Tomato Monomakh's Cap - description and characteristics of the variety

History of variety development

Russian breeders developed this tomato variety at the beginning of this century. When developing the variety, experts tried to ensure that the new type of tomato was resistant to sudden changes in weather conditions, which is very important when growing tomatoes in most Russian regions.

Tomato seeds Monomakh's Cap

According to the description, the Monomakh Cap tomato is recommended for growing in garden beds and in greenhouse conditions.

Caring for tomatoes Monomakh's Cap

With proper care of this variety, you are guaranteed a high yield, up to 20 kg. with 1m². Necessary correct procedures for caring for tomatoes:

  • Watering is carried out with warm water in the evening. Water must be poured strictly at the root. Abundant watering will increase the yield of tomatoes.
  • The first feeding is carried out during the formation of the bush. After 15 days, repeat the procedure.
  • Remove the stepsons and leave one trunk when forming a bush.
  • Remove the first double flower. Leave two ovaries on the flower brush.
  • Loosen the soil and remove weeds.
  • Tie up bushes. Due to the large fruits, the bushes may break due to the weight.

If all these conditions are met, you are guaranteed a rich harvest. Harvesting must be done before the autumn rains. Excess moisture will cause the fruit to crack.

Description of tomato

The Monomakh's Cap tomato belongs to the indeterminate type, so its central shoot is characterized by unlimited growth power. However, usually vegetable growers pinch the top of the bush at a height of 1.5-1.6 m.

The tomato is a mid-season variety - at least 3 months pass from the moment the seeds germinate until the tomatoes fully ripen.

The shoots are erect, requiring obligatory gartering to strong supports, and the bushes need to be shaped and shoots regularly removed. The best way is to grow the Monomakh Cap tomato in two shoots. The second shoot grows from a stepson that appears under the first flower inflorescence. All other stepsons must be removed.

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Tomato "Monomakh's Cap"

The foliage of this tomato variety is quite large, elongated, with sharp tips and large sparse teeth along the edges, of a bright emerald color.

This tomato is large-fruited - the average fruit size can reach 600-800 g, but vegetable growers say that they have collected fruits weighing up to 1 kg. If it is desirable to obtain larger fruits, then on the shoots it is necessary to normalize the number of ovaries in racemose inflorescences, leaving no more than 2-3 future fruits.

The flowers are collected in racemes, the stalks are articulated. The tomatoes themselves are large in size and beautiful in appearance, the ribbing is weakly expressed, with a pink skin color.

The peel itself is smooth, even and shiny, quite dense, not prone to cracking. The pulp is tender, fleshy, with several seed chambers containing a sufficient amount of seed material. The taste of ripe tomatoes is exquisite, with a sufficient amount of sugars.

Tomato "Monomakh's Cap"

Ripe fruits can be transported to different distances without loss of taste and shape, but these fruits do not last too long.

Features of cultivation

Tomatoes are grown using the seedling method. Before sowing, seeds are disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate. They are poured into a fabric bag and immersed in a composition that destroys fungal spores for 20-30 minutes. Then the seeds are washed. To accelerate germination and strengthen the immunity of plants, planting material is soaked in growth stimulants. Biological preparations “Ekogel”, “Novosil”, “Zircon” increase the resistance of tomatoes to diseases.

To grow seedlings, a soil mixture is prepared from turf soil and humus. Adding river water improves the structure of the soil and gives it looseness. The optimal temperature for seed germination is 23-25°. Seedlings need to be provided with long daylight hours. If there is a lack of sunlight, fluorescent lamps are used. After two true leaves appear, the seedlings dive into separate cups.

The soil in the garden bed should have a neutral acidity level; adding ash and dolomite flour helps to regulate it. In the fall, the soil is fertilized with organic matter - manure, compost or humus. Incorporating green manure into the soil gives excellent results. Mineral fertilizers are also applied. Holes for seedlings are dug according to a 50X70 cm pattern.

Advice. Choose sunny, wind-protected areas for planting tomatoes.

For a plant to develop well, it requires moisture, air and nutrition. The watering regime is adjusted according to weather conditions; on average, tomatoes are irrigated 1-2 times a week. Warm water is used. Loosening the soil helps provide the roots with enough air. Weeds are unwelcome guests in a tomato garden; they need to be weeded out.

Experienced gardeners immediately after planting mulch the soil with straw, sunflower husks, and a special cloth. This procedure greatly simplifies plant care and ensures economical water consumption. Fruits that do not come into contact with the ground are less likely to suffer from fungal infections. The bush needs garter; the stem will not be able to support the weight of several large fruits on its own.

Recommends growing the plant with 1-2 stems. Reducing the green mass allows you to direct all nutritional resources to fruit ripening. Tomatoes will not produce large fruits without additional fertilizing. During the season they are applied 3 times. It is advisable to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers.

Main characteristics

The variety was bred specifically for cultivation in regions with unpredictable climatic conditions (in Siberia and the Urals), so it can easily tolerate temporary drops in temperature. However, this tomato variety can withstand short periods of drought.


Due to the large size of the fruits, at least 3.5 kg of ripe fruits can be collected from each bush of this tomato - provided that the bushes are formed correctly and the rules of agricultural technology are followed.

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Area of ​​application of fruits

Due to their exquisite taste, these fruits are used to prepare vegetable salads and various snacks. Large tomatoes of this variety are not suitable for whole-fruit canning, but they make delicious juices, sauces and tomato paste for the winter.

Tomato "Monomakh's Cap"

Planting seedlings in the ground

Experienced gardeners are happy to talk about Monomakh Cap tomatoes, share reviews and cross-sectional photos of the yield. They recommend planting tomatoes in open ground during the warm period of summer, when the soil is warmed up to 15°C. When planting sprouts, you should maintain a distance between holes of 40-50 cm and rows of 60 cm. When the tomatoes are planted, the ground will need to be mulched using special covering material, compost, film, and organic substances.

Planting seedlings in open ground


Planting pattern: 50 cm – distance between seedlings, 60 cm – distance between rows. For 1 sq. m place 3-4 plants. With a denser planting, the plants will interfere with each other’s full growth.

Before making beds, dolomite flour or wood ash is added to the soil. The tomato will not take root in acidic soil, so as a preventative measure, substances that reduce acidity are added.

The holes are made no deeper than 20 cm, a little wood ash is placed on the bottom and filled with warm water.

Transplant on a cloudy day or in the evening, deepening the seedlings to the first leaves. After transplanting, the holes are watered again and the young plants are left to get used to the new conditions for 1 week.

Planting scheme

It is necessary to move Monomakh's Cap into the ground when the air temperature does not consistently drop below +16 degrees. Tomatoes should be planted in an area with already neutralized acidity, in prepared and fertilized beds, in the evening or on a cloudy day.

When transplanting seedlings to a permanent place, 1 sq. It is recommended to place up to 4 plants per meter of prepared area. Planting pattern: 50 x 60 cm. Landing areas are formed from north to south.

The best planting scheme for the variety is as follows.

  • Per 1 m2 - up to 4 bushes.
  • The distance between rows is about 0.6 m.
  • The distance between bushes is 0.5 m.
  • Planting depth – up to 0.2 m.

After planting, the tomatoes need to be watered and left alone for about a week, allowing them to take root in their new location.

Diseases and pests

This tomato variety is resistant to late blight and some other tomato diseases. Among the pests, tomatoes of the Monomakh Hat variety are most often attacked by aphids and Colorado potato beetles.

It is fashionable to fight aphids using folk methods: treat the bushes with soapy water, infusion of garlic or red pepper. If the aphid colony has grown too large, then appropriate insecticidal agents should be used.

The Colorado potato beetle can be picked manually if there are not very many of these insects on the tomato bushes. But when there are too many of these pests, you have to use special preparations that are effective in combating the Colorado potato beetle.

Harvesting and application

When harvested in a timely manner, ripe vegetables will delight you with their taste and appearance. In addition, an unloaded bush will speed up the ripening of other vegetables.

Due to the ideal combination of sugar and acids, the use of tomatoes is universal. They make excellent fresh dishes and winter preparations: marinades and pickles. But for whole-fruit canning, ripe vegetables are not suitable due to their large size.

In addition to canned food, excellent juices, pastes, adjika, ketchups and sauces are obtained from tomatoes.

The durable peel allows you to store ripe vegetables for a long time and transport them over long distances.

Main pros and cons

The main advantages of this variety include:

  • large fruit size;
  • refined taste;
  • resistance to temporary temperature drops and periods of drought;
  • high resistance to late blight;
  • good yield;
  • possibility of collecting seeds for further planting.

Tomato “Monomakh's Cap”
Among the disadvantages, one can note the impossibility of whole-fruit canning of fruits. Also, some people don’t really like the overly sweet taste of the fruit.

Advantages and disadvantages

Judging by the characteristics and reviews with photos, the advantages of the variety are undeniable:

  • drought resistance;
  • takes root in all regions;
  • unpretentious care;
  • strong immunity;
  • high yield;
  • excellent taste;
  • large fruits;
  • universal application;
  • long storage;
  • long transportation;
  • possibility of collecting seeds yourself.

The negative aspects include:

  • regular stepsoning;
  • plant formation;
  • obligatory garter.

Nuances of planting and care

Typically, this tomato variety is grown by seedlings, and the seed material is planted about a couple of months before transplanting to a permanent place in the first or second half of March. And the grown seedlings can be transplanted to a permanent place in mid-May.

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But in Siberia or the Urals, the timing of transplanting seedlings into open ground is shifted to the end of May or the first ten days of June due to the fact that in these regions spring cold snaps may return before the end of spring. Accordingly, the date for planting seed material for seedlings is also shifted to the end of March.

Seeds for planting are usually purchased in specialized stores from well-known seed producing companies.

Tomato seedlings "Monomakh's Cap"

Usually the seeds are sown in low, wide boxes; after the sprouts appear, regular watering and fertilizing are applied. When the plants have a pair of true leaves, they need to be picked into separate containers. It is advisable to use peat pots for this, with which the seedlings are then planted in garden beds or greenhouses.

The temperature in the room where the seedlings of this tomato are grown must be maintained within 17-19 degrees Celsius.

Containers with plants should be placed in a bright place, preferably on window sills facing south.

Watering young plants is done as the top layer of soil dries. The main thing is that moisture does not stagnate in the cups and containers where tomato seedlings grow.

During the growing of seedlings, they are fed twice with fertilizers containing nitrogen. The first time, fertilizing is applied 10-12 days after picking the plants, the next time - about a couple of weeks before they are transplanted to a permanent place.

Also, seedlings need to be hardened off before being transplanted into beds in the garden, so that they can quickly take root in the fresh air. To do this, containers with plants are taken out onto an open balcony or loggia at first for a short time, but gradually the time the seedlings stay outside increases. And in the last days before transplanting, the plants should be kept outside not only during the day, but also at night.

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Transplanting tomato seedlings into open ground

The soil in the beds where this tomato bushes will grow must be prepared in advance. To do this, the area is cleared of remnants of vegetation, organic matter is added (approximately 5-6 kg for each square of area) and the soil is dug up using a shovel.

Plants are planted in rows in beds, with the distance between them being 0.5 m and the width between rows being 0.6 m. In this case, no more than 4 bushes should be placed on each square of the area.

Further care for the “Monomakh Hat” tomato bushes consists of observing the watering regime, applying fertilizing, regularly removing stepchildren and timely harvesting of ripe fruits.

Description and characteristics of the variety

  • The variety is indeterminate, standard. It grows up to 1.5 m in height. It needs staking and bush formation.
  • Medium early, the fruits ripen from the moment of emergence after 90-110 days.
  • It is recommended to form the bush into 2 stems. The first is the main one, the second is the process under the first brush. The remaining shoots are removed by pinching, leaving a small stump so as not to damage the main trunk.
  • High yield . With proper agricultural technology and good weather conditions in open ground, 1 bush yields 6-8 kg, 18-20 kg per 1 sq. meters. In a greenhouse, this variety produces slightly less yield - 16-18 kg per 1 sq. meters.
  • To increase the yield and increase the weight of the fruit, 2-3 ovaries are left on the cluster.
  • Designed for cultivation in closed and open ground.
  • Resistant to diseases inherent in this culture.
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