Feijoa with sugar - a recipe for the winter without cooking (7 recipes)

  • Feijoa -1 kg
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg

Cooking time: 30 minutes + 2-3 hours standing time

Yield - 2 kg

Calorie content - 205.8 kcal

Below is information on how to prepare feijoa with sugar for the winter, how to store it and use it correctly, and the benefits of preparing feijoa. With these recommendations, preparing feijoa for the winter with sugar will be easy and simple.

  • How to sterilize jars for storing feijoa pureed with sugar
      How long can feijoa with sugar be stored at home?
  • Why does feijoa jam turn dark?
  • How to eat feijoa with sugar
  • The benefits of feijoa pureed with sugar

    This exotic fruit attracts attention from the medical side. It contains a lot of useful substances, thanks to which it has a multifaceted effect on the body.

    The main benefits of feijoa are as follows:

    • replenishes iodine deficiency and helps with thyroid diseases;
    • boosts immunity and replenishes the supply of vitamins and microelements;
    • has an antibacterial effect:
    • normalizes intestinal function;
    • increases performance;
    • improves the composition and properties of blood;
    • normalizes heart function.

    This healthy product can be consumed by everyone - adults, children and even pregnant women. It practically does not cause an allergic reaction, but in case of individual intolerance, precautions should be taken.

    Eating fresh fruits allows you to get all the benefits from them. But if stored for a long time, the fruit deteriorates and becomes unfit for consumption. The main way to preserve it is to grind it with sugar.

    This ground preparation is very easy to prepare and does not take much time. Feijoa, ground with sugar, can be stored for a long time, but always in the refrigerator. Only then will all the benefits, aroma and sweet taste be preserved. This delicacy can be eaten with tea, added grated to baked goods, or made into healthy lemonade.

    The benefits and harms of feijoa for the human body

    The benefits and harms of feijoa were identified by scientists several decades ago. But due to ignorance, the fruits do not receive the popularity they deserve.

    As some doctors say, if a person regularly consumed this emerald fruit in small quantities, the exacerbation of his diseases could be avoided.

    How is feijoa beneficial for the body?

    The benefits of feijoa in the treatment of diseases

    How feijoa is useful and for what diseases it is used can only be answered by specialists. To identify the beneficial properties of the berries, a number of studies were carried out, where the following medicinal properties of feijoa were revealed:

    The fruits of this tree contain large amounts of iodine. Its concentration surpasses even the leaders among all food products - seafood and red fish. One kilogram of berries can be 15 times the daily requirement of the human body for iodine. That is why feijoa should be consumed by people who have been diagnosed with thyroid disorders associated with a lack of this beneficial enzyme in the human body.

    But it should be noted that the product should be consumed for the treatment of the thyroid gland only after consultation with an endocrinologist.

    Feijoas contain a huge amount of vitamins. There are representatives here whose intake can prevent the exacerbation of serious diseases, as well as eliminate an existing illness. The fruits contain:

    • vitamin C – used for prophylactic purposes to prevent colds;
    • vitamin B1 – helps normalize the body’s metabolic processes, which improves brain and cardiovascular system function;
    • B2 – helps maintain normal hormone levels and also affects tissue renewal;
    • B3 - used to prevent the growth and spread of cancer cells in the human body, and also helps to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • B5 - used to normalize metabolic processes in order to prevent the further development of respiratory diseases - bronchitis, tuberculosis and other diseases;
    • B6 – used to eliminate muscle cramps and numbness of the limbs;
    • PP – has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

    Feijoa contains easily digestible proteins and fats, which classifies it as a dietary product. As a rule, 5-6 fruits can saturate the body with useful vitamins and microelements, as well as enzymes involved in building muscle tissue and producing energy for the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, they are often recommended for use by nutritionists when the patient is at a severe stage of obesity.

    Feijoa can be used to prevent colds, which is especially important during the quarantine period. The essential oils contained in the fruits help the body cope with the virus that has entered it.

    The fruits are of particular value due to the composition of the peel. It contains kakhetin and leukoanthocin - two enzymes that actively fight the proliferation and spread of cancer cells in the body.

    Therefore, Russian oncologists advise people who are at the stage of a full examination with suspected cancer not to neglect berries.

    Even if a person is diagnosed with a benign neoplasm, and it can develop into a malignant form, feijoa helps prevent such a process.

    The beneficial properties of feijoa fruit there . Experts are still conducting research, since some aspects are only now becoming known.

    Useful properties of feijoa, video:

    Beneficial properties of feijoa for men

    The benefits of feijoa for men are sometimes priceless. A good half of middle-aged men know firsthand about such an unpleasant disease as prostatitis. The stronger sex simply does not have the time or desire to run to the doctor every time there is an exacerbation (the reluctance can be explained by shame).

    Urologists say that several fruits a day can prevent re-inflammation of the prostate, so they should be consumed for prevention and medicinal purposes.

    Feijoa also acts as an excellent hormonal therapy and is therefore recommended for use in both men and women for problems with the opposite sex.

    What are the benefits of feijoa for women?

    As mentioned above, feijoa is a dietary product, so it is recommended to be consumed during a diet by women who want to lose weight. The fruits of the berries contain substances that can speed up metabolism, which has a positive effect on a woman’s figure and is beneficial during the diet.

    Eat fruits instead of sweet confectionery, and also replace dinner with 300 g of tasty and ripe berries.

    In addition, feijoa copes well with painful menstruation, as it promotes rapid dilatation of the cervix due to the accelerated metabolic process.

    The fruits of the berries are often used in cosmetology. A woman can purchase ready-made formulations or make them herself. The product slows down cell aging and is particularly popular as an anti-aging agent. The berries are used to prepare masks to rejuvenate the skin and remove age wrinkles.

    We should not forget about the excellent antifungal properties of feijoa. These fruits are often used to treat nail and skin fungus, but only after examination and identification of the nature of the disease. Of course, the berry you use will not cause any more harm, but there will be no benefit from its use either. As a result, money and time will be spent on treatment.

    Beneficial properties of feijoa for pregnant women

    Pregnant women should consume feijoa regularly due to a lack of iodine in the body during pregnancy. Here we should talk about the benefits of the described product for the gastrointestinal tract, namely the elimination of constipation. Just 3-4 fetuses a day and this piquant problem of all expectant mothers will go away immediately.

    What are the benefits of feijoa for children?

    Feijoa should be given to children during the period of quarantine and widespread colds. The benefits of vitamin C will prevent infection and significantly improve the child’s immunity.

    You can also talk about the benefits of berries during food poisoning, which causes frequent vomiting and diarrhea in a child. Of course, in such situations there is no need to fully rely on the healing properties of feijoa, but the essential oils contained in the product soothe the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which leads to a significant improvement in the baby’s health.

    Teenagers are also recommended to make masks using feijoa to get rid of acne. As mentioned above, this fruit has anti-inflammatory properties, which means it can significantly eliminate the redness of acne and relieve the child from itching. Here it is enough to add the berry pulp to regular milk to cleanse your face. The mixture is applied to the face, neck and ears, and then after 15 minutes, wash the face with running water.

    Selection and preparation of berries

    The freshness and ripeness of an exotic fruit is of great importance. Poor quality ingredients can spoil the taste of the ground treat or cause it to ferment. When purchasing at a market or store, you should choose carefully.

    Features of choice:

    1. Preference should be given to large fruits. They are more ripe, juicy and contain more nutrients.
    2. The feijoa peel should be intact, smooth and without any damage. The color is dark green. Large dark spots indicate spoilage of the fruit, small spots are considered normal.
    3. Feijoa should be elastic and dense to the touch. A fruit that is too hard is underripe, while a fruit that is too soft indicates overripeness and requires immediate consumption.
    4. The unripe fruit can be placed in a dark place at room temperature; in a few days it will ripen.
    5. It is imperative to ask the seller to cut the fruit in order to inspect its core. The ripe fruit has creamy flesh. Its white color indicates that the fruit is not yet ripe, and its brown color indicates overripeness and possible spoilage.

    In addition to choosing a quality product, preparing feijoa before preparing it for the winter also plays an important role. Failure to follow the basic rules can also lead to fruit mashed with sugar fermenting.

    Preparation stages:

    1. Once again, carefully sort through all the fruits and select only the most whole and ripe ones.
    2. Rinse the feijoa thoroughly, changing the water several times.
    3. Remove tails and sepals.

    Fruits that have defects can be trimmed and consumed fresh. You can also make compote or jam from such scraps. Heat treatment will reduce the risk of fermentation and spoilage.

    Feijoa: how to eat it correctly, with or without peel

    The pulp of the berry has a delicate and pleasant taste. But the rough, green peel gives the impression that it is inedible and the berry needs to be peeled. But in fact, the peel is edible, but not everyone likes its tart taste.

    Therefore, how to eat feijoa - with or without peel - is a matter of personal preference.

    The peculiarity of the berry is that when ripe it is very tender and does not tolerate transportation well. Therefore, it is harvested in an unripe form, but the advantage is that the fruits are able to ripen without losing their beneficial qualities.

    It is problematic to determine the ripeness of fruits by appearance; the peel does not change its color when ripe. When choosing, pay attention to the appearance - the peel should have a uniform color, without brownish spots.

    You can determine the ripeness and freshness of the fruit by the type of pulp:

    • Brown pulp with a musty smell indicates that the berry is overripe.
    • The ripe berry has transparent, pale cream-colored flesh with a pleasant aroma.
    • if the flesh is white, dense, odorless, the fruit is not ripe, but we remember that feijoa can ripen at your home.

    Fresh fruits are stored for 1 to 3 weeks, depending on ripeness and storage method.

    How to grind feijoa

    To prepare a feijoa preparation pureed with sugar, you must first grind the fruits to a puree. You can do this in several ways:

    1. Grate on a regular coarse grater. This method is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming. In addition, you can easily injure your fingers.
    2. Grind in a meat grinder. This method allows you to grind a larger number of berries in a short time. But it also has disadvantages: The hard skin quickly dulls the knives and clogs the meat grinder. The consistency turns out to be heterogeneous. It is best to use a manual model and clean it frequently.
    3. Use a blender. This is the most convenient and practical way to prepare pureed mass. The blender easily copes with feijoa pieces, turning them into a homogeneous mass. By adding sugar at the same time, you can get raw jam in a matter of minutes.

    Benefits of feijoa fruit

    Feijoa has a unique taste that is unlike anything else. This is due to the high iodine content (from 2 to almost 4 mg per 1 kilogram of fruit). Let us remind the reader that a person of average build needs only 0.15 mg of this substance per day. However, there are fruits that have even higher iodine content. This depends on the distance the trees grow from the sea. The closer to the coast, the greater the value of the fruits. The fruit is rich not only in iodine, but also in other useful organic substances and sugars.

    Now doctors advise people who have insufficient levels of hormones produced by the thyroid gland to eat more iodine-containing foods. Feijoa is considered one of the healthiest, and at the same time delicious, foods.

    Traditional feijoa recipe with sugar

    The most basic recipe for preparing it for the winter is mixing feijoa with sugar. No heat treatment of the fruit is required. Thanks to this, all the benefits and taste of fresh fruits are preserved.

    Preparation is very simple and does not take much time:

    1. You need to wash and grind the feijoa to a puree.
    2. Add sugar in a 1:1 ratio. Sweet lovers are allowed to add more sugar.
    3. Mix thoroughly and leave for 1-2 hours to dissolve the sugar.
    4. Grind thoroughly again.
    5. Pour into glass jars and close the lid tightly.

    Important! You cannot reduce the amount of sugar, as this will cause fermentation.

    Feijoa: recipe without cooking

    Recipes without cooking are always the simplest, and dishes prepared using them are the healthiest. We invite you to add this delicious recipe for preparing feijoa to your recipe book without any heat treatment. You can read about how harmful heat treatment is here.

    • Feijoa – 1.1 kg
    • Almonds – 300 g
    • Granulated sugar – 1 kg


    • Wash the feijoa and pour boiling water over it for a few minutes. This must be done in order to obtain a softer skin. After this, we clean the fruits from the tails and cut them in half.
    • Almonds should be used raw rather than roasted, as they are much healthier. Soak the nuts for 10 minutes. in water, rinse and combine with feijoa. If desired, almonds can be replaced with any other nuts. A more classic option is walnuts.
    • Now, using a blender, grind the ingredients and add granulated sugar to them, mix the resulting jam thoroughly.
    • Place the finished product in a sterilized container and store it in a cool place. In winter, you can even store healthy treats on the balcony.

    Feijoa for the winter with sugar and walnuts

    For nut lovers, a variation of the feijoa recipe, ground with sugar, is suitable. This mixture contains even more useful substances and vitamins. The cooking recipe is similar to the traditional one:

    1. Wash and chop feijoa fruits.
    2. Add sugar in equal quantity.
    3. Add chopped nuts to the mixture to taste from 200 to 400 g.
    4. Grind everything thoroughly and put it in jars.

    Important! You can add any nuts. Walnut is best. Peanuts can spoil the taste and lead to fermentation.

    How to choose feijoa at the market or in a store?

    The quality of the raw materials is the first thing you should pay close attention to. If you take unripe or spoiled fruits, the taste and consistency of the mixture will no longer be the same. Sometimes your work can go down the drain.

    Therefore, we slowly walk through the rows and carefully choose

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