Tomato variety Black Prince - description and characteristics, photos, reviews

History of selection

The applicant for admission to the register of selection achievements of the Russian Federation is CJSC Scientific and Production Corporation NK. LTD" Moscow region, Shchelkovo. The following people worked on the variety: Nalizhity V.M., Korotkov S.A., Dynnik A.V., authorship is assigned to them.

The Black Prince tomato variety was ready for testing and submitted to the commission for consideration in 1998. For two years, breeding stations were engaged in research. In 2000, the tomato was entered into the register, and the variety was recommended for cultivation in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Planting tomatoes with seedlings

Ready seedlings begin to be replanted when favorable conditions occur.

Preparing seedlings

Spraying with growth stimulants will help young plants adapt better to new conditions. For example, Zircon is used 7-8 days before transplantation. For 1 liter of settled water, take 0.1 ml of this effective regulator of growth and root formation processes.

In order not to damage the roots when removing young plants from cups (plastic, cardboard, ceramic), they should be spilled generously with water at room temperature and left for 1-2 hours before transplanting.

Rules for planting in open ground

Prepare planting holes. Their depth should slightly exceed the size of the root system of the seedlings. Row spacing is made 0.8-0.9 m wide. The distance between plants should be 0.6-0.7 m.

Pour 2-3 tbsp into each planting hole. l. mature loose compost and the same volume of ash. Bone meal will provide plants with a wide range of nutritional compounds. It is enough to put 1 tsp in the hole. useful powder.

Glyokladin will help prevent the development of fungal infections. In each hole you need to put 1 tablet of fungicide. Immediately install strong pegs.

Description of the variety

The Black Prince tomato variety is recommended for cultivation:

  • in vegetable gardens;
  • summer cottages;
  • lands of small farms.

Tomatoes are successfully grown for their own consumption and the sale of surplus products on the country's markets. Delicious tomatoes can be obtained in open ground and in a greenhouse, under film cover.

Description of the bush and fruits

The plant is indeterminate. This means that its growth does not end until someone or something stops it. Tomato bush "Black Prince":

  • tall;
  • requires constant formation;
  • needs timely and regular garter.

Prince fruits are flat-round. They seem to be squeezed from the poles and covered with a light ribbing. If your tomatoes are dark, but of a different shape, then most likely they have been mis-graded.

Those who have become the owner of pure-quality seeds will always be able to distinguish a true, purebred “prince”. Seed material can and should be selected from such fruits. By cultivating it, you can constantly maintain the genetic level.

Tomato "Black Prince":

  • flat-round;
  • medium ribbed;
  • unripe fruit is green, with a large, rich, dark spot at the stalk;
  • mature - purple-brown;
  • number of nests - 4 or more;
  • fruit weight - from 120 g to 170 g.

The weight of one Black Prince tomato does not exceed 200 g. If the tomatoes are larger, then most likely there is a different variety.

While undergoing breeding tests, the variety received different tasting scores in different regions. Its taste is greatly influenced by the amount of sunny summer days. In more southern regions, tomatoes are sweet with a pleasant aftertaste. The closer to the north the tomato does not have time to absorb all the power of summer and heat, and organic acids make themselves felt. The general assessment of the tasters is “good.”


The register of breeding achievements for the variety has legitimized the yield figure of 6.2-7.0 kg/m2.

Please note that the yield is indicated not per bush, but per square meter. This is a significant difference.

As a rule, a gardener plants 4 bushes per meter of area. However, some manage to make compact plantings. This isn't always a good thing. The bushes need to be maintained. Even taking into account that “Black Prince” does not have strong foliage, plantings cannot be thickened.

Yield is greatly influenced by:

  • soil fertility;
  • regularity of feeding;
  • timeliness of stepsoning;
  • correct formation of the bush.


Tomato variety "Black Prince" of mid-season ripening. The first inflorescence is formed only above the 7th or even 9th leaf. Subsequent ones, every 3 sheets. This suggests that the bush cannot be low. Its height often reaches 1.5 m, and in a greenhouse even 2.

When sowing at the end of February, you can get earlier products. Late sowings will delay fruiting closer to autumn.

The composition of the soil greatly influences the taste of the tomato. Well-fertilized soils, with the addition of fresh humus and compost, can provide the plant with adequate nutrition. Balancing minerals can significantly improve sugar content and yield.

Planting tomato seeds

To obtain viable seedlings, sowing the “Black Prince” tomato is practiced in the first ten days of March for a greenhouse. This will make it possible to obtain seedlings 55-65 days old by the time the plants are moved to a permanent place. For open ground, this event can be held in the third decade of March.

Seed preparation

The key to high germination is the preliminary selection of full-bodied, high-quality seeds. During the calibration process, dry, damaged, moldy, wrinkled and excessively small grains are rejected.

Then pour 200 ml of heated water into a glass container. With vigorous stirring, finely divided salt (10 g) is dissolved in it. Pour in the seeds and keep them in the liquid for 3-5 minutes. All floating specimens are carefully collected and discarded. The grains that are at the bottom are rinsed with fresh water. Spread on paper to dry.

Seed material purchased on the market, from friends or prepared independently should be immersed for 25-35 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate of medium concentration. It is identified by the pink tint of the liquid. Disinfected grains should be washed with cool water.

Sowing seedlings

The substrate for tomato seedlings needs to be nutritious, light and loose. It can be purchased ready-made.

You can use turf soil harvested in the fall, which is mixed with peat in identical proportions, adding high-quality humus. To disinfect, heat the soil mixture in the oven or spill it with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate.

Pour the substrate into the planting boxes. Grooves are made on the surface. Their depth is 15-20 mm. Distribute the seeds at intervals of 3-3.5 cm. Cover with soil, and then moisten the surface with settled water using a spray bottle. Cover the plantings with film or a glass lid. You can immediately sow a small amount of grains into local cups (2-3 pieces each).

Miniature greenhouses need to be ventilated daily. If necessary, moisten the soil. When seedlings appear, remove the cover. To provide 12-hour lighting, fluorescent lamps are installed next to the planting containers.

Hardening, picking seedlings

Seedlings from seedling boxes begin to be planted, having prepared separate pots with a nutrient substrate, when 2-4 leaves form on the stems. Plants are watered abundantly an hour before the procedure. This will allow you to carefully remove fragile seedlings without causing damage to them. The tap root is pinched a little and then placed in containers.

Seedlings that were immediately sown in separate cups do not need picking. When the seedlings get stronger, you need to leave the strongest specimen, and carefully cut out the remaining shoots.

To ensure good survival, seedlings begin to be taken out onto the veranda or balcony approximately 1-1.5 weeks before they are planned to be planted in the garden. First, leave it for 1.5-2 hours. Gradually the hardening interval is increased.

Landing in the ground

A place in the garden for tomato beds is allocated with good sunlight. It is necessary to provide protection from strong wind currents.

Tomatoes of the “Black Prince” variety develop well on fertile, breathable soil without high acidity. Do not use areas after potatoes, eggplants and other crops of the Solanaceae family.

Before autumn digging, sprinkle on the selected area after removing organic residues and weeding at the rate of 1 square meter. m ash (4-5 tbsp.) and superphosphate (50 g).

Planting and care

"Black Prince" is responsive to care. If agrotechnical measures are carried out correctly, it will show its full potential and will delight the gardener with excellent fruits.

Seedling method

Since the variety has a medium ripening period, preference should be given to the seedling method of cultivation. The southern regions can sow seeds in open ground, but they will receive a harvest only in the fall.

Before sowing, proceed with the seeds as follows:

  1. The seeds are dipped in a light solution of manganese and kept for 10 minutes.
  2. Wash in running water.
  3. Wrap in damp cloth.
  4. Sent to a warm place for 3-4 days.

The hatched seeds are laid out on the surface of the nutrient soil and sprinkled with earth. Water with warm water and cover with film or glass. Sent to a warm place.

Tomato is a heat-loving plant. For germination, a temperature of 22-24ᵒC is required

Rules for caring for seedlings

After 8-10 days, shoots appear. During this period, the shelter must be removed and the temperature reduced to 20 ᵒC during the day and 16-17 ᵒC at night. Young shoots should be kept in a place protected from drafts. If there is insufficient lighting, backlighting is needed.

Watering is carried out with warm, settled water. The earthen ball should be completely wetted with moisture. Seedlings do not need fertilizing. Between waterings, you need to allow the upper parts of the soil to dry out.

Growing seedlings

After 15-18 days, the seedlings will also have real leaves in addition to cotyledon leaves. At this moment, seating and picking takes place.

You can grow tomatoes in individual cups, or in group plantings in boxes. For individual plantings, you can go in two ways:

  1. Replant immediately in 0.5 liter containers.
  2. Use initially small glasses, 0.2 liters. When the seedlings grow up and the earthen lump is “captured” by the roots, transfer it into a 0.5 liter container.

When transplanting into boxes, the distance between seedlings is maintained within 5 cm.


Having chosen the planting method and filled the containers with soil mixture, proceed as follows:

  • use a diving stick to pry up the tomato seedling and remove it from the ground;
  • pinch off 1/3 from the root;
  • Use a stick to make a hole in the new planting soil;
  • the seedling is lowered there up to its cotyledon leaves;
  • press the soil tightly with a stick;
  • water with warm water.

After diving, the seedlings are kept for 1-2 days without access to direct sunlight. Next, the containers are transferred to the brightest place.


Transplanting seedlings into the garden is carried out when the threat of frost has passed. By this time, the seedlings should:

  • be 55-60 days old;
  • be dark green in color;
  • do not exceed 25-30 cm in height.

If the conditions for growing seedlings have been violated, the plant stretches and the leaves turn pale. This tomato should be planted first and in an inclined position. The variety "Black Prince" is tall. Its seedlings may be a little taller. Taking this into account, planting holes can be made deeper.

The tomato shoot is planted at the first leaves, but if necessary, it can be deeper. When planted deeply, the roots grow from the shoot and increase the feeding area. This in turn helps to increase productivity.

The distance between the bushes should be 45-50 cm. Between the rows of tomatoes is 50-60 or even more, it all depends on the fertility of the soil.

Watering, fertilizing

The first watering is done immediately after planting. Then every day for 5-6 days. Subsequent watering is carried out once every 4-5 days, depending on the amount of rain. Tomato moisture content should be:

  • regular;
  • abundant;
  • alternating with fertilizing.

Experienced gardeners carry out deep pre-sowing incorporation of organic matter into the soil and do not engage in further fertilizing. If the soils are fresh, it is difficult to get a good harvest without fertilizing.

The most effective is to alternate watering with clean water and fertilizing with a solution of organic fertilizers. To do this, make a basic stock solution (1 kg of manure per 10 liters of water). A working solution for feeding is prepared from it. To do this, add 1 liter of the main solution to a bucket of water for irrigation. This fertilizer is added to the root of each plant once every 5-6 days, 1 liter.

If the garden is equipped with drip irrigation, then fertilizing should be done with a solution once every 10-12 days at the rate of 0.5 liters per plant.

Formation of a bush: pinching

The Black Prince tomato is tall and productive. It requires formation into one shoot. If the soil is well fertilized, then you can practice forming two shoots. For this purpose, the main shoots are left. And all the stepsons extending from the internode are removed.

The best time for pinching is when the shoots reach 2-3 cm. During this period, they are pinched directly with a fingernail. The variety is not particularly characterized by strong formation of stepsons. However, each regrowth takes away nutrients. The plant thickens and the yield decreases.

Features of growing tomato Black Prince

Like other varieties, this one is grown in seedlings. In the south, seeds are sown from the first half of February; in the Moscow region, sowing is carried out from the beginning to the end of March. If planting in a greenhouse is planned, the sowing dates are postponed 2 weeks ago. In the Urals and Siberia, seeds are sown from the first days of spring. At the time of planting, the seedlings should be about 60–70 days old.

In the south, the variety is grown in the OG; in the middle zone, it is first planted under a film; as soon as the risk of significant cooling or return frosts has passed, the shelter is removed. In the northern regions, the variety is cultivated only in greenhouses; when planted in unprotected soil, most of the fruits do not have time to ripen until autumn. In the table we note the nuances of planting and caring for the Black Prince tomato.

Selecting a locationThe site is sunny, open, but protected from wind and drafts; the soil is loose, fertile, and non-acidic. In soils that are too light, heavy, or swampy, the bushes can grow massive, but the yield will decrease and the fruits will be small and tasteless. Planting in the wrong place will reduce immunity to disease
Planting schemePlace no more than 2-3 bushes on each m², make wide row spacing, this will make them easier to care for and harvest
Pinching and shapingThe plant is grown in 1–2 stems; if you leave more, the tomatoes will be small and the harvest will ripen later. To obtain large and tasty tomatoes, leave one stalk above the first fruit cluster, remove the rest, pinch the stems above the 6th–8th inflorescence
Harvest rationingAnother secret to getting large fruits is to leave no more than 5-6 ovaries in each tassel. Bushes that are not overloaded with harvest are less likely to get sick

Attention! The stems of indeterminate tomatoes must be tied up as they grow. Stakes or permanent support structures are installed; they are stronger and more reliable.

Due to the tendency to cracking, the beds are watered moderately, in normal weather once every 3-4 days; during rains, moisture is stopped and drainage is organized. The soil is loosened after each watering and rain, and weeds are removed at the same time. The lower leaves are cut off gradually, making sure that the clusters with fruits remain covered. Preventive spraying is not carried out, but the bushes are regularly inspected, and when the first symptoms of disease appear, treatment is started immediately. The feeding mode is standard.

Area of ​​application of fruits

“Black Prince” is included in the register of varieties as a salad tomato. Its tasty and tender pulp gives gastronomic pleasure when consumed fresh.

However, having a good harvest and surplus produce, vegetable growers use tomatoes for processing. They are made from:

  • sauce;
  • tomato paste;
  • lecho;

The thin skin of the tomato does not allow the variety to be used for preservation and pickling. Heat treatment leads to cracks in the fruit.

The only drawback in processing is that the sauce is not bright red, but a little “dirty.” The solution to this problem may be to use several varieties when cooking. Mixing red fruits with brown ones can easily balance the color.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • delicious fruits;
  • disease resistance;
  • high content of useful substances in tomatoes - lycopene, anthocyanin;
  • long fruiting;
  • exotic look;
  • easy care;
  • black fruits are less likely to cause allergies than red ones.
  • large lower fruits are often susceptible to blossom end rot;
  • the peel is thin, which does not allow whole tomatoes to be canned;
  • the need to form a bush;
  • not too high yield;
  • low keeping quality and transportability of fruits.

The characteristics and description of the Black Prince variety allow us to consider it a tasty addition to the diet, and not a workhorse among tomatoes. Its yield leaves much to be desired, but the consumer qualities of fresh fruits are very high. Such varieties are also needed on the site.

Resistance to diseases and pests

During variety testing, the commission did not recognize the variety as particularly resistant to diseases. It is also susceptible to fungal and viral diseases, like many other tomatoes. This suggests that disease prevention should be an integral part of the variety's agricultural technology.

As soon as the first ovary appears on the tomatoes, it is necessary to begin processing. For this you can use the following drugs:

  • "Quadris";
  • Brdos mixture;
  • "ProfiGold";
  • Readmill Gold.

During treatments, medications should be alternated. This will better protect the tomato. The instructions for the preparations will help determine the frequency of treatments.

Protection from diseases and pests

As can be seen in the photo, the variety is susceptible to blossom end rot. Usually the lower, largest fruits are affected, although they are only slightly affected. The problem can be avoided by timely and correct application of calcium supplements:

  • the K:Ca ratio should be 1:0.7;
  • First, the culture is fed with calcium, after 1-3 days - with phosphorus and potassium, otherwise the absorption of the first element is blocked.

The variety is rarely affected by major tomato diseases, including late blight. But preventive treatments with fungicides need to be done.

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