Spring treatment of peach from pests and diseases

Why do you need spring peach processing?

To quickly awaken and restore the peach, it is necessary to begin care from the first warm days. The main diseases of peaches can manifest themselves in different ways. Leaf curl is considered the most dangerous disease. Damage begins in early spring, when young buds swell. The disease first spreads to fresh leaves. They appear:

  • reddish;
  • pinkish;
  • brown spots.

The surface of the leaf becomes uneven and becomes more wavy. After a few days, a white waxy coating appears on the inner surface of the leaf. These are fungal microspores. Next, the leaves begin to drill and fall off.

The damage to the trunk goes from bottom to top. The shoots change their original shape and turn yellowish. Some of the shoots, especially the top, gradually dry out and die when frost occurs. Fruits growing on such shoots quickly fall off.

Powdery mildew is the most common problem of all crops that belong to the stone fruit family. It affects the leaves, the fruits become covered with a whitish coating.

On a note! There are isolated cases of this scab disease.

In the spring, trees are treated for pests:

  • scale insect;
  • aphid;
  • mite;
  • leaf-eating insects.

The second treatment is done against:

  1. Weevils. They destroy the buds and young buds of the plant. They can carry most diseases, including fungal ones.
  2. Aphids. It feeds on the juice of young leaves. It reproduces very quickly, forming large colonies. If treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, the crop will suffer greatly and its growth will slow down. Blood aphids are the most common aphid found on peaches.
  3. Ticks. An infestation of mites greatly weakens the tree's immunity. Acaricides are required to control these pests.

Codling moths destroy ovaries on a fruit tree. To eliminate them, it is necessary to carry out timely spraying of peaches in early spring.

Features of peach processing in spring

Treatment of adult plants in the spring should include all 4 stages, which will be described below. Young trees that have never bloomed contain fewer pests and can be treated in three stages:

  • during the period of dormant buds;
  • during the period of bud break;
  • after flowering of a tree during the formation of ovaries.


Peach is a fast-growing crop and begins to bear fruit 3 years after planting.

When caring for peach in the spring, spraying is carried out in compliance with a number of rules:

  1. When carrying out processing, it is necessary to wear protective clothing (robe, overalls), goggles, a respirator, and rubber gloves.
  2. Processed in dry weather without wind or rain. In hot and dry weather there is no need to spray; the product dries quickly and becomes ineffective.

In rainy weather, residual moisture remains on the leaves and the solution does not penetrate the leaves, but rolls off them. For spraying, you need to choose the morning hours (after the dew has dried) or in the evening, after the sun has set.

What soil is necessary for the normal development of a tree?

Peach trees grow well in any type of soil as long as there is good drainage. Moderate loamy soils are considered the most favorable. Sandy or gravelly loamy soils are also suitable for cultivation. It is not recommended to plant plants near groundwater or in places where the water will stagnate in the spring after the snow melts. The culture does not tolerate waterlogged soils.

Seasonal watering schedule

Watering trees frequently is not recommended. Irrigation of the plant is carried out depending on the period of fruit ripening. For example, late hybrids are watered up to 6 times a season. For early birds, 2-3 moistenings per season are enough. At the same time, one tree requires 20-30 liters of water.

The first watering is carried out in early June. And if the winter was not snowy, peaches are irrigated starting in May. The second watering is carried out in July, when the tree begins to flower. The peach trees are then watered in August. And the last time the soil is irrigated before the onset of cold weather, in September. In order for the fruits to be larger, it is necessary to water the plants 20-30 days before harvesting.

Only warm water is used for the procedure. The most favorable time is early morning or evening, after sunset.

Main stages and timing of peach processing

Timely spraying of peach is the key to a future harvest. But you should not rush to carry it out. With frequent precipitation and temperature changes, spraying will be ineffective. When the weather becomes warm (about 5-6 °C during the day) and at least at night, you can begin processing.

During the same period, you can whitewash the lower branches and trunks. This will protect the trees from exposure to the sun's rays and temperature fluctuations. Also, pests will not get into the cracks of the tree. At the moments of tree development, there must be certain specific treatments. It is difficult to determine the necessary timeframe; it is necessary to pay attention to the phases of development.

Development phases:

  • before awakening the buds or spraying on a bare tree;
  • spraying over a green cone until the buds swell until they open;
  • by blooming buds;
  • after the color falls off when pea-sized ovaries form.

On a note!

In the future, only preventive or therapeutic treatments are carried out.

It must be remembered that in addition to the trunk and branches, it is necessary to spray the soil around it. Pests and pathogens are often found there. As the temperature increases, insects will begin to actively reproduce. In autumn, peach is also sprayed to combat pests and diseases.

Common gardening mistakes

Mistakes when growing peach trees include:

  • Attempts to plant crops in unfavorable climatic conditions.
  • Use a large amount of mineral fertilizers when planting seedlings.
  • Do not prepare the hole in advance.
  • Delay the timing of planting peach seedlings.
  • Trying to plant a tree older than 2 years; the older the plant, the harder it will be for it to take root in a new place.

In addition, mistakes in growing peach include ignoring fertilizing and watering. Many inexperienced gardeners believe that if a plant blooms and produces a harvest every year, it does not need nutrients. But the soil becomes poor over time, and this contributes to a decrease in yield.

How to properly spray peach in spring

In spring it is treated to protect cut areas. As additional measures, you can treat the cut with dissolved copper sulfate or a product containing copper. Gardeners advise regular pruning until the buds swell. It is necessary to remove all young branches 3 buds from the very top. Often infections are found in them, and healthy branches of the plant become infected. Usually after one pruning the pests disappear. You need to process the peach in the spring before the buds open, in March.


  1. Do not treat during flowering so that the product does not get into the future fruits of the tree
  2. To avoid clogging the siphon, you need to use a special mesh for the filter.
  3. The solution must be at ambient temperature.

When using a solution of copper sulfate, you need to use hot water. And when using a biological product, use water that does not contain chlorine.

Mulching the soil

Mulching the soil is necessary in those regions where winters are too harsh for peach. Mulch not only retains nutrients in the soil, but also prevents the root system from freezing in winter. In the fall, the soil is dug up to a depth of 15 cm. Then mulch is added. Peat, manure, sawdust or straw are used for this. The layer thickness should not be less than 15 cm.

See also

How to properly store peaches at home in the refrigerator, freezer and cellarRead

How to spray a peach

To eliminate insects, there are many chemicals on the market that have different functions and mechanisms of action. Each product has instructions that must be followed so as not to harm yourself, the trees and the surrounding environment.

Purchased funds

Eradication treatments can be carried out when the peach is at rest. A loading dose of the drug is required for effect. Typically, such products are highly toxic.


  1. Dnok. A very strong drug. Used only on farms. Can be used once every 3 years. Do not spray in residential areas. To be dissolved in 2 stages. May be toxic to humans. When using, personal protective equipment must be used. It is necessary to strictly observe the proportions and dosage.
  2. Nitrafen. The drug is highly toxic. Can be used in those years when the drug Dnok is not used. The solution should be made at the rate of 300 g per 10 liters of liquid.
  3. Copper sulfate. The most commonly used drug. In solution at high concentrations it is used to treat the bark and trunk. A less concentrated solution can be used to combat fungal infections. A 0.2% solution can be used as a fertilizer. The drug is diluted in hot water so that it does not have sediment.

On a note!

Copper sulfate is highly acidic, which can be detrimental to a large number of plants.

To reduce the acidity of a solution of copper sulfate, lime is often added to it, when mixed, Bordeaux mixture is formed. It is necessary for cultivating the soil. The solution is not stored for a long time. The effect lasts no more than 24 hours. For loading doses, 500 g of liquid is used, and 100 g as a prophylactic agent.

Iron sulfate is used as a preventative treatment for saw cuts and wounds on trees. It inhibits the awakening of the buds, which has a beneficial effect on the tree during a long winter. Use in early spring to avoid burning the buds. The solution should be used immediately after preparation. The treatment is repeated after 2 weeks.

Fungicides serve as antifungal drugs. The tree may become addictive, so it is recommended to alternate them.


  1. Horus. It fights well against curling and purple leaves. Process three per season. The period of protective treatment lasts about 7 days.
  2. Speed Acts against peach diseases - curl and powdery mildew. After application, young leaves grow again on the plant and the formation of buds for the next season increases. The solution is prepared at the rate of 2 ml per 10 liters of water.
  3. Strobe. Has a fairly wide range of action. Inhibits the development of fungal infections. When used, it forms a protective film on the leaves. After a week, the treatment must be repeated. For prevention, tree trunk circles also need to be sprayed.
  4. Fitosporin. A universal drug, especially effective against spores of Bacillus subtilis. It can be used as both a preventative and a therapeutic agent. Fitosporin is not dangerous for humans; it can be used already when the fruits are ripening. Can be used at any time, during the entire ripening period.
  5. Urea. Contains an amount of nitrogen. Used to combat aphids, weevils, copperhead, and various fungal diseases. Treated in the spring against diseases and pests. Don't be afraid of an overdose of fertilizers; it's not scary for peach.

Insecticides are used to control pests in the spring. Decis is a kind of “ambulance” for the plant. Acts instantly, maintaining protective properties for 2 weeks. May accumulate in soil, should not be used regularly.

Iskra bio is a biological preparation for the elimination of aphids and mites. Insects are affected instantly. Peaches can be eaten a few days after use.

Fitoverm acts on all types of pests. They usually die 7-10 days after application.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods can be used to treat peach trees. They are environmentally friendly and safe for gardening and humans.

You can prepare a tobacco infusion:

  • 0.5 tobacco pour 10 liters of water;
  • leave for 48 hours;
  • boil for 1 hour;
  • 1 liter of concentrate goes to 10 liters of water;
  • Add 40 g of soap to the soap solution.

You can take tobacco dust.

On a note!

Treating peach trees in the spring will help prevent pest attacks.

You can use chamomile remedy:

  • Pour 0.5 kg of dried flowers into 5 liters of boiling water;
  • leave for 12 hours;
  • add 40 g of laundry soap;
  • add 10 liters of water;
  • strain;
  • used for processing the trunk and crown.

Another good remedy can be prepared from:

  • dried pepper pods – 100 g;
  • boiling water – 1 l.

Cook for 2 hours. Leave for another 2 hours, strain and dilute with 10 liters of water. Treat foliage and shoots.

Precautionary measures

For spring treatment to produce results, it is important not only to choose the right preparations.

Recommendations must be followed:

  1. For spraying, choose clear, windless weather. The optimal time is early morning or before sunset.
  2. When processing, make sure that the solution gets on all surfaces of the plant: trunk, branches, leaves.
  3. If it rains within 2-3 days after spraying, repeat the operation.
  4. Check the serviceability of the spray bottle, choose nozzles with large holes. Then there is a greater chance that the maximum amount of the chemical will reach the tree.
  5. When working with toxic substances, take care of your own safety: use a respirator, protective masks, goggles, and gloves.
  6. Do not use the same chemical more than 2-3 times. Change the products so that pests do not have time to develop resistance to them.
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