Tomato Mongolian dwarf review, real growing experience and description

  • Vegetables

07.01.2021 11526

The Mongolian dwarf tomato is a unique and unusual variety. This is a variety of amateur selection; little is known about its origin and the exact date of appearance of the variety is not known. But for several years now the controversy surrounding it has not subsided. The uniqueness of the Mongolian dwarf lies in its characteristics: it is super early, unpretentious, and at the same time, productive and tasty. A peculiarity of the variety is that the trunk of the bush at a height of 20 cm begins to bend sharply downwards. The stepsons also tend to the ground, resulting in a low creeping bush.

Buy 10 seeds – 40 rub.Information about practical experience in growing the Mongolian dwarf tomato variety in the conditions of the Nizhny Novgorod region was provided by the owners of the nursery and store “Fazenda” from Dzerzhinsk . Features and recommendations are made based on my experience. For orders and consultations through the group in Odnoklassniki, please contact us!

Unfortunately, despite having such positive qualities, the Mongolian dwarf tomato is not yet very common among summer residents. This is probably due to the lack of seeds in garden stores; they can only be ordered from private collectors.

Therefore, when the opportunity arose, we purchased the seeds of this legendary variety for our team. Our first growing experience did not please us. At the end of the season, most of the plants became infected with late blight, and the taste of the ripened tomatoes was not impressive. But when harvesting the bushes, it became obvious that the variety’s potential yield is high; a large number of ovaries have formed on the plants. This is a feature of the variety - the fruits are located under the leaves and are not very noticeable. Therefore, it was decided to give the variety another chance. The second season of growing Mongolian dwarf tomatoes turned out to be successful, we all really liked the variety. After two years of cultivation, it is already possible to draw conclusions about the characteristics of the variety, so we decided to give our feedback on the characteristics and yield of the Mongolian Dwarf tomato.

Tomato Mongolian dwarf description

  • 1 Tomato Mongolian dwarf description
  • 2 Features of the Mongolian dwarf tomato variety 2.1 Advantages of the Mongolian dwarf tomato
  • 2.2 Disadvantages of the Mongolian dwarf tomato
  • 3 Tomato Mongolian dwarf: planting and care
      3.1 Choosing a growing method
  • 3.2 Growing in open ground
  • 3.3 Formation of the Mongolian dwarf bush
  • 4 Tomatoes Mongolian dwarf video review
  • 5 Review of the Mongolian dwarf tomato variety
  • 6 Why the Mongolian dwarf tomato is good for busy people
  • 7 Mongolian dwarf tomato where to buy seeds
  • The main feature of the Mongolian dwarf tomato is that the bush is very low, no more than 20–30 cm high. During growth, the tomato trunk bends under its own weight and becomes, as it were, spread out on the ground.

    The second very important feature is fruiting on stepsons. A lot of stepsons are formed on the plant. The bush grows in width, gradually occupying an area up to 1 meter in diameter. The ovaries form on the stepchildren, so under no circumstances should they be removed.

    Most likely, it is precisely because of the unusual shape of the plant’s bush that the names of the variety “dwarf tomato” , “Mongol dwarf tomato” ; some call this variety “Mongol tomato” .

    For such a low and early variety, the fruits of the Mongolian dwarf are quite large, the weight of the first tomatoes reaches approximately 170 grams, subsequent fruits are set a little smaller. The fruits are hidden under thick foliage, they are not visible and it is difficult to immediately determine how many have set.

    Tomatoes are round in shape, slightly flattened. The taste of tomatoes is not as sweet as that of large-fruited salad varieties, but it cannot be called bad either. These tomatoes have a pronounced tomato taste, which is good for early varieties. And it is very important that the tomatoes do not crack.

    The tomatoes ripened on the bush turned out to be much tastier than those collected for further ripening. According to reviews, in warm summers the taste of the Mongolian dwarf tomato is sweeter, and in cool summers it has a more pronounced sourness. But this feature is also typical for other varieties of tomatoes.

    For ourselves, we decided that the taste of tomatoes of this variety is a B. The harvest can be used fresh and for preparations.

    The variety begins to bear fruit early, but at the same time it is distinguished by extended fruiting, until the coldest weather (if fungal diseases are prevented and plants are protected from bad weather). The yield is decent; from 10 plants you can harvest 7-8 buckets of tomatoes.

    Ampel varieties of tomatoes

    They have cascading or climbing shoots 40-60 cm long. They are grown in hanging flower pots, containers, and flower pots. The volume of the container for plants is 4-8 liters. - depending on the size of the bush. Plants with short vines can be grown on a windowsill.

    Varieties and hybrids: Talisman, Garden Pearl, City dweller F1, Cascade Red F1, Cascade Yellow F1, Red Abundance, Ampelous Tiger.


    Tomatoes grow well both on the balcony in hanging pots and in the garden, spreading their vines along the ground. Ripe red and yellow tomatoes not only have a pleasant tomato taste, but are also decorative. Can become a decoration for a balcony, terrace or veranda. Unpretentious, resistant to bad weather and even lack of lighting.


    They are small-fruited and the fruits become contaminated when grown on the ground without support.

    Features of the Mongolian dwarf tomato variety

    Advantages of the Mongolian dwarf tomato

    With good agricultural technology, the harvest can be obtained until late autumn. If plants are planted in containers, the harvest can be obtained much earlier by keeping containers with plants in the greenhouse in early spring and autumn.

    • High yield and large fruits for an early variety. With proper care, tomatoes produce fruits in almost all leaf axils, and the bush is literally strewn with fruits.

    Disadvantages of the Mongolian dwarf tomato

    No significant shortcomings were found during the growing process. Possible negative points:

    • The taste cannot be called excellent, but for summer consumption it is better than buying
    • The Mongolian dwarf tomato has not shown resistance to late blight; simply due to its precociousness, it manages to harvest before the outbreak of the disease occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to create all the conditions so that the plants do not get sick - carry out preventive spraying, make shelters from dew and precipitation.
    • Perhaps someone will find the need to mulch the plantings a disadvantage. But this procedure not only helps to isolate the stems and fruits from the soil surface, but also helps in the fight against weeds.

    Features of cultivation

    Many gardeners still tie it to a wooden peg and remove 2-3 stepsons located at the very bottom. The support ensures a vertical position of the stem, in which the fruits do not lie on the ground, but are evenly distributed. This way, the quality of the harvest will be much higher - with smooth surfaces and an equal degree of ripening.

    Related article:

    Prohibition" for tomatoes (Kazarin method)

    Despite the stated characteristics of seed manufacturers, to obtain the best results, experienced gardeners recommend forming the stem of superdeterminate plants into 2 stems. If the plant is strong and has a powerful main shoot, then 3-4 branches are possible.

    Tomato Mongolian dwarf: planting and care

    In general, the agricultural technology for growing the Mongolian dwarf tomato differs little from the agricultural technology for growing other varieties of tomatoes, but there are also important features.

    The key point is the choice of growing method (in open ground, in a greenhouse or containers) and the timing of sowing the seeds.

    Choosing a growing method

    It is believed that the Mongolian dwarf tomato does not grow well in a greenhouse; excessive humidity and high temperatures cause the plants to lose flowers and ovaries, and the fruits to crack. At the same time, there are many reviews on the Internet about the successful cultivation of Mongolian dwarf tomatoes in a greenhouse, in the “legs” of tall varieties. This method of growing allows you to plant more plants in the greenhouse. To make sure that such planting is possible, you need to conduct an experiment in your own growing conditions. In any case, when growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, it is necessary to ensure ventilation. We grew this variety in open ground.

    This variety can be planted in 2 ways: through seedlings and direct sowing in the ground.

    The seedless method can be grown in the presence of a “warm bed” or in regions with a hot climate.

    for seedlings are sown 55-60 days before planting the seedlings in the ground. The timing of sowing seeds for seedlings can be from February to obtain the earliest possible harvest and until the beginning of May.

    For those gardeners who do not have the opportunity to grow seedlings at home, late sowing of Mongolian dwarf tomato seeds allows them to use greenhouses and greenhouses for this purpose; of course, in this case there is no need to expect an early harvest.

    The peculiarity of the variety is that the seedlings do not stretch, and already during this period the plants are compact in size. When planted in the ground, they reach 10 cm in height.

    Growing in open ground

    to plant seedlings in the ground in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of at least 60-80 cm between plants. Plants of this variety take up a lot of space; closer planting interferes with the ventilation of the plants.

    After planting, the soil should be mulched with straw, small twigs, rotted sawdust and other organic matter. Mulching insulates the fruits from the soil surface, helps retain moisture and fight weeds.

    In the description of the Mongolian dwarf they write that he has powerful developed roots, but this is not so. Their root system is superficial and does not go deep. Therefore, despite the declared unpretentiousness and resistance to drought, there is no need to create unnecessary stress for the plants. The variety requires watering, but excessive watering is not necessary so that the tomatoes lying on the ground do not rot.

    Further care as usual: fertilizing, preventive treatments for diseases.

    Formation of the Mongolian dwarf bush

    Formation of plants - removal of stepsons of the Mongolian dwarf tomato is not required. The crop is planted on the stepsons, so if the bush is very thick, you can only remove a small part of the stepsons so that it is better ventilated.

    In conditions of short summer in August, it is advisable to remove the crown of the plants (pinch) and the last flower clusters. Limiting the growth of the plant will allow the already formed fruits to ripen normally. It is also recommended to gradually cut off the leaves on the bushes at the end of summer. This technique promotes faster ripening of fruits and the prevention of fungal diseases.

    When cold weather sets in, you can easily install a “hut” with film or covering material over the plants to prolong fruiting.

    Mongolian dwarf tomatoes are very popular with slugs. Therefore, when growing this variety, you need to monitor the appearance of pests .

    "Cherry Lisa F1"

    Another cherry variety. But it differs from the previous one in smaller orange, slightly elongated fruits.

    The tomato ripens very early, the fruits weigh approximately 20 g and are elongated. There are two cameras inside. The tomato is very juicy, almost 95% water. The branches, about a meter high, are sprinkled with bright tassels. They appear even in bad weather. You can collect 10 kg per square meter of plantings. Tomatoes can be harvested after 90 days.

    The bushes are determinants; they do not need to be pinched, shaped or pinched; they can be grown as a hanging bush, hanging from balcony boxes.

    Cherry Lisa F1 is not susceptible to many diseases inherent in tomatoes.

    Unfortunately, the variety is poorly stored and difficult to transport, so it is used immediately on the spot. Very sweet fruits are added to fresh salads, pickled in barrels and pickled in jars. Cherry is not suitable for making sauces and juices.

    What is good about the Mongolian dwarf tomato for busy people?

    1. You shouldn't expect huge sugar tomatoes from the Mongolian dwarf; its taste is good, but not great. But it is very good for getting a large early harvest.

    2. The Mongolian dwarf tomato variety can be grown in accordance with your needs and capabilities - if the earliest possible tomato harvest is important, you need to sow it early as seedlings.
    3. If you don’t want to deal with seedlings at home, cold resistance and early maturity allow you to sow the seeds of this variety for seedlings in a greenhouse.
    4. For summer residents, plants are needed according to the “plant and forget” principle - the Mongolian dwarf is an ideal option. Tomato for the busy , tomatoes for the lazy (relatively lazy, since they work hard and like to relax in the garden).
    5. I want to harvest tomatoes for as long as possible - planting this Mongolian dwarf tomato in containers allows you to bring them into the greenhouse with the onset of cold weather and extend the tomato growing season.
    6. The Mongolian dwarf tomato variety is not only unpretentious, early and productive, it is also universally used. Each summer resident can choose the planting option he needs.

    We decided to try all the growing options, so that next year we will have something to talk about.

    creeping tomatoes

    A variety of tomatoes that are not often found in summer cottages.

    Varieties and hybrids: Chicken Ryaba, Mongolian dwarf, Japanese creeping, Korean creeping.


    Productive and unpretentious to grow. They do not require gartering or pinching. The fruits can be large (as opposed to ampelous), with a balanced taste.


    Small number of varieties. Fruits become contaminated from contact with the ground. The best results are obtained when grown in a dry climate. High humidity can lead to diseases and pest damage. In this case, it is preferable to grow in pots and buckets.

    Mongolian dwarf tomato where to buy seeds

    You can buy seeds of the legendary tomato variety Mongolian Dwarf in the Odnoklassniki community, group “Fazenda of Dzerzhinsk.” Price 10 seeds – 40 rubles, seeds are packed in zip bags.

    Buy 10 seeds – 40 rub.

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