Cinnamon striped - description of apple tree variety, pollinators, yield, reviews and photos

There are varieties of apples that can be safely called the ancestors of many other varieties. It was the Cinnamon Striped apple tree, a representative of folk selection, that was improved from all sides subsequently by breeding and improving its properties. The resilient apple tree has produced many offspring that are grown throughout the world.

Apple tree variety Cinnamon striped.


The Cinnamon Striped variety has a number of features and properties, for which it has received the widespread love of gardeners. Ripe fruits are very tasty, can be stored for quite a long time and there is always a lot of them. The crop itself is stable and productive, bears fruit well under any conditions.

The features of the Cinnamon Striped apple tree are worth considering to get to know it better.

Crown size

The seed rootstock is quite tall, reaching a height of 6 meters. The crown is the same in size, up to 6 meters.

Usually the variety is planted on a semi-dwarf rootstock. With this growing method, the growth of the apple tree reaches a maximum of 5 meters. The crown volume also usually reaches no more than 4 meters.


The shoots extend from the apple tree at an acute angle. There are few of them, they are quite thin and drooping. There are also not very many leaves; they are mostly located on the upper parts or along the edges of the branches.


The leaves are medium in size, slightly pubescent and rough. They are slightly pointed and dark green.


The apple tree blooms in mid-May, with large pale pink flowers opening. They emit a pleasant aroma that attracts insects.

Winter hardiness

The Cinnamon apple tree's resistance to cold is simply the highest. It easily tolerates temperatures of -37 degrees. There is historically confirmed data that the variety survived winter at -42 degrees.


The amount of harvest taken from one apple tree reaches 150 kg. This is not the most significant indicator; there are much larger ones. But there is an opportunity to increase the amount of harvest. To do this, you need to plant pollinators nearby.

Tasting assessment

The taste of the fruit is very high. In the State Register, the tasting scale indicates numbers from 4.7 to 4.9 points. The apples are small in size, up to 100 grams, they are round, yellow-green, with bright stripes. The taste is very pleasant, sweet, honey, with a slight sourness. A special feature is the very bright aroma of cinnamon that the ripe fruit exudes.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The main advantage of the Cinnamon Striped variety is its winter hardiness, which is especially important in cold regions and comes to the fore in the list of advantages. This is the key to the health and longevity of the apple tree. You can’t ignore the taste of the apples themselves. It is very tender, reminiscent of a cinnamon treat.

Apple tree Autumn joy

You can not only eat apples yourself, but also sell them. Their product qualities are quite competitive. Gardeners note a high ability to adapt among its advantages; an apple tree planted in any region will quickly take root and easily adapt to new conditions.

Note! The trees are soft wood, prone to cracking.

Experts include not very high yields, late fruiting periods, and tender pulp, which requires picking the fruit directly from the tree. The variety is not very resistant to scab.

This time-tested variety is especially recommended for residents of the Urals and Siberia. It can easily compete with new selections and is worthy of a place in any summer cottage.

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Varieties of the Cinnamon variety

There are several different varieties with even better taste and wood characteristics. In each of them, Cinnamon Striped was chosen as the basis.


The self-fertile Pineapple apple tree produces fruits of a beautiful red color and medium size. Apples cannot lie for a long time, up to 30 days maximum, but they stay on the shoots for a long time. The pulp is slightly more tender and grainy than Cinnamon, but that is why apples are often used to make various sweets.

Apple Cinnamon Pineapple.


The genes of New Cinnamon contain elements of Welsey, which was used for breeding. The fruits are medium in size and stored until the end of winter. The apple tree is resistant to cold and disease.

Apple tree Cinnamon New.

Smoky Gray

This is the same Cinnamon variety, only different in the shade of the skin. Due to the fact that the red stripes completely merge, and the fruit itself is covered with a waxy coating, the shade becomes a little more bluish, and the taste of cinnamon remains.

Apple variety Smoky Gray.

Diseases and pests

The Korichnoye variety is characterized by average resistance to phytodiseases. The variety is often attacked by pests such as weevil larvae and apple blossom beetle, which eat ovaries and buds. Brown suffers from fungal infections:

  • powdery mildew;
  • black cancer;
  • peronosporosis;
  • fruit rot (moniliosis).

Every year, with the arrival of spring and at the end of the growing season, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatments of apple trees, whitewashing the trunk and skeletal branches to a height of 1.2 m. When harmful insects and diseases appear, Brown is treated with insecticides or fungicides.

According to reviews from summer residents, Cinnamon Striped has excellent winter hardiness, plus excellent taste and aroma. However, the yield of a tall apple tree is mediocre. These characteristics are taken into account when you want to plant Brown in the garden.


Growing the Cinnamon Striped variety is not particularly difficult. It is completely unpretentious and easy to grow in almost any conditions.


To plant a young seedling, you need to choose a flat, sunny place without shading or accumulation of moisture. It is better that the groundwater is as far away as possible. The soil should be fertile and moderately moist, conduct moisture and air well.


Like any hardy apple variety, Cinnamon Striped can be planted in the spring, in late April, or in the fall, in September. The timing must be chosen so that the plant does not freeze and has time to adapt to the environment.

Technology and agricultural technology

Planting is carried out using standard technology:

  1. Prepare the planting hole in advance, make drainage at the bottom and place fertilizers.
  2. Before planting, the roots of the seedling are placed in water with the addition of growth stimulants.
  3. A hill is made from nutrient soil on which the seedling is placed.
  4. The roots need to be carefully straightened and sprinkled with soil.
  5. After planting, water well.

Watering apple trees after planting.
After a few weeks, the soil will settle and will need to be added. The top can be covered with a layer of mulching material to retain moisture and protect the tree trunk from weeds.

Caring for an apple tree is not particularly difficult. All the procedures, the observance of which is mandatory, are quite simple and familiar to every gardener:

  1. A young plant needs to be watered once every 7 days. Adults - according to a standard schedule, three to four times a season. Add the amount of water that the apple tree needs. So, an apple tree 6-15 years old will need about 70 liters of water, and one that is more than 16 years old will need 100 liters.
  2. Fertilizing is applied several times per season. In the spring, when the buds have just begun to swell, it is necessary to add urea, after flowering - copper sulfate and boric acid. Before the fruits begin to ripen, you will need to add superphosphate and calcium chloride to the tree trunk. In the fall, you need to add organic matter under digging to protect the plant and prepare it for winter.
  3. A prerequisite is timely pruning. Before fruiting begins, up to the 7th year, you need to constantly monitor the growth of side shoots. After the start of fruiting, it will also be necessary to carry out pruning, but sanitary cleaning will also be added to this.
  4. In spring and autumn, it is necessary to whitewash the trunk to protect the apple tree from pests, sunburn and frost damage.
  5. It would be good to properly prepare the apple tree for winter by insulating the trunk circle and wrapping the trunk with spruce branches.
  6. Although the variety has good immunity from diseases and pests, it is better not to neglect preventive spring spraying.

What is the best thing to grow from?

Usually gardeners buy already grown seedlings. But those who want to grow an apple tree themselves can use the methods of grafting, cuttings, or even on a seed rootstock.

Distance between plants

Vigorous rootstocks require a lot of space. At least 4 meters are needed for normal crown development. For medium-sized ones, which are most common, 3 meters from the neighboring crop will be enough.

Diagram of distances between apple trees.


First you need to figure out the seating area. Fertile and fairly moist soils with excellent drainage are best. Groundwater should not flow in the immediate vicinity, which could negatively affect the root system of the apple tree.

Young trees are planted in April or September. For planting, prepare a not very large hole measuring one meter by one meter. The soil for planting is prepared separately.

You need to use vermicompost at the rate of 3 liters per tree or horse humus at the rate of 3 kilograms. This mixture will increase the winter hardiness of the plant and provide it with nutrients.

The prepared soil is poured into the bottom of the hole and compacted, then the apple tree is placed and covered with earth so that there is a small hill. You should not bury a young plant in the ground.

After planting, the apple tree is watered well - about 15 liters of water are used for this.


Like any other crops, the Cinnamon Striped apple tree will be grateful for any care. Preventive spraying and keeping the tree trunk clean will help protect apple trees from any diseases.


The apple tree needs to be fertilized starting from the second year after planting, if enough fertilizer has been added to the planting hole. Complex fertilizers will help restore apple trees and give them strength to bear fruit.


The lifespan of an apple tree is quite long, it can reach more than 50 years. But after the 25th year, fruiting declines and can become cyclical. Therefore, rejuvenation must be added to pruning procedures.

Anti-aging pruning of an apple tree is carried out over 2 or even 3 years. To do this, you gradually need to cut off the number of shoots, which is equal to a third of the total volume. In order not to injure the apple tree too much, the procedure is carried out in stages.


Fruiting of the variety begins 7 years after planting. Before this, you need to monitor the formation of the crown. Every year, shoots are partially cut off to stimulate the growth of new ones. It is best to carry out the procedure in the spring, before the buds bloom.

Proper pruning of an apple tree.


The Cinnamon Striped variety needs to be planted with pollinators in a neighboring area. Papirovka or Moscow pear are best suited for this purpose. But in the absence of this, any other varieties that bloom at the same time will do.

Winter-hardy apple tree Cinnamon striped (Korichnevka)

This ancient variety of apple tree appeared as a result of natural selection more than 200 years ago.
In 1810, it was first described by V. A. Levshin in his recommendations to farmers and farmers. Since then, the variety has not been changed or improved artificially, but has been actively crossed with other apple trees and given birth to more than 15 varieties of modern apple trees.

Another name for this variety is Cinnamon, Korichnevoe and Korichnevka. It got its name thanks to the light, pleasant cinnamon flavor of a ripe apple.

Due to its exceptional winter hardiness, the Cinnamon Striped apple tree is included in the State Register for the Northern, Northwestern, Central Black Earth, Volga-Vyatka and Middle Volga regions.

Features of fruiting

Fruit picking can begin as early as the end of August. The variety ripens in autumn, and all terms are typical. The first harvest will have to wait: the apple tree is not one of those that begins to bear fruit early.

Collection and storage of fruits

To keep fruits for as long as possible, they need to be picked on a fine day. Carefully remove the apples with your hands; it is better to pick them with the stem, this will increase their shelf life.

If you place the collected fruits in a place with suitable temperature and humidity, they can last for about three months. Thanks to their thick skin, apples can be transported over long distances.

Harvest and storage

Harvesting must be done with extreme caution, without waiting until the apples begin to fall. The fruits of this variety have a very fragile structure; the slightest bruises can affect the quality and storage of the fruit.

It is advisable to consume a damaged apple in the first few days, then it will be unusable. Because of this feature of the fruit, experienced housewives make jam and jams from fallen or beaten apples. Apples can be frozen for baking or compote.

It is better to store the harvest in wooden boxes with access to air. Do not load the box with fruits; be sure to fold them carefully, filling the voids with paper, sawdust or hay. It is better to store apples in the basement or on the balcony.

Growing in regions

The variety is distinguished by its high resistance to low temperatures and its unpretentiousness. Thanks to this, the apple tree is distributed everywhere, even in the cold Siberian regions.

In the conditions of the Moscow region and the Moscow region, thaws, sudden cold snaps and high humidity often occur in the spring. But the apple tree adapts quite well to all these phenomena. You just need to pay attention to scab prevention.

More southern regions will not be an obstacle to planting New Cinnamon. Normal conditions, even with dry winds, are easily tolerated by the fruit crop. In dry conditions, additional watering may be necessary depending on seasonal conditions. But short-term drought will not harm the apple tree.


Marianna, 32 years old, Melitopol: “It seems that everyone knows the Cinnamon Striped variety. The apples are beautiful and rosy, do not last long, only slightly before frost, but are well suited for jam. The apple tree on my plot is 12 years old, and during this time it has never been sick.”

Lyubov Vasilievna, 67 years old, Bryansk: “Apples, however, seem to taste like cinnamon, most of all I love all kinds of baked goods made from them. There are a lot of fruits, but the tree is big, a lot remains at the top, we don’t have time to remove it. The apple tree is already 10 years old, once in the summer during the rains it was very sick, it scabbed and broke the leaves, and it was used for fruit. There are no more problems."

Alexander, 40 years old, Moscow region: “I won’t praise the variety too much, apples are like apples. Even, as for me, the taste is an acquired taste; I like compotes more than fresh ones. My wife and kids like it. And I like that it’s problem-free: I cut it in the spring, sprayed it and that’s it, it grows on its own.”

Where to buy seedlings?

The variety is quite common and can be purchased at specialized exhibitions and sales of seedlings, in nurseries, and from private breeders.

Preference should be given to local plant nurseries , because... at exhibitions and sales there is a chance to buy apple trees grown in the southern regions.

Although the Cinnamon Striped variety is winter-hardy, seedlings grown in warm climates tolerate frosts less well and adapt more slowly to new conditions .

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