Which cucumbers are not afraid of powdery mildew - varieties and hybrids resistant to the disease

Powdery mildew is the scourge of our garden plots. This fungal disease causes great harm to cucumbers. This is especially true for vegetables growing in greenhouses, where due to increased air humidity and temperature, the fungus spreads very quickly. Affected plants have a shortened growing season and a significant reduction in yield.

The best way to prevent the appearance of powdery mildew is strict adherence to agricultural practices and crop rotation. And also - a selection of varieties and hybrids of cucumbers that are resistant to this disease. Fortunately, enough of them have already been bred, and many of them have been time-tested and have proven themselves well both in greenhouses and in open ground.

Today we will tell you about some of them that have won the trust of summer residents.

Cucumber Nezhinsky (Little Russian)

Mid-early bee-pollinated variety for open ground and film shelters.

Average yield - about 5 kg per sq.m.

The plant is indeterminate, unpretentious, large, with canes up to 2 m long. The leaves are bright green, medium in size. Mixed flowering. The variety is exceptionally resistant to the vast majority of viral and fungal diseases (except for downy mildew), resistant to elevated temperatures and short-term drought. To get a good harvest, pinching the central shoot and first-order shoots is required.

The harvest is formed on the 45-60th day after emergence. Fruiting is long and abundant.

The fruits are medium-sized (weighing up to 100 g and up to 12 cm long), cylindrical, green (sometimes with light longitudinal stripes), with coarsely tuberous dense skin. The pulp has excellent taste, dense, crispy, juicy, with a characteristic cucumber aroma. The purpose is universal. Transportability is excellent.

Pros and cons of cold-resistant and shade-tolerant varieties

First, let's find out what is meant by cold resistance of cucumber crops. This is the name given to a cucumber’s ability to withstand and not die when temperatures drop to +2°, without slowing down the growing season. Let us note that not a single variety can withstand temperatures dropping into sub-zero temperatures; frost resistance is not inherent in cucumbers.

Cucumbers that can develop normally at low temperatures are chosen by many summer residents. In most regions of Russia, cold weather may return in May-June. What are the benefits of growing cold-resistant cucumbers:

  1. Continuation of vegetation processes during cold weather.
  2. Harvesting over a long period. Some hybrids of cold-resistant cucumbers are late-ripening, with a long fruiting period, and delight you with greens until frost.
  3. The ability to use fruits in any way - for pickling, canning, fresh.
  4. Hybrids are resistant to major cucumber diseases and pests.

Shade-tolerant cucumbers easily tolerate some lack of sunlight. This does not mean that you can plant them in a dark corner where the sun never shines.

Note: shading is allowed for some time, which cannot be long and last all day.

Most summer residents who plant cold-resistant varieties note that they can withstand temporary weather deterioration, while producing a harvest within the time period indicated in the description. There are no complaints about the taste; the aroma, delicate skin and characteristic cucumber taste are at their best.

Chinese cucumber disease-resistant F1

Mid-early parthenocarpic hybrid for open ground (on trellises) and film shelters.

High-yielding - up to 25 kg per sq.m.

The plant is unpretentious, powerful, with short internodes. The leaves are green, small in size. The hybrid is characterized by significant resistance to cold, low light and to the main diseases of cucumbers, incl. to powdery mildew.

The harvest is formed on the 48-54th day after emergence. Fruiting is abundant and long lasting.

The fruits are smooth, long, large (weighing up to 300 g, up to 30-40 cm long), cylindrical, dark green, coarsely tuberculate, with shiny skin. The pulp has excellent taste, dense, crispy, juicy, without bitterness. Its purpose is mainly for salad, but it can be marinated in slices. Transportability is excellent.

April cucumber

Among the fruitful cucumbers, one can highlight one of the most affordable and popular options - the April cucumber. The advantages of the variety include the following points:

  • Early maturation;
  • High yield;
  • Pleasant sweetish taste;
  • Resistance to temperature changes;
  • Easy to care for;
  • Excellent immunity and disease resistance;

If we take self-pollinating cucumber varieties, then the April cucumber belongs specifically to them.

Caring for this variety is standard - loosening the soil, watering, fertilizing, weed control, etc.

Cucumber Arctic F1

Super early parthenocarpic hybrid for open ground and film shelters.

High-yielding - up to 20 kg per sq.m.

The plant is indeterminate, powerful, well-leafed, with short internodes and tufted ovaries. The leaves are green, medium in size with a waxy coating. The hybrid is characterized by significant resistance to pests and major diseases of cucumbers (including powdery mildew), as well as to temperature changes.

The harvest is formed on the 33-40th day after emergence. Fruiting is abundant.

The fruits are medium-sized (weighing up to 90 g, 10-12 cm long), cylindrical, green, finely tuberous, with dense skin. The pulp has excellent taste, elastic, crispy, juicy, without bitterness. The purpose is universal. Transportability and keeping quality are excellent.

Subtleties of growing greenhouse varieties of cucumbers

Parthenocarpic hybrids are grown in greenhouses: they are able to set fruit without pollination. Naturally, greenhouse conditions allow harvesting to take place over a period of 2 months or more, which means that it is better to choose hybrids with good or moderate branching. But when temperature changes, greenhouse cucumbers are often affected by fusarium, so pay attention to the hybrid’s resistance to this fungal disease. And finally, do not forget that you cannot stop choosing one hybrid, no matter how good it is - even one stress factor can leave you without a cucumber harvest. Plant at least two or three hybrids.

Cucumber Madam

An early ripening bee-pollinated variety for film shelters and open ground.

High-yielding - about 9 kg per sq.m.

The plant is indeterminate, unpretentious, large, with branched vines. The leaves are green and large. Mixed flowering. The variety is resistant to most viral and fungal diseases (especially powdery mildew, mosaic and downy mildew), as well as to unfavorable growing conditions. To obtain a good harvest in a greenhouse, pinching of the central shoot and first-order shoots is required.

The harvest is formed on the 40-45th day after emergence. Fruiting is abundant.

The fruits are medium-sized (weighing up to 100 g, up to 10 cm long), short-cylindrical, green (sometimes with light longitudinal stripes), with coarsely tuberous dense skin, do not turn yellow. The pulp has excellent taste, dense, crispy, juicy, with a characteristic cucumber aroma. The purpose is universal. Transportability is excellent.

What are self-pollinating cucumbers?

Parthenocarpic cucumbers are a series of hybrids whose inflorescences are unisexual, most often female . Such varieties do not require pollination by bees, and the fruits grow without seeds inside.

Parthenocarpic cucumbers, unlike classic ones, have some advantages :

  • they are grown without loss of yield in greenhouses and at home, where insects do not penetrate;
  • the fruits are identical to each other in size and color;
  • do not turn yellow over time due to the absence of seeds inside.

Among parthenocarpic cucumbers, there are hybrids intended for both indoor and open ground . Some of them need temporary shelter made of film or other material.

Important features of parthenocarpic cucumbers:

  1. During growth, unisexual flowers (usually female) are formed, so there is a large load on each bush. They require appropriate care - trimming the lower nodes, reliable garter, sorting fruits, etc.
  2. The process of self-pollination does not require shaking the flowers.
  3. Parthenocarpic cucumbers should not be grown in the same area as classic bee-pollinated cucumbers, since insects land on all plants indiscriminately. This harms parthenocarpic cucumbers - they grow crooked, ugly, pear-shaped.

The process of self-pollination looks like this : pollen from a flower is poured onto its own pistil, and ovaries are formed, which in the future form fruits.

Cucumber Abundant F1

Mid-season bee-pollinated hybrid for open ground and film shelters.

Average yield - about 6 kg per sq.m.

The plant is indeterminate, unpretentious, medium-sized, medium-branched. The leaves are green, medium in size, produced in small quantities. Flowering is predominantly female. The hybrid is exceptionally resistant to powdery mildew, olive blight and cladosporiosis, and is resistant to low temperatures and temporary shading. To obtain a good harvest in a greenhouse, pinching of the central shoot and first-order shoots is required.

The harvest is formed on the 50-55th day after emergence. Fruiting is abundant.

The fruits are medium-sized (weighing up to 100 g, up to 14 cm long), cylindrical, green, with medium-tubercular dense skin. The pulp has excellent taste, dense, crispy, juicy, without bitterness. The purpose is universal. Transportability is excellent.

Growing cucumbers in winter

We will sow the bulk of the cucumbers later, because the period from the day of sowing until the seedlings are planted in the ground is on average 25-30 days, and, naturally, after 25 days, that is, at the end of February, we will not yet be able to plant the seedlings in the greenhouse, because it has no underground heating. Sometimes in winter it is not possible to grow cucumbers even with heating, so we grow winter cucumbers in buckets or large pots.

Previously, we grew the Mertus variety on the windowsill on March 8th. In such comfortable conditions, their root system and above-ground parts developed perfectly.

Cucumbers are my favorite plant, and I like the process: they germinate almost one hundred percent, grow quickly and begin to bear fruit early.

  • Pumpkin: growing in the garden, varieties

Cucumber Noble F1

Mid-season bee-pollinated hybrid for open ground and film shelters.

High-yielding - about 15 kg per sq.m.

The plant is indeterminate, unpretentious, medium-sized, medium-branched. The leaves are light green and medium in size. Flowering is predominantly female. The hybrid is highly resistant to major cucumber diseases, incl. to powdery mildew.

The harvest is formed on the 46-48th day after emergence. Fruiting is abundant.

The fruits are medium-sized (weighing up to 100 g, 10-13 cm long), short-cylindrical, light green, finely tuberculate. The pulp has excellent taste, dense, crispy, juicy, without bitterness. The purpose is universal. Transportability is excellent.

Is it possible to grow cucumbers without a greenhouse?

But for open ground, it is advisable to choose early-ripening and early-ripening hybrids that begin to bear fruit in 40–45 days or less from germination. Pay attention to the nature of branching: in short, cold summer conditions, heavily branched cucumbers may not have time to produce the entire harvest. But don’t let this scare you: in the middle zone, with the onset of cold weather at night, such hybrids often bring a large harvest in late summer - early autumn.
Cucumbers with a moderate type of branching are easier to form, and they bear fruit for a long time. Therefore, such hybrids are often recommended as a “golden mean” for cool regions. Weakly branching forms begin to bear fruit faster than others, but this period does not last long, about a month. Such “sprinters” are suitable for those who come to the country on weekends or spend their summer vacation there. Cucumbers grown in open ground should be characterized by increased cold resistance, resistance to powdery mildew and downy mildew, and have a high regenerative ability.

Cucumber Mazai F1

An early-ripening parthenocarpic hybrid for open ground and film shelters.

High-yielding - about 8 kg per sq.m.

The plant is indeterminate, light-loving, unpretentious, medium-sized, with limited branching. The leaves are green, large in size, and produced in medium quantities. Flowering is predominantly female. The hybrid is exceptionally resistant to powdery mildew and olive spot, tolerant to downy mildew and root rot, and tolerates unfavorable conditions.

The harvest is formed on the 44-48th day after emergence. Fruiting is friendly and abundant.

The fruits are medium-sized (weighing up to 120 g, up to 12 cm long), cylindrical, green (sometimes with longitudinal “smeared” light stripes), with sparsely large-tubercular dense skin. The pulp has excellent taste, dense, crispy, juicy, without bitterness. The purpose is universal. Transportability is excellent.

Cucumber varieties most resistant to disease

Thumb Boy

This variety bears fruit within 45 days after it sprouts. Its flowers have female organelles and disease resistance is a distinguishing feature. It develops in the form of bunches of the parthenocarpic type. One cane is covered with fruits, and there are many such branches, which is why the variety has such an increased yield. Young fruits have a bright green color and frequent fluff. The size of one green grass is on average 9 cm in length, and its weight ranges from 50 to 65 g. Their tubercles have white spines, which are not particularly prickly. They make excellent pickles.


The hybrid variety of the parthenocarpic type is also distinguished by its flowering with female pistils. Between the germination stage and fruiting there is a longer period of time from 45 to 48 days. Their shoots are quite fast growing. One ovary, located between the nodes, contains a pair of embryos. The cylindrical young fruits are green in color, covered with white thorns, and have no bitter taste at all, which is inherent in them at the gene level. The size of the cucumber is on average 7 cm, and its weight is approximately 70 g. It is characterized by increased resistance to diseases such as powdery mildew and cladosporiosis, and is not susceptible to viral diseases of cucumbers. Valued for its good taste and is suitable for rolling into jars.


On average, Natalie bears fruit just like the previous variety, one and a half months after germination. Its flowering is distinguished by the female type, and the flowers themselves are pollinated by bees. Grows in protected conditions, has powerful weaving branches. Unripe fruits look like short cylinders with tubercles. Their green color is intertwined with a yellow cobweb. Large green vegetables are 12 cm long and weigh from 90 to 120 g. Per square meter, the yield is stable at 10.5 kg. The variety is resistant not only to diseases, but also to weather anomalies. The taste of the fruits is very juicy, not bitter, so they are recommended more for salads than for pickling in jars.


The hybrid variety Masha of the early type bears fruit already on the 35th day. It has parthenocarpic properties, a bunch-shaped appearance and a long fruiting period. Ripe fruits are covered with large mounds, have the shape of a regular cylinder, do not taste bitter, and therefore are very valuable for preservation and salads. Zelentsy have excellent resistance to most adverse factors and diseases.


The mid-early hybrid is suitable for an ordinary garden bed; its flowers are pollinated by bees. The fruits from pipping appear in about 1.5 months. The ovary in the internode has one or a pair of fruits. Zelentsy's coloring is rich, and the absence of bitterness is in their genes. Octopus cucumbers do not exceed 9 cm in length, have the shape of cylinders and large tubercles with whitish spines. The absence of bitterness is in their genes. The variety is not susceptible to viral infections of cucumbers, and is not affected by powdery mildew and olive spot. Best suited for winter preparations.


The waiting time for fruits of the Murashki variety is approximately 45 days. A hybrid culture of the parthenocarpic type grows both in a regular bed and in a greenhouse. The base of each leaf has an average of 5 ovaries. Ripe fruits have a length of 10 to 12 cm, weighing on average 115 g. Their tubercles are quite convex and widened, they have black thorns. They are consumed in all forms: fresh, salted, pickled. It is not susceptible to common diseases of cucumbers; its root system is resistant to rotting.


The swallow quickly bears fruit, already on the 43rd day from the time its seeds hit the ground. The hybrid variety is pollinated by bees and has flowers with female organelles. It develops well both in the open air and under temporary film. Its central shoot does not grow more than one and a half meters in height. Ripe fruits have the shape of a cylinder with rounded ends. The dark green color of each greenery is covered by fuzzy stripes for a third of its length. One end is darker and rounder, and the other is lighter and sharper. The peel is without shine and covered with wax. On its surface there is a small number of large hillocks, complexly pubescent with black spines. The dimensions of the greens are 11 cm in length and weigh from 75 to 105 grams. The Lastochka variety is famous for its taste and aroma, and is good for consumption in all types. In addition, it is resistant to most cucumber diseases.


The hybrid bee-pollinated crop begins to bear fruit quite late, almost two months after germination. The vines of Golubchik cucumbers are quite tall, the flowers have female organelles. The ripe fruits are covered with large mounds, have a spindle shape, an average length of 11 cm and a weight of 90 g. The variety always produces a good harvest. Its tasty fruits are great for winter preparations. The darling is not susceptible to attacks from viral infections and all types of powdery mildew.

baby crane

The flowers of this hybrid variety are pollinated by bees, and its fruits are suitable for consumption in any form. The crop can grow not only in protected conditions, but also in an ordinary garden bed. Its shoots weave strongly, and rounded cylinders of young cucumbers with large tubercles are formed in the axils of the leaves. They grow up to 12 cm in length, weighing 80 g on average each. The thin outer skin hides a delicious pulp that crunches in your mouth. The crane is great for winter preparations. Shows resistance to many types of diseases.

Phoenix plus

The ripening period of the Phoenix Plus variety is approximately 1.5 months after hatching. The cold-resistant crop bears fruit until late autumn. The variety is tall and branched. Its fruits are oval in shape, dark green in color, dotted with fuzzy lines. One green cucumber has a coarsely tuberous surface, its length is 11 cm, and its weight is 90 g. Phoenix cucumbers taste very juicy, crispy and aromatic, therefore they have a universal purpose. In addition, they are not susceptible to common plant diseases.


The fruiting period has an average duration of 48-55 days and is pollinated by bees. The hybrid culture has complex resistance to various diseases. The shoots of this variety are very elongated and do not branch much, forming bunches with a couple of green shoots in each. Ripe fruits take on a cylindrical shape, with several small black-thorn tubercles found on their surface. They taste not bitter at all, and crunch when chewed. Parameters of one green vegetable: length from 9 to 12 cm, weight on average 100 g. Suitable for consumption in salted and lightly salted form.


The period of appearance of fruits of the Benefis variety ranges from 43 to 50 days. Its flowers are female and self-pollinating. Each bunch bears an average of five fruits. One cucumber weighs on average 110 g and has a length of 11 cm. Cucumbers are colored rich green, with small tubercles with white spines on their surface. Their flesh is devoid of bitterness, sweet and crunchy. The culture is suitable for all types of consumption. The Benefis variety is famous for its resistance to various types of powdery mildew and is not susceptible to rotting of the root system.


The Sudar variety is pollinated by bees and bears mid-early fruits (one and a half months after germination). The shoots are extended to a medium length and do not branch much; the flowers have female organelles. The fruits are of average length 13 cm, have large tubercles with brown spines and are cylindrical in shape. The peel is bright green, longitudinally striped, one-third the length of the cucumber. They don't taste bitter. They are resistant to many pathogens of cucumbers, and are also not susceptible to root rot and spots on the leaves.


Hybrid has an average ripening period and is pollinated by insects. It develops well in a regular garden bed and in mini-greenhouses. The central shoot does not extend more than one and a half meters in height. Ripe, rich green fruits take on a cylindrical shape, slightly flattened at the ends. Large bumps are rarely located on the surface of the cucumber. Parameters of the greens: 10 cm in length with a weight of 80 g. The excellent taste of Nightingale cucumbers allows you to use them in any form: pickles, salads, pickled cucumbers. The variety is resistant to diseases and unfavorable conditions.

Sister Alyonushka

The ripening period for the fruits of Sister Alyonushka is of average duration. Flowers with female organelles are pollinated by bees. The crop is grown in the open air or under film. An average of 2 fruits are formed at the base of the leaves, which appear before the first frost. The fruits are dark green with convex tubercles on a thin skin. Zelenets are on average 10-11 cm in length and weigh 90 g, not bitter in taste. The variety is good for salads and pickles. The hybrid culture is quite resilient and resists diseases and weather anomalies.


The hybrid variety of the parthenocarpic type ripens quickly, 35 days after the sprouts appear. The central trunk stretches quite strongly and has many branches. The ovaries of cucumbers are formed in the form of bunches of 3-4 pieces, and the flowers are of the female type. Short-fruited greens are cylindrical in shape and covered with small tubercles with a dark green color and whitish down. Their parameters: length 11 cm, weight up to 110 g each. The pulp of the fruit has a dense consistency and is not bitter. The variety withstands attacks from pathogens and sudden temperature changes. It gives a good harvest, which has its peak and lasts for a long time. Cucumbers of this variety do not lose their properties even after long transportation. The unpretentious culture can even be grown in an apartment on a windowsill or loggia. Cucumbers are good in any form.


One of the mid-late hybrid varieties, bearing fruit only on the 55th day, is pollinated by bees and grows in the open air. The shoots stretch to medium height and are covered with green plants. The flowering of the variety is female, and the ovaries are formed in bunches. The fruits are covered with large mounds with white spines and grow up to 11 cm. There are no shortcomings in taste, so it is used in any way. Leandro has a high resistance to diseases.


The Knyazhna fruits ripen early at 40 days from germination. The hybrid variety is pollinated by bees and grows not only under cover, but also in a regular garden bed. The shoots of the plant stretch to a considerable height and do not branch very much. The type of flowering is predominantly female. The small fruits are cylindrical in shape and have small tubercles with white spikes on the tops. The green peel is dotted with stripes half its length. The length of the ripe greens is 9 cm, weight is 95 g. There is not much space for seeds in the pulp of the fruit. The variety produces a good harvest and is resistant to typical cucumber diseases. Differs in universal application.

Ibn Sina

The hybrid variety is characterized by the parthenocarpic type and has flowers with female organelles. The ripening period begins after one and a half months after hatching. You can grow it in a regular garden bed or in a mini-greenhouse. The central shoot has an average height and a small number of branches. From 2 to 4 fruit embryos are formed in the axils. A distinctive feature of ripe Ibn-sin cucumbers is their smooth dark green surface without tubercles. The length of one green cucumber is 16 cm and its weight is 170 g. Because of this unusual appearance, cucumbers are good for salads. The plant is not afraid of waterlogged soil and powdery mildew.

Chinese disease resistant

The variety is characterized by high yield and has an average ripening period of 48-54 days. A tall vegetable crop with powerful stems has small leaves and shortened distances between nodes. Ripe fruits have a rich green color, large tubercles, and a regular cylinder shape. The variety is unique in that the length of one green plant reaches 35 cm, and on the petiole side it has a smooth surface. The plant withstands unfavorable factors, including lack of light. More suitable for winter preparations.

There are many other cucumber hybrids that are resistant to root rot: Moscow dude, Autumn gherkin, Bianka, Malvina, etc.

Varieties such as Lord, Quadrille, Matrix, Vyuga, etc. are resistant to different types of powdery mildew.

Cucumber Emerald F1

Late-ripening parthenocarpic hybrid for open ground and film shelters.

High-yielding – 13-20 kg per sq.m.

The plant is indeterminate, unpretentious, vigorous, medium-branched. The leaves are green, large, slightly corrugated. Flowering is predominantly female. The hybrid is resistant to major diseases, incl. to powdery mildew, cladosporiosis, ascochyta blight, resistant to adverse weather conditions (rain, cold).

The harvest is formed on the 65-77th day after emergence. Fruiting is of the “carpal” type, abundant.

The fruits are large (weighing up to 160 g, up to 16 cm long), cylindrical, dark green, with sparsely knobby dense skin. The pulp has excellent taste, dense, crispy, juicy, without bitterness. The purpose is universal. Transportability is excellent.

Sowing cucumber seeds for seedlings

I sow in a clean peat substrate from Klasmann. Of all the substrates we have worked with, this is the best. In second place I would put the Durpeta substrate, and in third place - Domoflora. There are many good substrates from other manufacturers, but these three are my favorites.

  • Pepper seedlings from sowing to planting in the ground - 6 steps for friendly shoots and strong seedlings!

I specially cut out the required number of cassette cells, calculated for the number of seeds. First, I sowed Mertus: I carefully placed the seeds in the cells, immersed them with a pencil to a depth of 0.5 cm and sealed them. Then I also planted 5 Kantara seeds in a row, and 5 SV 3506 seeds in the next row. After that, I saturated the soil well with moisture, to create the desired microclimate, I covered the cassette with glass and placed it in a mini-greenhouse with the rest of the crops.

Viola is already sprouting en masse in the greenhouse. The temperature here is currently 24 ⁰C – optimal for the germination of most flower and vegetable crops. To prevent the temperature from dropping, I closed the greenhouse. Cucumber shoots can be expected within two to four days.

All the best.

Cucumber Moscow Evenings F1

Early maturing parthenocarpic hybrid for open ground and film shelters.

High-yielding – 13-17 kg per sq.m.

The plant is indeterminate, unpretentious, medium-sized, strongly climbing, medium-branched. The leaves are dark green, large, wrinkled. Flowering is predominantly female. The hybrid is resistant to powdery mildew and olive spot, BOM (cucumber mosaic virus), tolerant to downy mildew, resistant to adverse weather conditions and periodic shading.

The harvest is formed on the 42-45th day after emergence. Fruiting is friendly, abundant, long-lasting.

The fruits are medium-sized (weighing up to 110 g, up to 14 cm long), cylindrical, dark green, with sparsely knobby dense skin. The pulp has excellent taste, dense, crispy, and medium juicy. The purpose is universal. Transportability is excellent.

The best varieties of cucumbers for growing in winter greenhouses

Few people will refuse a fresh cucumber in winter. If you have a heated greenhouse or the opportunity to insulate a veranda or balcony, then why not provide yourself with vitamins during the winter? Varieties should be selected that are self-pollinating, shade-tolerant and not too vigorous in growth. Artificial heat and lighting, however, cannot replace the summer sun, so vigorous hybrids may stretch out and not produce the harvest declared by the producers in winter.

Moscow Nights

Cucumbers are dark green with sparse tubercles and white spines

The perthenocarpic hybrid Podmoskovnye Vechery adapts well to different growing conditions. Grows cucumbers in the shade and dense plantings, resistant to diseases. The bushes are weakly branched, but tall. Fruiting is extended, beginning on the 42nd day. In one bosom, up to three cucumbers weighing 80–110 g can grow. The fruits are dark green with white streaks on the nose, good in salads and pickling. Productivity - up to 17 kg/m² with a planting pattern of 60x30 cm.

Moscow greenhouse

Cucumbers up to 40 cm long are smooth or with faint tubercles

Very productive hybrid - up to 30 kg/m². Of course, this indicator was influenced by the unlimited growth of the main vine and large cucumbers weighing 300–400 g and up to 40 cm long. Each node produces 2–3 fruits. The surface of cucumbers is ribbed, the tubercles are weakly expressed or absent, the skin is dark green, smooth and shiny at the base. The variety is considered one of the best for industrial cultivation in winter heated greenhouses. The large size of the fruits indicates their salad purpose.


Classic cucumbers with many tubercles and light stripes at the top of the fruit

Meringue is a parthenocarpic hybrid bred in Holland. The plant is tall and medium-climbing. Cucumbers can be harvested as early as 37–40 days. In one sinus it grows up to three pieces. The fruits, 10–12 cm long, are covered with frequent large tubercles and have a waxy coating on the top. Productivity - 15 kg/m². The main advantages of the hybrid are high stress resistance and good regenerative abilities. Merengue is not afraid of cold snaps and prolonged heat; it is immune to most diseases. The fruits do not turn yellow or become deformed.

Reviews and tips for growing cucumbers in winter greenhouses

Once again testing different varieties of cucumbers in my winter greenhouse, I tried to sow the Meringue hybrid. I’ll say right away that I sowed in January, the winter was very cold, and I managed to warm the soil in the greenhouse by 15–18 degrees. But I decided to sow directly into the greenhouse, without growing the seedlings in separate cups. Seed germination turned out to be very good. The hybrid is very similar to the German cucumber, both in appearance and taste. I harvested my first cucumbers already on the 52nd day after sowing. Mass collection began approximately on day 60. I was also pleased with the plants’ resistance to diseases, temperature changes and shade tolerance. The average yield for the season (3 months) was 7–8 kg per plant.



To obtain fruits in December - January, part of the greenhouse is equipped with artificial lighting, that is, phytolamps of the DRLF-400 type are installed. Seeds are sown in late September - early October, and seedlings are planted in late October - early November. Parthenocarpic varieties are selected for growing cucumbers to avoid hand pollination. The highest yield is produced by the Bessemyanka variety and the Moscow greenhouse hybrid.

Uncle Uh


Growing cucumbers in winter as a business idea (video)

Don't limit yourself to planting just one variety. Grow a few bushes for salad purposes, a couple of all-purpose ones and a few more for canning. Try Dutch hybrids, compare them with Russian ones. Try Chinese exotics and look for new items. With this approach, you will always have a harvest, you will be able to identify your favorites, and gardening will become an interesting activity, not a routine.

  • Author: Marina Volkova
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Cucumber True Friends F1

Early maturing bee-pollinated hybrid for open ground and film shelters.

Average yield - about 3-4 kg per sq.m.

The plant is indeterminate, unpretentious, weak-growing, weakly branched. The leaves are green, medium-sized, slightly wrinkled. Flowering is predominantly female. The hybrid is cold-resistant, resistant to powdery mildew, cladosporiosis, POM, and tolerant to downy mildew. Due to the weak branching, it is practically not necessary to form plants.

The harvest is formed on the 37-39th day after emergence.

The fruits are medium-sized (weighing up to 110 g, up to 10 cm long), oval-cylindrical, dark green with light longitudinal stripes, with sparsely large, tuberous dense skin. The pulp has excellent taste, dense, crispy, medium juicy, without bitterness. The purpose is universal. Transportability is excellent.

Alekseich F1

Variety Alekseich early; The experience of gardeners shows that the first cucumbers can be seen 37-44 days after planting. The fruits are tasty, without bitterness, but they need to be collected in time so that they do not overgrow. The crop needs watering every 2 days and also responds well to weeding and loosening the soil.

This variety is best grown in greenhouses or open ground. The fruits are excellent for salads and canning; the fruiting period is long.

All of the listed varieties have excellent taste without bitterness, have high germination rates and do not cause trouble for gardeners. The benefits of fruits are difficult to overestimate, but the work certainly pays off.

Cucumber Diva F1

An early-ripening parthenocarpic hybrid for open ground, film shelters and growing on balconies.

High-yielding - up to 20 kg per sq.m.

The plants are vigorous, strongly climbing, indeterminate, with tufted ovaries. The leaves are green, medium in size. Flowering is predominantly female. The hybrid is resistant to temperature changes, as well as to the main diseases of cucumbers, incl. to powdery mildew.

The harvest is formed on the 35-45th day after emergence. Fruiting is abundant and extended.

The fruits are medium-sized (weighing 75-100 g, 10-12 cm long), oval-cylindrical, dark green, with finely tuberous skin. The pulp has excellent taste, dense, crispy, juicy, without bitterness. The purpose is universal. Transportability and keeping quality are excellent.

Planting cucumbers

When the sprouts become stronger, they can be planted in special containers or open ground. It is highly recommended to add peat tablets to the soil, which will help the plants become stronger and promote their growth

Every two days it is necessary to spray the top layer of soil, as it is known that cucumbers love moisture.

To ensure an earlier harvest, seedlings are grown in advance. The most productive varieties of cucumbers have their own characteristics in care and cultivation, knowing which, you can achieve excellent results and reap a rich harvest.

Cucumber Saltan F1

Early maturing bee-pollinated hybrid for open ground and film shelters.

High-yielding – 8-10 kg per sq.m.

The plant is indeterminate, unpretentious, medium-sized, highly branched. The leaves are green, medium in size. Flowering is predominantly female. The hybrid is cold-resistant, resistant to powdery mildew and olive spot, PTO, tolerant to downy mildew.

The harvest is formed on the 39-42nd day after emergence. Fruiting is friendly and long-lasting.

The fruits are medium-sized (weighing up to 100 g, up to 11 cm long), cylindrical, green, with a sparsely knobby dense skin. The pulp has excellent taste, dense, crispy, and medium juicy. The purpose is universal. Transportability is excellent.

Fontana F1

A long-known hybrid, it has been grown by gardeners since the 70s of the last century. Ripening period is 40-48 days. Belongs to bee pollination. The plant is tall, the length of the lashes reaches 3 m. The lashes branch well. The ovaries form in bunches. The fruits are smooth with slightly pronounced tubercles, with black spines, no more than 12 cm long, weighing up to 100 g. There is no bitterness. Retains its presentation for a long time.

The hybrid is resistant to the most dangerous diseases - anthracnose and olive spot.

The most productive varieties of cucumbers for open ground

Any summer resident wants to get a good harvest of cucumbers. To achieve your goal, you just need to choose a productive variety: Suzanna, Rodnichok, Sparta F1, Zozulya F1, Raznosol F1, Kustovoy, Pinocchio, Crispy.


Recently it has become more and more popular. The variety is suitable not only for open ground, but also for greenhouses and balconies. It is highly resistant to diseases. Productivity is high.


The variety is known to many summer residents. It takes only 50 days to ripen. The vegetables have a pleasant taste and are up to 11 centimeters in size. Product characteristics are high.

Sparta F1

A hybrid variety that thrives in open ground. Cucumbers are tasty, their skin is thin and not bitter. The pulp is always crispy and juicy, the seeds are small. You can salt or pickle these vegetables.

Zozulya F1

To increase yields, you do not need to worry about natural pollination. But it will still help you get vegetables very early. In the first month it is quite possible to get 16 kilograms of fruit. Product characteristics are not bad.

Pickle F1

The variety is resistant to most diseases. The bushes are medium-sized, the length of the fruit is a maximum of 11 centimeters. The purpose is universal. The yield is high - about 15 kilograms per square meter.


A fairly specific variety that produces good harvests: up to 370 centners of vegetables are obtained per hectare. The purpose of the fruit is universal.


A mid-season variety, the fruits of which can reach 9 centimeters and weigh 100 grams. Vegetables can be used both fresh and processed. Productivity is up to 13 kilograms per square meter.


Ideal for pickling. Vegetables are not very large, up to 12 centimeters. Their maximum weight is 120 grams. Crispy and juicy. When pickled, cucumbers retain all their properties.

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