Pumpkin Barbara F1. Description of the variety, photos, reviews
The most delicious and sweet varieties of pumpkin The most popular in cooking are the aromatic and sweet ones.
Characteristics and description of the Overture tomato, growing tomatoes in open ground and greenhouse
The hybrid variety Overture is suitable for lovers of medium-sized tomatoes, suitable for preparing fresh salads and
Pepper Oriole - characteristics and description, reviews and photos of an early ripening variety
Oriole pepper: variety description, photos, reviews This bell pepper got its name for a reason -
Rules for choosing the best potato variety for winter storage
Which potatoes are best to choose for long-term storage? Features of buying potatoes in the store and at
Description and features of the Amur grape variety: healing properties, planting, care, review of reviews
Grapes are one of the most popular and favorite berries among people. It is rich in natural
'High-yielding unpretentious cherry variety "Mayak"' width="800
The compact and winter-hardy Mayak cherry variety will delight you with sweet and large berries
Frost-resistant and unpretentious varieties of cherries are popular and take root well in all regions of our country.
Fruits that ripen early have a short period of consumption - on average 2-3 weeks
The most delicious early varieties of pears for the Moscow region: top of the best varieties
Reviews from gardeners Video Early pears are often found in garden plots - beautiful trees, decorated
A colorful gift from Siberia - tomato Firebird F1: description of the variety and its characteristics
Tomato Firebird F1 is a colorful hybrid of Siberian breeders. Is the embodiment of the best properties of tomatoes
Sweet pumpkin on the field
The sweetest varieties of pumpkin. Varieties of pumpkins with different tastes
Culinary uses Jan Elemans, Flickr There are sugar pumpkins - with pulp that can be
Instructions for pruning chokeberry in the fall for beginner gardeners
Instructions for pruning chokeberry in the fall for beginner gardeners
Why prune chokeberry in the fall? Chokeberry is a densely growing shrub. As it grows, it
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