A wonderful cultivar with reduced starch - Adretta potatoes: description of the variety, photos and reviews

Description and characteristics of the variety

Adretta potatoes have been known for more than four decades. This variety of German selection is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for planting in Western Siberia, the Far Eastern and Middle Volga regions. The crop grows well in other areas with a similar climate, and is also grown in Belarus and Ukraine. The vegetable is equally suitable for personal consumption and commercial production.

The variety is mid-season. Tubers reach technical maturity 70-80 days after planting, and full maturity after 105 days. Plants develop at an accelerated pace.


The plant is not spreading and does not tend to decay. Its length is slightly greater than the height of similar varieties. The foliage is moderate, the leaves are medium sized, light. The flowers are white and small.

One bush produces 10-25 fruits. When planted early in warm regions or under cover, two crops can be grown per year.

Plants are resistant to major diseases and stressful conditions.


Root vegetables have the following characteristics:

  • oval, leveled shape;
  • weight from 100 to 150 g;
  • There are many small eyes visible on the skin, but they do not interfere with peeling the fruit;
  • the peel is yellowish, covered with a fine mesh;
  • the pulp is pale yellow;
  • of the harvested crop, 85% of the tubers are suitable for sale;
  • safety during winter reaches 95%;
  • average starch content - 15-18%;
  • The friability is average, the boiled pulp acquires a fine-grained structure.

The taste is excellent. Potatoes are suitable for boiling and baking, as well as frying and making chips.

A yellow tint means the flesh is rich in beneficial carotenoids.


Adretta potatoes have not lost their popularity over the years, despite the fact that there are a large number of different varieties. Below are reviews from people who grow these potatoes:

Valentina, 56 years old. We have been planting Adretta potatoes for several years now.
I like its taste, speed of ripening and ease of growing. We always plant in mid-April, and our neighbors - during the May holidays. The whole family really loves young jacket potatoes, because they are not only very tasty, but also rich in vitamins. ★★★★★
Peter, 48 years old. Three years ago, following the advice of my friend, I also decided to try Adretta’s bag.
The harvest was excellent, no diseases affected the potatoes, and the taste was excellent. Now I have been planting this variety for the third year and am pleased with both the dishes made from it and the speed of ripening. ★★★★★
Elena, 39 years old. Good potatoes, ripen quickly, but should be harvested in a timely manner.
It has a sweetish taste and yellow flesh. Excellent for cooking in a double boiler, you can also eat it fried. It can be stored for a long time without losing its qualities. ★★★★★
Alina, 54 years old. We have been planting for more than 10 years, the harvest is always excellent.
This variety makes excellent mashed potatoes; you can store them in the basement almost all winter - the potatoes are just as tasty. We usually start planting at the end of April. The only negative is the frequent attack of Adretta by the Colorado potato beetle, but most potato varieties are susceptible to this pest. ★★★★★
Vladislav, 45 years old. Very tasty and crumbly potatoes.
A big advantage is its speed of ripening and ease of care; it can also be planted for more than one year in a row. The disadvantages include the fact that the soil should be selected lighter and looser; in the rainy season, the harvest may be lost due to rotting of the tubers. Hide

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Adretta is one of the popular potato varieties among both professional and novice gardeners, because it has an excellent taste, ripens quickly, is easy to care for, is little susceptible to disease, and also produces a fairly rich harvest.



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Advantages and disadvantages


  • excellent yield;
  • universal purpose;
  • crumbly tender pulp;
  • excellent taste (rated 5 points out of 5);
  • low maintenance requirements;
  • the ability to get two harvests per season;
  • fruits contain carotenoids and many vitamins;
  • excellent keeping quality;
  • high percentage of marketable fruits;
  • resistance to temperature drops;
  • immunity to major diseases.


  • vulnerability to drought;
  • when stored in improper conditions, tubers germinate quickly;
  • bushes are often affected by the Colorado potato beetle, scab and late blight.


I want to preserve the potatoes I grew with my own hands on the plot for as long as possible. They sort it out and cover it on cold days. For Russians, this root vegetable is of utmost importance, as it is used in food very often. It is desirable for every citizen that potatoes not only last for a long time, but also do not lose their taste. As for the Adretta variety, it corresponds to these qualities.

Attention! This variety stores well and also retains its beneficial qualities. It is almost not afraid of rot, which affects a large number of good-yielding varieties.

When growing, the temperature outside the window can often drop. This gives varietal potatoes an unpleasant sweetish taste. In the situation with this variety, you don’t have to be afraid of small temperature changes.

This quality is ideal both during cultivation and storage. Ripe Adretta root vegetables must be placed in a cellar with excellent ventilation. This also applies to other potato varieties. The crop is first sorted for rot and damage.


Potatoes are planted as tubers in April - May. Once every five years, it is recommended to update the variety (if you independently harvest tubers for planting). To renew, purchase seeds and grow the crop through seedlings in order to obtain small 50-gram fruits in the first year for subsequent planting.

Tubers are prepared for planting as follows:

  1. Soak for two days in water.
  2. When soaked, harden for 1 night in the refrigerator.
  3. They are planted in boxes with loose soil, peat and sand, and after 2-3 leaves appear, they are planted.
  4. You can do without picking and soaking if you sprout potatoes. To do this, lay the tubers in one layer in a bright, cool place (+12-15 degrees). When the sprouts hatch, the tubers are sprayed with a stimulant.

To make the fruits more crumbly, they are treated with ash before planting.

Planted according to a 40 by 50 cm pattern. Planting depth is 10 cm. The soil must be well fertilized and dug to a depth of at least 30 cm.

Reviews from gardeners about the Adretta potato variety

Opinions about the Adretta potato variety are mostly positive, but some gardeners still note some negative aspects of cultivation.

  • Lyudmila Babicheva : “Adretta has been familiar with potatoes for more than 6 years. I plant it on a large plantation every year. The plants require little care - watering, weeding, pest control. As for fertilizing, I don’t do it during the development of the crop; in the fall I use long-acting fertilizers like AVA. There is enough harvest for both sale and food. It stores well, does not rot like other varieties, and the taste is excellent - I really like it!”
  • Tamara Nikolenko : “Adretta is an early variety, so I grow it twice a year and get a double harvest. But even if I don’t have time to replant in the summer, I still produce more crops than I need—some of them go for sale. I like this variety for its friability and delicate taste, but I want to warn you that it often suffers from late blight if prevention is not carried out. Otherwise the variety is good."
  • Bogdan Bronnikov : “I plant Adretta potatoes every year. I like it both in size and taste. For planting, I buy potatoes in stores; before planting, I carry out mandatory treatment against diseases and pests. Care is not labor-intensive, I always harvest large crops. However, these potatoes can get sick, and quite often. It is impossible to do without preventive and therapeutic sprays, and in this case folk remedies do not help!”

Growing and care

Plants require double hilling. The first is carried out when the bush grows up to 10 cm, the second - up to 20 cm. Hill up after watering early in the morning or after sunset.

Loosen the soil weekly, while weeding at the same time.

Water the potatoes using drip irrigation, sprinkling, or strictly at the root with water at room temperature. 1 bush requires about 4 liters. Water once a week in the evenings.

Young bushes are fed with organic fertilizers or complexes with a predominance of nitrogen, and during the budding period - with ash and potassium sulfate (3 tablespoons and 1 tablespoon per bucket of water, respectively). During flowering, nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer is applied.

History of the variety

This potato variety has been successfully grown by domestic and foreign gardeners for more than 25 years. Adretta was bred in Germany by selective breeding. At the same time, the popularity of culture in the domestic market is growing rapidly.

Adretta is a potato variety bred in Germany

The variety is recommended for cultivation in continental climates. Potatoes grow successfully in the Far Eastern, Central, West Siberian, Middle Volga regions, as well as in Transcarpathia, Polesie and Crimea.

Disease and pest control

The variety is endowed with resistance to nematodes and potato cancer, but is vulnerable to late blight and a number of other diseases, and also attracts Colorado potato beetles.

Late blight

The disease on the above-ground part of the plant appears in the form of brown spots. The tubers have gray spots and the fruits are rotting. Treat bushes with copper oxychloride (40 g of the drug per bucket of water). Repeat the treatment three times, observing a break of 10 days. Kuproxat will also help in low concentration (3 liters per hectare).

The risk of disease increases with a lack of potassium fertilizers and when plantings are thickened.


It also appears in the form of brown spots, but not wet, as with late blight, but dry. Treatment is the same as against late blight.

Common scab

It develops in excessively damp soil. For prevention, add 30 g of superphosphate and potassium magnesium per square meter during digging in the spring. It is also necessary to observe the humidity regime and avoid waterlogging.


A soap solution or tansy-wormwood decoction is effective against it immediately after its appearance. In case of severe infections, treat with a solution of "Phosbecid".

Colorado beetle

Against them, the plantings are sprayed with a solution of “Karbofos” according to the instructions or “Bitobaxillin” (100 ml of the drug per bucket of water). Shortly before harvesting the tubers, it is better not to use chemicals, but to collect beetles and larvae by hand.

Short description

The features of the Adretta potato variety include the following characteristics:

  • ripening time – 70-80 days;
  • starch content – ​​up to 18 percent;
  • From 12 to 15 tubers are collected from one bush;
  • weight of an oval tuber – 150 grams;
  • the pulp is light yellow;
  • the peel is rough and yellow.

Adretta is famous for its unpretentiousness to the soil. It has advantages:


  • high content of pyridoxine;
  • high yield rates;
  • resistance to viral diseases;
  • minimum percentage of fruits spoiled during storage.

Disadvantages include susceptibility to macrosporiosis, late blight and common scab. Adretta has other disadvantages:

  • sensitivity to changes in humidity;
  • poor development in dry areas;
  • insufficient growth and development in the shade.

The yield is average. It is about 400 C per hectare. Some gardeners prefer the Adretta variety Lord of Spaces, which yields up to 700 centners per hectare. The harvest from the Scottish mountains, the description of which confirms its high performance, took first place in various competitions for its taste and commercial properties.

Features of harvesting and storage

The ripening time of the variety is 80–115 days from the moment of planting. Typically, the harvest in the middle zone occurs at the beginning of September, although you can enjoy the first tubers at the end of June. It is undesirable to keep the crop in the soil, as it may begin to rot.

The time when you can start digging tubers is determined by the tops. By the time the tubers fully ripen, the tops will dry out and the peel will become rough.

It is advisable to carry out harvesting in dry weather to make it easier to shake off the soil from the potatoes. Dig with a shovel or using a walk-behind tractor. The harvest is sorted, cleared of soil and stored in a dry place to dry.

Potatoes need three to four days to age. Afterwards it is packed into bags and lowered into the cellar, where there should be good ventilation and the temperature should not exceed +3°C.

Adretta potatoes have fruits of almost ideal shape. It is easy to grow, and then pleasant to use in any form, since the tubers have an excellent taste.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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