Description of kale with photos and how to grow it

The cruciferous family, in addition to the well-known white cabbage, includes many other interesting varieties. One of them is collard greens or kale.

Its main difference from more familiar types of cabbage is the absence of a head of cabbage. The leaves can be twisted, lacy, curly and more extravagant - torn.

Kale cabbage is called kale, curly, leafy. The plant is a dense rosette of leaves not fastened together. The above-ground part is divided into large shoots reaching almost a meter in length, which are, in fact, leaves. Various types of collards are grown around the world. The color of the leaves also depends on the variety.

Types of kale

For reference.
Kale also has other names, such as grunkol, bruncol (browncol). Kale is divided into two types:

  • green;
  • red.

Red kale has a beautiful deep purple hue to its leaves. There are ruby, carmine brown and almost violet-black shades. Plants are more demanding of heat and planting conditions, and the taste and culinary qualities of such varieties are somewhat higher than those of their green counterparts. But the yield is comparatively not high.

Breeders have managed to obtain more hardy hybrid varieties of red curly cabbage with high yields. These varieties include cabbage Redbor F1. The hybrid variety "Redbor F1" is similar in properties to another hybrid variety "Winterbor", but the main difference is the deep purple-red color of the leaves, which, in addition to the characteristic curliness, have some delicacy (perforation) of the leaves. The plants are quite tall.

They reach a height of 60-90 cm. This hybrid has another remarkable feature - vigorous growth of lateral leaves, ensuring consistent (repeated) harvesting.

For reference. “Winterbor” and “Redbor F1” have high frost resistance and can withstand temperatures down to -150C.

Green kale is the most common species, popular among gardeners in different countries, and is especially valued in the United States. Dishes made from Tintoretto kale are a staple of Creole cuisine. The color of the leaves can range from light green to almost emerald or bluish-green.

Green varieties are characterized by cold resistance, frost resistance and a more powerful spreading bush. This cabbage is more suitable for long-term storage, both fresh and dried or frozen. Surprisingly, kale can be grown as an annual or perennial plant.

These varieties can overwinter without shelter. The hybrid species “Reflex F1”, the kale variety shown in the photo, has the following description: “Reflex F1” is a high-yielding variety, the quality of the resulting harvest does not change or deteriorate even at the end of the season.

It can be frozen perfectly, has high shelf life and a good vitamin composition.

It grows well in well-fertilized beds, does not conflict and does not choke out other plantings. A special feature of this hybrid is the ability to plant it in pots before winter to obtain a harvest on the balcony or windowsill.

Cabbage planted in August will delight you with fresh greens already in October, and if you wish, you can harvest it until February.

Popular varieties of kale

Depending on taste preferences, certain regions of Europe developed their own varieties of kale, differing in color and leaf curl. They are united by resistance to low temperatures, nutritional value and bright appearance.

The difference in tastes led to the development of new varieties of kale

Of the entire variety of kale varieties, there are only two varieties, or rather hybrids, of curly cabbage in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation: Redbor and Reflex. You should not try to get seeds for growing from them yourself.

The difference between hybrids and varieties is that when seeds are sown, their parental properties may not be reproduced. But hybrids, as a rule, have higher yields, resistance to diseases and unfavorable environmental conditions.


Redbor was proposed by Dutch breeders. This is a late-ripening hybrid. Dark purple, medium-curly leaves form a semi-vertical rosette up to 80 cm high and weighing 200–700 g. Advantages:

  • high yield - approximately 3–7 kg/m2 of succulent leaves;
  • pleasant taste;
  • pronounced frost resistance - tolerates cold temperatures down to –18 ° C without damaging the crop;
  • decorative - can be used in landscape design.

Decorative curly cabbage Redbor is valued by landscape designers


Reflex is a mid-late hybrid of Dutch selection. The shape of the rosette is semi-vertical, its weight, depending on care, is 300–1400 g. The height of the stem reaches 80 cm. The leaf is gray-green in color with pronounced corrugation.

How to get a harvest

To get a decent harvest of kale cabbage, you just need to prepare the beds well and water abundantly on time. In general, the crop is quite unpretentious, and grows a large green mass of leaves until frost.

Already at the sowing stage, it is necessary to disinfect the seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate or other antifungal agents, since seedlings can be affected by black rot or black leg.

To obtain kale cabbage seedlings, use seeds suitable for growing in a greenhouse or summer varieties for open ground. The temperature for successful seed germination must be at least 24 C. 3-4 seeds are sown in seedling boxes per hole, at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other.

If the seeds are planted in separate cups, then place 2 seeds in each cup. After 4-6 weeks, the seedlings are planted and hardened at a temperature of 16 C. Transplantation directly into the ground is possible if the soil temperature reaches at least 16-21 C.

Kale prefers a cooler growing temperature of 13-24 C, the optimal temperature for growth and development is considered to be 16-21 C, but this variety will produce a good harvest in higher summer temperatures.

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Fact. The roots of leaf kale, unlike most leaf crops, overwinter in the soil. An early harvest can be obtained from overwintered plantings from last year.

Requirements for the landing site

Kale prefers fertile, well-drained soil high in organic matter with a pH range of 6.0-7.5. Constant humidity and abundant watering will help produce excellent quality leaves. The culture is demanding on the lighting of the site, but tolerates light shade.

Agricultural technology is almost identical for leaf and cabbage, as well as salad crops. Since the plant is spreading, under favorable conditions reaching 2 m in diameter, a sufficiently large planting area should be allocated for it. Heavy loams, or areas where there is stagnant water or swampiness, are also not suitable. Although kale loves moisture, if it is in excess it quickly dies, rots, and is affected by fungal diseases.

Drought also harms curly cabbage. In dry summers, with a maximum air temperature of +27 C, watering should be done at least 2 times a week, and temperatures above 30 C often become destructive for plants.

Advice. Like many leafy crops, kale can shrivel and turn yellow in high summer temperatures and bright sun.

Provide the cabbage with light shade during the midday hours.

Curly cabbage loves spacious beds. The planting diagram for kale cabbage plants in the photo is as follows:

  • the distance between seedlings in a row is 30-45 cm;
  • the distance between rows is 90-100 cm.

Plants are planted according to a pattern, in the morning or evening, and abundant watering is required. The seedlings must be covered with white non-woven material to protect them from possible temperature changes and sunlight. As soon as the seedlings take root, there is no need for shelter.


Broccoli is a green cabbage that grows in clusters. A close relative of cauliflower. The Apennine Peninsula is considered the birthplace of the culture, so its name is of Italian origin: “broccoli” translated from Italian means “flowering stems”.

The head of broccoli forms multiple green buds, which are located on thick peduncles and are very close to each other. At technical maturity, the “head” becomes richly green and reaches a diameter of 10-18 cm. The fruit is considered edible before the buds bloom and turn yellow. Moreover, when it is cut from the stem, new “heads” may begin to form from the lateral buds. Therefore, the crop is valued not only for its nutritional qualities, but also for its prolonged fruiting.

Related article:

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Broccoli can be grown in open or protected ground. Most often, cultivation is carried out using seedlings. Seeds are sown in early March, and seedlings are transplanted for permanent residence in mid-May. If the growing area is characterized by recurrent night frosts, then young shoots must be insulated. They may not tolerate a temperature drop to -2 C. The optimal temperature regime for normal development of broccoli should be within +17...+23 C. In this case, it is necessary to provide moderate watering at least once a week.

Read more about growing broccoli in the article

Cultivation care

Caring for red and green kale cabbage is very similar and consists of weeding, abundant watering and timely protection from pests. The pests of curly cabbage are the same as those of regular white cabbage. Succulent leaves are attacked by caterpillars, snails and slugs, cruciferous flies, etc.

Fortunately, kale is affected by pests less often and to a lesser extent than its white cabbage relative. Timely weeding and loosening will help you get better leaves. Cabbage is also responsive to watering.

Note. Excessive moisture or dampness can provoke the growth of fungal infections, which often affect all cruciferous vegetables, including kale.

Features of red kale

Red kale is common in garden plots as a crop for producing fresh greens. The color is due to the presence of anthocyanins, substances that color the leaves red and purple.

The juicy leaves have high taste and contain many vitamins and minerals (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus). The composition of the leaves is close to red grapes. The culture contains the substance resveratol, which has antimicrobial and antifungal effects. They also contain beta-carotene.

Methods for growing green kale

Curly kale with green leaves is one of the most cold-resistant and unpretentious crops. Various methods are suitable for its cultivation:

  • sowing for seedlings, from February to May;
  • sowing in open ground in June;
  • sowing in pots in October (for a balcony or windowsill);
  • sowing in the ground before winter from October to December;
  • wintering rhizomes (to obtain early greenery);
  • winter cultivation in open ground (in areas with mild, warm winters).

Due to its incredible hardiness and ability to produce crops even under snow, kale varieties can be recommended for cultivation even in risky farming areas.

A particularly popular variety of cabbage, Tintoretto kale, has received positive reviews from gardeners in central Russia. It is able to withstand the maximum frosts for this crop and preserve the taste of the leaves.

Late ripening

When choosing late varieties for cold regions, you should pay attention to those that have the shortest ripening period in the presented group. If it is 180 days or more, then even taking into account frost resistance it will not be possible to obtain a harvest in open ground


This variety came to Russia from Belarus and quickly gained popularity. It is grown without greenhouses in different regions, and ripening takes 160 days. Since this is not a hybrid, gardeners can use seeds from their own harvest for planting, preparing queen cells for this and rooting them in the spring.

The fork is compact, dense, spherical in shape, and does not crack. Located low to the ground. The outer leaves have a waxy coating and are colored bluish-green. The shade of the inner leaves is yellowish-white. The average weight of the heads is 2.5 kg, the maximum is 3.6 kg.

During transportation, the heads of cabbage are not damaged and are stored for 7 months. The purpose is universal. The taste is excellent (4-5 points out of 5 possible). The plant is resistant to putrefactive processes and the accumulation of nitrates. From 1 sq.m they collect up to 10 kg.

Kolobok F1

This hybrid was included in the State Register back in 2004; it is suitable for cultivation in any region. Ripening takes 165 days. Under favorable weather conditions, the period is reduced to 150 days. Machine cleaning is allowed.

The rosette is compact, raised 30 cm above the ground. The diameter of the head of cabbage reaches 16-20 cm, it has a dense structure. Average weight – 3-4.5 kg. The outer leaves are covered with a waxy coating, painted dark green, the surface is smooth, the edges are slightly wavy. When cut, the cabbage is light yellow. The internal poker is small in size.

From 1 hectare they harvest up to 1010 centners (12 kg from 1 sq.m.). Storage duration is about 7 months, but when optimal conditions are created, it increases to 10 months. Transportability is very good. Taste characteristics do not deteriorate during storage. The purpose is universal. You can use the vegetable for cooking, eat it fresh, or ferment it. Cracking of heads of cabbage does not occur.

Features of growing kale "Redbor F1"

One of the interesting hybrid varieties is redbor F1, which combines the qualities of both green and red varieties. In terms of the content of vitamins and minerals it is not inferior to the best red varieties, and in terms of yield and cold resistance it corresponds to green varieties. A distinctive feature is also the presence of juicy petioles, suitable for use in cooking, due to their high taste. Planting conditions, propagation methods and agricultural techniques are the same as for green types of curly cabbage.

Collection and storage

The entire above-ground part of the plant, including cuttings and leaves, is used for food. As they ripen, the upper shoots are cut off, after which new shoots quickly grow and the process is repeated. Young leaves contain vitamins A, C, K, PP B: B6, B2. They are good in fresh salads, soups and solyankas.

An important property of kale is that it improves its taste after cold treatment (freezing). Leaves that are frozen acquire a sweeter taste and a more delicate texture.

Interesting! Drying the leaves does not impair their beneficial properties. Dried kale (pictured) retains the taste of a fresh vegetable and is successfully used in preparing first and second courses in winter. Both frozen and dried, cabbage keeps well throughout the year.

In the United States of America, dried kale leaves are used to make chips that are very popular among young people.

Reflex F1

Among experienced summer residents, the Reflex F1 variety is in great demand. This is an amazing plant that can be used to decorate your backyard, but most of all the vegetable is valued for its high dietary qualities. There is no need to cut off the entire head. To create a tasty vegetable, you need to pick a couple of leaves from the middle of the rosette.

This variety has unique gastronomic properties. It is not bitter and perfectly complements meat and fish dishes. With frequent use of this variety in food, you can provide your body with valuable amino acids and substances.

Reflex kale is an important edible ingredient in the menu of every healthy food fan and people who want to normalize their weight. Calories are only 25 kcal per 100 grams. Reflex is a mid-season hybrid of an emerald hue. The plant tolerates frost well. The maximum temperature that the variety can withstand is -19 degrees.

The fruit has a semi-vertical rosette and wavy inflorescences. The plant is 80 cm tall. Vegetable weight - 350 - 1500 grams. When sowing, you must follow the appropriate pattern of 60x70 cm. You cannot tear off the lower leaves of this amazing plant, otherwise it will die.


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