When to water tomatoes after planting in the ground and greenhouse

What is the best food to feed in May and early June?

It is worth clarifying that from each fertilizer the plant is able to obtain the necessary microelements, but the most suitable fertilizers are complex (they contain several nutrients at once in the required proportions).
These include the following:

  • Nitroammophoska. It contains all the most important components necessary for the growth of tomatoes and increasing their productivity. For use, prepare a mixture of 50 grams of fertilizer and 10 liters of water and apply 200-250 grams to each bush. Cannot be used in combination with bird droppings or manure.
  • Kemira is another popular type of complex fertilizer containing a whole range of nutrients. To use, you need to dilute 20 g in 10 liters of water and add no more than 0.5 liters of solution to each plant.
  • Humate. This is a natural fertilizer obtained from the remains of vegetation and peat. Excellent for both root and foliar feeding. Great for use in late May, early June.
  • When applying organic fertilizers, it is best to use a solution of fresh manure or chicken droppings. These fertilizers also contain a large amount of nutrients that will promote the growth of seedlings.

Growing tomatoes is a rather labor-intensive process. Particular care should be taken at the rooting stage of plants planted in the ground.

It is important to understand what nutrients a tomato needs so as not to harm it by applying various fertilizers.

The owner’s attention and care to such a crop as a tomato will be rewarded with an excellent harvest

How often to water tomato seedlings?

Watering for tomatoes is necessary, since nutrients can only reach the plant with water.

Therefore, it is very important to figure out how to water tomatoes correctly? In order for this vegetable to develop normally, it is necessary to maintain soil moisture within 85-90%

To check the moisture, you can take a handful of soil from a depth of about 10 cm and squeeze it into a ball. If you get a lump and easily disintegrate when pressed, then this is the required soil moisture for growing tomatoes.

In order for this vegetable to develop normally, it is necessary to maintain soil moisture within 85-90%. To check the moisture, you can take a handful of soil from a depth of about 10 cm and squeeze it into a ball. If you get a lump and when pressed it easily disintegrates, then this is the necessary soil moisture for growing tomatoes.

Until the first true leaf appears, the supply of moisture in the soil must be constant. Therefore, it is best to place the boxes with tomato seedlings in trays and add water there as needed. It is best to water the seedlings in the morning with warm, settled water. Watering with snow or rain water is very useful. As an option, you can water it after defrosting the ice from the refrigerator. Water the tomato seedlings with so-called “living” water, which is prepared in a special way. Water is poured into the pan after the ice has melted, heated until hot (until steam appears), covered with a lid and quickly cooled under running cold water to a temperature of approximately 25°C. Now you can water your seedlings.

How to water tomatoes after picking?

After the first true leaf appears on the tomato seedlings, it is picked, that is, transplanted into a larger container. When picking, you should try to replant the plant with a lump of earth and not damage the small roots of the seedling. The transplanted seedlings are watered into a tray and placed in a place shaded from direct sunlight.

Tomatoes need to be watered rarely, but abundantly. Otherwise, with frequent but scanty watering, the tomatoes will develop poorly. Excessive watering can lower soil temperature, which will adversely affect fruit set. Therefore, the optimal option for watering a tomato is: quite generously once or twice a week, avoiding flooding. Moreover, watering also depends on the phase of plant development. As a rule, tomato seedlings need to be watered frequently after planting. At the time when the fruits are set, the soil should also be sufficiently moist. But during the period from flowering to setting tomatoes, as well as during their ripening, the soil moisture can be moderate.

The method of watering this vegetable is also important. Avoid getting water on the stems, leaves or fruits. You need to pour water at the root of the plant or into the furrows made between the rows of tomatoes. Such watering will moisten the soil without increasing air humidity. When watering with rain, drops of water remaining on the leaves can cause leaf burns and even contribute to the formation of late blight. But watering at the root must be very careful so that the stream of water does not wash away the soil and expose the roots of the tomato.

In hot summer weather, the best time to water is early in the morning or about two hours before sunset. At this time, the water will not evaporate immediately under the scorching rays of the sun, but will gradually be absorbed into the soil. In cloudy weather, you can water at any time of the day. And after watering, it is advisable to mulch the ground under the tomato bushes

. To do this, you can use a special film, straw or compost. There is no need to loosen the soil after watering.

Now you know how to water tomato seedlings, now let’s find out why seedlings are sprayed with copper sulfate? Before planting seedlings in open ground, in order to prevent infection with fungal diseases, you should spray the tomato seedlings with a solution of copper sulfate. To prepare it, you need to dissolve 5 grams of copper sulfate in 3 liters of hot water and use this solution for spraying.

By properly watering tomato seedlings, you will get an excellent harvest of these healthy and tasty vegetables.


Good seedlings are the key to a good harvest, but improper care of tomatoes after planting them in open ground can negate all your efforts in growing seedlings. To prevent various diseases of tomatoes, falling flowers, decreased yield, deterioration in taste and size of fruits, tomatoes in the garden need to be properly cared for. What is the care for tomatoes after planting seedlings in open ground? Let's consider this issue in detail.

Basic principles:


What is the best way to water tomato seedlings after planting? This crop loves to drink, so water the tomato roots thoroughly.

Water not very often, but generously. If you irrigate your tomatoes twice a week and pour a lot of water into the soil, then this is detrimental to the seedlings.

It is better to moisten the soil every day at dawn and after sunset. In cloudy weather, choose any time for this. Here it is important not to make a mistake with the number of buckets poured into the soil. Too much is bad. Little is even worse.

Water temperature

Water at room temperature is best suited for these purposes. To do this, on a hot day you can pour water into a barrel in the yard, or into any other free container, which will heat up by the end of the day. The minimum temperature for watering seedlings is twenty degrees .


Any tools can be used. Water with a watering can, bucket, or hose. Drippers with various irrigation systems will come in handy. It’s good if there is a well or a water pump nearby.

Liquid volumes

For the first time, it is advisable to water tomato seedlings in a greenhouse a couple of days after they sprout . If tomato seedlings are planted in holes, then watering is even easier. Aim for approximately three liters of moisture. If your tomatoes ripen in a trench, then it is better to calculate the number of buckets according to the number of seedlings.

Formation of tomato bushes

In order to increase productivity, improve the quality of fruits and speed up the ripening process, they are formed in a special way. To do this, pinching and pinching tomatoes are carried out. Many varieties of tomatoes need pinching, especially large-fruited ones. In pinched and pinched tomatoes, nutrients are spent mainly on the formation and filling of fruits, which causes them to increase in size and ripen earlier than usual. At the same time, there are tomato varieties that are grown without pinching.

There are different ways to form tomato bushes: one, two or three stems. After pinching and pinching, there should be 5 - 6 fruit clusters and at least 30 - 35 leaves left on the bush. Stepchildren need to be broken off, not cut off. In their place, small columns a couple of centimeters long are left. When pinching, it is necessary to avoid getting the plant juice on your fingers, since together with it, in case of illness, the infection can be transferred to other tomatoes.

Forming a tomato bush into one stem: remove from the main stem all the side shoots (so-called stepsons) that form in the axil of each leaf, and leave 5 - 6 fruit clusters on the main shoot. Pinch the last (top) flower brush and leave 2 - 3 leaves on it.

Forming a tomato bush into two stems: remove all side shoots from the main stem, except for what grows under the first flower cluster. Leave 4 fruit clusters on the main stem and pinch the top, leaving 3 leaves. Leave 3 fruit clusters on the side shoot and pinch them too, leaving 2 - 3 leaves.

Forming a tomato bush into three stems: remove all side shoots from the main stem, except the two lower ones. Leave 2–3 fruit clusters on the main stem and remove the rest. Leave 2 fruit clusters on the stepsons and pinch them so that there are 2-3 leaves above the upper fruit clusters.

You can watch the video about what stepchildren are and how to remove them.

Proper watering of tomatoes

Watering tomatoes is one of the key aspects of growing the crop. You need to clearly know how often and when to water tomatoes, especially for the period after planting in open ground or a greenhouse, after growing seedlings on a windowsill. The root system must constantly receive nutrients.

The soil in which the tomato grows must be constantly saturated with moisture, namely 85-90%. You can check your soil for moisture yourself. You don't have to turn to specialists for this.

It is enough just to take a lump of earth from a depth of 10 centimeters and squeeze it in your hand. This way everything will become clear to you right away. If the lump in your hand has taken shape and crumbled after squeezing, this means that the humidity level in the open ground is suitable for growing tomatoes. In all other cases, you need to take action according to the situation.

Watering tomatoes after planting in the ground

After planting tomatoes in open ground, you need to immediately figure out when you can start watering the transplanted seedlings and how often you need to do this. After planting, seedlings require abundant watering. But this does not mean that you need to water tomato seedlings very often after planting.

Limit yourself to periodically moistening the soil. If watering will be carried out quite rarely, then you need to make sure that the plants receive a sufficient level of water. Many gardeners, usually uninformed, begin watering tomatoes immediately after planting them in open ground. In fact, seedlings do not need this at all. This is due to the fact that before planting in open ground, the tomato seedlings were already watered and this moisture is more than enough to root the tomatoes in the soil and their further development for the first time.

There is a scheme for watering tomatoes after planting in the ground. With its help you will understand when and how often to do this procedure:

  • You need to water the tomatoes well when the fruit buds appear;
  • provide moderate watering from the moment the first flowers appear until the first tomatoes appear;
  • if the sun is scorching outside and the weather is very hot, in this case watering should be done early in the morning so that the seedlings do not get burned after planting, or in the evening 2 hours before sunset;
  • on cloudy days, watering is allowed at any time convenient for you.

Watering seedlings after planting in a greenhouse

After planting seedlings in the greenhouse, you need to carefully monitor its moisture. Water should not stagnate on the soil surface. After planting the seedlings, you need to wait about 2 weeks before their first watering.

  1. Watering in spring should not be done frequently. It is enough to water every 8-10 days.
  2. When summer comes, the procedure needs to be more frequent. Plants will require weekly watering. Each tomato bush needs up to 3 liters of water.

As a rule, for convenient watering, gardeners install a container of water in the greenhouse. It must be covered with polyethylene to protect the seedlings from excess evaporation after planting.

Moisten very carefully so that the seedlings are not washed with water. After completing the process, you need to wait a little and loosen the soil. You can make several holes in the ground between the rows of pitchforks. When all the water has been absorbed into the soil, you need to ventilate the greenhouse well.

To speed up the ripening of fruits, you need to water the seedlings for the last time 14-18 days before harvesting the fruits.

Watering seedlings after planting in a mini-greenhouse

Very often, gardeners do not have enough free space to grow all the vegetable crops they want. To properly water seedlings after planting in a mini-greenhouse, you must strictly follow the recommendations of experienced gardeners:

  • In order for the seedlings to receive additional moisture, you need to place containers with water near the greenhouse;
  • If you have been growing tomatoes from seeds from the very beginning, then you can spray them before the first leaves appear.

Even a beginner in gardening can follow the basic rules for watering tomato seedlings. The main thing is to have information about when and how often you can water tomatoes after planting them in open ground. Each procedure must be carried out in a timely manner. This is the only way to get a rich harvest.


Watering seedlings in case of prolonged absence

It often happens that a gardener sows tomato seeds or plants seedlings, and then immediately leaves for 1-2 weeks or more. Naturally, the question arises as to whether the seedlings will survive without supervision, whether it is advisable to try to save something, or whether the future harvest will be completely lost.

To preserve seedlings or young plants before arriving at the dacha, care should be taken to organize “thread” drip irrigation. To do this, place a container of water above the boxes with tomato seedlings (large plastic bottles or barrels are possible). A thick woolen thread (several threads) is placed in each container, the end of which is fixed in the ground.

If you don’t have time to bother with setting up a drip system, you can purchase a special hydrogel. It is available in the form of powder or granules that absorb water and increase in size. The dry hydrogel is added to the soil, after which the plants are watered. Adding these granules allows you to keep the soil moist for 1-1.5 weeks. The only negative is the increase in the volume of the soil layer, which is why it may not fit in the pot. To prevent this from happening, the granules are soaked in water in advance. In greenhouse conditions this will not be necessary.

The hydrogel allows you to reduce the number of waterings of tomato seedlings by 6 times. In addition, its use can significantly improve the soil structure. The hydrogel consumption is small, to moisturize 1 square meter. meter of soil you need only 30 grams of the substance. It is absolutely safe for fruits and allows you not to worry about the safety of young seedlings even in the event of a prolonged absence. Not only will it not wither away, but it will also receive additional incentives for growth.

Types of irrigation organization

How to water tomatoes in a greenhouse? There are several ways to organize watering tomatoes in a greenhouse:


This method is most suitable for small buildings. Using simple devices - watering cans or hoses - water is poured strictly to the root.

When watering with a hose, water often comes from a well and a water supply system, so there is a danger of overcooling the roots. The disadvantage of watering with a hose is the inability to control the amount of liquid per plant.

It is more advisable to organize manual watering from a watering can with settled water. To do this, it is better to place a barrel next to the greenhouse, which is filled with water in advance to heat it.

ATTENTION. If a barrel of water is placed directly in the greenhouse, be sure to cover it with a lid or plastic wrap.

An open container of water in a greenhouse creates excessive air humidity, which is harmful for tomatoes.


Its organization is effective in large greenhouses, since manual watering in this case requires a lot of time and effort. It is better to simplify it by building a drip irrigation system in the greenhouse. The advantages of such irrigation are obvious:

  • water goes directly to the roots without evaporating from the surface and without increasing air humidity;
  • eliminates the risk of water droplets getting on the leaves, stems and flowers of plants;
  • watering can be carried out at any convenient time;
  • the soil is not washed away and does not become salty.

In order to organize drip irrigation of tomatoes, a special system is installed in the greenhouse to ensure the flow of moisture through special pipes to the roots. Such a system can be purchased ready-made in specialized stores or installed independently. The advantage of such watering is the additional possibility of fertilizing plants.

If it is not possible to build a drip irrigation system, you can use a very original and simple method - drip watering tomatoes in a greenhouse using plastic bottles. To do this, bottles with holes are dug into the ground next to the tomato bushes with their necks upside down. Water is poured into a bottle and gradually flows through small holes to the roots. Since one tomato plant in a greenhouse requires up to 5 liters per watering, it is better to use plastic bottles of the appropriate size.

Another option for homemade drip irrigation is to dig a tube into the ground, onto which the bottle is placed upside down. A hole is made in the bottom to fill in water. The filled bottle gradually delivers water through the tube to the roots.


Most often, this method is used in industrial greenhouses, since at the household level its cost is too high. But if the owner can afford such a structure on his site, then its use is most optimal.

How to water tomatoes after planting

Today I’ll tell you how to water tomatoes after planting seedlings in a permanent place. The correct watering regime can protect plants from disease and death, promotes good survival and rapid adaptation to a new place. In order for planted tomatoes to feel good, you should follow simple rules for watering and temperature conditions.

When purchasing seedlings, ask where they were grown, in a greenhouse or cold frame. After all, their further care depends on the conditions in which the tomato seedlings grew. If you grew the seedlings yourself, it will be easier for you to figure out how to properly care for them.

Tomatoes grown indoors on a windowsill require additional hardening. It’s good if you take them outside during the day so that they get used to the wind and sun. If not, when planting the plants will become very sick, if not die.

The same goes for greenhouse seedlings: pampered leaves will suffer greatly from exposure to direct sunlight and fresh air flows.

How to water tomatoes after planting them in the ground

Do not forget that watering planted tomato seedlings depends on several factors:

  1. Quality of planted tomato seedlings; Physical qualities of the soil; Weather conditions.

Hardened seedlings do not require shading; they can be watered generously once a day. The average water consumption is as follows: 2.5-3 liters of water for each hole (one bucket of water for 4 holes). If plants were planted in a trench, calculate the consumption according to the number of plants in the trench.

It is better to water in the morning, before the sun sets. If the scorching sun manages to dry the soil before the evening, then you can water it after the heat has subsided, consumption is approximately 1.5-2 liters per plant. This way you will provide the seedlings with moisture while maintaining the lightness of the soil: the roots also need oxygen.

If the soil becomes too compacted, the tomatoes will begin to suffer from a lack of oxygen. Therefore, you should not fill them too much.

It is enough to provide light soil moisture, this will be enough for the plants to feed and take root. Daily watering is carried out for 7-10 days until the tomato seedlings take root and begin to grow. When you notice that the plants have begun to grow, you can loosen the soil.

Loosening in the hole is carried out very carefully so as not to damage the roots (to a depth of no more than 3 cm). This is the so-called “dry watering”

This way you will disrupt capillary formations, reducing evaporation from the surface of the earth, plus delivering oxygen to the roots of tomatoes. Alternate abundant watering with loosening and rest: after walking with a hoe, loosening the soil well, you can not water for 3-7, sometimes up to 10 days ( in cloudy weather).

When the tomatoes become tall and powerful, it is better to completely mulch the soil: cover it with a 5 cm layer of young grass. This way you will protect the soil from overheating, there will be no need to fight weeds, you will have to water less often: moisture will remain in the ground much longer. When planting in the ground unhardened seedlings, care should be taken to shade them. To do this, it is covered from the sun and wind with agrofibre or spandbond for a while until it is accepted. Watering will be needed in the morning and evening, about 1.5-2 liters for each plant, depending on the weather and soil composition. Remember the simple rules for monitoring quality watering:

  1. Water should not stagnate for a long time: otherwise the soil will become compacted and acidic; There should be enough moisture at least until the evening, when you water a second time if necessary. If the soil in the evening is much darker than that around the hole, you can water only in the morning. And vice versa: a light color, almost the same as that around, indicates that you need to water; If, a day after watering, you find that the soil is still very wet, compacted and cracked, the water consumption needs to be reduced.

Once the tomatoes have begun to grow, it is not necessary to water them by hand. It is quite acceptable to water the leaves by sprinkling with a hose using a water pistol, a spinner and other devices. If you have any questions about how to water tomatoes after planting in the ground, ask, I will definitely answer.

Frequency and rate of watering tomatoes

The frequency of irrigation, as well as the water consumption rate, depends on several factors. First of all, you need to focus on the moisture needs of plants depending on the phase of development

Weather conditions and the characteristics of some varieties are of no small importance. Only taking into account all of the above can you choose the optimal irrigation schedule for vegetable plantings

Watering after transplanting to the garden bed

There are different expert opinions on how to water tomatoes immediately after transplanting into the ground. Some agronomists believe that watering during this period should be excluded for 10-12 days

But at the same time, it is important to plant the bushes in heavily moistened planting holes, that is, using the “in the mud” planting method. And over the next two weeks, carry out only the so-called “dry watering”, that is, loosening

But the vast majority of specialists and experienced gardeners are still inclined to believe that in the first days after transplantation, tomato plants, on the contrary, need an increased amount of moisture. This will help them cope more easily with the change in living conditions and quickly settle down in a new place. Therefore, it is recommended to water the plants every day for the first 12-14 days. The consumption rate is 1-2 liters per bush. In the future, watering is reduced to once every five days. The norm in this mode is 10 liters per square meter.

Watering during flowering

It is very important to water tomatoes properly during this period. Mistakes made can be quite expensive and deprive you of your harvest.

The main rule for watering flowering tomatoes is to water abundantly, but rarely. It is considered optimal to water once every seven days, at a rate of 3 liters per bush. It is important to avoid excessive air humidity. This will lead to a drop in color, and the moistened pollen will not be able to be sprayed as expected, which means pollination will not occur and fruits will not set. To avoid high air humidity, the soil in tomato beds must be covered with a mulch layer, for example, straw. This will prevent rapid evaporation of moisture. When organizing a drip irrigation system, problems such as excess humidity do not occur.


If the weather is cloudy and rainy during flowering, the tomatoes need help to pollinate

To do this, in the morning, bushes or twigs with color are carefully shaken

Watering during fruiting

As soon as “greenbacks” have formed on the bushes, another watering rule comes into force - in no case should the soil dry out. To do this, the plantings are irrigated twice a week, and the consumption rate is 4-5 liters per bush.

If, however, the circumstances are such that watering was not carried out on time and the soil in the beds is dry, the irrigation rate is reduced to one liter per plant. Otherwise, the bushes will greedily begin to absorb moisture, which will lead to the shedding of newly set fruits and cracking of vegetables that have already reached large sizes. The next watering is carried out according to the usual standards.

Another sad consequence of improper and excessive watering during fruiting is the defeat of tomatoes by blossom end rot.

How to water after planting seeds?

Before transferring to the ground

Typically, tomato seeds are planted in winter, and tomato seedlings appear at the end of February. The most convenient place for her in the apartment is a greenhouse on the windowsill. Try to sufficiently saturate the plant seeds with moisture.

How often should seedlings be watered at home before planting them in the ground? You can spray the seedlings from a sprayer from time to time.

It is also very good to hang a wet towel on the radiator under the windowsill so that the evaporation from it will humidify the air in the room where your tomatoes grow.

For seedlings in the ground

During the period when the ovary appears, the soil on which the tomatoes are planted should be optimally moistened. Therefore, make sure that the seedlings receive enough moisture. Seedlings should be irrigated sparingly. And do this regularly from the beginning of the appearance of the ovary until the fruit appears.

If you do not pay enough attention to watering your tomatoes, the ripe fruits may crack due to lack of moisture. Also, the leaves curl and turn black due to dryness.

For greenhouse bushes

It is better to “refresh” tomatoes in a greenhouse with a sprayer. About once a month, organic fertilizers should be added to the water for irrigation. And, of course, a lot depends on the time of year. In spring, it is enough to moisten the soil once every ten days. But in the summer you need to do this more often. Once every five days.

For maximum convenience, place a barrel of water covered with film in the greenhouse. When the sprouts sprout, start watering them. After two weeks, the plants will be stronger and you can water them a second time.

Water the tomatoes at the roots and pour the water carefully. After this, wait until the soil is saturated with moisture and loosen it a little

Well, the very last time is to irrigate the tomatoes about two weeks before harvesting.

Pest and disease control

The incidence of diseases in tomatoes in open ground is often preceded by worsening weather conditions - rain, lower temperatures.
Dampness and coolness contribute to the active development of fungi. The most dangerous of them is late blight. The sooner signs of disease are noticed, the greater the chance of successful treatment.

When wet and dry brown spots or mycelium appear on the leaves, it is necessary to treat the bushes with a fungicide solution. The following drugs have proven themselves to be effective: Quadris, Tatu, Aga-25, Fitosporin, Fundazol. The working solution is prepared in strict accordance with the instructions.

Bacterial diseases are transmitted by tomatoes through contaminated seed material and spread by pests. That is why pre-sowing treatment of seeds, careful care of the crop, and preventive treatment of seedlings before and after planting with Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride are necessary.

Among the pests that plague tomatoes are aphids, whiteflies, spider mites, mole crickets, root-knot nematodes, and wireworms. After an insect attack occurs, insecticides must be applied immediately. Pests are destroyed by Fitoverm, Aktara Karbofos, Agravertin, Phosfamide, Iskra and others.

Caring for tomato seedlings

  • In order for tomato seedlings to grow evenly and not bend towards the light, the seed box must be regularly rotated relative to the window.
  • After planting tomato seedlings and until the seeds germinate, the soil temperature should be maintained at 25 – 28 °C. After 6 - 7 days, shoots should appear. At lower temperatures, it will take longer to wait for seedlings. The illumination during this period should not be very intense.
  • With the emergence of seedlings, the temperature should be lowered and the illumination, on the contrary, increased. The seed box is moved to a well-lit, cool place, where the air temperature during the day is 17 - 18 ° C, and at night 14 - 15 ° C. This temperature regime is maintained for a week.
  • 7 days after germination, the container for the tomato seedlings is again moved to a warmer place with a daytime temperature of 18 - 22°C and a night temperature of 15 - 16°C. This temperature regime is maintained until a pair of true leaves appear and the tomatoes begin to pick.
  • Tomato seedlings are not really watered before picking, so as not to cause them to grow strongly, but I only lightly moisten the soil with a sprayer to prevent the soil from drying out. The water used for watering tomato seedlings must be warm (25 - 28°C), otherwise the tomatoes may be affected by blackleg. It is better to water tomato seedlings with settled water.
  • In the phase of two true leaves, tomato seedlings are planted in individual containers. Read about how this is done here.
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