An unusual pear-shaped variety with excellent taste - Mishutka eggplant: characteristics and description

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In this article we will talk about late varieties of eggplant with the affectionate name “Mishutka”.

Description of the variety

Eggplant "Mishutka", as noted earlier, is a late-ripening variety. The plant can be grown both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground.

  • The time for full fruit ripening is 130-145 days.
  • Productivity is high.
  • The weight of the fetus can reach 250 grams.

Eggplants of this variety are pear-shaped or round and dark purple, almost black. The pulp is white, dense and tasty; it does not darken after cutting.

The Mishutka eggplant has one striking feature, thanks to which it produces high yields: the simultaneous formation of two or three fruits on one cluster.

Eggplant Mishutka. Analytical report

Now it’s time to sum up the results of testing the Mishutka eggplant. “An early-ripening, high-yielding variety, the period from germination to technical ripeness is 100-115 days. Designed for growing in open ground and under film covers. Productivity 8-9 kg/m2. Plants are closed and tall. The fruits are pear-shaped, long, weighing 250-450 g. The pulp is white, dense, tender, without bitterness. The taste of the products is excellent. Recommended for various culinary processing, canning and freezing. The variety is distinguished by the fact that it simultaneously bears 2-3 fruits in a cluster. Eggplants are well stored and transported.” Let's remember how it all began:
February 24

Soaked the seeds for a day in melt water.
On February 25, I placed the seeds in a container on gauze and put them in a warm, dark place for germination. On March 3, I started sowing seeds (I planted only 10 seeds).
I planted five of them in plastic cups, and the remaining five in peat tablets. I didn’t see much of a difference; the eggplants developed the same way. The soil for planting was used by Biosoil for seedlings. Eggplants sprouted unevenly from March 4 to March 11 .


Shoots 100%.

March 13 - first sheet.

first sheet

March 22 - I picked eggplants from peat tablets into plastic cups. I simply added soil to the eggplants that were in the glass.

after the pick

On March 31, eggplants from peat tablets and eggplants from cups are completely indistinguishable.

March 31

Care consisted of illumination from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. and in the evening from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., watering with warm water and gentle loosening after watering. I did not use fertilizers.

2 weeks before planting, the eggplants moved to the greenhouse for hardening under a double layer of Lutrasil 60.

On May 19, I began planting eggplants in a permanent place. I decided to plant 5 Teddy Bears in the greenhouse, and the remaining 5 outside.

before disembarkation

The soil is very loose and well fertilized with organic matter. I placed a handful of Orgavit and two handfuls of ash in the holes.

The eggplants began to bloom both in the greenhouse and outside immediately after planting, but all the flowers fell off.

On August 25, the first ovary appeared in the greenhouse on the 164th day from germination. On August 8, the first ovary appeared on the street on the 148th day from germination.

first ovaries, greenhouse

first ovaries, street

On August 26, I picked the first fruits on the street. 166 days have passed since the landing . On September 9, I picked the first fruits from the greenhouse. 180 days have passed since the landing .

Fruiting continued until September 23 in the greenhouse and outside. As a result, I collected 10 pieces from 5 test bushes in the greenhouse. — 2294 gr. (average weight of one fruit is 230 g) Outdoors - 8 pcs. - 1693 g (weight of one fruit on average 210 g) .

Mishutka did not have time to reveal his full potential during such a short period of fruiting.

Care consisted of watering once every three days. Feed once a week, alternating Orgavit (granulated horse manure) and potassium monophosphate. I did not treat anything against diseases or pests.



The fruits are very beautiful, pear-shaped and bright purple in color. Thin peel, white, tender pulp with a small amount of seeds. The taste is rich without bitterness.

in section

I used the eggplants to make caviar, sauté and just froze it for winter.


The plants were removed on September 23. The age of plants from the moment of germination is 199 days . The leaves are green, the eggplants are still blooming. The root system is healthy and very powerful.

removed plants

root system

Pros of eggplant Mishutka:

  • Germination rate - 100%;
  • The yield is good, but it must be grown in the southern regions, where summers are not so short;
  • Not susceptible to disease;
  • Does not respond to temperature changes;
  • The taste is excellent, without bitterness.

Cons of the Mishutka eggplant: Most likely this is not a Mishutkin minus, but it is not early ripening, as indicated on the package.
Most likely this is a late eggplant. Conclusion: I really liked the Eggplant Mishutka both in taste and shape. It is unpretentious and productive (in the southern regions). I won’t plant any more at my place, it’s too long a wait for fruiting.


Characteristics of the variety

Late high-yielding variety of eggplants for open ground.

This variety is distinguished by the fact that 2-3 fruits can be tied to one cluster, which is why the yield reaches 5 tons per 1 hectare of land. Mishutka eggplant is resistant to negative environmental factors and disease-resistant.

Beginning gardeners often encounter difficulties when growing eggplants, since this vegetable is very capricious. In this article you can find out how to properly care for Maria seedlings and whether you need to use fertilizing.

Growing and care

The variety is grown on fertilized soil; up to 7 kg of compost, 5 g of saltpeter, 20 g of superphosphate, and 8-10 g of potassium salt are added per 1 m2 of plot.

Fertilizing is carried out once every 10-12 days on depleted soils, once every 2-3 weeks on balanced soils. Complex solutions are used. After planting, it is useful to water the young bushes with Kristalon or Kemira. During the flowering phase, a solution of superphosphate and urea is used.

When harvesting, the following composition is useful (infuse for 1 week):

  • 100 l of liquid;
  • 1 bucket of litter;
  • 1.5 tbsp. nitrophoska.

1.5-2 liters of product are poured under 1 bush.

Eggplants are watered moderately and regularly. Per 1 m2, 6 to 10 liters of liquid are required. Do not flood the beds to avoid fungal infection.

Features of cultivation

Seeds begin to be sown for seedlings in late February - early March. Transplant plants only when the bush has 2-3 real leaves. Planting of seedlings in a greenhouse is carried out at the end of May, and in open ground - at the beginning of June.

After the ovary has formed, it is necessary to trim off excess fruits and improve the quality of the future vegetable. Remove all small inflorescences, leaving only 5-6 large ovaries.

The plant does not need special care. The required growing conditions include the following:

  • abundant and timely watering;
  • pruning leaves and small fruits;
  • loosening the soil;
  • feeding with fertilizers.

Store vegetables in cool, well-ventilated areas. To increase their shelf life, eggplants can be frozen or dried, and for the winter they can be pickled or canned.

Characteristics and description of the eggplant variety Mishutka

The Mishutka variety, like other eggplant varieties and hybrids, is very sensitive to temperature conditions and the length of daylight hours. Only in the southern regions can the vegetable be grown by direct sowing into the ground, and in other regions, the cultivation of Mishutka is carried out only by seedlings, followed by planting the seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse.

Daylight hours for normal plant growth should be 12-14 hours.

Botanical characteristics

Mishutka is an early ripening variety with high yield. The variety can be used for growing in protected and unprotected soil. Eggplants can also be grown in tunnels made of film and agrofibre.

Seeds are sown for seedlings in the third decade of February, and planted in the ground in May, when the risk of spring frosts has passed. By the time of planting, the seedlings should have 7-9 true leaves and the age of the seedling should be 60-70 days. The Mishutka variety is resistant to natural stressful conditions. Fruit set and ripening are consistent.


Eggplants of the Mishutka variety have a dark purple, almost black glossy color and a pear-shaped shape. Fruit weight is from 250 to 450 g. The pulp has an almost white tint and lacks bitterness. The taste qualities of Mishutka fruits are high.

They can be used for preparing fresh dishes, as well as processed ones - canned, dried and frozen.

Maturation and yield

The description of the variety says that these eggplants differ from other hybrids and varieties in that they produce 2-3 fruits on one cluster, which determines the high yield of Mishutka. The average yield from one m² is 8-9 kg, and from 1 hectare – over 5 tons.

Eggplants are distinguished by their rapid ripening. The first harvest of fruits when sowing seeds in the ground is carried out in the 1st-2nd ten days of August, and when using seedlings - in the last ten days of June or the first ten days of July.

Good to know! The fruits are highly transportable and can be stored for a long time.


Light and warmth are what the tropical eggplant Mishutka loves; growing and caring for it consists of providing these conditions. It should be noted that the plant belongs to the short-day group. In those areas where there are white nights, plantings have to be covered from 18:00 to 6:00.

Plants love light soils with a slightly acidic or neutral soil solution. On peaty soils and acidic soils, beds must be limed every three years.

What type of soil is best for growing eggplants?

Peat soilChernozem

The soil must be nutritious, as plants grow quickly and take up many elements from the ground. They especially love organic ones. When digging up beds for planting, it is necessary to add a bucket of humus per square meter, and if organic matter is difficult to obtain, it will be added to the planting holes.

The best predecessors are:

  • roots;
  • green manure;
  • nightshade crops;
  • pumpkin.

Every gardener who has at least once grown eggplants on his plots has noted how grateful these plants are for feeding, reacting to it with a noticeable acceleration of growth and development. The Mishutka eggplant requires a lot of nutrition; growing and caring for it in open ground must include several feedings. During the cultivation period, the crop is fertilized three to four times, using complex mineral fertilizers for nightshade crops.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for more than 30 years

Organic fertilizer is stopped in the first half of the growing season so as not to stimulate the growth of shoots and leaves to the detriment of fruit growth. When the first fruits begin, it is necessary to give priority attention to phosphorus fertilizer. Superphosphate is diluted in hot water (matchbox per liter), another 9 liters of water are added, and the layer is saturated with this solution.

Eggplants have a very positive attitude towards ordinary wood ash, as it:

  1. alkalizes the soil;
  2. contains potassium, improves the taste of fruits;
  3. inhibits the spread of rot;
  4. protects against slugs and slugs.

Ash can be sprinkled on the beds after watering, and used for root and foliar feeding. It is impossible to combine fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers, so in this case nitrogen will become unavailable.

The culture is quite moisture-loving and must be watered often. In this case, you need to make sure that the water temperature is not lower than 20 degrees. Water should not fall on the above-ground part so as not to spread fungal diseases.

Diseases and pests

Some diseases and pests of eggplant can not only significantly reduce the yield of this crop, but also completely destroy young plants. Vegetable pests such as the Colorado potato beetle or mole cricket often cause the death of eggplant seedlings, which leads to the need for replanting.

Colorado beetle

Various etiologies of the disease are also very dangerous for this crop. Some of the most dangerous are various types of rot, blackleg and mosaic. To prevent diseases of vegetables and harm from pests to plants, it is necessary to follow eggplant agricultural practices and use various preventive measures.


If diseases and pests of vegetables do attack eggplants, it is necessary to take measures to combat them:

  1. For this purpose, a whole arsenal of modern chemicals is used, among which there are also safe drugs.
  2. In addition, diseases and pests of eggplants can be easily destroyed over the years using proven folk remedies, the preparation of which uses ingredients that are safe for human health.
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