Cucumber variety Dynamite F1: characteristics and cultivation features
Many summer residents grow cucumbers in greenhouses, but the resulting harvest does not always live up to expectations. A
Description of the melon variety Cinderella, its characteristics and productivity
Description of the Cinderella melon The Cinderella melon variety is an early ripening variety, the fruits ripen in 2.5 months
Tomato Barin
Description of the Barin tomato variety, growing characteristics and yield
Indicators and characteristics of the variety Choosing a new variety for planting is an important matter. Criteria for each summer resident
Feeding cabbage in open ground with folk remedies
When the seedlings are grown, it is time to transplant them into open ground. But here the question arises,
Preserving vitamins, or is it possible to freeze fresh cabbage in the freezer?
Vegetables and fruits quickly cooled to -18°C are second only to fresh ones in terms of the amount of nutrients
Tuber spoiled by rot
Dangerous disease or care errors? Why do potatoes turn black inside?
Potatoes are among the foods that most people are accustomed to seeing on their table several times.
possibility of cultivation
A tasty morsel among vegetables is the Butterfly tomato: description of the variety and features of its cultivation
Today, cherry tomatoes are widely used. Tomato Butterfly belongs to similar varieties.
Raspberry shoots wither: introduction
Why do young raspberry shoots droop, wither and die?
Raspberry shoots wither: introduction Raspberry shoots wither: introduction If you want to get good and
Features of the apple tree variety Carpet
Features and description of the advantages and disadvantages of the Carpet variety apple tree
Gardening » Apple tree 1,521 Article rating Kira Stoletova It is difficult to find a garden in which
Cherry Zhivitsa - a new promising variety
Cherry Zhivitsa: variety description and photo, selection history and characteristics
Cherry variety Zhivitsa belongs to the duki group. Duke is a hybrid of cherry and sweet cherry,
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