Purple raspberry! Description of the Glen Coe variety

Description of the raspberry variety Glen Coe

As already noted, Glen Coe raspberries are a thornless variety, which is still rare. But when planting, gardeners pay attention to other features of plants:

  • the size of the shoots;
  • the possibility of obtaining shoots for further reproduction;
  • size and taste of berries;
  • features of the use of the crop.


The height of the shoots of the exotic raspberry variety Glen Coe is about 1.5-2 m. The plant stands out among other plantings due to its compactness and powerful spreading shoots, which require mandatory tying.

There are no thorns on the branches at all, even the smallest ones. Fruiting of Glen Coe raspberries occurs on flexible shoots of the 2nd year. In the first summer, flower buds form on them. The formation of replacement shoots is sufficient, so there are no problems with reproduction.

The leaf blades are large, juicy green in color. Shape: trifoliate or odd-pinnate.


Raspberry Glen Coe is still a rare guest on Russian plots. But once you see large pink-purple berries, it’s hard to resist planting the plant in the garden. Each fruit is covered with a waxy coating, visible from afar. The berries are aromatic, with a sweet taste and blackberry aroma.

The shape of Glen Coe raspberries is conical, with 7-9 berries formed on each bunch. The weight of each of them is about 5 g. The collection of berries will take a long time, since the ripening is uneven.

Important! Fruit detachment is dry. Even overripe berries of the variety do not crumble and do not lose their visual appeal and taste.

The crop can be grown throughout Russia, only in the Northern regions it will be necessary to cover the shoots of the 1st year for the winter.

Characteristics of the variety

From the description it is clear that black raspberries look great on the plot and will give a good harvest. But what characteristics does the variety have, what is its yield, how often do plants get sick - these are also important questions for gardeners who are interested in an exotic crop.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

The Glen Coe variety is frost-resistant. Young annual shoots are left for the winter. If in winter the thermometer does not drop below -20 degrees and there is a lot of snow, then it is enough to bend the bushes and sprinkle the root system with humus or compost. In more severe conditions, the shoots will have to be well insulated.

The crop is tolerant of short-term drought, but still you should not overdry the top layer of soil so as not to lose part of the harvest.

Productivity and fruiting

Glen Coe raspberries have excellent taste: the berries are sweet, aromatic, with a blackberry aftertaste. From one bush, subject to agricultural technology, you can collect about 6 kg of large fruits. They hold tightly to the stalks and do not crumble or fall apart.

Fruiting begins in mid-July and continues until frost, since the plant is a mid-season variety.

Area of ​​application of fruits

Raspberry Glen Coe, according to reviews from gardeners and consumers, is distinguished by its versatility of use. Jam and compote are traditionally made from aromatic sweet berries. Lovers of homemade liqueurs and liqueurs use the fruits to prepare aromatic homemade drinks with rich color and aroma.

Attention! You can store fresh berries in the freezer.

Since black raspberries are harvested dry, they are easy to transport and store, which is important for summer residents growing Glen Coe raspberry bushes for sale.

Resistance to diseases and pests

The Scottish raspberry variety has good immunity, so the bushes are rarely damaged by diseases and pests. In particular, Glen Coe is rarely affected by root rot and verticillium wilt. But if other representatives of the culture grow nearby, then preventive measures should not be neglected.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

When choosing a new raspberry variety to plant on a plot, gardeners are interested in the positive and negative aspects of the crop.

Pros of Glen Coe black raspberry variety:

  • thornless shoots;
  • a bountiful harvest;
  • excellent taste properties;
  • rapid plant growth, with average formation of shoots;
  • versatility of berries;
  • the fruits do not fall off;
  • high shelf life and transportability;
  • average frost resistance and drought resistance of the plant;
  • unpretentiousness of care;
  • flexible annual shoots, which makes them easier to bend down for the winter;
  • high immunity to diseases and pests.

Gardeners who have been cultivating the crop for several years do not note any disadvantages.

Agricultural technology

Based on the description of the variety, agricultural technology is simple and does not require special knowledge in the field of agriculture. If a farmer wishes to grow this variety, he must follow standard planting and care procedures.

Important! Harvest conditions depend on the correct choice of site and seedlings. Therefore, preparations for planting are carried out in advance.

The optimal time for planting the crop is early September. If you live in cold regions of the country, it is better to plant plants in the spring so that they have time to acclimatize to a permanent location.

Selecting a location

When choosing a seat, many features must be taken into account. The most important factor is the occurrence of groundwater. They should be at a depth of 2 to 3 m. Thanks to this, the level of moisture will be optimal and the roots will not rot. The soil does not need to be moistened before planting so that the roots do not experience discomfort. Otherwise, the plant will develop worse.

To protect raspberries from wind, drafts and abundant sun, you need to plant the bush at a distance of 3 m from fences or buildings, where shade will periodically appear, which will protect the bushes from sunburn.

The soil in the garden plot should be nutritious and light. The best option is loamy or sandy soil. If the soil consists of clay, then before planting you need to dilute it with river sand.

Young plants should be planted in lighted areas. The more light the bushes get, the faster and more abundantly the berries will ripen. Lack of light affects the taste of the Glen Coe variety.

Important! Choose a site for planting so that the acid-base balance does not exceed 4%. Otherwise, there will be a threat of deformation of the root system and the death of the entire plantation.

Planting and care

A week before planting, they begin preparing the planting site and purchasing seedlings. The planting site must be fed with organic fertilizers. To do this, add 10 kg of humus and 2 kg of compost for every 1 m². The soil is dug up using 1 spade, removing all foreign objects (weed roots, stones and glass). Nothing should interfere with the development of plants.

When purchasing a seedling, you must consider the following features:

  1. Age from 1 to 2 years.
  2. The length of the roots is within 20-30 cm.
  3. The height of the seedling is 60-70 cm.
  4. No signs of diseases or pests.

After purchase, the seedling is placed in a manganese solution for 2 hours (1 teaspoon per 4 liters of water). After this, you need to soak the planting material in a solution of Kornevin and urea (100 g of substances per 10 liters of water). The plant is kept in this solution for 3–5 hours. Such preparatory processes will destroy all bacteria accumulated on the surface and stimulate the growth of the bush.

Planting should be done on a cloudy and dry day. In the morning, holes are dug according to a 2x3 m pattern. The dimensions of the planting hole should be 40x50 cm and the depth should be at least 50 cm. 2 kg of humus is poured inside and the seedling is placed. The root collar is left on the surface of the earth. The roots are leveled and sprinkled with fertile soil. After 2 hours, water each bush with 10 liters of warm water.

Further watering, for maximum fruiting, should be carried out at intervals of 20 days. 15 liters of warm water are poured under 1 plant. In hot climates, the interval should be reduced to 10 days.

Feeding is carried out several times during the season:

  • at the stage of ovary formation, water each bush with a solution of ammonium nitrate (100 g per 5 liters of water);
  • During the formation of berries, the soil is fed with a solution of potassium nitrate (50 g per 6 liters of water). 10 liters of the drug are poured per 1 m²;
  • a week before harvesting, the last fertilizing is carried out, which consists of using a superphosphate solution (200 g per 10 liters of water). For 1 plant use 15 liters of fertilizer. This fertilizing not only speeds up the ripening of berries, but also prepares the bushes for winter.

Landing Features

Originators and amateur gardeners advise planting Glen Coe raspberry bushes in rows. This placement will ensure convenient care and picking of berries. Since the shoots are spreading, row spacing should be at least 1.5 m, or even better – 2 m.

Attention! When planting, you need to pay attention to the horse's neck: it is not recommended to deepen it too much to avoid fungal diseases.

Recommended timing

Planting raspberries can be planned for spring or autumn, as is convenient for the gardener. But most often the work is carried out in the autumn before frost sets in. By the next season, the plants will take root well and begin to bear fruit.

Choosing a suitable location

Before planting raspberries, you should consider the height of groundwater. It should not exceed 1.5 m, otherwise the root system will rot. Glen Coe, like other representatives of raspberry varieties, prefer well-lit places and fertile soil.

Attention! Acidic soil is not suitable for bushes. Before planting, add lime, chalk or dolomite flour.

The soil is prepared in advance: it is carefully dug up, weeds are removed along with the roots, and fertilized.

Selection and preparation of planting material

A good harvest is guaranteed only if quality seedlings are planted. You can use replacement shoots grown on the site. If you don’t have your own seedlings, then you need to purchase them from trusted sellers, but best of all, from fruit nurseries.

Young plants should have a well-developed root system. Shoots without signs of diseases and pests.

A day before planting, the bushes are soaked in a pink solution of potassium permanganate or any rooting agent. Immediately before placing the raspberries in a permanent place, the roots are dipped into a mash of clay and mullein.

Landing algorithm

Planting Glen Coe raspberries is done traditionally:

  1. Dig holes or trenches up to 60-70 cm deep.
  2. Fill one third with drainage. These could be broken bricks or stones. Experienced gardeners advise placing wood trimmings, twigs, wood chips, and weeds pulled from the area at the bottom. As they decompose, these materials feed the raspberries and warm the root system. This is especially important in early spring and winter.
  3. Place fertile soil mixed with humus, peat or compost on top. It is recommended to add a glass of wood ash to each bush.
  4. Water the planting area generously.
  5. Place the Glen Coe raspberry seedlings at a distance of 50 cm, spread the roots and bury them, leaving the root collar above the surface. Sprinkle soil on top and compact it.
  6. Water again to remove air from under the roots.
  7. If the root collar goes down after watering, the plant is slightly raised.
  8. After this, mulch the soil (at least 6-8 cm) and perform short pruning, leaving shoots 40 cm high.

If Glen Coe raspberries are planted in the fall, then after a few days the shoots are bent down and prepared for wintering.

Reproduction methods

Glen Coe chokeberry has an interesting feature: new plants can be obtained in various ways:

  • rooting of apical layering;
  • cuttings;
  • roots;
  • seeds.

Let's look at each method of propagating raspberries in more detail.

Apical layering

At the end of the growing season, you can notice interesting changes in the shoots of the Glen Coe variety. The tops of the raspberries spontaneously bend toward the ground. At the very tip of the shoot a “loop” and small leaves appear. This is a sure sign that the raspberries are ready to reproduce.

The shoot is bent to the ground, the crown is sprinkled with fertile soil. After some time, rooting occurs. You can replant new raspberry plants in autumn or spring.

Important! You need to take the offspring along with a lump of earth.


This is one of the common propagation options for raspberries. Cuttings are taken in the fall from well-developed and healthy bushes that have shown an excellent harvest. Cuttings should be no more than 10 centimeters. For work you need to use sharp pruners, previously disinfected.

Glen Coe black raspberry cuttings are placed in an antifungal solution and then placed in boxes. The bottom is covered with wet peat, in which future planting material is placed. It is stored in unheated rooms at above-zero temperatures - in the basement, cellar.

Advice! From time to time you need to check the condition of the moss, which should always be damp.

Glen Coe raspberry cuttings are planted in the spring, when the threat of frost has passed. To prevent weeds from complicating the development of new bushes, the soil surface must be mulched.

Propagation by roots

You need to start work by preparing a new seat. Choose an area where raspberries, potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants have not grown before. Organic fertilizers are placed in the soil and dug thoroughly. After this, the beds are prepared.

Black raspberries of the Glen Coe variety are a plant with a high survival rate. Propagation by roots is a natural way. Therefore, dug up roots, look at the photo, always have a large number of offspring ready for rooting.

Raspberry rhizomes are planted in trenches 40-50 cm deep. The dug up roots are inspected to ensure there are no signs of rotting and are laid out at some distance from each other. After this, pour in water, let it soak in and sprinkle with fertile soil.

When new Glen Coe raspberry bushes are received in the fall, the plantings are hilled up to insulate the roots. In the spring, shoots will begin to grow. Raspberry seedlings can be dug up and planted in a permanent place.

If the Glen Coe variety is propagated by root suckers in the spring, then young bushes need to be replanted in the fall, when the leaves have fallen.

Seed method

Black raspberries of the Glen Coe variety, like many other varieties, are capable of propagation by seeds. You can purchase them at a specialty store or prepare the seed yourself.

The procedure is very simple:

  • choose well-ripened berries that fully comply with the description and characteristics of the variety;
  • raspberry fruits are slightly dried in the sun, and then ground through a sieve, resulting in a paste of pulp and seeds;
  • pour the mixture into clean water, stir, the seeds will settle to the bottom;
  • spread the seed on a napkin and dry it.

Should be stored in the refrigerator in a damp canvas cloth.

In spring, Glen Coe raspberry seeds are mixed with damp sand and sown as seedlings. For the soil, take sand and peat in equal parts. After germination, raspberry seedlings require long daylight hours, so you will have to turn on the lamp. Raspberry seedlings should be watered moderately, but the top layer of soil should not be allowed to dry out.

Glen Coe seedlings are picked when 2-3 true leaves appear. Raspberries are planted in open ground when stable heat sets in. Seedlings are first given a separate bed where they are grown. Raspberries are planted in a permanent location in the fall.


All types of raspberry plants require watering, but cannot tolerate stagnant water. After moisture-recharging spring irrigation, the bushes are watered at the time of bud formation, flowering and berry filling. Be sure to water the bushes abundantly in September.

Important! Judging by the description, the depth of soil wetting under Glen Coe raspberries should be at least 40 cm.

It is not necessary to use mineral fertilizers as top dressing. Glen Coe raspberries respond well to infusions of mullein, chicken manure, green fermented grass and wood ash.

Young replacement shoots in early August are shortened by 10 cm so that lateral shoots appear, in the axils of which inflorescences form. The second pruning should be done in the spring.

In the spring, each raspberry shoot is tied to a trellis, and in the fall it is removed and cut out close to the surface. Young stems are laid on the soil. This is easy to do because the shoots are flexible. Humus is added under the bushes and covered.

It is not recommended to bury plants immediately; there should be vents at the ends. Full cover is carried out when night temperatures drop below -10 degrees.


Glen Coe raspberries are propagated by cuttings, apical layering, dividing the bush and seeds.

Cuttings are the most preferable if you need to get several seedlings at the same time. Cuttings are cut in the fall, after fruiting has ended. Place them in a box with peat and cover the top with damp moss. Glen Coe raspberry seedlings are planted in the spring, after the threat of return frosts has passed.

Interesting fact! Glen Coe raspberries have another advantage - ripe berries do not fall off, which is a great advantage for those who appear at their summer cottages from time to time.

Closer to autumn, raspberries can be propagated by layering. At the tips of the shoots, peculiar loops are formed. The shoots are tilted, and the tips are buried and left until spring. When the seedling produces young shoots, it is separated and planted in a permanent place.

The seed method is not popular among gardeners because it is too labor-intensive, time-consuming and unpredictable.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

The description says that the Glen Coe raspberry variety is resistant to diseases and pests. But it is impossible to exclude damage to the bushes. Therefore, you need to carefully inspect the plantings.

Common diseases of raspberry bushes:

  • purple spot or didimella;
  • powdery mildew;
  • anthracnose;
  • white spot (septoria);
  • gray rot;
  • curliness;
  • mosaic;
  • chlorosis.

Special drugs are used to combat it.

The following pests can be distinguished:

  • aphids;
  • raspberry-strawberry weevil;
  • raspberry beetle;
  • raspberry glass;
  • ticks.

Prevention and control measures - use of insecticides.

Harvesting and processing

The berries are picked as they ripen, from about mid-summer. They do not ripen en masse, but alternately, in small batches. Glen Coe raspberries easily come away from the stalk, so there are no problems with this, and by themselves, even when overripe, they almost never fall off.

Glen Coe raspberries are easily separated from the stalk without falling off

The variety has universal application. The berries are suitable for making jam and jam. They also make delicious homemade juice, alcoholic drinks, and compotes. They are often used for baking, desserts, and fresh fruit and berry salads. But, of course, Glen Coe raspberries are most often used for fresh consumption.

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