Cherry tomato Prince Borghese: description of the variety, features of growing and caring for an ancient Italian variety

Tomato Prince Borghese: description of the Italian variety

The Prince Borghese tomato was created in the last century by Italian breeders and is recommended for cultivation in greenhouse conditions or in film greenhouses, but can also be successfully grown in garden beds in open ground.

This tomato belongs to the indeterminate type, its bushes are distinguished by their high growth - up to 1.5-2.0 m and even higher

. The shoots are powerful and strong, well leafy. Their foliage is typically tomato-like, narrow, elongated, with sharp tips, and a rich emerald color.


Prince Borghese tomato bushes require the formation of 2-3 stems. Also, tall shoots require tying to strong supports and regular pinching.

The Prince Borghese tomato is classified as an early or mid-ripening variety - about 105-130 days pass from the moment the seeds germinate until the first ripe tomatoes are harvested.

Tomato Prince Borgise: detailed description of the variety

Manufacturer Aelita offers an early variety of tomato, Prince Borghese, which ripens in 105 days. And Russian Garden describes its variety as mid-season and gives a ripening period of 120-130 days.

The first racemose inflorescence is formed under 6-7 permanent leaves, and each subsequent one - after two leaves. Each cluster can hold up to 15 tomatoes.


Prince Borghese is a very productive cherry variety. During the season, up to 450-500 cherry fruits ripen on each bush of this variety.

Ripe fruits are oval, with a small nose at the tips. At the stage of full ripening, the color of the dense, smooth skin is rich red; ripe fruits have no dark spot at the base. The fruit weight of the Prince Borghese tomato is approximately 20-35 g.

Ripe tomatoes are not prone to cracking, but ripening tomatoes must be picked immediately so that other fruits begin to ripen.

The fruits of the Prince Borghese tomato have an excellent presentation: beautiful, even, compact, dense.

The pulp is tender, quite dense, each fruit has 3 seed chambers with an average number of seeds.

Excellent varieties of tomatoes:
Jack Pot F1 Liqueur F1
The harvested crop can be transported over any distance, and ripe fruits can be stored under appropriate conditions for up to two weeks.

Description of the variety

This variety is also called Bourgeois Prince or Prince Borges. Appeared at the beginning of the last century in sunny Italy. It is considered a greenhouse plant. The fruits are plum-shaped with a small spout, weighing a couple of tens of grams. They grow on voluminous bushes, grown in a greenhouse in two or three stems.

The variety is indeterminate, tall, the plant reaches 1.5–2 meters in height. The fruits are small, but are located very often throughout the bush. A tomato is considered ripe when it turns red. When ripening, there is no brown spot on the tomatoes. They are all approximately the same size, which allows the variety in question to be used for canning.

In this form, tomatoes retain their flavor better than other varieties. Also ideal for drying and fresh consumption.

The taste of the fruit is sweet, the flesh is dense and juicy. In cross section, the fruit has three seed nests. Tomatoes are not susceptible to cracking. But they still need to be removed in time so that the green fruits have time to ripen.

Main characteristics of the variety

The Prince Borghese cherry tomato is distinguished by its high yield, excellent taste of the harvested fruits and versatility of use. It should also be noted that even with temperature changes, the bushes of this variety set fruit well.


In greenhouse conditions, the Prince Borghese tomato is distinguished by good fruiting - up to 10-12 kg of ripe cherry tomatoes are harvested from each square of area.

Area of ​​application of fruits

The harvested crop is distinguished by its versatility of use - tomatoes are used for food, added to salads or snacks, and also to decorate dishes.

Plus, these cherry tomatoes look great pickled in jars

– they do not burst during heat treatment. And their taste does not deteriorate. Also, ripe tomatoes of this variety can be dried with the addition of olive oil and dried.

Diseases and pests

The Prince Borghese tomato is highly resistant to most diseases characteristic of other types of tomatoes.

The main advantages of the variety

The main advantages of the Prince Borghese tomato variety include:

  • high resistance to major diseases affecting tomatoes;
  • uniform ripening of the crop;
  • versatility of fruit use;
  • the ability to collect your own seeds for further planting;
  • good tomato taste;
  • ripe fruits tolerate transportation well;
  • The harvested crop can be stored for quite a long time in appropriate conditions.

No particular shortcomings were identified in this tomato.

Advantages of tomato

When growing the variety, gardeners highlight the following positive qualities of tomatoes:

  • The variety brings a large harvest.
  • The fruits have a unique sweet taste.
  • Resistant to diseases.
  • Tomatoes are stored for a long time and are easily transported without compromising their appearance and quality.
  • Almost simultaneous ripening of fruits on one cluster.
  • Only this variety can be converted into a dried form using olive oil. This dish is considered a delicacy in many countries around the world.

See also

Characteristics of the tomato variety Honey Heart, its yieldRead

Nuances of planting and growing

It is recommended to grow this tomato variety in seedlings in order to obtain harvests from this tomato earlier.

How to plant Prince Borghese tomato seeds for seedlings

Prince Borghese tomato seeds should be planted for seedlings approximately a couple of months before the intended transplantation of the plants to a permanent location.

Seeds purchased in a store do not require pre-sowing treatment. But seed material collected from ripe fruits in the garden should be disinfected before planting - to do this, it is placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour.

The most productive varieties of tomatoes for growing in open ground

After this, the seeds are washed under running water, dried, put in polyethylene and put in the refrigerator (the temperature should be about 0 degrees), where they are kept until planting.

After the seeds sprout, the containers should be moved to a bright, warm place so that the plants grow faster.

Watering is carried out 2-3 times a week, after the appearance of several permanent leaves, a pick is made.


10-12 days after picking and a couple of weeks before transplanting, Prince Borghese tomato seedlings should be fed with a fertilizer solution with a high nitrogen content.

Further care for the Prince Borghese tomato

On each square of area you need to plant no more than 3 Prince Borghese tomato bushes.

In tomatoes, all the stepsons that form before the first flower cluster are removed. After it, 1-2 stepsons are left, from which side shoots will form. And all other stepsons will also need to be removed. And the growth point at the central shoot needs to be pinched above the 9-10th inflorescence.


All bushes of this variety also require obligatory gartering to strong supports so that the shoots do not break off under the weight of ripening tomatoes.

After all the tomatoes in the second cluster have ripened, you can tear off the foliage located at the bottom of the central shoot.

Water the bushes of this tomato as the top layer of soil dries with warm, settled water directly to the root.

. During watering, you need to make sure that drops of water do not fall on the foliage and shoots, otherwise sunburn will appear there. Watering is carried out in the early morning or in the evening, after sunset.

Why do tomato leaves dry out and turn yellow: what to do?

After watering or rain, it is necessary to loosen the root zone of tomatoes in order to break up the dry crust that has formed on the ground. You should also remove all weeds in the root zone and between rows at least once a week.

Features of growing cherry tomatoes in a greenhouse


In order for the yield of this variety to be high, it is necessary to feed the Prince Borghese tomato bushes with organic matter and mineral fertilizers throughout the growing season.

For this you can use mullein, bird droppings, superphosphate and urea.


You should not apply too much fertilizer, as too much fertilizer can also negatively affect the plants.

In total, fertilizing is applied three times per season:

  • a couple of weeks after transplanting the Prince Borghese seedlings, urea or another fertilizer containing nitrogen is applied to a permanent place under the bushes;
  • the second time, fertilizers are applied at the beginning of flowering, using superphosphate and potassium salt;
  • The last fertilizing is carried out during the period of fruit ripening with the same fertilizers as during flowering.

Description of tomato variety Kron Prince and its characteristics

Tomatoes are multilocular fused (syncarpous) berries that belong to the nightshade family. The fruits are low in calories. They have excellent taste.

The modern market is represented by about a thousand varieties and hybrids. When choosing seed, you need to explore the variety of tomatoes. Tomatoes are presented in varieties and hybrids for growing in greenhouses and open ground, as well as in apartment conditions. There are tomatoes with classic red berries, yellow and mixed color palettes.

Description of the Crown Prince tomato

Tomato Kron Prince is a plant with a medium number of leaves. Quite tall - from 1.2 to 2 meters (provided that all agricultural technology requirements are met). Removal of excess shoots (pinching) and gartering are required.

A timely and correctly formed tomato bush will delight you with its productivity in the future. The variety bears fruit well when 1 or 2 stems are formed. The first inflorescence is formed after the 8th leaf. 15-25 tomatoes are formed on one brush. The growing season ranges from 115 to 120 days.

In the third decade of March, seeds are sown to obtain seedlings at a depth of 1-1.5 cm. After the appearance of 2 true leaves, picking is carried out. In 2-3 stages, fertilizing is carried out with a combined fertilizer. A week before planting seedlings in the ground, the hardening stage goes through.

After the seedlings reach 50 days and the possibility of frost has passed, the plants are planted in the beds. In heated greenhouses, planting is carried out in April, and in temporary greenhouses - in May.

Caring for tomatoes is easy. It consists of timely application of fertilizers, watering with warm water and loosening the soil during the development and fruiting of the plant.

Properties of berries

The characteristics of tomato fruits are as follows: the fruits grow on clusters of several pieces. The berries are round-cylindrical in shape, elastic, colored red, weighing up to 70 grams, and have excellent taste. They do not crack, are resistant to mechanical damage, and tolerate transportation well.

Note! The fruits of the Kron Prince tomato have good culinary qualities in canned form, after pickling and fresh. Seedling planting configuration: 50x50 cm, but no more than 4 plants per square meter

If you meet the requirements of agricultural technology, you can get a yield of up to 20 kg per square meter. m. This type of tomato is not susceptible to late blight

Seedling planting configuration: 50x50 cm, but no more than 4 plants per square meter. If you meet the requirements of agricultural technology, you can get a yield of up to 20 kg per square meter. m. This type of tomato is not susceptible to late blight.

Gardeners' opinions

Feedback from vegetable growers on cultivating the Kron Prince tomato is mostly positive.

Pavel, Rostov-on-Don: “At first there were doubts about the Korn Prince tomato variety. However, I bought the seeds, treated them with a solution of potassium permanganate and at the end of February sowed them in special soil purchased at the store. After germination, I carried out two picks and got excellent seedlings. I tried to follow all the rules for caring for the plant. I received a harvest of about 17 kilograms per 1 sq. m. I was pleased with this variety.”

Tamara, Vologda region: “I liked this variety. I formed it into two stems. The fruit harvest per square meter was about 16 kilograms. The fruits have the optimal size for preservation. In addition, they have an excellent taste for fresh consumption.”

Tomato Prince Borghese: reviews from those who planted

Anna, 55 years old, Novosibirsk region. Prince Borghese is perfect for growing in Siberia in a greenhouse. I have four grandchildren, so we eat most of the harvest fresh; the children really like cherry tomatoes. They also salt well and retain their shape well.

Elena, 46 years old, Belgorod region I have been growing Prince Borghese tomatoes for several seasons now. I can say that the bushes of this variety grow tall, so you have to tie the shoots to strong supports and form the bushes into no more than 3 shoots. But a lot of clusters are formed on the bushes, and each one produces more than 10 fruits. As a result, I reaped a large harvest, enough for both food and twists.

Yellow tomatoes: A selection of the best varieties with descriptions and photos

Valeria, 50 years old, Moscow region The Prince Borghese tomato has a very decorative appearance when the tomatoes begin to ripen on it - everything is literally strewn with red tomatoes. Fruit ripening takes place throughout the season, and unripe fruits are perfectly ripened at home. The fruits are tasty and sweetish, but at the tops of the shoots they are too small. It’s simply an excellent variety for preservation.

Olesya, 60 years old, Samara region I have been growing Prince Borghese tomatoes in my greenhouse for the third season in a row. The bushes grow very tall; I had several tomatoes of this variety over 2 meters high. Productivity is excellent, taste is good. They say that these tomatoes are excellent sun-dried, but I have never made them, so far I have only marinated them.

Tomato Prince Borghese - one of the best varieties of cherry tomatoes

. Each bush, with proper care, produces up to 500 ripe fruits per season, which will delight vegetable growers with their beautiful appearance and pleasant taste.

Features of cultivation

Sowing the seeds of this variety of tomatoes for seedlings is carried out 60-65 days before the intended planting in the ground.

In other catalogs this variety may be called Borges's Principle, Prince Borges .

This is a natural variety of tomato. Therefore, we recommend taking seeds from a ripe fruit and using them for planting in subsequent seasons.

If you have grown Prince Borghese tomatoes, please leave feedback in the comments. This will help many gardeners choose the best varieties of cherry tomatoes. If possible, attach a photo of this tomato to the comment. Thank you.

Description and characteristics of the Prince Borghese tomato variety from the manufacturer Aelita

An ancient Italian variety, the best for whole-fruit canning! In Italy, these tomatoes are dried in the sun. Dense pulp and a small number of seeds, rich taste and aroma of the finished product - in a word, these are “the same” pomodori secchi that gourmets value so highly.

The variety is advantageously distinguished by its good fruit set during temperature changes, uniform ripening of clusters and resistance to major crop diseases.

Indeterminate plants form the first harvest of delicious tomatoes 105 days after germination. Fruit weight* 30-35 g. The average yield of the variety in a greenhouse is 9-11 kg/m2.

The shape of the fruit may vary depending on conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The variety has both advantages and disadvantages, despite its stability.

  1. Constant level of harvest promised by producers.
  2. The fruits are resistant to external mechanical damage.
  3. Subject to long-term storage and transportation over long distances, while maintaining a fresh, marketable appearance.
  4. Excellent resistance to diseases and pests.
  5. The formation of ovaries occurs in absolutely any conditions, which, again, guarantees a harvest.
  6. Sweet taste.
  1. The seeds of a hybrid cannot produce offspring; new plants cannot be planted from them.
  2. It is imperative to shape the bush and make garters to the supports, otherwise the plant will simply break under the weight of the fruit.

Tomato Prince Borghese: description and characteristics from the manufacturer Russian Garden

The variety is mid-season (120-130 days from germination). Designed for growing in film and glass greenhouses. The plant is indeterminate, up to 2 or more meters high, well leafy.

The first inflorescence is above the 8-9th leaf, the cluster is complex, contains 13-17 tomatoes, weighing 20-25 g. The fruits are oval with a small nose, with dense skin, juicy, sweet. The taste is excellent. Gives a stable harvest.

The variety is convenient for whole-fruit canning.

Features of small-fruited tomato varieties

The advantages of small-fruited tomatoes are not only in appearance, but also in the fact that to grow them it is not at all necessary to take care of a high agricultural background. Such tomatoes are very unpretentious, many do not require chemicals as fertilizers for the growth of stems and fruits, and vegetables also have few seeds. Another big advantage in growing tomatoes that are small in weight is their high yield; in addition, most of these varieties are early, and the harvest in the open ground is obtained already in early June. Fruiting of small-fruited tomatoes continues until the very first frost. The high yield of these mini-vegetables is achieved due to the compactness of the bushes. That is, if an ordinary tomato variety that produces a harvest of large fruits per 1 sq. m we place in the amount of 1, maximum 2 bushes, with a weight of fruits per plant of 5-6 kilograms, then small-fruited ones (both tall and low) do not require much space, and 4-5 bushes, or even more, of such a tomato can easily be placed on the same area, while the total yield in weight does not lag behind large-fruited ones.

Differences between tomato varieties in appearance

  • Bush with a thick stem, with corrugated leaves,
  • the bush does not need to be shaped,
  • the plant does not need staking, removal of stepsons,
  • growing side shoots, like the main stem, are capable of producing fruits,
  • unpretentious in care and drought-resistant.

Features of planting and caring for tomatoes

All varieties of small-fruited tomatoes are divided into two large groups: tall and short. From this we base what the initial care will be.

For tall varieties of small-fruited tomatoes (Wagner Mirabelle, Garten Freud), it is customary to plant seeds in early spring in separate small containers (pots, cups, boxes); after germination of the seeds and strengthening of the seedlings, the seedlings are transplanted into open ground in beds at a distance of half a meter from each other, maintaining about a meter between rows. After the seedlings have grown, the vegetables must be tied in three levels to a trellis. There is no need for stepsons. If there is a chance of spring frosts, the film can be thrown directly on top of them without fear of breaking them.

The following care and planting are typical for low-growing varieties of small-fruited tomatoes (Florida Petit, Minibel, Tiny Tim): in early spring, we sow the seeds in specially prepared peat soil. As seedlings emerge, we regularly water and loosen the growing seedlings. With the onset of cold weather, we transplant the seedlings into open ground or a greenhouse, no more than 4-5 bushes per square. Low-growing varieties do not need staking and pinching.

Before the onset of cold weather, many tall and low-growing small-fruited tomatoes successfully bear fruit, setting more and more fruits, and with the onset of the first autumn frosts, we tear out the bushes by the roots and hang them on a rope upside down, continuing to receive a harvest

It is important not to just pick the tomatoes and lay them out on a horizontal surface, as vegetable gardeners always do, but to keep the bush with the fruits intact. Small-fruited vegetables have a dense skin and if you pick the fruits from the bush, they will become limp and wrinkled

Growing in a greenhouse

The features of growing Prince Borghese tomatoes in open ground conditions were described above.

They can also be grown in a greenhouse. Here they are planted in the soil also after the seed germination process. An important condition is the location of the greenhouse in a well-lit place, since tomatoes of the described variety love solar heat and light.

The humidity in the greenhouse should not be too high, otherwise the taste and quality of the fruit will be poor. In this case, after planting the bushes in the soil, experienced gardeners recommend refraining from active watering. Under such conditions, the roots, trying to reach moisture, will stretch deeper. Thanks to this, a powerful root system develops.

Note! To get a good harvest, you must form a plant. To do this, you need to remove all the stepsons, that is, form the crop into one stem. You need to remove shoots throughout the growing season of the tall Prince Borghese variety of tomatoes.

In order for the flowers to be pollinated, they need to be shaken periodically. It is better to do this on a sunny, warm day. Tomatoes grow quite quickly in a greenhouse: no more than three months pass from planting the seeds to the appearance of the first fruits.

Fruit characteristics

Those who grew the Brazilian giant tomato note that they chose it precisely because of its large fruit. If you follow the rules of agricultural technology, you can get very large fruits in weight, up to 800-100 grams.

Tomatoes have a round, slightly flattened shape, dense but thin skin. The color is bright red, the flesh when cut is raspberry-dark.

ON A NOTE! The uniformity of coloring of tomatoes depends on agricultural technology. Therefore, with different care, different colors are obtained - less and more saturated.

The fruits are fleshy and very juicy. The taste is excellent, sweetness and slight sourness are harmoniously combined, and all gardeners agree on this. The pulp is sugary and has a barely audible aroma. Tomatoes are used mainly for salads; the fruits of the Brazilian giant are also suitable for making juice, paste, and sauces.

This variety belongs to beef tomatoes, and as you know, their fruits are special - tender, fleshy, and have a high nutritional value.

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