Ultra-early tomato “White filling”: we grow seedlings from seeds, transplant them into a greenhouse or soil and enjoy the harvest

White filling 241 is a popular tomato that has proven itself among gardeners. Designed for growing in film and glass greenhouses, as well as in open areas.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
Medium heightGreenhouse, Open groundEarly ripeningRedsAverageHybridRound

Description of the variety

White filling 241 has been known to Russians for more than 50 years - the variety was registered in the Unified State Register in 1966 by Kazakh breeders. Today we sell seeds from two and the Timofeev breeding station.

Many people mistakenly believe that Belyi naliv and Belyi naliv 241 are different subspecies of the same tomato variety, but this is not the case.

In the product description, the manufacturer indicates that the variety is early ripening and productive. Susceptible to fungal diseases. Recommended for open ground.

Distinctive features

Tomatoes are heat-loving plants. Therefore, selected for regions with cold summers (North, North-West and Western Siberia, as well as Central, Central Black Earth, Volga-Vyatka and Middle Volga regions), White filling has become a real find for summer residents. It is unpretentious in care and is considered the easiest to grow.

Determinate variety. The height of the bush is from 50 cm (in open ground) to 70 cm (in a greenhouse). Persistent, strong stem. The roots of the plant grow up to 50 cm in width, but do not go deep. The leaves are medium sized, light green in color. The fruits stay on the bush well and do not fall off.

Fruit characteristics and yield

The first fruits appear on the bush after 80-100 days. In open ground in cool summers, ripening occurs later.

From one bush, 2-3 kg of tomatoes are harvested with an average weight of 100 g. As can be seen in the photo below, fully ripened fruits are red, round, smooth, with thin skin. They have a sweet-sour taste, aromatic, with juicy pulp. The fruits do not crack and withstand transportation and storage well.

Recommendations for cultivation

They are grown in Ukraine, Russia and other nearby countries. The best territories are Kazakhstan and the surrounding area. So, you have found out the description of the variety; the photo clearly shows what smooth and beautiful medium-sized tomatoes the White Pouring tomato has - so how is this subspecies grown? The seeds are disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for about 2 hours, washed with running water, and treated with plant growth stimulants (optional). At the end of March - April, they are planted in warm, fertile soil in a common wide container.

The soil should be low in acidity and well saturated with oxygen. It should be disinfected and steamed.

Read more about soil for seedlings and for adult plants in greenhouses. We will tell you about what types of soil for tomatoes exist, how to prepare the right soil yourself, and how to prepare the soil in the greenhouse for planting in the spring.

Plant the seeds to a depth of about 2 cm, with a distance between them of at least 2 cm. Water with warm water and cover with polyethylene or thin glass to create the required humidity. This way the seeds germinate better and faster. The temperature during germination should be at least 23 degrees .

After germination, the covering must be removed. Water as needed, without getting water on the leaves. When a seedling has 2 well-developed leaves, it must be pruned. Picking (planting plants in separate cups) is required to strengthen the root system and plants as a whole. For seating, it is better to use cups made of peat or paper. These materials decompose quickly without any impact on the environment.

There are a huge number of ways to grow tomato seedlings. We bring to your attention a series of articles on how to do this:

  • in twists;
  • in two roots;
  • in peat tablets;
  • without picking;
  • using Chinese technology;
  • in bottles;
  • in peat pots;
  • without land.

When transplanting to a permanent place, you can place the seedlings in the holes directly in the cups. This will avoid stress and damage to the plants. When germinating seedlings, it is necessary to feed them several times with mineral fertilizers. Before planting, you need to harden the tomatoes; about 2 weeks before transplanting, you need to open the windows (you can take the plants outside) for several hours.

On days 50-60, it is possible to plant seedlings in a greenhouse, and a week later - in open ground, in the absence of frost . Plants should be taller than 20 cm and have 5-6 leaves. Planting is carried out in holes in a checkerboard pattern (sometimes in a two-row pattern), the distance between plants should be about 50 cm. Fertilizer containing phosphorus must be added to the holes before planting. The soil must also be disinfected and fertilized. Watering is carried out at the root abundantly, not often. Loosening and weeding - as necessary. Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out once every week and a half. The “White filling 241” tomato does not require pinching or tying.

How to grow seedlings

Seeds are planted for seedlings in the third decade of March. After just one and a half to two months, the plants are ready to be planted in the garden. It is important to properly prepare the grains before planting.

Seed preparation

It is necessary to start preparing seeds 1-2 weeks in advance. First of all, choose good grains - they should be large, smooth to the touch, full inside. Empty, small, irregularly shaped seeds are not planted - the likelihood of obtaining viable seedlings from them is low.

One old, proven method will help you select the “right” grains: stir a tablespoon (2.5 g) of table salt in 1 glass of water (250 ml). Place the seeds in the solution for 15-20 minutes. Throw away those seeds that float to the surface, and select those that sink to the bottom for planting.

Then heat the grains. To do this, place a cotton cloth on a hard flat sheet and place the seeds on top. Place this design on a central heating radiator for 36-48 hours.

The next stage of seed preparation is disinfection. To do this, prepare a 1% solution of potassium permanganate and place the grains in it for 15-20 minutes.

Important! Potassium permanganate does not affect diseases and pathogens that live inside the grain, but copes well with pathogens on the surface of the seeds.

After the procedure, rinse the grains with lukewarm running water.

Some summer residents insist that dressing is not necessary for purchased seeds - this has already been done at the manufacturer.

Next, the seeds are saturated with oxygen. This procedure is called “bubbling”. It is performed both manually and by machine. Hardware processing is suitable for large-scale production; people can do it themselves at home. To do this, heat the water to a temperature of +26 – +30 degrees and place 20-30 grains in it. Stir the water with the seeds once an hour. The duration of the procedure is 15-18 hours, but when embryos appear on the grains, bubbling is stopped immediately.

Then soak the ungerminated seeds. Place the grains in water at room temperature for 12 hours. Sometimes, instead of water, a solution with biological stimulating drugs is used.

Experienced gardeners use such tools as:

  1. "Zircon".
  2. "Epin."
  3. "Immunocytophyte".

When soaking grains in biostimulants, remember that the latter only work at an air and liquid temperature of +20 degrees.

The next stage is hardening. Summer residents often skip this stage of preparation due to its complexity - an incorrect procedure kills the seeds. However, if hardening was successful, this will greatly increase the viability of seedlings during spring frosts.

Wrap the grains in cotton cloth and polyethylene and place them in a cool place with an air temperature of +2 -3 degrees (a refrigerator or balcony is suitable for this). After 8 hours, return the seeds to a warm room for 8 hours. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times.

Before planting in the ground, germinate the tomato seeds. To do this you will need cotton cloth or gauze. Moisten the fabric with warm water and place it on a flat dish. Place the seeds on a cloth and cover with another layer of damp cloth. To germinate grain, place in a warm (+25 - +30 degrees) place and make sure that the fabric always remains damp. As soon as a sprout appears from the grain, equal in size to the grain itself, it can be planted in the ground.

Container and soil

Any container will do - special containers sold in stores, plastic cups, used yogurt, cottage cheese or sour cream containers, lids from cake packages, cut-off plastic bottles. Regardless of the choice, the container is disinfected in a 5% solution of potassium permanganate.

A universal soil for tomatoes is suitable. You can buy it in the store. Soil mixture composition:

  • humus;
  • peat;
  • river sand.

To prepare soil for tomato seedlings yourself, combine:

  • 1 part of garden land where cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, dill grew;
  • 2 parts non-acidic peat (pH 6.5);
  • 0.5 parts sand (river or washed);
  • 1 part humus or sifted mature compost.

You can add sifted wood ash (or dolomite flour), sphagnum moss, fallen pine needles.

Attention! A day before planting seeds, disinfect the soil: treat with boiling water or potassium permanganate.


Place the seeds at a distance of 2-4 cm. Sprinkle with a layer of soil no more than 2 cm and spray with water from a spray bottle. Cover the containers with film or glass (you can use a regular plastic bag). In the room where the containers will be placed, the temperature should be above +20 degrees.

Growing and care

As soon as the first shoots appear, remove the film and place the container on a bright windowsill. Water small seedlings as the soil dries using a syringe or a teaspoon under the root, avoiding moisture getting on the cotyledon leaves.

Important! Tomato seedlings do not like direct sunlight.

In the phase of two true leaves, the seedlings are picked. To do this, plant each plant in a separate container, digging almost to the cotyledon leaves. Add mineral fertilizers to the soil for replanting at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon for 5 liters of soil mixture.

Be sure to make holes in the container to allow excess liquid to escape. 10 days after picking, feed the tomatoes with complex fertilizer. Repeat feeding every 14 days. Water as the soil dries out and always at the roots.

Immediately after transplanting, start hardening the tomatoes. To do this, in the evening, take the pallets with cups out onto the balcony or outside, first for one hour, then for two, gradually increasing the time spent in the air to 12 hours. Similarly, plants are accustomed to sunlight.

Planting and care in a greenhouse

Tomato seeds are sown in the last ten days of February. To obtain strong, stable seedlings, buy high-quality seeds from trusted agricultural companies. Prepare the soil mixture for planting:

  • leaf turf soil;
  • rotted compost;
  • sand;
  • wood ash.

To disinfect, the soil is calcined in the oven and poured with boiling water or a 1% solution of potassium permanganate.

The seeds are planted to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, the width between rows is 2 cm. Sprinkled with a 1 cm layer of nutritious soil mixture. Cover the boxes with glass or film until germination occurs at a temperature of 23 °C.

Caring for seedlings consists of the following procedures:

  • hardening for 10 days at a temperature of 15°C;
  • moistening the soil through a spray bottle;
  • diving with 2-3 true leaves;
  • feeding with mineral nutrient solutions.

How to grow tomatoes

When the seedlings become stronger and reach a height of 20 cm, they can be transplanted into the beds.


It is better to plant tomatoes on the south or southeast side of the garden. A good harvest is obtained on loamy or sandy soils, where cucumbers, onions, and zucchini used to grow. Tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplants and potatoes are considered bad predecessors - the plants only suffer from infections.

Tomatoes do not like crowding, so the optimal distance between bushes is 50 cm. A good planting method is square-cluster: plant the bushes in the corners of an imaginary square, each side of which is 50-60 cm. In the center, make a watering hole with a diameter of 40 cm, at the bottom of which lay out 1 liter of ash or a handful of superphosphate and potassium sulfate, and on top - cut grass without seeds and rhizomes.

Tomato care White filling

The variety is not picky in care. Abundant root watering is necessary 2 times a week, before sunrise. Avoid watering in the evening if the air temperature drops below +20 degrees at night, otherwise the tomato will become infected with fungus.

The roots of the plant need oxygen, so weed and loosen the soil often. Hill up when lateral roots form.

Two weeks after planting in the beds, the plants can be fed with both organic and inorganic fertilizers. Fertilizing is carried out twice more during the formation of the ovary.

Important! Through moistened soil, nutrients will reach their intended destination faster, so tomatoes need to be watered before applying fertilizer.

White filling tomatoes do not require pinching or bush shaping. But to increase productivity, leave 2-3 stems on the plant. Cut off the stepsons carefully - it is better when they reach a length of 4-5 cm, when it is easier to assess their viability. It is allowed to remove unnecessary ones after the start of flowering. In this case, it is better to tie up the bushes - the fruits will be larger and the plant may fall to the ground.

Important to remember! It is advisable to remove stepchildren by hand. When using a knife, there is a high probability of transferring diseases on the blade from bush to bush. If you use a knife, the blade should be disinfected when switching to a new plant.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

One of the significant difficulties in cultivation is the susceptibility of the variety to late blight. Therefore, it is not advisable to plant White filling 241 next to potatoes or in an area where potatoes grew previously - fungal spores may remain in the soil or be transferred from diseased neighbors. In addition, water the tomatoes only at the root and remove the lower leaves.

Diseases and pests

White filling 241 is an ultra-early tomato variety. Fruit ripening begins in late July - early August, and fungal diseases actively spread in late summer - early autumn. Therefore, when planting tomatoes early, phytosporosis does not have time to infect the bushes. However, if you planted tomatoes later than the time recommended by the manufacturers or in case of prolonged cool and wet weather, carry out preventive treatment of the bushes with a Fitosporin solution.

Nasturtium or marigolds planted near tomatoes save from pests - their smell repels many harmful insects.

Preventive measures against pests and diseases

  • Start preventing tomato diseases in the fall. To do this, remove all weeds from the area for future planting of tomatoes. Then dig up the entire area for the winter, add wood ash, which is not only a fertilizer, but also a good disinfectant. It is also advisable to spray the area with a pest control agent. This way you will be able to destroy, if not all, then most of the larvae of harmful insects.
  • Twenty days before planting, treat the seedlings with a half percent solution of Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate.
  • Before planting seedlings in the ground, sprinkle a little ash or onion peel into each hole.
  • Do not plant White Fill next to a potato plot, where Colorado potato beetles are sure to appear.
  • Plant nasturtiums or marigolds nearby. The smell of these plants repels insects.

Many gardeners who have planted such tomatoes more than once assure that in order to increase productivity, it is worth leaving only 2-3 stems on each White Filling bush and cutting off the rest. True, then the tomatoes will be noticeably larger, and the branches will have to be tied up. At the same time, gardeners advise regularly weeding the beds and hilling the bushes to allow lateral roots to appear.

Olga Danilina

Harvesting and application

The fruits are harvested at about 100 days. Used in preparing fresh salads, hot dishes and frozen dishes. Tomatoes of this variety are excellent for canning because they do not crack. They are used to prepare sauces, ketchups, and tomato paste. But “White Naliv” tomatoes are not suitable for making juice - the juice is too thick.

Fresh fruits are stored for a week. If you pick them from the bush while still unripe, the period will increase to 2-3 weeks.

For reference! During the ripening process, the fruits are white - hence the name of the variety.

Productivity and characteristics of fruits

“White filling” is an early ripening variety. The period from planting to harvest is on average 115 days in open ground, and 85 days in greenhouse conditions.

One of the most important indicators of a variety is productivity. “White filling” can successfully compete with modern hybrids and varieties. Its average yield reaches 3 kilograms of tomatoes per bush and up to 8 or more kilograms per square meter. This is still a good indicator, but for the time of its release it was simply excellent.

The marketable fruits of this variety are round in shape, up to 7-8 centimeters in diameter with 4-12 chambers. Bright red tomatoes with thick skin reach a weight of more than 100 grams. They have fleshy pulp, juicy and tasty with up to 5% dry matter.

In addition, the excellent property of “White Filling” is the almost simultaneous ripening of a certain part of the crop, which allows you to harvest a large number of tomatoes at one time

This is extremely important for those who process tomatoes

It is noteworthy that weather conditions have virtually no effect on the yield of this variety. It tolerates both heat and cold well. Therefore, it is preferred by gardeners who grow crops in open ground. The only drawback is that strong changes in night and day temperatures can lead to cracking of the fruit. Take this feature into account when growing it.

Farmer reviews

People who plant White filling note that, despite its susceptibility to fungal diseases, the variety is easy to grow, and thanks to its early ripening, it easily avoids infection and death of fruits before late blight outbreaks begin.

Margarita Torshina, Chelyabinsk: “Seed germination is good. The bushes of Belyi naliv are low, there are a lot of fruits on the bushes. The white filling does not crack. The taste and smell are tomato, pleasant. The taste is slightly sour. Despite the slight sourness in taste, the child ate the White filling tomato with pleasure. I think that next year I will plant these tomatoes, I really liked them.”

Svetlana, Orel: “These plants tolerate both low and very high temperatures. When caring, feeding is required every 10 days and watering is abundant, but not frequent. The fruits of this variety also do not crack, which is also good, especially in rainy and cold summers. The variety is early ripening - tomatoes can be harvested within 100 days after planting. For me, this variety will not come out of personal preference, although now there are new varieties that are more productive and more resistant to diseases. But this variety, due to its precocity, manages to ripen and bear fruit before outbreaks of late blight and other diseases.”

Advantages and disadvantages, features, differences from other varieties

Like any other varieties, the White filling tomato has advantages and disadvantages, but the fact that it successfully competes with many new varieties and hybrids indicates that it has more advantages than disadvantages. The obvious advantages of the variety include:

  • unpretentiousness to growing conditions;
  • adaptability to different weather conditions;
  • high, for an early variety, yield of beautiful, medium-sized fruits;
  • transportability of the crop;
  • versatility of use;
  • good taste and strong aroma;
  • the friendly ripening of one part of the crop and the expansion of the other;
  • resistance to light frosts.

Disadvantages can be considered:

  • average resistance to diseases;
  • inconspicuous presentation of not fully ripened fruits;
  • the taste is not for everybody: not everyone likes the characteristic sourness of this variety.

The transportability of fruits is associated with such a feature as a very dense skin. While being a plus from the point of view of the safety of tomatoes, this fact perhaps brings a negative connotation to the consumer (taste) characteristics of the fruit.

The name “White filling”, which is completely suitable for apples of this variety, causes confusion in the case of tomatoes. After all, fully ripe (“full”) fruits are red in color, and they pass through the white color stage during the ripening process.

The variety bears fruit well in any weather conditions, but in the case of sharp fluctuations in daily temperatures, there is still a high probability of fruit cracking. The first part of the harvest, as a rule, is excellent, but the success of the ripening of the remaining fruits is highly dependent on the weather.

Without questioning the unpretentiousness of the variety, I would like to argue with statements about the excellent taste of tomatoes. There are many varieties that are almost as unpretentious as White Pouring, but which, in the opinion of the author of these lines, produce more delicious fruits. This variety, in particular, is the Betta tomato. It ripens significantly earlier than Belyi naliv, and bears fruit with slightly smaller, but beautiful and tasty tomatoes. It is as unpretentious in care as White Pouring. Although, of course, “it depends on the taste and color...”. Probably, other gardeners will name a lot of other very worthy varieties.

Video: White tomatoes on the bushes

Types of fertilizers and their composition

To obtain a bountiful harvest, plants need to be fed regularly. For tomatoes, the most valuable are phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. Fertilizers that contain manganese, zinc, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur will also be useful. If you provide timely replenishment of these microelements, the plants will withstand unfavorable weather conditions and will gain immunity to fungal and infectious diseases.

Fertilizers can be simple - consisting of one component, and complex - consisting of several organic compounds. One-component fertilizers are used together, or they are used to enrich ready-made mixtures with a certain element.

Advice. At an early stage of growth, tomatoes require more phosphorus and nitrogen, and at a later stage - phosphorus and potassium.

Top dressing is applied strictly to the bite area, otherwise the process of rotting will begin.

It is better to use mineral fertilizers, as they are safe for the plant, the environment, and have high nutritional value. But when working with them, you need to know about the features of this group of fertilizers:

  • must be used systematically;
  • strictly adhere to the dosage so that there is no excess of elements.

It is better to use mineral fertilizers for feeding.

Mineral complexes are not cheap, but their consumption is economical.

From the moment the seeds germinate until they are planted in the ground, the most valuable element for future tomatoes is phosphorus. It serves as a growth activator and promotes the formation of healthy seedlings.

During the formation of a seedling (before flowering), it is extremely important to saturate the soil with nitrogen. It will stimulate growth and strengthen the young bush. But if there is an excess, it will negatively affect the appearance and taste of the fruit.

Nitrogen is included in:

  1. urea;
  2. ammonium nitrate;
  3. urea;
  4. ammonium sulfate;
  5. ammonium sulfate.

After the flowers set, the plant needs potassium. It increases resistance to diseases and has a positive effect on the taste and quality of tomatoes: fewer green veins remain inside, and the flesh becomes sweeter.

The most effective complex fertilizers are:

  • Ammophos;
  • Diammofoska;
  • Nitroammophoska.

It is important that the soil is saturated with nitrogen.

Organic fertilizers remain the safest and most effective. They are produced in the form of granules, solutions, and dry mixtures. The most popular subcorticals of this group are humates. For White filling tomatoes, extracts of manure, silt, and peat are used. They contain minerals, microorganisms and humic acid. These elements contribute to the rapid growth of tomatoes, proper formation of fruits, and increase productivity.

Such fertilizing is used once every 10 days, until the end of the growing season.

Practical variety of tomato “White filling 241”

Varieties that have remained the best for decades. Here is the “White Bulk 241” tomato, the reviews describing which you will read in this article, is an old-timer in the vegetable market. But summer residents have loved him since 1979, and newcomers have no competition for him.

“White filling” is one of those tomatoes that combine many positive qualities. It is not difficult to grow, and it produces fruits of the highest quality. But there’s no need to talk, it’s better to get straight to the point.

Characteristics of tomato “White filling”

“White filling” was obtained after crossing two varieties. And as expected after successful selection, the new variety has inherited the best qualities of its predecessors.

Tomatoes "White filling" have a bright scarlet color. They got their name because they have a slight white tint on their surface. The average weight of the fruit reaches 150 grams, they ripen evenly. The White Pouring tomato has an excellent advantage - it is cold-resistant, which makes it possible to grow it throughout our country. The variety is suitable for growing outdoors and in greenhouses. This species has a low-growing compact bush that does not require shaping, tying to a support and pinching

Agree, a minimum of labor during cultivation is very important for a modern person, when every minute counts. In a greenhouse, a tomato grows up to 70 cm, and outdoors it does not exceed 50 cm. The good quality of the “White Bulk” variety is that it is not affected by late blight and many dangerous diseases of nightshades. The yield from one bush is more than 3 kilograms. The tomato has a universal purpose, that is, it is eaten fresh, juices, pastes are made from the fruits, and canned whole. The description of the tomato variety “White filling 241” will be incomplete without indicating another important advantage - the early ripening of fruits. So, you will be able to collect the first harvests 100 days after the seedlings emerge, and if you grow the crop in a greenhouse, then after 85 days the fruits will turn red on the bush and are ready to eat

Such early dates help “White Fill” not to have time to get sick, because attacks by the pathogenic environment occur later.


After planting, the seeds are sprinkled with soil, covered with a bag and placed in a warm and bright place. Shoots will appear in 5-7 days.

At the stage of two true leaves, you need to pick the seedlings into separate pots or cups. Planting in a greenhouse can be done on the 50-60th day after germination, outside after the 70th day. The main thing is that there is no threat of frost.

During the development period, seedlings can be fed twice with complex fertilizers. After planting in a permanent place, the seedlings require watering, loosening and treatment against beetles and weeds.

As for the reviews, they are, of course, excellent. After all, the variety would not have existed for almost 40 years and would not have had such popularity.

Therefore, you can choose “White filling” without fear. Its indicators are now well known to you.

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