High-yielding, mid-late potato variety “Manifest” with red tubers

Potato Manifesto was developed by Belarusian breeders from the Republican Unitary Enterprise “NPC NAS. The variety is classified as a mid-late table variety.

In 2014, the Manifesto was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. The variety is distinguished by excellent yield indicators, good keeping quality, resistance to mechanical damage and good immunity.

Ideal for growing in home and industrial conditions.

In today's publication you will learn a detailed description of the variety, see photos of the Manifesto and reviews from those who have worked with this crop.

Description of the variety

Manifesto potatoes are grown everywhere by many farmers in the country. It has become widespread due to consistently high yields.

Origin and development

Manifest was bred by Belarusian breeders in 2011 and entered into the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2014. This is a mid-early variety of table potatoes, recommended for cultivation in temperate and warm climates. The crop is valued for its high yield, long-term storage, resistance to mechanical damage and various diseases. Cultivated in gardens and on an industrial scale.


Potatoes contain a lot of vitamins, macro- and microelements. Nutritional value per 100 g:

  • 75–80 kcal;
  • 1.8–2 g protein;
  • 0.3 g fat;
  • 16-17 g carbohydrates;
  • 15.6 g starch.

Potato tubers are rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements necessary for the human body. The table shows the content of substances per 100 g of product:

NameAmount (mg)% of daily valueNameAmount (mg)% of daily valueNameAmount (mg)% of daily value

In addition, 100 g of vegetables contain up to 4% of the daily requirement of essential and up to 2% of non-essential amino acids.

Ripening time and yield

The variety is mid-early: from the moment the tubers are planted until the harvest, 90–110 days pass, depending on the region of cultivation and weather conditions.

Productivity is high: 170–370 c/ha. Yield indicators vary depending on climatic conditions. The maximum result was noted in the Tula region, where 458 centners of potatoes were grown from 1 hectare of land.

On average, 13–15 tubers are obtained from one bush. For their own use, they plant up to 500 pieces per hundred square meters of land.

Disease resistance

Manifest is resistant to potato blight, banded mosaic, leaf curl, black leg, and golden potato cyst nematode. Slightly susceptible to late blight and common scab.

Characteristics of bushes and tubers

The bushes are erect, 50–55 cm high. The leaves are glossy in a rich emerald hue. The flowers are lilac in color and fall off quickly, within 8–10 days. Powerful root system.

The tubers are large in size, the average weight of one is 90–130 g, sometimes reaching 150 g. The shape is oblong with rounded edges. The skin is dense, there are small reddish eyes on the surface. The color of the peel is dark pink, the flesh is yellowish with a slight amber tint. The starch content in each tuber is 13–15%. When cooked, potatoes retain their structure.

What regions is it suitable for?

Planting of the crop begins at the end of May. To fully ripen, the variety requires stable warm weather, so it is grown in the Central, Northwestern, and Volga-Vyatka regions of Russia. The manifesto is well cultivated in the Yaroslavl, Kaluga, and Vladimir regions. High yields are achieved in the Krasnodar region.

Taste qualities of potatoes

The characteristics of the Manifest potato variety are confirmed by numerous reviews. In addition, the vegetable crop of this variety is valued not only because of its high and large-fruited harvest, but also for its excellent table and taste qualities.

Since the Manifest potato is a red variety, its tubers contain a lot of antioxidants, which makes their flesh very tender. They are also a good source of carbohydrates and contain vitamins C, B6, PP and various minerals (iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, copper and magnesium).

The starch content varies from 12 to 15%, which indicates average boilability. A lower percentage of starch content makes the fruits poorly cooked, while a higher percentage indicates a strong disintegration of the pulp during cooking.

Such taste and table characteristics of the Manifesto potato indicate its full suitability for preparing a wide variety of dishes, ranging from mashed potatoes to boiling in their jackets.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Main advantages of the Manifesto:

  • high yield and keeping quality;
  • tolerates long-term transportation well;
  • does not deteriorate due to mechanical damage;
  • tubers are rich in nutrients and vitamins;
  • good presentation and excellent taste of vegetables;
  • the tubers do not overcook and are suitable for preparing various culinary dishes;
  • At harvest, the rejection rate is very low.

Disadvantages of the variety:

  • requires high-quality nutritious soil;
  • With improper cultivation techniques, the crop becomes smaller.

Manifest is more often affected by potato moth than other varieties.


No significant deficiencies were identified in the Manifesto variety. But there are a large number of advantages that distinguish this potato variety from its competitors. The plant has good immunity to all common diseases. However, you should still not forget about preventive measures.

Tubers have a universal purpose and can be used for:

  • preparing first courses, chips, casseroles, etc.;
  • obtaining natural potato starch;
  • treatment of certain diseases using traditional medicine methods;
  • cosmetic purposes.

Manifesto potatoes have a universal purpose and are distinguished by excellent taste.
A very valuable property of this variety is excellent transportability and suitability for long-term storage. Thanks to this quality, the tubers are exported abroad. In addition, the early potato variety Manifest contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements. Potassium and B vitamins bring invaluable benefits to the human body.

As you can see, Manifest potatoes have enormous advantages over competing varieties. Even a novice gardener can grow it on his own plot, and you can buy planting material either in a specialized gardening store or order it online.

Features of cultivation

The growth time and quality of the crop depend on timely planting and compliance with agricultural practices for growing the crop.

Preparing for landing

Tubers begin to be prepared 20–25 days before planting. First, healthy specimens are selected without damage, approximately the same size of 5-6 cm. The vegetables are placed in a spacious container in 3 layers. The container is placed in a warm, bright place and left for the tubers to germinate. After the sprouts appear, the planting material is re-inspected.

Important ! For planting, leave the tubers on which several strong, dense sprouts have formed.

Vegetables are treated with a weak blue solution of copper sulfate or a solution of boric acid to prevent fungal infections.

The crop is also planted with seeds. To do this, they are first germinated and then hardened in the refrigerator. After this, they are planted in containers with soil (1 part turf soil and 3 parts peat). The seeds are placed in rows at intervals of 8-9 cm, and a thin layer of sand is poured on top. The soil is carefully watered and covered with a transparent film. Ventilate the container regularly.

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