Altai cucumbers: characteristics, planting rules and care methods

Altai cucumber is a time-tested variety created in the late seventies of the last century. Since then, it has won the recognition of thousands of gardeners due to its excellent taste and unpretentiousness.

Landing locationRipening timeMode of applicationFruit lengthGroupFruit smoothnessPollination method
Open groundEarly ripening (35-45 days)UniversalMedium - from 10 to 15 cmVarietySlightly lumpyBee pollinated

Description of cucumbers Altai

The developers of the hybrid variety tried to create a variety with strong immunity, which makes it possible to grow cucumbers not only in small areas, but also in industrial quantities.

In terms of ripening time, Altai cucumbers belong to the ultra-early varieties, since the fruits are harvested 32-40 days after the sprouts appear.

Altai cucumbers are distinguished by their resistance to transportability, as well as the marketable appearance of the fruit. In addition, the variety is popular due to its taste characteristics and versatility in use: cucumbers can be used not only for preparing salads. They are also suitable for pickling or canning.

The Altai cucumber variety is also famous for its high shelf life: if all storage rules are followed, the fruits do not lose their appearance and taste characteristics.

Characteristics of the variety

  • Altai cucumber bushes are medium-branched and low - their length reaches 1.5 m;
  • Description of the root system of the variety: the roots of the plant are taproots, the central root is located deep in the ground, and from it there are small lateral roots with small hairs;
  • The stem of the plant is standard (up to 120 cm), round in shape and covered with small fibers;
  • The leaves of cucumber bushes are large (up to 14 cm), pentagonal in shape with a rough surface and have an emerald color, which changes to brown during drought;
  • Description of the flowering of the Altai cucumber variety: the flowers of the variety grow evenly, both male and female, and have a bright yellow color;
  • Altai fruits are cylindrical in shape and reach a length of up to 13 cm;
  • The peel of cucumbers is dark green with small pimples and dark green spines that fall off when the fruit ripens;
  • Description of cucumber pulp: juicy, sweet, not bitter and has a small amount of seeds.

Varieties resistant to diseases


Bee-pollinated variety of early ripening. Fruits with small tubercles grow up to 10-12 cm and gain a weight of about 130 g. On the 45th day after sprouts appear from the seeds, you can look for ripe fruits on the bushes. Not susceptible to pumpkin diseases. Resistant to weather changes. Each bush forms 5-6 lashes, so pinching is required. Gives a small harvest - up to 7 kg of vegetables per 1 m².

Baby crane F1

Early ripening hybrid. Not susceptible to pumpkin diseases. On the 45th day after sprouts appear from the seeds, you can look for ripe fruits on the bushes. Cucumbers are without bitterness and grow 10-12 cm in length. Universal in use.

Topolek F1

Looks like a hybrid Crane. It tolerates cold weather well and is not susceptible to pumpkin diseases. Cucumbers grow 11-14 cm in length. If agricultural practices are violated, the skin becomes slightly bitter.


Popular early ripening variety. Bee pollinated. On days 36-38 after sprouts appear from the seeds, you can look for ripe fruits on the bushes. Suitable for cultivation in open and closed ground. Shows good immunity to pumpkin diseases. The skin is pimply. The fruits grow up to 10 cm in length and are suitable for pickling and canning.


Mid-season variety. On the 50th day after sprouts appear from the seeds, you can look for ripe fruits on the bushes. Not afraid of fungal and bacterial diseases. Forms mainly female flowers. The fruits ripen at the same time. Dark green cucumbers grow up to 15 cm in length and gain weight of no more than 100 g. From 1 m2 you get 8 kg of vegetables.


The most resistant parthenocarpic hybrid to pumpkin diseases. The fruits ripen early. The ovaries are formed in bunches. About 6 fruits can be formed in one bunch. The cucumber grows no more than 12 cm in length and resembles a gherkin. The taste is sweet, without bitterness. The fruits are universal in use.

Pros and cons of the variety

Like other crop varieties, Altai cucumbers have not only a number of advantages, but also disadvantages that were highlighted thanks to the experience of growing the plant. Let's consider a description of the pros and cons of the variety.


  1. High level of productivity of the variety;
  2. Strong immunity to many cultural diseases;
  3. Resistance of cucumbers to frost;
  4. Excellent presentation and keeping quality of fruits;
  5. Resistance to transportability;
  6. The versatility of using cucumbers;
  7. Excellent taste characteristics of the cucumber variety;
  8. The fruits reach approximately the same size.


  1. Low level of germination of Altai cucumbers during sowing of seeds in the soil;
  2. Not long-term fruiting of cucumbers.

Planting crops for seedlings and recommended cultivation scheme in the garden

The appearance of 3-4 true leaves on seedlings is a signal that they are ready to be transplanted into open beds. A gardener who has calculated how many days it takes cucumbers to sprout into seedlings can safely carry out this procedure from the end of May to the beginning of June. For planting plants in a greenhouse, it is better to prefer mid-May.

The soil temperature should not be lower than + 12 ° C, since the Zyatek variety is considered very heat-loving.

Planting too early can lead to rotting of the roots and stems, and in order to prevent such a situation, you need to find out which covering material is best for cucumbers and protect the seedlings from the cold.

Good results are demonstrated by planting the crop on high ridges (70 cm wide, 20 cm high), prepared in the fall. Straw, sawdust, fallen leaves, peat, and mown grass are placed in dug trenches about 30 cm deep. In the spring, manure is placed on top of this layer. The contents of the trenches are watered with a hot aqueous solution of potassium permanganate. To improve the quality of the soil, humus, wood ash, and mineral fertilizers can be added. Lime is added to excessively acidic soil.

Landing Features

Since Altai cucumbers are able to grow in cold regions, the sprouts may be damaged during spring frosts. Therefore, it is recommended to grow the variety in seedlings.

Landing dates

It is necessary to plant cucumber seeds for seedlings in the second half of April, so that after a month the formed sprouts can be transplanted into open soil.

Site preparation

To grow Altai cucumbers, you need to choose a well-lit and sunny place, which is also protected from drafts.

It is recommended to prepare the site in the autumn, when the previous harvest is being harvested. The soil must be dug up and fed with minerals that contain humus. As a rule, there are about 10 kg of manure or bird droppings per 1 m2. Before planting cucumbers, it is also recommended to dig up the soil and remove all weeds.

Planting seeds

Before planting, cucumber seed must be placed in a damp cloth and refrigerated for 24 hours. Afterwards, the seeds must be treated with a manganese solution: soak the seeds in manganese for 30 minutes. Next, the seeds of the Altai variety are placed on gauze and given time to dry. Afterwards, the seeds are planted in peat pots up to 3 cm deep.

Planting seedlings

It is recommended to plant Altai cucumber seedlings in open soil when the sprouts have reached a height of 20 cm and about 5 leaves have formed on them.

After transplantation, it is recommended to cover the plant with a thick film and thoroughly water it with water at room temperature.

Planting scheme

It is recommended to plant Altai cucumbers at a distance of up to 30 cm between bushes and up to 60 cm between rows. The depth of the hole where the cucumbers will be planted should reach 15 cm.

History of variety development

Altai cucumbers were bred by breeders fruitfully working at the West Siberian Vegetable Experimental Station. This hybrid was created in the second half of the last century, and was included in the State Register in 1981. Altai cucumber is recommended for cultivation in the following regions of our country:

  • Central;
  • Volgo-Vyatka;
  • Ural;
  • West Siberian;
  • East Siberian;
  • Far Eastern.

Cucumber Altai

The hybrid is recommended to be grown in open ground.


Altai cucumbers are demanding in care, so they need systematic watering, staking and formation of bushes, as well as feeding and hilling the plant. Below is a description of each type of work.


It is necessary to water the bushes of cucumbers of the Altai variety when the surface of the soil begins to become crusty. It is recommended to water with warm water (several degrees higher than the soil temperature).

Altai cucumbers need to be watered once every 7 days until the bushes bloom and 1-2 times every 3 days when the fruits of the variety ripen.

Watering work is carried out, as a rule, in the early morning or evening. Altai cucumber bushes need to be watered at the root. It is also recommended to carry out sprinkling, that is, spraying the leaves with water. Spraying is usually carried out in the morning.

Garter and bush formation

Before planting cucumbers in the place where the Altai variety bushes will grow, it is necessary to place vertical or horizontal supports. In order for the shoots of the bushes to weave, it is necessary to tie them up, thus helping the plant’s tendrils to catch on the rope.

To speed up the process of ripening of Altai cucumber fruits, gardeners recommend carefully cutting off excess shoots from the axils of the 5 lower leaves, and the ovaries of the 3 lower leaves are also cut off.

Top dressing

Altai cucumbers need to be fed once every 10 days. Complex substances are used for feeding, and nitrogen is added at the time of flowering.

It is also recommended to feed the bushes of the Altai variety with urea, and for spraying they use a solution of urea.


Cucumbers are a crop that does not require hilling, since their root system is located quite close to the earth's surface, therefore, as a result of hilling, the roots of the plant can be damaged, which contributes to their death.

However, experienced gardeners recommend loosening the soil where cucumbers grow using a fork. This method will not only allow oxygen to pass through to the plant’s root system, but also get rid of weeds.

Agricultural technology

Cucumbers “love” breathable soil and produce the greatest yield in medium-loamy soil. You can plant seeds directly into the ground, or you can plant pre-grown seedlings. To do this, the seeds are planted in containers with soil to a depth of approximately 0.5-1 cm. The optimal temperature for planting is up to 25°C, and after the first shoots appear, it is better to reduce the temperature to 15°C. Seedlings can be planted in the ground when the soil warms up to 15-18°C and the air temperature is consistently high.

The optimal time for sowing seeds is the beginning - mid-May, and in the middle of the month already strong mini-bushes are planted in the soil. Determining the timing of planting seedlings is very simple - 3-5 leaves should form on the shoots. It is necessary to pinch the top, as a result several side shoots will appear, from which fruitful branches will subsequently come. From time to time, the flowers and ovaries that form at the base of these lashes must also be plucked.

The seeding depth should be at least 1-2 cm. Experienced gardeners cover the crops with film, thus creating the effect of a greenhouse. Cucumber beds are cultivated in an ordinary way, adhering to a 60x15 cm pattern.

In the future, the plantings must be weeded and loosened, saturating the soil with oxygen. For productivity, it is recommended to provide high-quality watering and timely feeding. It is best to water the beds with warm water after sunset. Fertilizing is carried out about 2-3 times during the entire growing season.

As a rule, mineral fertilizers are used, dissolving them in water. Fertilizing provides the necessary nutrition to vegetable crops and naturally increases productivity.

Since “Altai” is a Siberian variety, it is most often sown in Siberia. Here you cannot plant seeds directly into the ground, even if it is a greenhouse or a greenhouse. In other regions, at the end of May it is already warmer, so you can plant seeds directly in open ground. Harvesting occurs as the green cucumbers grow.

Even before planting, you should take care of the neighbors of the cucumber beds. Many people prefer to plant corn nearby, which, as it grows, will create a special microclimate in the area, slightly shading the plantings. Beans, peas and other legumes work well. These are nitrogen-fixing plants that have a beneficial effect on the soil, saturating it with useful elements.

Onions and garlic go well with cucumbers. Cabbage beds will also be harmless to them. But radishes are considered the enemy of the cucumber harvest. They say that such a neighborhood can significantly reduce the number of cucumber ovaries.

Cucumbers are traditionally eaten fresh, all kinds of salads are prepared from them, they are pickled, salted, and canned. The most popular varieties and hybrids of cucumbers are those that produce high yields with minimal care.

One of these hybrids is the Altai cucumber, a variety that is distinguished by its yield, resistance to unfavorable climatic conditions, and can also be grown in Siberia and the Urals, where its fruits have time to ripen in short summer conditions.

Diseases and parasites

Despite the fact that the breeders of Altai cucumbers took care of the strong immunity of the variety, the plant is still susceptible to diseases such as bacteriosis, transporosis, and is also subject to invasion by the small pest whitefly.


Bacteriosis is a fungal infection that causes damage to plant foliage. With bacteriosis, brown spots form on the leaves. At high humidity levels, the stains take on an oily consistency. Bacteriosis also contributes to the appearance of small ulcers with cloudy liquid on cucumbers.

To combat bacteriosis, the chemical preparations “Kuproskat” and “Champion” are used.

Downy mildew

Downy mildew, or downy mildew, is a fungal disease of cucumbers that causes the formation of oily spots with a brown tint on the leaves of the plant. With high humidity, a gray-violet coating forms on the lower part of the leaves. If the disease becomes severe, the plant dies.

To combat peronosporosis, it is recommended to use biological fungicides, as well as chemical preparations “Gamair”, “Fitosporin M” and “Trichoderma Veride 471”.


Whitefly is a small pest that appears in greenhouses and greenhouses. In appearance, whiteflies resemble moths. The pest can damage not only the fruits of the plant, but also damage neighboring crops.

To combat whiteflies, it is recommended to use the chemical solution “Confidor Extra”.

Planting directly in open ground

The characteristics of the “Artist f1” variety allow it to be sown immediately in an open bed, without the stage of growing seedlings.

Optimal timing

Sowing is carried out around May or June in soil that is moistened and warmed to +15 °C. At first, it is better to cover the beds with agrofibre, which will help protect them from returning frosts. In cold areas, cucumbers are usually planted in greenhouses. To speed up the emergence of seedlings, you can pre-germinate the seeds by spreading them on a damp cotton cloth or moistened fine sawdust. The seeds will germinate at a temperature of about +25 °C. When the root is half the length of the seed, the plants are planted in an open bed.

Selecting a location

This variety must be planted in nutritious, loose soil that retains moisture well. It is advisable that groundwater is not located too close to the surface of the earth, since it does not allow the soil to warm up well. Otherwise, you can organize a so-called “warm bed” for cucumbers. To do this, straw or mown grass mixed with chicken droppings or manure dissolved in water is laid in advance at a depth of 30–35 cm.

As this mixture rots, it will begin to release heat. The area chosen for the “Artist” must be well lit and protected from strong winds and drafts. Although, according to the experience of many gardeners, the described variety is not too picky about lighting and develops well in a slightly shaded place

It is also very important what plants the cucumbers will be adjacent to. They should be planted next to, for example, corn, which will protect the cucumbers from a hot day and provide them with additional support.

This crop also goes well with cabbage, beets, legumes, onions and dill. But if there are cucumber varieties growing on the site that are pollinated by bees, then it is better to place them at some distance from each other, otherwise the “Artist” fruits may begin to taste bitter. Also, you should not choose a site where other varieties of cucumbers, as well as zucchini or squash, grew last season.

Planting pattern and depth

Seeds are planted to a depth of 3–4 cm at a distance of 6–7 cm from each other. If possible, it is better to place the seeds at an angle of 45° with the pointed tip up: this will make it easier for the sprout to reach the surface of the earth. To retain moisture, the beds must be covered with mulch 3–5 cm thick.

Harvesting and storage

Unlike the Arctic variety, Altai cucumbers do not bear fruit for a long time, so it is recommended to pick cucumbers immediately after they ripen. Such actions contribute to the formation of new ovaries on cucumbers, resulting in an increase in fruit yield.

It is recommended to store Altai cucumbers in a room whose temperature does not exceed 4 degrees Celsius. As a rule, a basement or cellar is used to store fruits.

To prevent the fruits from rotting, it is recommended to lay them out in several layers in a box, which will allow the required amount of oxygen to reach the cucumbers.

If the fruits of the variety will be used in the near future, they should be placed in the refrigerator. If one of the cucumbers begins to rot, it must be removed immediately so that the remaining cucumbers do not rot.

Preparing and planting seeds

Step 1 . Buy seeds only in stores, avoid street retail outlets and tents, most often they contain low-quality planting material. Check the manufacturer's stamps and expiration dates to ensure the seeds are of good quality.

Step 2 . Prepare a saline solution, add 10 g of salt to 500 ml of water. The liquid is thoroughly mixed until the crystals are completely dissolved.

Step 3 . Dip the seeds into the liquid and leave for 2-3 hours. Throw away anything that floats to the top. Carefully remove the settled seeds and rinse with warm water

Alligator cucumbers

If you like unusual large cucumbers, then you should take a closer look at the alligator category. They got their name due to their unusual elongated shape. Their main advantages are originality, sweetness and aroma. In Siberia, the following from Orta are appropriate:

  • "Elizabeth". Self-pollinating hybrid with high yield. Fruit length – 20-22 cm. Productivity – up to 18 kg per 1 sq. m. Fruiting occurs on the 45th day.
  • "Crocodile Gena". An early ripening hybrid that is pollinated by bees. Fruit length – 35-50 cm. Productivity – 16 kg per 1 sq. m. is not afraid of most diseases.
  • "Emerald Stream". Hybrid with long and stable fruiting. Tolerates low temperatures and shade very well. Fruit length is 30-80 cm, yield is 12 kg per 1 sq. m.

Read also: Bitter cucumbers: reasons why this happens and what to do?

Attention! Alligator cucumbers are suitable for fresh consumption, as well as lightly salted. It is better not to use them for pickling and preservation.

Fruit cucumbers

Another category that deserves special attention. Fruit cucumbers are native to Asia, have an amazing sweet taste, and are suitable for various culinary purposes. The following are best suited for growing in Siberian regions:

  • "Fruit". Early ripening self-pollinating hybrid. It bears fruit already on the 42nd day. Fruit length – 14 cm, yield – 8 kg per 1 sq. m. Cucumbers ripen together and impress with their taste. The variety resists most diseases and is best consumed fresh.
  • "Paganini's fingers". Early ripening self-pollinating hybrid. The first ripe fruits can be collected on the 35th day. Fruit length is 10-15 cm, yield is 10-12 kg per 1 sq. m. The variety tolerates shade well and is universal in use.
  • "Sweet woman". Mid-season self-pollinating hybrid. Fruiting occurs on the 55th day. Fruit length is 20-22 cm, yield is 12 kg per 1 sq. m. The advantages of the hybrid are its satisfactory resistance to many cucumber diseases and excellent commercial qualities. Cucumbers of this variety are recommended to be consumed raw.
  • "Present". An early ripening hybrid that will bear fruit on the 38th day. The length of the fruit is 15-20 cm. Convenient not only for growing in a greenhouse, but also in apartment conditions - a balcony or windowsill.

New generation hybrids

It is hybrid varieties that can be safely planted in low temperatures and successfully grown indoors. Already at the f1 genetic level, the cucumber is resistant to many diseases and unstable natural factors.

Hybrids, as a rule, have earlier ripening periods and high yields, qualities that are most relevant in the short summer conditions of the west and east of Siberia. In addition, when growing hybrids, you do not have to worry about attracting insects to pollinate the ovaries. Most hybrids are parthenocapy and do not require pollination to form fruit. The best varieties for any type of greenhouse are hybrids.

Unlike varietal plants, hybrid plants exhibit most important economic and commercial characteristics: productivity, uniformity of varietal characteristics in all plants, short growing season. Particularly relevant are resistance to changes in humidity, temperature, and resistance to pathogens of viral and fungal diseases. Therefore, hybrids are ideal for growing in greenhouses.

Miranda F1

The universal early-ripening hybrid is characterized by cold resistance and resistance to major cucumber diseases. Can be cultivated outdoors and in protected ground. Does not require pollination. The plant is tall, well leafy.

Zelentsy are 11-12 cm long, weighing up to 120 g. Productivity is good. Up to 6.5 kg of cucumbers per 1 sq. m. The fruits are oblong green in color, with light specks and white stripes up to the middle of the fruit, with white thorns. Miranda cucumbers are tasty and juicy. Suitable for pickling and pickling.

Agricultural technology is no different from the process of growing most varieties. When the soil warms up to 15 degrees, the seedlings are planted in a permanent place. Most often this is the last ten days of May. Plant no more than 3-4 plants per 1 square. m. A garter or attachment to trellises is required.

Siberian bouquet F1

Early ripening, high-yielding hybrid, does not require pollination and is adapted to the low temperatures of Siberia. It is distinguished by friendly yield of fruits. Can be grown in any type of greenhouse and in open ground, resistant to common diseases. The plant is medium-climbing with unusual ovaries of 3-4 cucumbers, which look like a bouquet.

Cucumbers are up to 10 cm long, elongated in shape, and weighing up to 45-50 g. The hybrid has excellent marketability. Its most significant characteristic is the ability to produce a yield of up to 30 kg per square meter. m. The fruits are uniform in size and shape, have dense pulp, small seeds, do not taste bitter, and are ideal for pickling.

Cucumber Siberian bouquet f1 is quite demanding in terms of care. To obtain the maximum yield, you should follow the watering and fertilizing regimes, and remove ripe greens in a timely manner.

Restina F1

Many seed farms and agricultural companies are developing varieties and hybrids for areas with unfavorable weather. As a result of the work of agricultural breeders, a super early, high-yielding, bee-pollinated hybrid, Restina f1, appeared on the seed market.

The plant has genetic resistance to the main fungal, viral and bacterial diseases of cucumbers. From germination to harvest, only 39-40 days pass. The plant has bouquet ovaries, so it looks unusual. Cucumbers are collected in bunches of 3-5 pieces. They can be grown not only in a greenhouse or in a garden plot.

The variety is planted in boxes or pots on balconies and loggias. The plant looks very impressive. The cucumbers are small, gherkin-type, 5-6 cm long. The surface of the cucumbers is finely tuberous, green with light stripes. The pulp is dense, crispy, suitable for canning and preparing summer and winter salads.

The plant is heat-loving; for areas with cold climates, seedling cultivation is recommended. The crop is planted in a permanent location when the danger of frost has passed.

Important! When growing bee-pollinated varieties and hybrids with a female flower type, it is necessary to plant up to 10-15% of the plants with pollinating varieties that produce male flowers. They are planted in each row every 7-8 plants of the main variety.

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