How to pinch tomatoes - which varieties need it, general rules, step-by-step instructions for pinching, professional advice, step-by-step photos

Why do you need to pinch tomatoes?

Tomatoes are pruned and pinched for the following purposes:

  1. Limit plant height:
  2. Make it bushier so that the plant has 2-3 main stems;
  3. Improve ventilation;
  4. Reduce the number of ovaries so that the remaining ones become larger fruits;
  5. Remove old dried leaves.

Is it possible to pinch out the tops and seedlings?

Experienced farmers advise beginners to pinch tall tomatoes. Why is this necessary? This will reduce the number of small or unripe fruits.

The goal is to slow down the upward growth of shoots and leaves, and direct all nutrition, organic matter and minerals, to the tomatoes. The fruits will be able to absorb all the strength as much as possible and have time to grow and ripen.

Positive effects of pinching seedlings:

  • formation of dense bushes;
  • root stimulation;
  • strengthening the main trunk and brushes.

When should you pinch tomatoes?

In central Russia, tomatoes are pinched at the end of September or a little later. In other regions, the period may vary. The main thing is that pinching of tomatoes is carried out 30-40 days before the full harvest.

In the case of greenhouses, the deadlines shift even further. But in any case, to calculate when to pinch tomatoes, subtract a month from the harvest date.

After pinching tomatoes, stepsons always appear on the bushes. They grow both at the top and in other parts of the bush. They must be removed immediately.

Tomato varieties for growing in a greenhouse

To obtain the main harvest in greenhouses, indeterminate varieties are usually used. These plants never grow on their own. If you do not pinch them, they will grow constantly, both in length and width, forming tall bushes that need support and garter.

All, both determinate and indeterminate varieties for greenhouses, can be divided into subgroups corresponding to the speed of ripening.

Popular early ripening hybrids include F1 hybrids:

  • "Typhoon",
  • "Buddy"
  • "Ilyich"
  • "Search",
  • "Verlioka"
  • "Semko-98".

For early ripening ones - “Hurricane”, “Samara”.

Ultra-early ripening varieties include “Junior”, as well as varieties “Yantarny”, “Joy of Summer”, “Bear in the North”.

Determinate tomato varieties, as a rule, ripen faster than indeterminate ones.

Among large greenhouse tomatoes, the most delicious are:

  • "Pink Giant"
  • "De Barao"
  • "Black Prince",
  • "Pink honey"

If you divide all greenhouse varieties into color groups, then, according to experienced tomato growers, the most delicious will be:

  • green – “Malachite Box”;
  • red – “Bull’s heart”, “Truffle”;
  • yellow – “Yellow Long”, “Honey King”;
  • black – “Marizol violet”, “Black Cherry”;
  • pink – “Dimensionless”, “Pink Flamingo”.

Do I need to pinch tomatoes?

There are two answers to the question “should I pinch tomatoes?” If we are talking about determinate varieties, it is not necessary to pinch them. Liana-like varieties must be limited in growth.

If a plant has few stems and leaves left, it directs all the nutrients obtained from the soil to feed the fruits.

In the case of growing tomatoes on the ground, around mid-August it is better to tear off all small flowers and ovaries. Then by autumn only large fruits will remain on the bushes.

What is pinching and why do tomatoes need it?

Tomato is a crop that, by its genetic nature, has active branching. Each internode tries to produce a stepson. Such a green shoot will also bear fruit as it grows. However, the bush will not be able to feed infinitely much and the fruits will be:

  • small;
  • ugly;
  • sour;
  • not ripe.

In addition, overgrown with stepchildren, the bush becomes a convenient place for residence of microorganisms that cause tomato diseases and pests. Stepchildren need water and nutrients to grow. They are in a constant struggle for these benefits, to the detriment of productivity.

Pinching is an agrotechnical operation to remove the green shoot that grows from the internode of a tomato. Thanks to this procedure, tomato bushes:

  • develop optimally;
  • are correctly formed;
  • do not become depleted;
  • increase productivity.

Not all stepsons are subject to removal. It all depends on the variety and formation methods (in one, two or three stems.)

When figuring out what pinching is, you should clearly determine the varietal identity of the seed that you plan to grow and harvest.

How to pinch tomatoes correctly

If you don’t know how to properly pinch tomatoes in open ground, we will tell you how to do it correctly so as not to lose an unripe harvest.

Before pinching tomatoes in the open ground, you need to understand how the fruits of the plant are fed. In tomatoes, nutrients reach the fruit in the same way as in grapes. In order for the fruit to ripen, photosynthesis must occur in the leaves above it.

Therefore, you can only pinch a tomato after flowering has finished, and you must leave at least 2 leaves above the ovary.

A little earlier, the future ovary can be formed. To do this, you need to cut off the excess flowers. 4-5 brushes are left on the main stem, and another 2-3 brushes on one additional stem.

Formation into one trunk

An indeterminate variety grows until its top is pinched. At the same time, all stepsons are cleaned in a timely manner. The plant has one trunk, from which leaves and fruit clusters extend.

Two stems

If the nutritional value of the soil is high, it is possible to form two shoots. In this case, one growth point will be on the main shoot, and the other on the shoot that grows from the leaf axil under the first, lowest flower raceme.

When forming into two shoots, you need to take into account that the stepsons will need to be removed on both shoots.

Three stems

Bushes are formed into three shoots if they are planted very sparsely and the soil has a high level of microelements. In this case, the stepson is left under the first fruit cluster and in the middle of the shoot.

Attention! With this formation, constant, regular feeding and watering are required.


Unlike pinching, pinching should be done regularly. Do this once a day of the week or even more often (depending on the type of tomato). The stepsons should not be cut off, but broken off even before they become more than 5 cm in length.

To make the shoots break easier, they need to be broken off early in the morning. To avoid the appearance of a new stepchild in the place of the one just removed, you need to not remove it completely, but leave a segment 3-5 mm long.

If you want to form a bush of 2-3 stems, you need to leave the stepsons in the required quantity at the bottom of the plant. Over time, they will also begin to develop their own lateral shoots, and they will also need to be regularly pinched off.

How to plant tomatoes

Having decided on the need and timing of the operation, you need to prepare a tool, which can be used as a pruner or scissors. The shoots can also be broken off with your fingers, but in this case you will need rubber gloves. If a tool is used, care should be taken to sharpen it to avoid serious damage to plants. In addition, the instrument must be disinfected after each bush, since bacteria can easily penetrate into an open wound. Potassium permanganate (1–2%) is used as a disinfectant solution.

The stepsoning procedure is performed as follows:

  1. The process is lightly pinched between the index finger and thumb.
    To remove the stepson, it is pinched between the thumb and forefinger

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  2. Gently swing the shoot to the sides until it breaks off. If tools are used, the sprout is separated from the bush with a quick and sharp movement. The cut should be smooth and neat. If the edges are torn, healing of the wound will take a long time. In addition, the risk of contracting an infection will increase.
  3. On one bush, no more than three stepsons are removed at a time, otherwise the crop will wither and weaken. If there are a large number of shoots, the event is carried out over a week, starting with large shoots, gradually removing small ones as well.

    Stepchildren should be removed gradually, starting with large ones and ending with small ones.

  4. Broken branches are placed in a bucket and removed from the area, since stepsons in close proximity to the bushes can cause rotting, which may result in the appearance of diseases.

The shoot is separated from the mother bush in such a way that a small stump 0.5 cm high remains, which will prevent the appearance of a new stepson in the same place.

Video: pinching and shaping tomatoes

Stepping schemes

There are several methods to remove excess shoots from tomatoes. Their choice depends on the number of branches that are planned to be left on the bush. The procedure can be carried out according to one of the following schemes:

  1. In one stem. This method involves removing all shoots, leaving only one stem for fruit formation. In this case, the bush develops quite quickly, and the fruits grow large. The disadvantages include the need to use a support to which the plant is tied. If you neglect tying, the main shoot will simply break under the weight of the fruit.
  2. In two stems. With this formation, in addition to the main stem, another shoot is left. All other branches must be removed. The strongest one located under the first fruit cluster is chosen as a side shoot.
  3. In 3 stems. A central shoot and two stepsons are left on the bush. With this method, a sprout is selected near the lower inflorescence and another strong branch is found nearby, and all the rest are cut off.

There are several ways to grow tomatoes

Formation of tomatoes depending on type

To fully disclose the topic of pinching the crop in question, it is worth noting that the tomato is divided into several groups, each of which has its own scheme for removing shoots:

  • determinate varieties;
  • indeterminate varieties;
  • semi-determinate varieties.

Indeterminate tomato

This type includes tomatoes with unlimited growth. They are usually formed into one stem. This is explained by the fact that such plants form a large number of lateral processes. When pruning the stepson, it is necessary to leave a stump, and in order to achieve a good harvest, all flower buds are cut off and only the most developed ones are left (no more than 10 pieces).

When removing a stepson, you need to leave a stump, which will prevent the formation of a new shoot in the same place

Semi-determinate tomato

Tomatoes of this type are tall and reach a height of 1.9 m. Plants can be formed into 2 or 3 stems, which depends on the planting pattern of the bushes. There is no need to rush into pruning such varieties, as the plant may stop growing. Only when it is certain that the stem continues to develop can surgery be performed.

Determinate tomato

This type includes low-growing varieties. Basically, they do not require frequent removal of processes, but you still shouldn’t completely neglect the procedure. When growing crops, it is best to follow the recommendations given by seed manufacturers. To obtain maximum yields of determinate tomatoes, it is recommended to follow the following care rules:

  • stepsons are removed, but gradually and no more than 5 pieces at a time;
  • The inflorescences must also be broken out, leaving only a few pieces (no more than 3).

When growing determinate varieties, you need to ensure that they grow in width, not height.

When pruning low-growing tomato varieties, you should strive to grow them in width, not height.

Features of the formation of tomatoes in a greenhouse

In greenhouses, tomatoes are shaped taking into account certain features. They lie, first of all, in the conditions created for growing the crop, as well as the possibilities of the greenhouse design:

  1. In order for the greenhouse area to be used efficiently and the harvest to be abundant, as a rule, indeterminate tomatoes are cultivated, the formation of which is carried out in a single stem. Such varieties are attached to the trellis only when the bush reaches a certain height, after which the growth point is pinched (the place from which the stem develops), and they do not forget to remove the lateral shoots in a timely manner.
  2. Often indeterminates are grown in 2 stems. This method is mainly used in low greenhouses. In this case, 3–6 brushes are left on each stem.
  3. Determinate varieties are formed into 2 or 3 stems. The stepsons are left only under the first and second brush, the rest are broken out. When 3–4 fruiting clusters form on an additional shoot, it is pinched and transferred to a strong lateral shoot of the second order. This point is precisely what distinguishes it from the formation of a bush in unprotected soil.
  4. When cultivating tomatoes in greenhouse conditions, it is possible to increase the period for fruit ripening. This allows you to leave more flower clusters on the plants than in unprotected soil and thereby get a larger harvest. At the same time, we should not forget that the crop will need more careful care and additional feeding.
  5. Compared to open ground, lateral shoots can form in a greenhouse much more often, due to more favorable conditions. This indicates the need for timely removal of stepchildren.
  6. To be able to harvest early tomatoes in a greenhouse, it is recommended to grow super-determinate as well as early determinate varieties. In this case, to speed up the formation and ripening of fruits, no more than 3–4 fruit clusters are left on one plant. The tops are pinched, the bush is formed into 1 stem, and the lateral shoots are promptly removed.

Video: growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

The process of cultivating tomatoes has its own nuances. In order for labor costs to be justified by a large harvest, you need to perform stepsoning. Although the procedure is not easy, after familiarizing yourself with the sequence of actions, timing and features of its implementation, every vegetable grower will be able to complete it.

  • Author: Vladimir Dolzhenkov
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Growing low-growing tomatoes

Low-growing tomatoes with limited growth need to be planted very carefully. If you remove all the stepsons, the plant will stop growing.

During the first stepsoning, it is necessary to remove all shoots except one. They usually leave the one located under the inflorescence.

Growing cherry tomatoes

Cherry tomatoes can be low-growing, in which case they practically do not need pinching and pinching, and tall, which require these procedures.

Cherries have a rather thin stem that cannot withstand the load of a too abundant tomato harvest. Therefore, tall cherry varieties must be pinched to limit their growth and planted.

Types of tomato bushes

The need and methods for pruning tomato bushes vary depending on their variety. Tomatoes come in three varieties:

  • standard;
  • determinant;
  • indeterminate.

The standard bush is distinguished by a strong, thick central stem that does not require additional support or garter. For this species, which is most suitable for planting in open ground, there is an additional mandatory rule - pinching the top when the plant reaches the required height. This procedure leads to the formation of compact, low bushes characterized by high productivity.

A distinctive feature is the stopping of the growth of the main trunk of the plant by a flower brush. Subsequently, the bush develops from the strongest stepson, located in one of the lower leaf axils. It is characterized by the simultaneous development of several flower clusters, which leads to the simultaneous ripening of a large number of fruits at once.

The procedure for pinching tomatoes is in other words called pinching

Indeterminate tomatoes have constant, unrestricted growth of the central tip. The bushes of this species are very tall, which allows them to be tied vertically. The main advantage is that the plant increases the number of brushes due to its height. From a fairly small area of ​​the bush you can reap a significant harvest. Tomatoes of this type are more resistant to diseases. To ensure uniform lighting and mandatory air circulation, it is necessary to remove the lower leaves. Fruiting lasts longer, which allows you to harvest before the first frost. The main rule when caring for such bushes is to leave one central stem and timely, once a week, cutting off all the stepsons.

Indeterminate tomatoes have constant, unrestricted growth of the central tip.

When choosing a particular variety of tomatoes, gardeners are guided by the climatic characteristics of the region. Thus, in the northern regions, determinate varieties are in demand for greenhouse cultivation. Due to the speed of ripening, they manage to produce a harvest even in the short northern summer. In the middle zone, determinate varieties are grown in open ground and indeterminate varieties in greenhouse conditions. In the southern regions of Russia, tomatoes of both types feel great.

Important Rules

To ensure that the plant can easily tolerate pinching, follow these rules:

  • Carry out the procedure on a sunny and dry day;
  • If you cannot pinch the plant with your hands, use only a sterile instrument;
  • Treat the cut area with ash;
  • Remove no more than 1⁄4 crowns at a time. The next procedure can be performed in 1-2 weeks.

In greenhouses, tomatoes are usually allowed to grow up to roof level. In some cases, plants begin to grow not upward, but to the sides. In this case, you need to remove not only the upper but also the side stepsons at least once a week.

How often is the procedure needed?

The period when it is necessary to form a tomato bush usually coincides with the first weeks of July or August.

The procedure should be carried out regularly, from the very beginning of active growth and during the process of growing seedlings. This contributes to faster greening of the plant and development of the root system.

In greenhouse conditions

When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, pinching is carried out later, the reason for this is the length of time the vegetables ripen. Typically, the removal of tomato growth points in a greenhouse occurs in September-October, in some cases it is delayed until November.


If tomatoes are grown in a greenhouse, pinching the stems is done later. The elimination of growth points occurs in early autumn and may take until November.

This only applies to heated greenhouses, because... in solar-heated greenhouses, with shorter daylight hours and a significant drop in outside temperature, the ripening of tomato fruits slows down sharply. Therefore, topping in them is carried out at the end of August.

Pinching potted tomatoes

If a tomato grows on your windowsill, you definitely need to pinch it. In conditions of limited soil volume, the plant will be healthy only with a small crown.

  • The rule is this: the smaller the pot, the smaller the bush you should leave.
  • The height of a homemade tomato should not exceed 60 cm, but it is better not to cut it shorter than 30 cm.
  • Stepchildren must be removed until they reach a size of 3 cm.

Pinching seedlings

Some gardeners, seeing that tomato seedlings have become long and thin, decide to pinch their tops. This is strictly not recommended. In this way, you can harm the plant and it will die either while still on the windowsill, or immediately after planting in the ground.

If the seedlings are too elongated, when planting, it is enough to bury them deeper into the ground, leaving a stem of the required length above the soil level.

You can and should pinch tomatoes. This way you will ensure a large and sweet harvest and rid the plant of excess greenery that requires nutrition.

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