Gardeners grow tomatoes all over the world, so breeders annually release new tomato plants to the markets.
Climatic characteristics of the region Siberia occupies a huge area - from the Ural Mountains to the Pacific Ocean.
Octopus tomato F1 is a hybrid crop that belongs to perennial plants. One of the most
The Golden Heart tomato is classified as an early-ripening variety; it always produces an excellent harvest. But as
Cucumbers are, without any doubt, the most common and favorite vegetable crop among gardeners. TO
Disaster: petunia is drying up This year there is just a disaster on my balcony, for the first time in so many years
Description Hybrid tomato can be cultivated in different conditions depending on the region: in the south
Description of the carrot hybrid Boltex The mid-late hybrid Boltex F1 is produced by the French agricultural holding Tezier Clause. He
Cucumber varieties for Siberia Breeders have developed a large number of varieties. They all differ in the speed of maturation,
Cucumbers have stopped growing because it’s cold - what to do: tips During the spring