Tomato Brandywine Black: variety description, yield, reviews
In a few years, the variety will “celebrate” its 100th anniversary from the time it was bred
Large sweet fruits with an attractive color - Appetizing tomato
Tomato Appetizing is a variety with large, fleshy, round, medium-sized fruits. It is grown under
Chicken in brine marinade
Brine instead of tablets, for the kitchen and plants: 8 clever ways to use cucumber pickle
Many people mistakenly believe that the only possible use of cucumber pickle is against a hangover. And if
Growing eggplants: how to get an excellent harvest
Variety of varieties Eggplants, or as they are also called “little blue ones,” are a favorite product of many
Description of Tiger variety tomatoes, general characteristics and cultivation
Features of cultivation and care Like planting material of traditional varieties, seeds of ampelous tomatoes before
Processing onion sets before planting in the spring of 2019, how to properly process onions before planting, preparing the right soil
Processing onion sets before planting in the spring of 2022, how to properly process onions before planting, preparing the right soil
Knowing the key rules of how to prepare vegetables for planting is necessary regardless of their type. Otherwise
'The ideal variety for obtaining a rich, tasty, early harvest of tomatoes: the "Skorospelka" tomato' width="800
Tomato Skorospelka: description of the hybrid variety, advantages, what are the subspecies of seeds (Syzran skorospelka, Narodnaya)
often pleases summer residents with new varieties of tomatoes. One of them is Skorospelka. Its main advantage is
Characteristics and description of the Cadet tomato, growing the variety in seedlings
Agricultural technology for growing the Village tomato. Usually this variety is grown by seedlings. In this case it is possible to receive
What to do if a pear seedling does not bud in the spring
It cannot be said that the situation when the buds and leaves of a pear seedling do not bloom in the spring
A sweet gift for tomato lovers - Honey Heart, description of the variety and its characteristics
Tomato “Honey Heart” F1: description of the variety Name of the variety Honey Heart General description Early ripening determinate
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