Potato variety Lileya: characteristics and description, photos, reviews

History of appearance

Potatoes of this variety were bred at the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Potato and Horticulture. The organization is listed in official sources as the originator and patent holder. Belarusian potatoes are called in Russia, emphasizing the origin of the culture.

In 2007, the variety was included in the State Register of the Republic of Belarus. The authors of this variety are:

  • Ananyeva I. N.;
  • Vologdina L.N.;
  • Ivanyuk V. G.;
  • Kolyadko I. I.;
  • Makhanko V. L.;
  • Nezakonova L.V.

Since 2008, the Lileya Belorussian potato has been listed in the State Register of the Russian Federation.

Advice from experienced gardeners and reviews about the Lileya variety

Let's give some advice from farmers with experience in growing the Belarusian variety:

  • Lily loves to be watered. If nature is favorable, then the potatoes will grow on their own, no additional feeding is needed.
  • Apply foliar feeding twice a month. Spray the bushes with a superphosphate solution.
  • It is better to use nets rather than bags or boxes for storage.

You can find many different reviews about the Liley variety.

Tamara, Krasnodar: “I decided to try a new Liley variety for myself. I planted it without any problems, in our south it grows well. The taste was excellent, the potatoes themselves were dense and large. Goes well in soups, purees and for French fries.”

Igor, Novosibirsk region: “I’ve heard a lot of praise about Belarusian potatoes. It turned out that it was not in vain. Lileya potatoes are smooth, without foulbrood. It grows well, is almost not susceptible to diseases and pests, but requires constant care. Overall I’m happy, now I only plant this variety.”

Description of the Liley potato with photo

Potatoes of this variety are considered table potatoes. It is grown both in small areas and on an industrial scale.


Lileya Belorussian potato belongs to the medium-sized varieties. The bush looks like this:

  • moderate spreading;
  • intermediate type;
  • foliage is abundant;
  • stem erect or semi-erect;
  • leaf size is medium, type is intermediate;
  • the edges of the plates are slightly wavy;
  • color green;
  • flowers are large;
  • the color of the corollas is white;
  • The inflorescence is compact, medium in size.


The variety Lileya Belorusskaya is distinguished by the early formation of tubers. They look like this:

  • size is large;
  • average weight 100-200 g;
  • oval-round shape;
  • the peel is smooth and dense, yellow in color;
  • eyes are small, shallow;
  • the pulp is light yellow, does not darken when cut;
  • friability is average;
  • boilability is weak.

There are 8-15 tubers in a Liley potato nest. Small specimens are very rare.

Lileya potato tubers are aligned by weight and size

Comment! Liley potatoes contain 11.5-17.5% starch. This indicator makes the purpose of tubers almost universal.


Alena, Khabarovsk

After Lileya's potatoes appeared on the market, she purchased seeds and planted them on her plot. Since the first planting was from seeds, in the first year I received small tubers for future planting. However, having planted them in the second year, I was pleasantly surprised: each bush pleased me with an abundance of tubers, which, moreover, turned out to be very tasty. Now this is my favorite variety and I grow it on my plot every year.

Marina, Ufa

Whatever you say, Lileya is an excellent potato variety that simply cannot disappoint if you care for it correctly. I would like to note that when I planted it for the first time, I was new to this business, but the unpretentiousness of the variety played a role. The harvest was decent and so was the size of the tubers. I definitely recommend it.

Characteristics of Lileya potatoes

Liley Belarusian potatoes are used for various purposes. The options are almost unlimited:

  • cooking;
  • stewing;
  • roasting;
  • baking;
  • stuffing;
  • deep frying;
  • adding to salads.

On an industrial scale, Liley potatoes are used for vegetable mixes and semi-finished products. This variety is only poorly suited for purees due to its poor boilability.

Taste qualities of Lileya potatoes

Potatoes of this variety have a very good taste. The pulp of the tubers is quite dense, but its consistency is pleasant. Heat treatment does not change the shape and color, ensuring the accuracy and attractiveness of the dish.

Ripening time

Lileya potatoes are early varieties. Full ripening after emergence takes 65-70 days. In the State Register of the Russian Federation, the variety is listed as mid-early.


The originator and patent holder of the Lileya variety claims a yield of up to 67 tons per hectare. State tests have shown that 25-39 tons of potatoes can be harvested in such areas. The maximum yield was achieved in the Vologda region. 1 hectare of planting yielded almost 41 tons of tubers.

Comment! The marketability of Liley potatoes reaches 97%. The keeping quality of the variety is 90%.

Growing regions

The Liley Belarusian potato variety is grown in different regions of the country. In accordance with the State Register of the Russian Federation, permission was obtained for the following regions:

  • Central;
  • Northern;
  • Northwestern;
  • Volgo-Vyatsky.

Disease resistance

Potato Lileya has good immunity. The variety is resistant to the following diseases:

  • cancer (pathotype I);
  • late blight of tops, tubers.

Potato Liley is rarely affected by viruses. Among the pests, resistance to the golden cyst nematode is observed.

The best early ripening varieties

They are characterized by increased resistance to fungal and other diseases. They prepare for planting in early April - a month before planting in open ground. So, tubers with sprouts are planted in the soil in early May. As for the disadvantages, we can note the low or medium starch content, so the potatoes remain hard during cooking. The most popular varieties in this category can be found below.

Zhukovsky early

This is a variety developed by domestic breeders, which ripens in 60 days and gives an excellent harvest - from 400 to 600 centners per 1 hectare, and can grow in different soils and climatic zones. This potato has the following characteristics:

  • oval shape;
  • large sizes - from 100 to 150 g;
  • starch content – ​​15%;
  • smooth surface, pink or beige skin and white flesh that does not darken when cut and does not become soft when cooked;
  • excellent product and taste qualities (great for making chips);
  • resistance to cancer, golden nematode, common scab, rhizoctonia and other diseases;
  • tolerates drought and low temperatures well;
  • in conditions of moderate temperature and humidity it can lie until mid-spring.

You can plant potatoes even in early April, but in order to protect them from frost, it is worth covering the seedlings with agrofibre, which also perfectly helps maintain normal soil temperatures. It should be removed after threats of frost and a drop in air temperature.


Refers to table fruit varieties. Ripens in 55-65 days. The bushes grow of medium height, the leaves are slightly dissected. The corollas appear moderately and are white in color. The plant is distinguished by a thick stem, which is colored with anthocyanin along its entire length.

The variety bears fruit with white round tubers, which are covered with eyes of medium depth. The pulp is white. The starch level is from 9.8 to 12.1%, and the protein level is from 1.5 to 1.7%. Tubers can be stored for a long time, are highly resistant to cancer, but less resistant to viral diseases. Most often they suffer from late blight and rhizoctonia.


Often grown in the West Siberian region. It is a table variety of domestic selection. The tubers are obtained weighing from 104 to 153 g, oval in shape with light yellow flesh and slightly rough skin. Productivity is average - from 210-300 to 426 centners per 1 ha. One bush grows from 6 to 10 tubers. The level of starch content is relatively high - from 15.9 to 19.4%. Potatoes can be stored for a long time.


Excellent for planting in the Central region. The bushes grow medium in height, semi-spreading and stem type. The leaves of the plant have a light green color, medium size and moderate dissection.

The variety bears fruit in smooth oval tubers weighing up to 130 g, which are covered with light beige skin with predominantly small eyes. The color of the pulp is creamy, and the starch content is up to 11.2%. From 1 hectare you can harvest about 276 centners of crop, with one bush producing 7-8 tubers. It is distinguished by increased safety - about 97%.


This is a table variety of Dutch selection that bears fruit with marketable tubers. The bush is of medium height, moderately or well leafy. As a rule, the stem is green and colored with anthocyanin at the base. The color of the corolla is white.

The tubers are light yellow in color and round-oval in shape. They have small eyes. The pulp itself has a yellow tint. The weight of one fruit is from 71 to 134 g, the starch level is from 12.7 to 15%, and the protein content is from 1.3 to 1.9%.

Among the disadvantages, one can note the strong susceptibility of tops to late blight (tubers are more resistant). In addition, it is moderately resistant to scab and viral diseases. It is practically not affected by cancer and nematodes.


Refers to high-yielding table varieties. It is distinguished by its excellent presentation, does not darken after cooking and does not become soft. The tubers are large and oval in shape, covered with a yellow skin, and the flesh itself is white. Dry matter concentration – 18%.

Tubers are rarely affected by late blight, common scab and nematodes. More often, the plant suffers from late blight of tops and Y-virus.


This is an early-ripening table hybrid that blooms with lilac flowers and bears red tubers. They weigh up to 90-120 g, are oval in shape, smooth skin with superficial eyes and light yellow flesh that does not darken when cooked and cut. The yield is average - up to 392 centners per hectare.

The plant is not afraid of cancer, golden nematode and severe viral diseases. It has average resistance to common scab and rhizoctonia. Tops and tubers can be affected by late blight, so proper chemical treatment is required.

Advantages and disadvantages

Lileya potatoes do not darken when cut. The color does not change when the tubers are cooked.

The smooth skin of the tubers greatly facilitates the cleaning process


  • early maturation;
  • high productivity;
  • immunity to a number of diseases;
  • resistance to potato nematode;
  • uniformity of weight and size;
  • good taste;
  • preservation of shape and color during heat treatment;
  • universal use (except for purees);
  • possibility of machine cleaning;
  • good marketability and keeping quality.


  • poor boilability of tubers;
  • unsuitable for making purees.

Proper care of potato bushes

The Lileya potato variety was created by Belarusian breeders more than 10 years ago. In Russia, this variety of vegetable began to be grown not so long ago, but it had a great influence on summer residents and gardeners, and currently grows widely in various regions of our country.

As for yield, the description of the lily potato speaks of its abundance. And this is the real truth, this variety has good productive qualities, which increase significantly with proper plant care and proper planting.

According to statistics, the maximum volume of potato harvest was about 75 t/ha, and on average you can get 400 t/ha. Therefore, the vegetable is widely used not only for personal consumption, but also for sale.

Interesting! From one potato bush you can dig up to 20 medium-sized tubers. There are almost no small details in the total amount of harvest.

The reasons for the popularity of Lily potatoes are explained by positive reviews from gardeners and the following characteristics:

  1. Good marketability and keeping quality of the vegetable.
  2. Potatoes are suitable for long-term storage.
  3. It is resistant to mechanical stress.
  4. High yield.
  5. The plant is easy to care for and grow, and does not depend on the type of soil.
  6. It has excellent taste.
  7. Tubers ripen in about 80-90 days.

Note! The starch content in potatoes ranges from 12 to 17%, which allows the vegetable to be used for preparing potato starch, medicines and other products.

The love of Belarusians for potatoes has already become a kind of stereotype, at the same time, this wonderful variety comes from Belarus. What is the value of this variety?

Potatoes "Lileya" are an early table variety; their ripening time is 60-75 days from the date of first shoots. Forms strong, semi-spreading bushes with medium-sized leaves and dark green color. The inflorescences form a small white corolla.

The average weight of one tuber is from 100 to 200 g. The skin of the tubers is yellow, smooth. The potato pulp is creamy white, its starch content reaches 17%. In terms of their table purpose, the tubers are universal, as they are perfect for frying, boiling, stewing, baking and making purees.

The key to successful cultivation of the Lileya variety is compliance with certain stages of agricultural technology: correct selection and preparation of the site for planting, processing of seed material, planting in the ground and care until harvesting.

First of all, when choosing a site for potatoes, it is necessary to follow the principles of crop rotation - the correct change of crops in one area, which allows you to preserve the beneficial qualities of the soil, as well as effectively combat diseases that cannot take root in one area if vegetable crops are constantly changing.

Potatoes should not be planted in the same area for several years in a row. Other representatives of nightshades are also not suitable as predecessors to potatoes: tomatoes and eggplants. Potatoes grow poorly after pepper. At the same time, good predecessors for potatoes are green manure herbs, root vegetables, cucumbers, cabbage, and legumes.

It is necessary to bring humus to the site in the fall, distributing it evenly over the ground. Before the beginning of winter, deep plowing of the soil is carried out, thanks to which the soil is mixed with the added organic matter, and the furrows formed allow the upper layers of the soil to freeze enough to destroy pests and pathogens.

Instead of organic matter, you can apply mineral fertilizers that contain phosphorus and potassium. Mineral fertilizers are applied in dry form, because they will dissolve in the soil during the fall and winter.

You may be interested in:

Important! You should be more moderate with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, as they promote the development of tops to the detriment of yield.

It is better to select seed material for planting when harvesting the current season, placing some of the most attractive tubers separately in a box. Such potatoes should be stored in a cool and dark room and if sprouts appear, tear them off so that the tubers do not lose strength and do not wither.

20 days before planting, the tubers begin to be prepared for planting. First of all, potatoes are germinated - vernalization. To do this, the tubers are placed in a warm and well-lit room, evenly spread on the floor or in shallow boxes. Thanks to vernalization, tubers awaken from hibernation, warm up and form sprouts for future shoots.

Important! Vernalization in polyethylene can significantly speed up the process of sprout formation: the potatoes are laid out in bags with holes made for ventilation. The greenhouse effect of polyethylene allows potatoes to germinate in 5-7 days.

Immediately before planting, it is advisable to treat the potatoes with fungicides and insecticides so that the bushes do not initially become sick and are not affected by insect pests. The drugs Prestige, Poteytin, Epin-Extra, Immunocytofit and others are excellent for these purposes.

Potatoes are planted when the soil warms up to at least 10ºC. As a rule, in the climatic conditions of Russia, these conditions are achieved in the second half of April - the first half of May.

Interesting! According to folk wisdom, potatoes can be planted when the bird cherry blossoms.

Before planting potatoes, the area must be loosened. To break up piles of earth formed after deep plowing, it is recommended to use milling.

Potatoes are planted according to a pattern of 50 cm between rows and 35 cm between bushes in a row. In case of planting under a shovel, the holes are dug in a checkerboard pattern. When planting, potatoes are placed in the furrows in a checkerboard pattern. Each hole should be fertilized with a small amount of cow manure or bird droppings.

You can add a glass of ash to acidic soils. Instead of organic matter, mineral fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium are used. To do this, pour 1 teaspoon of dry fertilizer into each hole. After planting and fertilizing, the holes are dug in, and the soil is carefully distributed on the surface with a metal rake.

The first shoots appear after two weeks. After their appearance, be sure to carry out the first weeding. During the entire growing season, potatoes must be hilled at least 2 times, forming high ridges of soil up to 20 cm.

Important! It is better not to bring the sides of the beds together, forming a sharp end, but to leave a gap of 5 cm between them, which forms a groove for collecting rainwater.

For watering, it is recommended to install a drip irrigation system that evenly saturates the soil.

During growth, potatoes of the Liley variety need to be additionally fertilized at least 2-3 times with superphosphates and potassium nitrate.

Diseases and pests

Lileya potatoes are quite resistant to potato viral diseases, potato cancer, golden potato nematode, late blight and fusarium. Potatoes are susceptible to damage from the Colorado potato beetle, mole cricket, wireworm, and aphid, therefore, for preventive purposes, the bushes are treated with insecticides.

Thus, the “Lileya” variety is an excellent example of an ideal potato, suitable for cultivation both on a personal plot and on an industrial scale.

In the modern world, there are many varieties of potatoes, but not all of them are characterized by early ripening and ease of care. Belarusian breeders tried to take into account the most important characteristics of the vegetable crop and in 2007 they developed a new variety of root crop, and in 2008 it was entered into the state register.

Important! Potatoes of the Lileya variety are resistant to climate change, have natural immunity to viral and fungal diseases, and the ripening time of the crop is a little more than 2 months.

Through the efforts of Belarusian breeders, the best qualities and characteristics of the vegetable crop were collected in the Lileya variety.

Medium-sized bushes with branched stems. The foliage on the bushes is dense, dark green in color. During the growing season, multiple inflorescences appear, which bloom with small, white flowers.

With proper and timely care, one potato bush produces up to 15 large root crops. In industrial quantities, up to 70 tons of vegetables are harvested from 1 hectare. The weight of each vegetable is from 100 to 200 g, the skin is light and smooth. Tubers contain a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances. The pulp of the root vegetables is white, with a slight creamy tint.

Where are the fruits used?

The high taste characteristics of Lileya potatoes are widely used in cooking. Vegetables are suitable for any heat treatment. Potatoes are boiled, fried, stewed, baked and frozen. In the food industry, this variety is used for the production of various semi-finished products and baby food.

Lileya potatoes do not require special care, but some rules of agricultural work must be followed. As soon as the first shoots appear, the beds are cleared of weeds.

Regularity of watering

Until the first shoots appear, the plant does not need watering. After the potatoes have begun active growth, the watering schedule is set as needed. As soon as the soil becomes dry and cracked, the plants need to be watered.

Important! The crop requires additional moisture during the period of bud formation and flowering.

Insufficient moisture during the growing season will affect the quality and quantity of the harvest.

Timely feeding and fertilizing of potatoes allows you to get healthy plants and a bountiful harvest of root crops. The first time the crop is fertilized during planting with organic or mineral fertilizers. Next, fertilizers containing phosphates are used, they promote the development and ripening of root crops.

During the period of active growth of bushes and formation of inflorescences, potatoes are fertilized with root fertilizers. The vegetable crop responds well to additional nutrition, and the result is reflected in the yield.

The first loosening of the soil is carried out immediately after planting vegetables. Thorough loosening helps enrich the soil with oxygen, gets rid of unwanted weeds and insects, and also helps retain moisture. The loosening process must be repeated as soon as a hard crust of soil forms on the potato beds.

Landing rules

It is optimal to plant Liley potatoes in the first half of May. In the southern regions on sandy soils, the date can be shifted to the last ten days of April. The soil should warm up to at least 10 °C.

The optimal conditions for planting the Liley variety are:

  • sandy loam or light loam;
  • fertile soil:
  • predecessors - legumes, green manure, cabbage, onions, beets, garlic, zucchini, cucumbers.

It is best to prepare a plot for potatoes in the fall. The work involves the following activities:

  1. Remove weeds and other vegetation.
  2. Dig up the area. Go deep on the bayonet of the shovel.
  3. Add humus and wood ash.

If the soil is acidic, add 0.4-0.5 kg of lime per 1 m². You can use dolomite flour instead.

Planting material is sorted out in advance. It is optimal to use tubers up to 5 cm in diameter. If they are larger, they are cut so that at least three pairs of eyes remain on each part.

The selected planting material is dried, but not in direct sunlight. It is better to store tubers in the cellar. They are taken out a month before planting to germinate. The tubers are periodically sprayed with water, otherwise they may dry out. Cut specimens are treated with wood ash and dried in the sun.

Comment! Only healthy tubers are selected for planting. Mechanical damage, signs of disease and pests are unacceptable.

Thanks to good immunity, Liley potatoes do not need to be treated with chemicals. Folk remedies are sufficient for prevention. Growth stimulants can be used.

The landing algorithm is as follows:

  1. Dig up the area.
  2. Apply 10 liters of manure per 1 m². You can use potassium-phosphorus fertilizers (50 g per 1 m²).
  3. Make holes. The optimal depth is 10 cm; if the soil is heavy clay, then half as much.
  4. Arrange the tubers.
  5. Cover with soil.

For Liley potatoes, a planting pattern of 35x60 cm is recommended. If the size of the plot allows, the distance between the bushes in a row can be increased to half a meter. To obtain marketable products, the originator recommends planting 50,000-55,000 tubers per 1 hectare.

You can’t plant potatoes too crowded - this makes ventilation difficult and creates difficulties during care.

Possible diseases and pests, ways to get rid of them

Liley potatoes (a description of the variety and photos will help gardeners choose the best option for combating pests and diseases) is often attacked by the Colorado potato beetle. Therefore, to effectively control the pest, it is necessary to use insecticidal compounds. The first treatment must be carried out when parasite larvae begin to appear on the foliage. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in calm, sunny weather.

In this case, after treatment there should be no precipitation for 6 hours. Root crops can be affected by wireworms. As a result, the plant rots and begins to suffer from various infections. Before transplanting tubers to the site, preventive spraying is required. Additionally, a small amount of wood ash must be added to each planting hole.

The variety has good resistance to various diseases:

  • bacterial rot;
  • golden nematode;
  • mosaic;
  • cancer.

However, to prevent the risk of infection, it is necessary to adhere to preventive measures, which include timely treatment of shrubs with fungicidal and disinfectant compounds, as well as the destruction of old vegetation that was collected last autumn season. At the first symptoms of disease or parasite infestation, insecticides must be used.

If the crop becomes sick, it must be treated for 10 days with a solution based on copper sulfate. To do this, you need to mix 2 g of raw material in 10 liters of liquid.

How to care

Liley potato care is standard. The set of measures necessarily includes loosening and hilling. This is important for good growth and development of the culture. Loosening is necessary immediately after planting. This should be done carefully and diagonally so as not to damage the tubers or pull them out of the ground. It is safer to use a rake at this stage.

The next time the plantings are loosened, when the shoots appear. It is better to do this with a harrow.

Liley potatoes begin to be watered only after germination. It is optimal to use water at a temperature of 17-23 °C. A better option is drip irrigation. If there is natural replenishment of water or the rainy season, then additional moisture is not required. The rest of the time for watering, choose early morning or evening after sunset. Moisturizing is especially important during bud formation and during flowering.

Fertilizers are needed for Liley potatoes if they were not applied during the autumn preparation of the site and planting. Feeding is done three times per season during the following periods:

  • appearance of the first leaves;
  • formation of buds;
  • two weeks after the previous application.

It is recommended to carry out foliar feeding once every two weeks. To do this, use superphosphate - prepare a solution and spray the leaves.

Comment! If frost occurs suddenly, high hilling is carried out to protect the crop. In hot and dry climates, such a measure is not necessary at all; loosening is enough.

Liley potatoes have good immunity, but there is a risk of pest damage. In this case, use appropriate insecticides.

Features of cultivation

Potatoes can be grown on any soil, but they show maximum yield on light, nutritious soil . Loosening and adding humus will help improve the soil. Fields occupied by meadow grasses or cabbage are suitable for sowing. You cannot use the same areas for many years.

Before planting, seed potatoes are treated. Wood ash is laid out in the holes. The distance between the bushes is 30-35 cm; wide row spacing is required to make caring for the plantings easier.

For normal hydration, a drip irrigation system is recommended , guaranteeing constant access of moisture to the root crops.

A very important point is hilling . The beds are processed 2-3 times per season with the simultaneous destruction of weeds. Row spacing can be mulched with straw or grass clippings.

Timely fertilizing will help increase productivity . It is better to alternate mineral complexes based on potassium and magnesium with organic matter (diluted bird droppings or mullein).

Excess nitrogen-containing fertilizers is contraindicated; such complexes develop abundant greenery at the expense of yield.

Harvesting should be done a week after the tops begin to wilt . Earlier digging is also possible; it may reduce the yield, but will protect the plantings from wireworms and late blight. The collected tubers are dried on the boundary or under a canopy, sorted and stored. Seed potatoes are selected from the strongest and most promising bushes and must be stored separately.

Spraying with various preparations is very important in growing potatoes. Read all about the use of herbicides, fungicides and insecticides.

Harvest and storage

The Liley potato crop is harvested in dry weather. If the ground was still wet, then the tubers must be dried. It is best to do this in a shaded but well-ventilated place.

Three weeks after drying, the harvested crop is sorted. Storage requires a dry room with a temperature of 2-5 °C. Potatoes can be left in bulk or placed in boxes or nets.

Potatoes should be dug up when the tops begin to turn yellow and dry out - they can be cut off 2-3 days before harvesting

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