Cucumbers "Bidretta f1": advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Characteristics of the variety

This is an ultra early ripening variety. It is planted in open beds in the garden, without making additional shelters, since the variety is pollinated by bees. The fruits reach technical maturity in 25-35 days. Productivity per 1 m2 is 4-5 kg. The Bidretta cucumber has strong immunity to infectious diseases.

Note! The fruits have a thick, glossy skin. That is why it is chosen by people who cultivate vegetables for further sale.

Recommendation. To increase the volume of fruiting, it is better to plant the crop in loose loamy soil, previously fertilized.

Description of the fruit:

  • length 14-18 cm;
  • weight 110 g;
  • oblong, cylindrical shape;
  • taste without bitterness.

The surface of the cucumber is covered with a crispy peel with tubercles and a pleasant bright color. There is no pubescence. The taste is rich, the aroma is intense.

Many farmers believe that the fruit has a rough skin and the yield is low for a hybrid variety.

Cucumber Bidretta F1: reviews from those who planted

Anna, 46 years old, Taganrog I have been growing the Bidretta cucumber hybrid for several years. The fruits have a good taste, but the ripening greens need to be picked in time. During the period of full ripening, their skin is quite dense, so I prefer to collect the greens a little unripe, when they still have a delicate taste.

Olga, 49 years old, Ryazan I have been growing these cucumbers in my garden for several years. I can note that the plants are quite unpretentious, so they do not cause much trouble in caring for them. I usually harvest in about a couple of months if I plant the seeds directly in the beds, and if I grow the variety using seedlings, I can harvest the greens about 2 weeks earlier.

Maria, 55 years old, Saratov region I recommend the cucumber hybrid Bidretta to everyone - I have not seen any shortcomings in it, although I have been growing these cucumbers for 5 seasons. You just have to harvest on time, otherwise the fruits will outgrow, and their taste will be pleasant, delicate, and there will be no bitterness. The yield is quite good, so the harvested crop is enough for me both for fresh food and for spinning. Bidretta is an excellent cucumber for open ground!

The best varieties of cucumbers for open ground

The Bidretta cucumber hybrid is quite popular among Russian gardeners, as it is practically not affected by diseases, is early ripening, and its fruits have a good taste and remarkable appearance.

Advantages and disadvantages

The F1 marking in the name of the variety indicates that it was bred from two other first-generation varieties. Such plants are stronger than ordinary ones. They have superiority in a number of criteria:

  • do not require professional care;
  • resistance to infectious and bacterial pathologies, and pest attacks.

Of course, the Bidretta F1 variety also has disadvantages. This is a high price for seed material. But the reason for the high cost is justified by the characteristics of the variety and the taste of the fruit. Breeders have been working on this for years. It is impossible to obtain planting material from the variety, since the seeds are underdeveloped, they do not fully ripen, and therefore cannot produce offspring. However, this situation with seeds gives rise to another plus - vegetables are not prone to overgrowing.

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Pros and cons of the variety

Like other crops, the Bidretta cucumber variety has a number of advantages and disadvantages.


  1. attractive appearance of cucumbers;
  2. the fruits ripen within 30 days;
  3. Thanks to their thick skin and pulp, cucumbers are stored for a long time;
  4. the hybrid variety does not have a bitter taste;
  5. grows in the middle zone in open ground;
  6. behaves well when salted;
  7. suitable for growing for sale;
  8. has immunity to major viral and bacterial diseases.


  1. the Bidretta cucumber variety produces lower yields compared to other hybrids;
  2. seeds from the fruits of the hybrid cannot be planted;
  3. thick skin, which not everyone likes.

Resistance to diseases and pests

Pests can attack all vegetable crops, even hybrid varieties. Black aphids often fall on cucumber bushes from trees such as:

  • apple trees;
  • viburnum;
  • cherry.

Pest approximately 5 mm. It develops quickly and creates colonies. They can be seen when infected on the underside of the foliage. During the summer period, aphids are capable of producing 10-15 generations. It sucks out debris from the plant crop, causing the bush to die.


Periodically check the bushes for aphids. If it is detected, remove the affected leaves or wash off the insect with water pressure.

It is good to populate the area with ladybugs. You can attract them or buy them in a store. These insects quickly destroy aphid colonies. You can fight aphids by treating the plant with the following composition:

  • liquid soap – 700 g;
  • unrefined vegetable oil – 200 g;
  • water – 700 ml.

Among industrial preparations, spraying with Karbofos will help. It is permissible to use chemicals only during the growing season, when fruit harvesting is not yet planned. To carry out preventive protection, you need to plant Dalmatian chamomile, onions or feather garlic near the cucumber beds.

Ants and aphids are eternal neighbors. They can be located directly on a young cucumber bush. The root part will be under threat, since there are passages underneath it. This disrupts the development of the plant's root mass, leading to slower growth and subsequent death of the plant. Therefore, you need to inspect the soil every day, and if traces of the presence of ants are noticed, then sprinkle the area with wood ash. The following chemicals will help you deal with ants:

  • Ant-eater;
  • Thunder-2.

A common disease of cucumbers is anthracnose. When damaged, the greenery of the bush becomes covered with orange and brown spots. Gradually they grow and unite into a single spot, and the leaves fall off. Pathology spreads throughout the plant and leads to its death. Fungal spores spread especially quickly in damp conditions, when the weather is rainy and there is no sun.


To prevent the occurrence of the disease, you must not violate the rules of crop rotation. Cucumbers can be planted in the same place no earlier than after 3 years.

Fruits that have rotted should not be left on the site. It is recommended to carry out one treatment:

  • Bordeaux mixture;
  • Zineboma.

Bacteriosis loves high levels of humidity, and under such conditions it spreads through cucumber bushes very quickly. The foliage is covered with dark angular spots, and drops of a yellowish cloudy color, reminiscent of mucus, collect on the reverse side. Pathology affects not only adult plants, but also small seedlings. On a mature plant, bacteriosis causes inhibition of development, which reduces the number of ovaries. In damp weather, the stains take on an oily sheen. To overcome the problem, you need:

  • in the fall, dig the soil deeply;
  • burn plant residues;
  • follow the rules of crop rotation.

Plantings should be placed sparingly, and weeding should be carried out regularly (2-3 times per season), fed and watered. If the plant is strong, with a healthy root system, diseases will not affect it. To control pests, you can use fungicides: Etafol, Allett, etc.

Growing and care

There are several recommendations for growing the Bidretta hybrid:

  1. Initially, viable seeds must be selected. To do this, take 2 liters of water and add a tablespoon of salt there. The crystals should completely dissolve. After this, seeds are added to the water. Those that have surfaced must be disposed of, as they will not be able to germinate.

  2. Then the seeds are germinated on the windowsill. It is necessary to place them in damp gauze and make sure that it does not dry out. But it should not be completely in water.
  3. When the roots appear, you need to plant the seeds in peat pots or other containers for seedlings to appear. After about 10 days, shoots will appear. Watering should be done 5 days after their appearance.
  4. When the weather settles outside and is about +15 degrees, you can replant the cucumbers.

Today, many manufacturers offer this hybrid. Some of them treat the seeds with a growth activator. If it is present, then there is no need to germinate anything at home; you can immediately plant the seeds in open or closed ground. You can find out whether there is a growth activator from the information on the packaging.

It is necessary to grow the crop correctly to get a good harvest. Here are some rules:

  1. Cucumbers love nutritious soil, which is prepared in advance. Organic matter is added in early spring or autumn so that the ammonia has time to dissipate.
  2. During the period of active growth, harvesting should be done daily to obtain a large number of cucumbers.
  3. After watering, it is worth removing weeds and loosening the soil.

The greatest yield can be obtained by growing the hybrid in medium-carbon, breathable soils where the acidity does not exceed 6.

Planting a plant

The Bidretta hybrid is planted in two ways: seedlings and without seedlings. Breeders recommend choosing the first method, since thanks to it you can get healthy seedlings with excellent immunity. To achieve a good result, you should follow the following rules:

  1. Preparing the container. All bushes are planted separately in peat pots. It is acceptable to use plastic separate containers, but this will complicate the process of planting in the garden.
  2. The soil is used previously disinfected, and you can prepare it yourself. Experienced gardeners advise choosing a ready-made substrate, formed in an industrial environment.
  3. The seeds are placed at a depth of 1-1.5 cm.
  4. The soil is moistened before sowing, but not after.
  5. The seedlings are installed in a room in which the air temperature is stably kept at least +21 °C.

The space above the pots should have excellent lighting, for which you can additionally install fluorescent greenhouse lamps. The containers are covered with film to create a greenhouse effect.


The first real watering can be done 5 days after the first sprouts appear.

Hardening is necessary, which begins 5 days before transferring to open ground. Correct observance of such points will allow you to obtain seedlings already on the 3rd day after sowing. The sprouts are sent to the garden only 2 weeks after they have formed 2-3 true leaves. The optimal time for growing seedlings is mid-May, but the climatic conditions of the region must be taken into account.

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How to germinate seeds or grow seedlings

There are 2 methods of obtaining seedlings. You can germinate the seed and then plant it on the site. But with this method of cultivation, the yield will be 20% less. Therefore, the hybrid manufacturer suggests using the seedling method of growing cucumbers. The choice of one method or another is made by the gardener himself.

When germinating seeds, they are first treated with disinfecting solutions (potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide), and then sprayed with growth stimulants. The seeds are laid out on cotton cloth soaked in moisture, and the top is covered with gauze folded in 4 layers. As the material dries, it is soaked in water. After 4-5 days, the seeds throw out the roots. After this, they can be planted on permanent soil.

To obtain seedlings, you need to select appropriate containers and soil. Each bush should grow in a separate pot filled with a mixture of peat and humus. You can make the soil yourself or buy it in specialized stores. If the soil is made at home, then it is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Place 2-3 seeds in each pot, bury them 10-15 mm into the soil, and before doing this, moisten the soil.

The room temperature is maintained at least 21°C. You will need to organize additional lighting, for example, place containers with seeds under fluorescent lamps.

In about 6-7 days the first shoots will appear. The seedlings are watered with warm water once every 4-5 days. Feeding young bushes is carried out with organic fertilizers. It is recommended to harden the sprouts 10 days before transplanting into the ground. Bushes are planted in the garden bed - no more than 3 pieces per 1 m².

How to replant in open ground

Bidretta is suitable for any region. But the variety may suffer from return frosts and sudden temperature changes. Therefore, before young seedlings are transferred to open ridges, they are hardened off. The procedure begins 5-7 days before the planned transplant:

  1. The temperature is reduced to +16 °C.
  2. Ventilate for 2 hours.

This enhances the ability to resist infections and allows the sprouts to get used to the new atmosphere much faster in the future.

Special attention should be paid to soil preparation. Work begins in 2 weeks.

What should be done:

  1. Determine the place where the cucumber will grow. There is no need to plant in areas where pumpkin was previously cultivated; it can expose immature sprouts to disease. Good predecessors for the Bedretta F1 variety are tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, and peas. You can also do joint plantings with these crops. This will be a safe and favorable decision.
  2. Cucumbers have weak roots. They quickly absorb moisture and beneficial components. In this regard, there should be no weeds on the soil, as they suppress the root system of the cucumber.


It is recommended to choose medium-carbon and breathable soil. To compose it, you can use a mixture of peat, black soil, sand and straw or sawdust.

Shortly before planting, the soil needs to be dug up and watered. When the soil warms up steadily to +15+16 °C and the seedlings become stronger, they can be moved to a permanent place of growth. There should be a distance of 40 cm between plants, and it is better to place the beds at a distance of 1 m. On average, there are 3 sprouts per 1 m2.

Unpretentious hybrid of cucumbers "Bidretta f1": tips for cultivation

The hybrid variety is planted in all climatic zones. Summer residents appreciated the good immunity of the crop in relation to viral and bacterial diseases and insect pests. Despite this, preventive treatment is mandatory. Among other characteristics of the Bidretta F1 variety, botanists highlighted:

  • glossy dense skin;
  • the harvested crop can be stored for a long time;
  • cucumbers tolerate long-term transportation;
  • the variety is suitable for commercial cultivation;
  • the average weight of a ripe fruit is 110 g, and the length is 18 cm;
  • lack of gun;
  • standard taste without bitterness;
  • dense pulp;
  • there are no omissions;
  • The fruits are suitable for canning, slicing, and pickling.

The crunchy vegetable requires pollinating insects. If there are no bees near the garden, you will have to plant plants next to the cucumbers that will attract beneficial insects.

Preparation of seed material

In regions with hot climates, cucumbers are immediately planted in open ground. In cold climates and where the risk of sudden frost is high, it is more advisable to use the seedling method. First, buy seeds at a gardening store. Despite the fact that the packaging may indicate the fact of preliminary disinfection, it is better to repeat the procedure. This will reduce the likelihood of pests and diseases becoming active. Further procedure:

  • each bush is placed in a separate peat humus pot; if they are not available, then take standard containers for seedlings;
  • the soil that is planned to be used for planting seeds is first disinfected with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate or a ready-made mixture is purchased;
  • each seed is lowered into a pre-made hole, the depth of which is 1.5 cm;
  • the first watering is carried out 1 hour before sowing - adding moisture after sowing is not permissible;
  • in the room in which the containers with seedlings are located, the temperature is maintained from + 22 C to + 26 C;
  • the minimum duration of daylight is 12 hours; if there is not enough sun, then install fluorescent lamps;
  • the second watering is carried out 5-6 days after the first shoots;
  • hardening is carried out 5-6 days before transplantation to a permanent place.

You can see the first shoots 3-4 days after sowing. First, the summer resident examines the young greenery to identify signs of disease and pest activity. If there are none, then you can move the bushes to a permanent place. This is done no later than 14 days after germination.

Carrying out planting in open ground

The manipulation is carried out at air temperatures consistently above + 25 C. First, the acidity level of the soil is checked. The indicator should be between 6 and 7 pH. The gardener's punctuality is the key to getting a good harvest. In regions with a warm climate, planting in open ground is carried out in mid-May. It is more advisable to shift this procedure to the end of May-beginning of June in areas with more capricious weather. The first step towards planting the Bidretta F1 variety in open ground is hardening. To do this, 48 ​​hours before planting in the ground, lower the temperature in the room where the seedlings are standing to + 16 C for 6-7 hours. The second step is preparing the future soil:

  • You cannot plant a cucumber where representatives of the pumpkin family were previously grown;
  • good predecessors for crispy vegetables would be tomato, peas, potatoes, cabbage;
  • the site must be cleared of weeds and remnants of last year’s harvest, otherwise the root system will not absorb moisture and water;
  • per 1 m² add 1.5 kg of a mixture of sand, chernozem, straw in a ratio of 1:1:1;
  • 1 hour before planting, the soil is dug up, loosened, and moistened;
  • the distance between seedlings is 40 cm, and between the beds – 1 m;
  • Recommended planting density: 3 seedlings per 1 m².

During the first week after planting in open ground, pesticides and other chemically active substances should not be used. This will negatively affect the immunity of the seedlings.

Agrotechnical methods

The belief that the hybrid variety "Bidretta F1" does not require care leads to yield loss. On the one hand, the vegetable is less capricious than its counterparts, but, on the other hand, it needs care. We are talking about standardized watering. It is carried out once every 3-4 days in a temperate climate. First, check the soil moisture level at a depth of about 10 cm and only then take up the watering can. In hot regions, water is added once every 2-3 days. The gardener makes sure that the liquid does not drip onto the leaves, otherwise it will become a catalyst for the development of pathogenic flora.

During the first week after planting in open ground, the bushes are fed with complex mixtures. Apply 2 kg of substance per 1 m² of area. From the 8th day, feeding can be varied with organic matter. By the way, natural fertilizers are useful in regions with cold climates. As they decompose, organic fertilizers release heat.


I have been planting the hybrid variety “Bidretta F1” for 2 years. I advise you to remove the fruits from the bush 4-5 days ahead of schedule. In this case, the skin is not so tough, and the pulp is not bitter. The second life hack is that the variety is suitable for beginners. The vegetable requires minimal care. The main thing is to ensure watering and nutrition within the normal limits.

There is no need to apply fertilizers after planting in open ground. If the soil is not depleted, then fertilizing will only do harm. I water the seedlings once every 4 days. I inspect the cucumber plantation daily for symptoms of diseases or pests. If I notice something is wrong, I immediately remove the affected bush and burn it.

The vegetable is resistant to sudden short-term temperature changes. If it gets colder or hotter, you don’t need to worry about loss of taste.

Rules of care

The Bidretta F1 variety is unpretentious in care, but the basic rules of agricultural technology must be followed. Throughout the entire growing season you need to:

  • water the bushes;
  • feed;
  • remove weeds;
  • control the appearance of pests;
  • loosen the soil.

The soil must be constantly moistened and watered at least once every 3 days. It is necessary to ensure that the liquid does not get on the leaves. When loosening, you can immediately remove weeds. This will give oxygen access to the roots of the plant. You need to loosen and weed regularly.

The fruits of the Bidretta hybrid can be harvested regardless of the stage of maturity. Vegetables no longer than 10 cm are good for salads, and they are picked for preservation when they reach a size of 4-5 cm.

Cucumbers grow very actively, so they need to be collected every 2 days. This must be done carefully and carefully. You cannot turn over the sheets and twist the lashes; such actions lead to bitterness.

Cucumbers should not be torn off, but cut with scissors, leaving small stalks on the fruit.


If the greens on the ovaries have withered or rotted, they should be removed immediately. They take a significant part of the nutrients, disrupting the formation of new fruits.

The fruit should be stored in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf in a plastic bag. No tight wrapping or tying required.

Cucumber Bidretta F1: variety description

The Bidretta cucumber is a hybrid, so seeds from your garden cannot be used for further planting.

The Bidretta hybrid is ultra-early ripening - 45-55 days pass from the moment of seed germination to the harvesting of ripe greens.

Its vines are moderately branched, their length can reach 1.5 m or more, and are medium leafy. The foliage is quite large, wrinkled, without a characteristic shine, there are rare small notches along the edges, the color of the leaf blades is dark emerald.

On a note!

The flowering type is predominantly female and requires bees to pollinate the flowers. The flowers are collected in bunched inflorescences, in each of which up to 4-5 cucumbers can simultaneously form.

The fruits are quite large, can reach 8-12 cm in length, and about 4 cm in diameter. The skin is glossy, covered with frequent small tubercles, there is no pubescence, the color is dark emerald.

Description and characteristics of the Bidretta f1 cucumber from the seed manufacturer Agro Seed Company

There are few thorns on cucumbers, they are small and almost colorless. The fruits of the Bidretta cucumber weigh up to 80-110 g.

The pulp is compacted, crispy, bitterness in the fruit is absent at the genetic level.

Greens of the Bidretta variety are distinguished by excellent taste and good appearance.

Good varieties of cucumbers:
Grasshopper F1 Quadrille F1 Snack
You need to harvest regularly so that new ovaries form on the vines

. Ripe greens can be transported to any distance; they are stored in appropriate conditions for a long time.

Planting seedlings in open regolith

Bidretta F1 cucumbers are suitable for growing in different climatic conditions; yes, like all heat-loving crops, they do not tolerate cold well.
Before the plant gets into the ground, it is necessary to harden it. For this purpose, 2 days before planting in open ground, the temperature in the room with seedlings is lowered to 16C°. This method will help the seedlings adapt to lower temperatures during grazing time. Before you start planting, you need to prepare the soil. This should be done at least 2 weeks before planting. Soil training has the following sequence:

  1. Decide on the planting location. You should not plant cucumbers where crops of the pumpkin family were previously grown. This can cause disease in young seedlings. Bidretta F1 cucumbers can be planted in the soil after tomatoes, potatoes, peas or cabbage. This intimacy will be safe.
  2. Cucumbers have a weak root system; they quickly absorb moisture and nutrients, so the ground must be completely cleared of weeds.
  3. As already mentioned, Bidretta F1 grows well in medium-carbon and breathable soil. To prepare such soil, there is no escape from adding peat mixture, black soil, sand, as well as straw (sterile, suitable. Ant. sawdust is not allowed).
  4. Before planting, the soil must be dug up and moistened again.
  5. Once the soil temperature reaches 15C° - 16C° and the seedlings become stronger, it is time to plant them in open ground. The seedlings are placed at a distance of 40 cm from each other, and the distance between the beds should be at least 1 meter. Thus, on one m2 the number of sprouts does not seem to exceed 3 pieces.

Landing Features

Guardian cucumber seeds can be planted directly into the ground or sown as seedlings for the fastest harvest. It is recommended to adhere to the planting dates for the Guardian variety.

Landing dates

Cucumbers of the Guardian variety are planted in an open garden bed when the soil temperature reaches approximately 15-16 degrees. They are planted in the greenhouse a little earlier. Planting dates depend on the growing region. In the southern regions - in mid-April, in areas with a temperate climate - in early May.

Site preparation

For Guardian cucumbers, choose sunny places on the site. The ground for cucumbers should be prepared in the fall. The type of soil does not matter as the Guardian can grow in any soil. The following preparatory activities are carried out in the fall:

  • remove weeds and their roots from the soil where spring planting of cucumbers is planned;
  • dig deep into the ground;
  • enrich the soil with useful substances by adding organic and mineral fertilizers (humus or compost 5-6 kg, wood ash 200 grams per square meter).
  • In the spring, the beds are dug up again and treated with potassium permanganate.

Longitudinal grooves are dug on the surface of the beds, filled with humus, sprinkled with peat and covered with plastic wrap for a week. After the specified period, the film is removed and the cucumbers are planted.

Planting seeds

Before planting, the seeds of the Guardian variety must be germinated. To do this, they are wrapped in a wet cloth and placed in a plastic bag so that the moisture does not evaporate. Sprouts appear on Guardian seeds 2-3 days after soaking. Hatched grains can be planted in a permanent place.

Planting seedlings

To sow Sentinel f1 cucumbers for seedlings, use separate cups filled with nutrient soil from the store. Sow one seed into each glass. Shoots appear 5-6 days after sowing. When 2-3 true leaves appear on the seedlings, the seedlings can be planted in a garden bed or in a greenhouse.

Planting scheme

To plant Guardian cucumbers, it is recommended to use a standard planting pattern. Description of the Guardian cucumber planting scheme:

  • between bushes - 50 cm;
  • between rows – 60 cm;
  • seed planting depth – 3.5 cm.

It is advisable to make two rows of plantings in the garden bed.

Top dressing


Ammonium nitrate

Potassium sulfate

Despite the fact that this is a hybrid, fertilizing does not need to be done frequently. It is enough to add organic fertilizers in the fall or spring. As for mineral fertilizers, they are required during active growth and during fruit set. That is, it is enough to add them 2 – 3 times. It is best to buy universal mixtures that contain nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, superphosphate, magnesium and iron. It will be cheaper than purchasing each type of fertilizer separately.

Gardeners should use complete supplements or focus on potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and nitrogen. These substances will allow you to get a good harvest.

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