreased quality of life). This primarily concerns older people and postmenopausal women.

Long and thin stems with drooping leaves

If you begin to notice that the stems of your cucumbers have become very thin and long and weak in appearance, be sure that the plants do not have enough nitrogen for normal development. An abundance of drooping leaves at the very bottom of the vines can also be considered a sign of this.

A lack of nitrogen in cucumbers is also indicated by poor development of the fruit at the ends.

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So, what do experienced gardeners prefer to replenish nitrogen deficiency? For this, urea, horse manure or mullein are most often used. To prepare an effective fertilizer, you can dilute a couple of tablespoons of urea in 10 liters of water and pour the resulting mixture over the cucumbers. A solution of mullein and water, prepared at a ratio of 1:10, will also be an excellent feeding (remember that you can always replace mullein with horse manure). The last fertilizer should be applied generously, 1 liter of ready-made fertilizer per bush, only on a cool day.


This chemical element is responsible for the health of root hairs and cell division at the growth point on the stem, and slows down the aging of foliage.

Calcium starvation is observed in acidic soils, and also sometimes occurs during the seedling period (especially in small pots).

IMPORTANT! If there is not enough calcium in the soil, then cucumber plants do not absorb all nutrients well. Symptoms of deficiency:

Symptoms of deficiency:

  1. There is a general delay in growth and development, and numerous signs of deficiency of various nutrients appear.
  2. The plants look frail and weak.
  3. If you slightly expose the root system, you will notice its partial death, as well as darkening of the root hairs.
  4. The ovaries fall off.

Solution to the problem:

  1. It is useful to feed grown cucumber seedlings 1 – 2 times (water and sprinkle) with a solution of Calcium nitrate (in the proportion of 2 g per 1 liter of water).
  2. When giving plants root and foliar nitrogen fertilizers during the season, you need to periodically use Calcium Nitrate instead of manure and Urea.
  3. For prevention, preliminary liming of acidic soils is practiced.

Excess calcium leads to necrosis and leaf loss.

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Green pattern on yellow background

If you observe yellowed leaves with green streaks on your cucumbers, be sure that the plants are experiencing a lack of magnesium, which is why chlorophyll is destroyed in the structure of the above-ground parts of the plants. As a result of a lack of magnesium, plants begin to age quickly and, as a result, bear very little fruit.

To compensate for magnesium deficiency, cucumbers should be fertilized with ash or magnesium sulfate (magnesium sulfate).

Brown spots on leaves

The appearance of a large number of brown spots on cucumber leaves and their active death as a result is a sign of phosphorus deficiency. To make up for this deficiency, you need to fertilize the plants with fishmeal or superphosphate. As an option, you can feed with Ammophos, diluting it at the rate of 1 tsp. funds per liter of water.

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A huge amount of phosphorus is contained in wood ash, which should be sprinkled on holes when a deficiency of this microelement is observed.

Types of fertilizers for greenhouse cucumbers

The traditional classification of fertilizers includes two groups:

  • organic matter (manure, peat, humus, ash);
  • mineral supplements (nitrogen, containing phosphorus, potassium, as well as microelements).

Organic fertilizers

All compositions must be diluted with water, otherwise the plants will get burned, their development will slow down, and instead of the expected benefit there will be harm.

Type of fertilizerPeculiarities
Manure (mullein, horse, pork)Apply in root dressings, diluting in a ratio of 1:6 or 1:10. Rotted manure is added to the soil when preparing beds for planting cucumbers.
Poultry droppings (chicken, quail)Dilute in a ratio of 1:5, leave for 2-3 days. Apply under the plants, first diluting the infusion with water 1:10.
HumusWell-rotted humus is added to the holes when planting cucumbers, and added to the plants during the growing season.
ILThey take fertilizer from the bottom of lakes, ponds, and rivers. Silt is effective as top dressing on sandy soils. Dry until it becomes a powder, then lightly sprinkle the soil around the plants.
Wood ashUse dry, dusting the soil and lightly the plants themselves. For root feeding, infuse 100-150 grams of ash in a bucket of water.

Mineral fertilizers

The peculiarity of these compositions is the high concentration of nutrients, therefore it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions when preparing the compositions.

The following types of fertilizers are produced:

  • simple (one component);
  • complex compositions (from two or more components).

Mineral supplements are classified according to the types of nutrients, highlighting nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, and microelements.

Type of fertilizerPeculiarities
UreaThe composition contains 40% nitrogen.
Calcium nitrateContains 14-16% nitrogen, 19% calcium. Available in granules, it does not affect soil acidity. Helps increase crop yields and improve the taste of greens.
Ammonium nitrateAvailable in granules. Use only for root feeding, diluting with water, and also for digging.
Superphosphate (simple)Contains up to 20% phosphorus.
Superphosphate (double)Contains up to 50% phosphorus, nitrogen (2%), sulfur (6%).
Potassium sulfateContains up to 50% potassium and contains no chlorine. Used for all types of fertilizing.
Kalimagnesia (Kalimag)Contains: magnesium – up to 17%, sulfur – up to 17%, potassium – up to 26-30%. Used when digging soil, for root feeding (diluted with water).

Complex mineral fertilizers for cucumbers

They obtain it themselves by mixing individual components in certain proportions, or purchase ready-made formulations in specialized stores.

Type of fertilizerPeculiarities
DiammofoskaContains nitrogen, phosphorus, and an increased proportion of potassium. The composition contains manganese, zinc and other elements.
AmmophosComposition: up to 12% nitrogen, about 14% potassium, 15% phosphorus. Contains sulfur (14%), magnesium. It is applied for digging (in granules), in liquid form (diluted in water).
NitrophoskaDifferent formulations are available: with the same proportions of nutrients (16:16:16), as well as with other ratios. For cucumbers, it is recommended to select fertilizer without potassium chloride. For root feeding, the best option is a composition with proportions of nitrogen 15%, potassium - 15%, phosphorus - 10%.
Fertilizer "Gera"Humate, no nitrogen and chlorine.
Agricola No. 5Contains all the macroelements necessary for cucumbers, as well as a complex of microelements in chelated form.

Proper use of fertilizer complexes (fertilizers) can significantly increase the yield of cucumbers. Advantages of the complexes:

  • variety of compositions (you can always choose the right complex for a specific purpose);
  • efficiency;
  • multicomponent (complexes, as a rule, additionally contain microelements);
  • efficiency;
  • balance of elements;
  • affordable price (most kits have a reasonable price).

Microelements for cucumbers

In addition to macroelements, the supplements include microelements:

  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • boron;
  • copper;
  • molybdenum;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc and others.

Cucumbers, like other garden crops, need these microelements in sufficient quantities. Fertilizers are produced in granules, tablets, powders, and microelements are also contained in some ready-made fertilizers (Agricola). If necessary and there is a deficiency of any nutritional component, it is included in the feeding.

It is difficult to prepare a balanced composition on your own, so summer residents are recommended to use ready-made fertilizers: Good Strength, Spring (for zucchini and cucumbers), Vegetable, Mortar and others.

Yellowed leaves

Yellowing of the entire plane of the leaves is a sign of iron deficiency, a component that is involved in all metabolic processes occurring in plant tissues, which include not only photosynthesis, but also the production of proteins.

External and root fertilization of cucumbers with iron chelate gives a quick effect of replenishing iron reserves. An excellent result in the form of returning the leaves to a green color and increasing the yield can be obtained by fertilizing cucumbers with a mixture of 5 g of citric acid and 8 g of iron sulfate, diluted in 5 liters of water. This fertilizer must be used immediately, as it very quickly loses its beneficial properties.

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Dangerous diseases that occur when growing cucumbers include downy mildew and powdery mildew, bacterial angle blight, anthracnose and cladosporiosis. Currently, you can buy cucumber varieties on the market that are resistant to some of the above pathologies.

Downy mildew

The most dangerous disease of cucumbers is downy mildew (P. cubensis). Symptoms of the disease are visible on the leaves - initially they are olive green in color, then lighten to white or yellow. With increased humidity, areas similar to tubercles form on the underside of the leaf blade, as in the photo. The spots turn brown as the disease progresses. Infected plants die.

Fungal spores can be spread by wind over long distances. The development of the disease is favored by cool and humid conditions (temperature 10-16 °C), prolonged night fog and sunny days with a temperature of 23-25 ​​°C.

Even resistant varieties have little ability to resist downy mildew.

Protection can include contact measures, such as fungicide treatment. When the first spots appear, it is recommended to spray them with deep-acting agents or the Planriz biological product.

You can also use means of contact-system action. The first treatment should be carried out in the phase of 2-3 true leaves, the second before flowering, and the last after harvesting the fruits.

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Angular spotting of cucumbers

Typical symptoms of bacterial angular spot of cucumbers appear on the leaves in the form of small light angular spots. In conditions of high humidity, mucus droplets are observed on the underside of the leaf blade. Inside the spots, the leaf tissue dies and crumbles.

The disease is caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas syringae, which feeds on infected plant debris. The disease is promoted by high air humidity. The bacterium is spread by wind and water (during spraying), as well as during the process of caring for or harvesting fruits. Pollinating insects can also spread the disease to neighboring plants.

Protection against bacterial corner spot should begin at the first symptoms of appearance, when weather conditions are favorable for bacterial growth. For this purpose, contact preparations can be used.


The causative agent is the fungus Colletotrichum orbiculare. Infected plants develop watery, light green spots that gradually turn yellow. Dead tissue crumbles and holes form on the leaves. The fungus overwinters on plant debris. High air humidity promotes the spread of the disease.

The preparations “Fitosporin” and “Topaz” are intended to protect cucumbers from anthracnose. The disease can also be eliminated by spraying with Bordeaux mixture.

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Powdery mildew

As a result of powdery mildew, a characteristic light mark may be observed on the upper side of the leaves, which gradually covers the leaves and shoots. In severe cases of the disease, the plants die.

The fungus overwinters mainly on plant debris. The development of the disease is promoted by intensive plant growth with limited light availability and periodic wetting of the leaves. For preventive purposes or when the first symptoms of the disease appear, you can use both special drugs and folk remedies.

Mosaic of cucumbers

Mosaic in cucumbers is a disease of viral origin. Characteristic spots also appear on young leaves, which then become deformed and wrinkled.

Since the disease is easily transmitted from one plant to another during care, it is always worth remembering to thoroughly disinfect all garden equipment and tools. It is also worth taking care of purchasing resistant and strong varieties. And it is imperative to fight aphids when they appear, since these pests often provoke mosaic.


The disease is also called scab. The fungus Cladosporium cucumerinum is to blame for the appearance of yellow spots in this case. Yellow-brown spots are visible on the leaves, and small (necrotic) olive-gray or yellow spots appear on the fruit. Cucumbers are unsuitable for consumption - they quickly become deformed and rot.

This fungus can survive in plant debris and seed material for 2-3 years. For prevention or when the first symptoms of cladosporiosis appear, spraying is necessary.

Green leaves with yellow border

If the leaves of your cucumbers still remain green, but almost every one of them has a yellow border around the entire perimeter, you should think about whether the plants have enough potassium. A sure sign of a microelement deficiency is poor fruiting and poor development of fruits, the number of which becomes minimal.

To replenish the supply of potassium, plants should be fed by spraying with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, prepared at the rate of 1 g of product per 5 liters of water.

The role of microelements

To increase the vegetative mass, nitrogen is needed. The maximum need for it occurs in the first weeks after germination. At this time, cucumbers are actively growing leaves and shoots. Excess causes the plant to fatten.

All nutrients are used to form green mass. Few buds are formed, flowering is sluggish, and the harvest is small. To obtain an environmentally friendly harvest, during the fruiting period, stop feeding cucumbers with nitrogen fertilizers or use minimal doses.

All stages of development require phosphorus (P). Its deficiency impairs mineral nutrition. This important element is responsible for the development and functioning of the root system. It is important in different phases of development (flowering, ovary formation, fruit ripening).

Potassium (K) is responsible for the quality and quantity of fruits, their taste, and keeping quality. It affects immunity and adaptive properties. With its deficiency, few ovaries are formed, the fruits are tasteless, sometimes bitter. The crop has a maximum requirement for elements N, P, K, but other microelements are no less important for good yields.

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