Description and characteristics of the Sir Elian tomato variety, its yield

French breeders have prepared a new gift for farmers - the Sir Elian F1 tomato. The main highlight is impressive yields, ideal commercial qualities and excellent transportability. Ripening is consistent throughout the season. Intended for commercial use.
HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundMid-seasonRedsAverageVarietyPlum-shaped or oval

Description of the variety

Tomato bushes are capable of producing crops throughout the season until late autumn. Of course, the Frenchman also requires regular maintenance, which is affordable even for the most modest farmer. The shoots of this plant can reach up to 2 meters in height. The ovary of a plant is formed mainly from several shoots. The volume of foliage on the stem does not exceed the standard norm for the number of leaves on a tomato.

The fruits of Sir Elian are produced in the ovary formed by the inflorescence raceme. Each ovary can produce up to 8 tomatoes at the same time. Often they will sing at the same time and can be collected in one go. In their shape they are not round, but oblong, which affects the taste of the fruit. Thanks to this geometry, the tomatoes are evenly heated by the sun and become juicy and tender. The skin of tomatoes is not hard. It easily comes off even in the garden if the tomato is overripe.

The length of the Sir Eliana fruit is 10 cm. The diameter of the tomato can reach up to 5 cm. Summer residents often compare the fruits of this tomato with large plums. Tomato fruits are great for canning. Thanks to their sweet and sour flavor, they perfectly complement a salad or become the basis for tomato juice.

Tomatoes are resistant to plant diseases. If rot appears, then most likely this is an oversight of the summer resident. Sir Elian can hang on the bed for a long time, waiting for the harvest.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sir Elian tomatoes are widely used in horticulture due to their positive qualities. They are actively grown for commercial use.

The advantages of the variety include:

  • thick peel;
  • good keeping quality and transportability of fruits;
  • high-quality presentation;
  • excellent taste;
  • high degree of tying;
  • productivity;
  • rot resistance;
  • uniform ripening of fruits of the same size and shape.

Among the disadvantages, experts highlight sensitivity to temperature changes.

See also

Characteristics and description of the tomato variety ChocolateRead

Plants do not tolerate temperature increases in greenhouses up to 32 degrees or more. Heat helps sterilize plant pollen. A sharp drop in temperature of up to 10 degrees also negatively affects reproductive function.


Plants can be planted in open ground 2 months after the first shoots appear. Some summer residents are afraid to plant bushes directly in open ground and prefer to make greenhouses. In greenhouses, the thermal regime is maintained at an optimal level for the plant. In a relatively closed area, it is possible to regulate the level of humidity, which helps to more quickly saturate the fruit with useful microelements from the soil.

Tomatoes are unpretentious to plant.

Growing seedlings

The seeds are first grown in pots. The pots are placed in a warm place for rapid germination. Future tomatoes need to be watered regularly. They love water. After the stem appears, it is necessary to ensure that the shoots do not wilt in direct sunlight. To keep the sprout in the pot until planting in the ground, you need to regularly monitor it. The appearance of parasites on the sprouts or rotting of the root system from excessive watering is unacceptable.

A thrifty sensor will always store seeds for the next season from its last harvest.

Landing in the ground

You can plant seedlings on fertilized soil. Such soil will only contribute to the rapid development of escape. It's important not to overdo it. Maintaining optimal levels of trace elements and minerals in the soil is an important part of any plant growing process.

It is important to properly make beds on the site for planting seedlings. A tomato must feel comfortable in order to produce a large harvest.

Sir Elian - variety of tomato plant

Variety characteristics:

Included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for cultivation in film greenhouses in private household plots. Mid-season hybrid, salad. The plant is indeterminate. The leaf is medium, dark green. The inflorescence is simple. The fruit is ovoid, dense, smooth. The color of the unripe fruit is green, and the color of the ripe fruit is red. The number of nests is 2-3. Fruit weight – 57-107 g. The taste is excellent. The yield of marketable fruits in film greenhouses was 14.0-16.0 kg/sq.m.

Properties of the Sir Elian variety:

Recommended region on the map:

Information about the admission of Tomato Sir Elian from the Register of the State Variety Commission of the Russian Federation

Application for admission No. 65389, registered 2014-11-21. The Tomato variety Sir Elian is included in the register of those admitted in 2022. Approved for use in regions: All regions.

The originator of the Tomato variety Sir Elian is:


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The time of planting in the soil depends on the region in which the plant is grown. Plants can be planted in greenhouses several times per season. It must be taken into account that the plant does not tolerate temperatures above 32 degrees Celsius. It is also important to note that when the temperature drops to 10 - 14 degrees Celsius, the fertility of the bushes decreases sharply. The best thermal regime for the plant is 22 - 26 degrees Celsius. For this reason, it is important to organize an optimal ventilation regime in the greenhouse.

Tomatoes should be watered directly at the root. This way you can be sure that the bush will receive the required level of moisture and will not dry out. The beds need to be fertilized every 3 - 4 weeks. During the period when the plant is just setting its fruits, boron will be used effectively.

Since the plant has fairly dense foliage, it is necessary to regularly treat the lower part of the shoots. The foliage is removed from them, forming a bush with 2 stems. If 8 or more tomatoes are ripening on a bush at the same time, it must be tied to a support. Trellis can be used as supports.

To prevent rotting, it is important to destroy diseased leaves of the plant. Sensors regularly inspect the bushes to remove dried leaves or parasites.

Possible diseases of tomato include:

  1. mosaic. Tomato leaves become spotted in color. The best prevention is timely removal of infected foliage;
  2. bacteriosis A diseased plant is incurable. To ensure a comfortable existence for neighboring bushes and prevent them from being accidentally infected, you need to spray them with a special antibacterial agent;
  3. necrosis. This disease occurs due to contamination of the soil or seeds. The lower area of ​​the stem begins to rot and crack. The diseased tomato must be pulled out and the soil treated with a 0.2% solution of Fitolavin-300.

Only timely care will allow you to get a decent harvest.

Description and characteristics of tomato Sir Elian F1, reviews, photos

Indeterminate, very productive , cluster tomato hybrid from French breeders (Vilmorin).

The bush is powerful, we recommend forming it into 2 stems.

is included in the State Register in 2022 for cultivation in film greenhouses in private household plots.

Basic qualities of fruits

photo author Svetlana Kunakovskova

The fruits are all just right - beautiful, smooth, dense, weighing 130-150 grams , red in color at maturity. These tomatoes are ideal for canning, but taste good fresh.

Advantages of the hybrid : high yield, good commercial quality of fruits, resistance to major tomato diseases.

Tomatoes Sir Elian F1

A tomato that will always provide a high-quality harvest under any conditions. Even without proper attention and care, tomatoes that are chiseled like a pattern, leveled, and with a matte shine are guaranteed. The fruits are plum-shaped and tasty. The hybrid is indeterminate, has high productivity, the harvest is good. The root system is powerful, the foliage volume is average.

The price is for 3 pcs. seeds

When working with seeds, it is necessary to carry out disinfection

containers (boxes, seedlings). Hands should be wearing gloves or should be washed periodically and wiped with napkins. There are very frequent cases when the infection gets on the seeds due to insufficiently carefully treated containers. New containers must be washed; it is advisable to soak already used containers for a day in a deochlor solution, 1 tablet per 5 liters of water, and then rinse thoroughly.

Soil for seedlings

In soil you make yourself, with the addition of no more than 20% of purchased soil, tomatoes grow much better.

It is necessary to mix 35% peat, 20% purchased high-quality soil with fertilizers and microelements, 30% garden soil not from tomatoes, steamed to 60 degrees, 10% your own or purchased vermicompost, 4% perlite, 1% vermiculite.

Sown for seedlings from March 10-15 to March 30 - April 5, 45 -55 days before planting in closed ground. For open ground from April 10-15, 35-40 days (maximum 45 days) before planting seedlings.

The closer to bright and warm spring days you sow the seeds, the higher the solar activity, which means all phases of seedling development pass faster. Varieties and hybrids for open ground; it is not advisable to sow seedlings early. If weather conditions are unsuitable for planting in a permanent location, the seedlings may overgrow and lose their quality.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in seedling containers, at the bottom of which it is necessary to make drainage from fine charcoal,

and then pour 5-7 cm of well-mixed seedling soil. Level the soil. Make grooves 1 cm deep at a distance of 3 centimeters from each other. Moisten the soil from a spray bottle with a weak solution of potassium humate with microelements. Place tomato seeds in the grooves, lightly pressing them into the soil with a fingertip or a toothpick at a distance of 2-2.5 cm from each other. Once again lightly spray with a solution of humate (humate + 7 or humate + iodine) from a spray bottle, which stimulates and accelerates the growth process. Fill the top with a 0.5 cm layer of dry soil, which must then be carefully compacted (pressed against the base).

Seedling containers are covered with film to create a greenhouse effect and placed in a warm place with a temperature of + 28-30 degrees C. Hybrid tomato seeds are more demanding of heat during germination, unlike varietal ones. If the temperature conditions are not observed, the seeds may rot and not germinate or will germinate slowly and for a long time.

. With the emergence of seedlings, the temperature for the first 2-3 days is reduced to plus 15-18 degrees during the day and 10-12 degrees at night. This technique protects the seedlings from being pulled out and creates conditions for better development of the root system.

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