Why tomatoes don’t bloom - how to properly help the bushes, solutions, tomatoes don’t bloom, in a greenhouse and in open ground, on the balcony, photo

Climatic conditions in the greenhouse

Tomatoes are a heat-loving garden crop.
If the temperature is too low, the tomatoes will not bear fruit, grow poorly, bloom poorly, or die altogether. But high temperatures are also considered unfavorable for plantings in a greenhouse; the fruits grow too small, and the plant stems dry out quickly. If the air temperature drops to 14 degrees, pollen does not ripen. When watering with cold water, the ovaries also do not ripen. If cold weather continues for too long a period of time, tomatoes in the greenhouse and in the open ground do not set, and the inflorescences not covered with pollen dry out and simply fall off.

But extreme heat is also negative for fruits and ovaries. If temperatures remain at 35 degrees even for several days, pollen is not pollinated.

Preventive measures

As a preventative measure, it is necessary to follow tomato farming techniques starting from scratch:

  • First of all, you need to choose the right seeds from a reliable manufacturer. Your own seed material must be pickled in a solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide so that the tomatoes do not get sick in the future.
  • Before planting seedlings, experienced gardeners spill boiling water on the soil or treat it with copper preparations for high-quality disinfection.
  • At all stages of seedling development, it is necessary to follow the agricultural practices of the crop so that the seedlings grow healthy and strong. Thin, elongated seedlings are reluctant to bloom, as they simply do not have enough strength to do so.
  • If, due to improper maintenance conditions or poor quality of seeds, tomatoes become ill with a bacterial, fungal, or viral disease, experienced gardeners advise not to waste time treating the affected specimens. Such tomatoes are thrown away as soon as possible so that they do not infect other bushes. For the remaining plants, it is recommended to carry out preventive treatment with fungicides or disinfectants.
  • If you suspect excess nitrogen in the soil, it is enough to sprinkle the soil with sawdust - they can absorb some of the nitrogen compounds.
  • For seedlings planted in a greenhouse, it is necessary to create a suitable temperature regime. If the temperature is too low, you can install heating devices.
  • In hot weather, the building must be ventilated daily. To protect from the scorching sun, a chalk composition is applied to the walls of the greenhouse or the structure is covered with a special mesh.
  • When watering in hot weather, the paths between the beds are also moistened. Evaporation of water will reduce the temperature in the greenhouse.
  • To prevent the bushes from shading each other as they grow, they are planted according to the correct pattern, taking into account the variety. A distance of 30-35 cm is left between determinant bushes, the interval between tall tomatoes should be at least 45-50 cm.
  • Stepchildren need to be removed regularly so that the bushes have access to light on all sides.
  • After watering, the soil is regularly loosened to ensure a flow of oxygen to the roots. This same technique allows the soil to retain moisture longer.
  • To grow on the balcony, tomatoes are planted in 8-10 liter pots or buckets. At home, in winter and spring, the crop will require additional illumination with fluorescent lamps.

Useful material

In some cases, a lack or excess of certain substances can lead to the cessation of flowering, and in rare cases, the death of plants.

  • Excess nitrogen fertilizers lead to deformation of flowers. This prevents beneficial insects from pollinating the flowers. Occurs when tomatoes are overfed with manure.
  • A lack of potassium or phosphorus leads to drying out of parts of tomato bushes, including flowers. The flowers fall off without being pollinated.


It is necessary to regularly check plants for signs of lack or excess of fertilizers in the soil, and immediately adjust feeding. It is necessary to feed tomatoes with nitrogen-based fertilizers before flowering, and at the moment of flowering - only in case of deficiency.

Fertilizers applied

Improper application of fertilizers can also cause a lack of flowers. If the seedlings have outgrown and are characterized by vigorous development of tops, but there are no flowers, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer applied has exceeded the norm. It is the presence of this element in the soil that stimulates the development of green mass in the plant. Excessive application of it negatively affects the development of flowers or completely eliminates it.

And vice versa. A lack of minerals (phosphorus and magnesium) leads to poor development of bushes and tomatoes bloom poorly in open ground. It is necessary to remember this; fertilizing the plant should be balanced and carried out no more than four times per season.


Tomatoes are a heat-loving plant. If temperature changes are significant, this will negatively affect yields. Tomatoes bloom poorly.

Due to very high temperatures (above 35 degrees Celsius), pollen is sterilized, and low temperatures (below 15 degrees Celsius) do not allow the flower to open and pollen does not develop. The same thing happens when the plant is watered with cold water.

Reasons for the absence of ovaries

Tomatoes, despite all their possible capriciousness, are very responsive to good care. And if all conditions are created for them, you will definitely have a harvest. At the same time, even if you are faced with some problem, you should not give up. It is necessary to first identify the cause, and then begin to act immediately.

Your tomatoes are growing in a greenhouse, gaining color, and you see that there is no ovary. This means that there is some kind of violation in the agricultural technology of the crop and it must be found. Below we will give possible reasons why tomatoes do not form ovaries, as well as options on how to fix this.


Tomatoes love warmth and moderate humidity, so we immediately check what temperature conditions are maintained in your greenhouse.

Optimal temperatures are 20-25°C. If the greenhouse is too hot, the tomato pollen will be sterile; if the temperature drops below +15°C, the pollen will not ripen.

What to do:

  • When the shelter is very hot and hot, be sure to ventilate the greenhouse. Tomatoes love drafts; in such conditions they grow better and form good ovaries.
  • If it is cool at night, then you should insulate the shelter with improvised means.

ADVICE! It is good to place tanks or a barrel of water in the greenhouse with the tomatoes. During the day, the water will heat up well, and at night it will give off heat, and the plants will not feel the temperature change.

Humidity level

Everyone knows that tomatoes do not like high humidity, but at the same time, too dry air is contraindicated for them. In the first case, moisture will provoke the development of various diseases, and pollen will stick together. In dry air, pollen will not germinate, which leads to the ovaries falling off and becoming sterile.

What to do:

  • Regular, abundant watering is mandatory. In this case, water should not get on the leaves, ovaries and fruits of tomatoes; water strictly at the root.
  • The irrigation regime is set based on weather conditions. Tomatoes love abundant but infrequent watering.

Fertilizer application

When growing any variety of tomatoes, fertilizing is mandatory, but the main thing here is to maintain a balance. It is necessary to control the condition of plants, to prevent an excess of some elements and a lack of others in their nutrition.

So, sometimes inexperienced gardeners can overdo it with adding organic matter (manure), which leads to oversaturation with nitrogen. Under these conditions, tomatoes grow actively, gain green mass, but there are no or very few ovaries and the plants do not bear fruit.

Tomatoes need elements such as phosphorus and potassium, so they must be included in the fertilizer.

What to do:

  • Apply fertilizers strictly according to the scheme, avoiding violation of proportions.
  • Use superphosphate or nitroammophoska as fertilizers, which contain the set of microelements necessary for tomatoes.


The fruit of a tomato is formed only in case of pollination, and this requires either insects or a small breeze. Also, gardeners often carry out artificial pollination, thereby starting the process of ovary formation.

What to do:

  • Be sure to ventilate the greenhouse by opening doors and vents.
  • Attract insects to the shelter. To do this, you can plant a couple of honey plants next to the tomatoes. Sometimes gardeners simply bring a few flowering plants in pots into the greenhouse.

ADVICE! Planting tagetes (marigolds) or basil in a greenhouse will not only attract bees, but will also help improve the taste of tomato fruits.

If natural pollination does not occur, help the tomatoes manually.

  • In the morning, gently shake the plants so that the pollen wakes up. When using trellises, you can lightly tap the ropes or wires.
  • Pollination can also be carried out by transferring pollen from the ovaries using a regular brush.

ADVICE! After the pollination procedure, it is necessary to lightly water the plants to increase the level of air humidity in the shelter.


Due to poor or insufficient lighting, tomatoes do not form ovaries and flowers fall off.

What to do:

  • Use high-quality materials to make a greenhouse with optimal light transmittance for tomatoes.
  • Form plants in a timely and correct manner, remove shoots and lower leaves so that flowers and fruits have access to sunlight.

Improper watering

It is not allowed to water plants with cold water. You only need warm, well-settled water, and watering must be done at the root.

Little secrets of experienced gardeners

Growing seedlings in a greenhouse is not a quick process and is quite labor-intensive. However, in order for it to be truly successful and not discourage the desire to continue gardening, it is important to correctly distribute all processes according to the seasons.

To prevent tomatoes from getting sick and to bloom better, they need to be sprayed with chemicals from time to time.

The order is as follows:

  • It is advisable to dig up the soil in the greenhouse twice: in the fall and in the spring, immediately before planting;
  • In order for the seedlings to take root better, it is advisable to feed them at first;
  • You can make your work easier by organizing a drip irrigation system throughout the greenhouse;
  • With the arrival of warmer weather, it is desirable to provide the plants with the maximum possible influx of fresh air, which literally saturates the fragile sprouts with useful microelements.

Why tomatoes don't set: main reasons

If the tomatoes have grown almost to the ceiling, bloomed together, but there is no ovary, evaluate the microclimate created in the greenhouse. During budding, flowering and fruit formation, this crop is very demanding on growing conditions.

Temperature in the greenhouse

In greenhouse conditions, it can be difficult to keep track of the air warming up. On sunny days, the space limited by film or glass can warm up to +40º C and above. At night, without solar heating, the temperature often drops to +12…+15º C.

Such temperature discrepancies often lead to delayed development or absence of ovaries:

  • If the greenhouse is extremely hot, the tomatoes will not be pollinated. In the heat of +30º C, the fertilizing properties of pollen are reduced; at +35º C, tomatoes become sterile. Heat around +40º C guarantees the release of flowers.
  • If it is colder in the greenhouse during the day +15º, and at night +13º C, then all biological processes slow down. As a result, pollen maturation stops and the development of the entire plant is delayed.
  • Insufficient difference between temperatures after sunset and during the day is also detrimental to the crop. If at night it is hotter than +23-25º C, then the biological rhythm is disrupted and the tomatoes do not “rest”. With round-the-clock heat, they spend a lot of energy to support their vital functions. Due to this, the bush weakens, it does not have the strength to set fruit.
  • If the temperature difference is too great, condensation will collect on the greenhouse glass, causing an unnecessary increase in humidity.

Humidity control

When the flowers bloom and the pollination period begins, tomatoes do not need too humid air. In addition to disturbances in the maturation and germination of pollen, the greenhouse effect provokes the development of fungal diseases that weaken the bush.

To obtain accurate indicators, hygrometers are installed in the greenhouse. If this is not possible, then humidity can be determined using the traditional method. To do this, squeeze the soil in your hand in which the tomatoes grow. If it rolls well into a ball and breaks easily when pressed, then the humidity is normal.

To make the air more humid, it is enough to spill water between the rows and paths. Reducing humidity in regions with a damp climate is not so easy. To do this, you need to reduce evaporation: mulch the soil, ventilate, water the tomatoes drip through a buried bottle without a bottom.

Soil moisture

Tomatoes are drought-resistant plants, so you can’t pamper them with daily watering. With a constant excess of moisture and nutrition, only the green part grows, and the roots have no incentive to develop.

When flowering reaches its peak, the lack of moisture for fruit set begins to affect. Then, instead of forming ovaries, the tomatoes begin to grow a root system, while the growth of the rest stops.

There is no need to water tomatoes in a greenhouse often - it is enough to do it 1-2 times a week in the early morning to avoid condensation. Curled leaves and drooping tops serve as a signal for urgent watering.


If ground tomatoes are pollinated naturally with the help of insects and wind, then during greenhouse cultivation this issue cannot be left to chance.

During sunny, warm weather, be sure to open greenhouse windows for ventilation, this will allow air flow and beneficial insects to enter to transfer pollen. If the climate does not allow this, install a ventilation system or pollinate by hand.

There are several successful methods of artificial pollination:

  1. Shaking. Lightly shake the tomato bush while weeding or watering - this movement is enough to release the pollen.
  2. Artificial wind. For large quantities of tomatoes, it is convenient to use a portable fan.
  3. Pollination by hand. In order to “work as a bee” you need a soft brush, which you need to easily walk through the flowering bushes. If you like to experiment, you can use this method to cross-pollinate crops of different varieties.

To ensure that as many pollinating insects as possible rush into the greenhouse during ventilation, plant honey-bearing flowers next to the tomatoes.

I planted tomatoes on the balcony, when will they bloom, and will they bloom at all?

Lyudmila Venediktova

Last year we planted Balcony Miracle tomatoes. They bloomed and fruited for a whole year. The pots for each bush were large (10 liters each). We fed it every week with different fertilizers: peat-humic, complex, Baikal-EM, Agricola, etc. Watered 2-3 times a week, depending on the condition of the soil. They grew on our south window. If the whitefly had not attacked them, they would still continue to grow and bear fruit. They couldn’t get rid of the whiteflies, they sprayed them with some kind of chemical, but it didn’t help. In general, tomatoes are perennial plants in their homeland, but in our gardens they are cold, so they can be grown as an annual. Good luck to you!


oh, and I thought when the tomatoes are watered, they shouldn’t grow later...)

Alena Shenkevich

I've been waiting for a month already! It seems that they have their whole life ahead of them!)) ) Maybe they need to be fed with something?

Rustam Alievich

If you want to grow a small vegetable garden on a loggia or even a windowsill, now is the time to do it. The cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers grown by you will certainly be the most delicious and will decorate the interior during the flowering and fruiting period. Today Passion.ru reveals the main secrets of caring for a “home” garden.

The crisis forces us to find new savings reserves. A miniature vegetable garden on a windowsill or loggia can help the family budget.

Of course, he will not be able to fully feed his family, but he will not only save a little, but also receive moral satisfaction. It’s so nice not only to see the result of your work, but also to taste it. Vegetables grown by yourself are always the most delicious and aromatic, because you raised them with love.

Usually people try to grow vegetables on the windowsill in the dead of winter. When the dachas are covered with snow, but you want to tinker with the soil.

But this is an activity for more experienced vegetable growers (lighting is needed, and this minimizes all savings). Now the daylight hours are very long and growing crops on the windowsill is not at all difficult. The main thing is desire and a little patience.

Poor ecology is the fly in our ointment; the air in cities is not particularly clean. But the products that we buy on the market are not grown in environmentally friendly areas.

In addition, it is unknown how many toxic chemicals they had to absorb. And in your miniature garden bed you can reduce the intake of harmful substances into vegetables.

It is enough to follow the basic rules:

— adding organic substances to the soil makes mercury, lead and cadmium less available to plants;

— sulfur-containing fertilizers limit the mobility of mercury and make it inaccessible to plants;

— liming the soil protects against the accumulation of large amounts of harmful chemicals in fruits. You can also use an infusion of wood ash brought from a picnic for this.

Nonna Ustinova

If it’s warm and don’t forget to water, they will bloom! What age are the seedlings? I hope you didn't plant them with seeds? from germination to fruiting at least 90 days!


It was necessary to immediately plant large seedlings. They will bloom - where will they go? Their nature is like tomatoes. Feed them with good complex fertilizers - there are a lot of them on sale. Pay attention to the fact that the composition contains more potassium-phosphorus rather than nitrogen fertilizers. When they bloom, take a soft brush and gently move it around all the flowers to pollinate them.

Olga Mezentseva

Tomatoes bloom on my window at home, and I pollinate them with a cotton swab instead of insects.

petr kurow

My tomatoes are already turning yellow and my cucumbers are ripening. Tomatoes are not pollinated with brushes, but by tapping the stems. But exceeding the temperature sometimes leads to pollen sticking together. Tomatoes love dry air and rare and abundant watering under the roots. On the contrary, cucumbers have humid air. To begin with, I advise you to plant self-pollinating cucumbers because there are few bees now.


If you have a closed balcony, then do not forget to shake them from time to time so that they are pollinated. And if it’s open and there’s a breeze, then just wait. I really wanted to plant this year, but somehow I never got around to it.


A month for tomatoes (if from sowing) is not a long time. Everything is fine, they will bloom and there will be a harvest, depending on the variety, of course not the same as in the ground. Well, drink and feed. Good luck!

Other reasons for the absence of ovary

Equating the process of growing in open ground and in greenhouse conditions is a common mistake of novice tomato growers.

Pollen does not reach the pistil

In open ground, insects improve pollination of tomato flowers.

The process of growing tomatoes in open ground has its own difficulties, but it is not without its charms.

The wind performs a similar function. Under the influence of air masses, pollen can spread to other parts of the plant, in particular onto the pistil.

In the greenhouse, the number of insects, if present, is in minimal quantities. As a rule, they do not take part in the pollination process.

Self pollination

There are no bees or wind in the greenhouse, so you have to pollinate the flowers manually using a brush.

Ventilation also does not guarantee the spread of pollen. Thus, pollination in greenhouse conditions does not occur on its own. Gardeners have to manually pollinate plants or resort to special solutions.

An effective measure is also to treat plants with a solution of boric acid (10 g per 10 liters). You can find out whether pollination is occurring by observing flowers. Fertilized flowers have petals curled back.

The feeding regime is broken

Tomatoes overfed with fertilizers are distinguished by large, juicy leaves and rare weak flowers.

Many gardeners, considering that their tomatoes will grow in a greenhouse and not in open ground, strive to feed the plants as often and as much as possible.

The leaves of such a plant and shoots are well developed, but have a light color, and the flowers themselves are small and weak.

Algorithm of actions to restore the mineral balance of tomatoes:

  • ventilate the greenhouse well;
  • apply a small amount of phosphorus fertilizers;
  • Remove leaves that shade flowers.

Sometimes similar “symptoms” are observed when there is insufficient nitrogen in the soil. If you did not introduce substances containing nitrogen, then you can correct the situation by resorting to nitrogen fertilizing.

Stepping was carried out incorrectly or not carried out at all

Timely removal of excess shoots on this tomato bush made it possible to obtain good fruiting clusters.

No matter how well equipped the greenhouse is, it is impossible to provide conditions for growth equivalent to open ground. Therefore, gardeners carefully carry out pinching - removing side shoots (stepchildren) of tomatoes. If you used seeds of specially selected low-growing tomatoes, this procedure can be avoided. Many tomato varieties are designed to grow in greenhouses and do not form shoots.

If in open ground it is permissible to form a bush using lateral shoots, then in greenhouse conditions this procedure is impossible. Plants will spend too much effort providing all shoots and leaves with nutrients and will not be able to fully bear fruit.

Tomatoes grown from fruits picked by ourselves

F1 hybrid varieties cannot be used for seed collection.

Sometimes gardeners collect the seeds of their favorite tomato varieties with their own hands, using fruits obtained from their own beds. It should be noted that many tomato seeds on sale now come in hybrid forms. As a rule, packets of seeds of such plants are marked F1. This means that seeds obtained from the fruits of such plants will not correspond to the declared characteristics of the variety.

There is no way to correct the situation here. You will have to buy or grow new seedlings. Label the names of the varieties you planted. Next year you will know the name of the tomatoes you like and will be able to purchase the necessary seeds.

Use of pesticides

During the period of mass flowering of tomatoes, it is better to refrain from using chemicals.

During the flowering period, plants become especially susceptible to the effects of pesticides. Substances used to treat plants have a detrimental effect on pollen and do not allow the creation of an ovary.

In this case, you just need to wait until the effect of the substance ends. Over time, this function will be restored.


In order for a plant to bloom and bear fruit, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for its development and eliminate the reasons causing the lack of flowering.

When the temperature drops, the greenhouse must be heated using electrical appliances or a stove. Warm watering helps raise the temperature by a few degrees. Covering greenhouses with additional materials also contributes to this.

If the temperature is high, you need to ventilate often and leave the windows open at night. When the sun is active, shade and cover. Do not create excessive moisture.

  • Characteristics of tomato varieties
  • The most delicious varieties of tomatoes
  • Caring for tomatoes during flowering - proper planting, feeding and fertilizing tomatoes (105 photos)

Thinning, pinching and pruning branches will help cope with the lack of lighting in open ground. In this case, thinning is done weekly to stimulate flower growth. Remove barren flowers in a timely manner.

Treatment with boric acid (solution) will help attract insects for pollination in the area. In a greenhouse this is done by shaking off the bushes.

It is necessary to properly feed the seedlings and apply the required amount of useful fertilizers.

Regularly weed and loosen the soil near the bushes, giving air access to the root system, which will facilitate its development.

Carry out preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of diseases.

Conditions necessary for setting tomatoes

Quite often, even after abundant flowering, tomatoes do not set an ovary - this may be due to various reasons. For normal tomato setting, care must be taken to create and maintain optimal conditions in the greenhouse, namely:

  • Humidity at 60%.
  • Temperature range in the range of 21-23 degrees Celsius.
  • Water at the root, completely excluding water from getting on the leaves and stems.
  • The frequency of watering during the flowering period is 2 times a week, watering abundantly.
  • It is necessary to frequently loosen the soil to increase its aeration.

Tomatoes are very sensitive to temperature conditions. The slightest changes in temperature can affect the formation of ovaries.

Stimulation of tomato flowering

To stimulate the flowering of tomatoes, you need to create optimal conditions for their development:

When plants receive enough light, moisture and nutrients, they begin to prepare for fruiting and form buds. Tomatoes are watered as the soil dries, spending 3-5 liters of water per bush. Thin out the bushes if they are too thick; after receiving light, the plants will definitely bloom soon. In the future, remove excess shoots every 2-3 weeks.

The use of fertilizers will help change the situation:

  • Yeast feeding stimulates flowering well. To prepare it, combine 1 packet of dry yeast and 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, pour the mixture into warm water (1 l) and stir. After 2 hours, the concentrate is diluted with 9 liters of water. The feeding is ready. For each plant, 0.5 liters of such fertilizer will be enough. Results can be seen within 3-4 days. Adding yeast accelerates plant growth and stimulates flowering. You can feed the tomatoes one more time at a later stage.
  • Of the mineral substances, superphosphate can cause the appearance of buds and increase their number. The substance is dissolved in the amount of 4 tablespoons per 2 liters of warm water and allowed to brew for several hours. After this, the composition is used for foliar feeding, spraying the tomatoes on the leaf.
  • You can also use nitrophoska as a stimulant, diluting 1 tbsp. spoon of the drug per 10 liters of water. The mixture is poured over the tomatoes at the root.

On a note! The use of organic fertilizers to stimulate flowering gives a very weak effect.

Reasons for the absence of ovaries

Tomatoes, despite all their possible capriciousness, are very responsive to good care. And if all conditions are created for them, you will definitely have a harvest. At the same time, even if you are faced with some problem, you should not give up. It is necessary to first identify the cause, and then begin to act immediately.

Your tomatoes are growing in a greenhouse, gaining color, and you see that there is no ovary. This means that there is some kind of violation in the agricultural technology of the crop and it must be found. Below we will give possible reasons why tomatoes do not form ovaries, as well as options on how to fix this.


Tomatoes love warmth and moderate humidity, so we immediately check what temperature conditions are maintained in your greenhouse.

Optimal temperatures are 20-25°C. If the greenhouse is too hot, the tomato pollen will be sterile; if the temperature drops below +15°C, the pollen will not ripen.

What to do:

  • When the shelter is very hot and hot, be sure to ventilate the greenhouse. Tomatoes love drafts; in such conditions they grow better and form good ovaries.
  • If it is cool at night, then you should insulate the shelter with improvised means.

ADVICE! It is good to place tanks or a barrel of water in the greenhouse with the tomatoes. During the day, the water will heat up well, and at night it will give off heat, and the plants will not feel the temperature change.

Humidity level

Everyone knows that tomatoes do not like high humidity, but at the same time, too dry air is contraindicated for them. In the first case, moisture will provoke the development of various diseases, and pollen will stick together. In dry air, pollen will not germinate, which leads to the ovaries falling off and becoming sterile.

What to do:

  • Regular, abundant watering is mandatory. In this case, water should not get on the leaves, ovaries and fruits of tomatoes; water strictly at the root.
  • The irrigation regime is set based on weather conditions. Tomatoes love abundant but infrequent watering.

Fertilizer application

When growing any variety of tomatoes, fertilizing is mandatory, but the main thing here is to maintain a balance. It is necessary to control the condition of plants, to prevent an excess of some elements and a lack of others in their nutrition.

So, sometimes inexperienced gardeners can overdo it with adding organic matter (manure), which leads to oversaturation with nitrogen. Under these conditions, tomatoes grow actively, gain green mass, but there are no or very few ovaries and the plants do not bear fruit.

Tomatoes need elements such as phosphorus and potassium, so they must be included in the fertilizer.

What to do:

  • Apply fertilizers strictly according to the scheme, avoiding violation of proportions.
  • Use superphosphate or nitroammophoska as fertilizers, which contain the set of microelements necessary for tomatoes.


The fruit of a tomato is formed only in case of pollination, and this requires either insects or a small breeze. Also, gardeners often carry out artificial pollination, thereby starting the process of ovary formation.

What to do:

  • Be sure to ventilate the greenhouse by opening doors and vents.
  • Attract insects to the shelter. To do this, you can plant a couple of honey plants next to the tomatoes. Sometimes gardeners simply bring a few flowering plants in pots into the greenhouse.

ADVICE! Planting tagetes (marigolds) or basil in a greenhouse will not only attract bees, but will also help improve the taste of tomato fruits.

If natural pollination does not occur, help the tomatoes manually.

  • In the morning, gently shake the plants so that the pollen wakes up. When using trellises, you can lightly tap the ropes or wires.
  • Pollination can also be carried out by transferring pollen from the ovaries using a regular brush.

ADVICE! After the pollination procedure, it is necessary to lightly water the plants to increase the level of air humidity in the shelter.


Due to poor or insufficient lighting, tomatoes do not form ovaries and flowers fall off.

What to do:

  • Use high-quality materials to make a greenhouse with optimal light transmittance for tomatoes.
  • Form plants in a timely and correct manner, remove shoots and lower leaves so that flowers and fruits have access to sunlight.

Improper watering

It is not allowed to water plants with cold water. You only need warm, well-settled water, and watering must be done at the root.

A little about feeding tomato seedlings

While we are not yet moving into the greenhouse, we can talk a little about future feedings. Although why about the future. You can start feeding tomato seedlings even from a very early age, when they have clearly visible true leaves. The only question is the advisability of fertilizing and the availability of nutrients in the soil where your seedlings actually grow. You can rely on the good old rule - if it's not broken, don't fix it. That is, as long as your tomatoes grow with dark green leaves and thick, slightly purple stems, there is no need to bother and disturb the plant with your intervention.

It is especially important not to get weird with nitrogen fertilizers . I hasten to disappoint those who, out of inexperience, believe that granular compost, vermicompost and other lovely organic things currently sold can be sprinkled under tomatoes in unlimited quantities. In principle, you can sprinkle them, but the harvest will not please you. the plant will begin to actively “fatten”, or, more simply put (hehe), develop along the vegetative path. There will be an active growth of green mass, fat and beautiful leaves.

True, if you completely overfeed, the leaves will not be so beautiful - the young leaves will curl like a crumpled cigarette pack, and when you try to unroll them with your hand, they will tear easily and become fragile. excess nitrogen looks like , one of the most common nutrient imbalances in the “diet” of our tomatoes.

Lack of nitrogen (the beloved and tasty nitrates by all of us) looks no less sad, and occurs if seedlings grow for a long time in a window in a small volume of soil and without appropriate, and necessary in this case, fertilizing. Symptoms of nitrogen deficiency are as follows: the plants look stunted, the lower leaves turn yellow and fall off. This, if anyone is interested, occurs due to the fact that the plant transfers nitrogen from the lower, less necessary leaves to the upper, more necessary for further development. Unfortunately, this trick cannot be performed with other elements. It is important not to confuse yellowing of leaves from overwatering and low temperatures with a lack of nitrogen. With excessive watering, not only the lower leaves, but also any others can turn yellow.

Lack of phosphorus is familiar to everyone - the plant turns purple (the underside of the leaves, stems, veins on the leaves). As long as the leaf speed is normal, such starvation can be considered unimportant and nothing needs to be done about it.

I have never observed a lack of potassium Although potassium is one of the macronutrients, that is, tomatoes consume it in large quantities.

It’s ridiculous to talk about any mythical “lack of boron, copper, molybdenum and zinc” during the seedling period. (Twice "ha") Unless, of course, you grow your plants in sterile sand and water it with distilled water. These substances are consumed by plants in such small quantities that they need to be added specifically during the seedling period only in exceptional cases.

A lack of iron - chlorosis - can appear in particularly zealous candlelighters who illuminate tomatoes around the clock for weeks without a break. Well, they don’t know that plants, like people, require a night period “to rest.” Although, probably, the word rest could be left without quotation marks, but as far as I remember, it is at night that active cell division occurs and the nutrients accumulated during the day are processed.

Chlorosis is theoretically treated by supplementing with iron in an absorbable, divalent form. And spray directly onto the leaves with a light hypotonic solution (0.1-0.5%). We won’t talk here about the form in which iron is found in most fertilizers - there’s no point in upsetting gardeners. But practically such seedlings, in addition to iron, will need the entire set of microelements and normal night “sleep”.

Calcium deficiency in seedlings is again difficult to encounter. It will appear later in greenhouses, the notorious blossom end rot of tomatoes.

In general, feed your seedlings a little at a time. Look at the bottle with complex fertilizer - if it says to feed once a week or more often - then pour half the specified dose when watering the seedlings and make sure that the plant does not begin to fatten. If the leaves become too fatty, green and begin to curl, stop feeding!

Well, on this optimistic note, let’s end the story about feeding seedlings.

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Tomatoes bloom, but do not set. What to do?

Very often, especially in greenhouses, flowers appear on tomatoes, but there are still no ovaries. Over time, the flowers fall off, and there is no talk of any harvest. What to do to get tomatoes to set? Let's try to figure it out.

No ovary on tomatoes: unsuitable temperature

In tomatoes, pollen ripens at night, and pollination occurs during the day. However, for pollen to ripen, it needs an optimal temperature - not lower than 15 degrees (otherwise it will not ripen) and not higher than 25 degrees. During the daytime, the temperature should not exceed 35 degrees, otherwise the pollen will become sterile, will not be able to germinate, and the plant will drop its flowers.

What to do if the tomatoes in the greenhouse do not set due to the temperature? In hot weather, ventilate the greenhouse often and leave it open at night. You can also whitewash the roof - this will protect the plantings from overheating.

If the tomatoes do not set due to low temperatures, water the tomatoes with warm water, place dark containers with water in the greenhouse - they “collect” daytime heat well. In critical cases, heaters will have to be installed.

Ovary stimulants will help tomatoes overcome the heat - traditional boric acid (1 gram per 1 liter of warm water), or the preparations Ovary, Bud, Gibbersib, Tomaton, etc.

No ovary on tomatoes: unsuitable humidity

Again, it’s often impossible to breathe in greenhouses. High humidity causes pollen to clump into clumps and not be able to escape from the anthers.

And due to low humidity, pollen cannot germinate on the pistil.

In the first case, ventilation will help, in the second, spraying the tomatoes with water in the morning (can be combined with the same Bud, boric acid or phosphorus fertilizers, which tomatoes need during fruit set).

Be sure to help the plant pollinate: in the morning or afternoon, walk around the greenhouse and lightly shake the tomato by the stem or trellis; if there are not enough tomatoes, you can individually pollinate each plant with a brush (one tomato flower can pollinate not only itself, but also other flowers). In windless, humid weather, this procedure can be done with open ground tomatoes.

Are the tomatoes not setting? Help them get pollinated

Tomatoes don't set: they fatten

Overfeeding tomatoes with nitrogen fertilizers creates such comfortable conditions for the plant that it forgets to even think about its offspring: powerful stems, malachite foliage, and little or no ovaries (sometimes even flowers).

It is necessary to create a stressful situation for the plant: remove unnecessary shoots and stepsons (but not all at once, 1-2 at a time), on light soils, shed the soil once so that excess nitrogen goes into the lower layers of the earth, then stop watering for 5-7 days, remove nitrogen fertilizers and give phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (ash, superphosphate, etc.)

Tomatoes won't set: it's all about the variety/hybrid

If last year you purchased a tomato hybrid (F1), received an excellent harvest, collected seeds, grew seedlings from them, and the tomatoes bloom but do not set, nothing strange. When re-grown, many hybrids do not produce offspring.

It may also be the inability of a particular variety to bear fruit well in your climatic conditions. For example, hybrids have already been bred that can withstand heat of more than 35 degrees, and for some varieties even 30 degrees is a critical threshold. The only thing that can be recommended here is to do your own selection and grow proven varieties and hybrids.

A successfully pollinated tomato flower can be recognized by its curled petals.

For what other reasons are there no ovaries on tomatoes:

– some diseases (in particular, rot)

– excessive treatment of tomatoes against diseases with chemicals that affect the quality of pollen

– lack of phosphorus and potassium and “distortions” in nutrition in general

– lack of moisture

– dense plantings, lack of light

– sudden temperature changes

– heavy liming of the soil

We looked at the main reasons why there is no ovary on tomatoes and why the ovary on tomatoes falls off

Be sure to pay attention to the weather, the presence of wind, sun and help your tomatoes, spray the tomatoes for ovaries, apply the right fertilizers for the tomatoes in a timely manner - and you will definitely have a good harvest! Source




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How to process tomatoes to form flowers and ovaries

In order not to be left without a tomato harvest with scant flowering and a small number of ovaries, it is recommended to spray the bushes with certain solutions. To prepare them, gardeners use both special preparations sold in flower shops and time-tested folk remedies.


There are several very effective remedies that are widely used by gardeners:

  1. Tomaton, Ovary, Phytocarpine, etc. These are means that stimulate the formation of ovaries in tomatoes. The composition of such preparations includes certain acids, salts and trace elements. They do not contain any harmful substances, and therefore you can use them without fear that they will harm your health. If everything is done correctly, the number of ovaries on the bushes will increase 4 times.
  2. Gibberellic acid. It is a phytohormone and also helps improve the formation of ovaries. To prepare the solution, first combine half a glass of water (100 ml) with 1 g of the drug; it can be stored on the refrigerator shelf for up to six months. To prepare the working solution, you need to combine 1 liter of water with 5 ml of a previously prepared solution. With proper processing, not only the quantity of fruits will increase, but also their quality; they will be larger and very tasty.
  3. Boric acid. Tomatoes are sprayed with this universal fertilizer both before flowering to increase the number of buds, and after it to increase the number of ovaries. To prepare a solution, combine 1 liter of hot water with 1 g of substance. Let the solution cool completely and begin processing the tomatoes.
  4. Vitalizer HB101. This is a ovary formation stimulator, which is made using the juice of various plants. In specialized stores it is sold in the form of liquid in granules. It is recommended to spray tomatoes with a solution of this drug to increase ovaries once every 7 days regularly.

Folk remedies

Some gardeners prefer to use time-tested folk remedies to increase the number of buds and ovaries:

  1. Iodine. This element helps to increase the number of not only ovaries, but also buds. Iodine solution can be used both for root feeding and for spraying foliage. To prepare the solution, you need to combine 2 liters of water with one drop of iodine. Feeding is carried out only once during the season.
  2. Horsetail extract. This additive is also used to feed tomatoes. It helps stimulate the growth of bushes, the formation of a powerful root system and an increase in the number of flowers and ovaries.
  3. Wood ash. It contains phosphorus and potassium, which tomatoes need for abundant flowering and the formation of a large number of ovaries. To prepare the solution, you need to combine 1 liter of hot water with half a glass of wood ash, everything is mixed well. The infusion will be ready in a day, all you have to do is strain it. Instead of infusion, some gardeners regularly sprinkle the surface of the soil near the bushes with dry wood ash, after which they are watered.
  4. Egg shells. You can also prepare a product from eggshells that stimulates flowering and fruiting. To do this, you will need to add the crushed shells of three or four eggs to three liters of warm water. Loosely close the container and transfer it to a dark place for three days. After the product becomes cloudy and has an unpleasant odor, it can be used to water the tomatoes.

In order for spraying or root feeding of bushes to be as effective as possible, they must be carried out correctly:

  • You need to spray the bushes very early in the morning or in the evening, at sunset. Choose a fine, windless day for this.
  • Tomatoes should only be sprayed with a fine spray, and the solution used should be warm. Try to ensure that the product gets only on the flowers and brushes, and make sure that it does not end up on the stems and the top of the bush.
  • Do not allow the solution used for root feeding of bushes to come into contact with the surface of the foliage, otherwise a burn may occur on it.

Why there is little ovary on tomatoes in a greenhouse

Often people prefer to grow their own tomatoes rather than buy them. This is especially true for residents of small towns, or for city dwellers who have a summer cottage at their disposal. Some people manage to grow tomatoes even in their apartment or house. For example, you can set up a greenhouse right on the balcony. As practice shows, tomatoes grown in a greenhouse or greenhouse often grow much better than in open ground, but this is not always the case. There may be few ovaries for many reasons, the main one of which is also poor pollination of flowers or their absence.

All this can happen due to the following factors:

  • If you don't water your greenhouse plants well. Tomato bushes simply do not have enough moisture to form an ovary.
  • There are few nutrients in the greenhouse soil.
  • Lack of ventilation. Ventilation in a greenhouse is one of the necessary conditions. Otherwise, you can expect scanty ovaries, and therefore a small harvest, even in a greenhouse.

Many will ask the question: what’s wrong with ventilation? In fact, this procedure, simple on the one hand, is of great importance in growing both tomatoes and other vegetable crops in indoor greenhouses or greenhouses. As you know, in a greenhouse there is nowhere for wind or insects to come from, so the pollination function will suffer to an extreme extent

To solve this problem, you can improve the greenhouse with a ventilation system, or simply ventilate it yourself every day using doors and windows.

Caring for tomatoes at home

There are housewives who grow tomatoes on the balcony. There may be the following reason for the non-flowering of tomatoes: lack of ultraviolet radiation. The sun's rays practically do not penetrate through the glass, the plants begin to suffer from a lack of light, and their growth slows down. If measures are not taken in time, then the harvest may not be expected.

You should also remember that tomatoes need space. If the bushes are planted very tightly in a box, all the tomatoes may not have enough nutrients, which will cause the plants to die.

If tomatoes are planted for the winter, you may not expect a harvest either. The plants will bloom only in the spring, because the life cycle of tomatoes and their fruiting period cannot be delayed by early planting.

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