When does the blooming spring begin in Sochi and why is it worth seeing with your own eyes?

How do you know when the cherry blossoms will bloom?

Cherry blossoms until the vegetative buds bloom, sometimes simultaneously with it. The time when flowering begins depends on the growing zone and specific weather conditions. The beginning of flowering is usually associated with an increase in temperatures up to +100C.

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Why do some plants bloom in the spring before their leaves bloom?

  • For some plant species, it is important that the flowers are not covered by foliage. Thus, the inflorescences are easily found by insects, and if it is a wind-pollinated plant, then there are no obstacles to the pollination process.

Pollen grains under a microscope
Pollen from wind-pollinated plants has some features:

  • each inflorescence contains a large amount of pollen
  • the surface of pollen grains is smooth, there is no sculpture characteristic of plant seed material
  • pollen grains are light, their structure is dusty
  • pollen has no smell
  • inflorescences are most often underdeveloped
  • inflorescences may lack petals (there is no need to attract pollinators, pollination is successful without petals)
  • stamens and pistils have significant differences in size

The production of highly volatile pollen grains in large quantities is an evolutionary adaptation of flora representatives to pollination by wind. These plants do not need foliage in the spring, as it interferes with the pollination process.

Wind-pollinated plants: alder

Foliage is not a hindrance to insect-pollinated representatives of the flora: spider beetles themselves find inflorescences, the pollen grains of which are characterized by the following features:

  • Pollen grains of insect-pollinated plants are heavier
  • The surface of pollen grains has a sticky structure
  • Pollen grains have a characteristic sculpture
  • Due to the curved shapes, pollen grains cling more easily to the flower of another plant
  • Wind-pollinated plants need a large amount of pollen in order for at least some of the pollen grains scattered in the wind to reach their goal - to land on the pistil of the inflorescence of another tree.

Flower structure

Why do birch and aspen bloom before the leaves bloom?

  • One of the long-term observations confirms the following: the appearance of flowers on birch, aspen and a number of other trees occurs long before foliage appears.
  • These trees are included in the ecological group of anemophilous plants. This term in botany is used to designate wind-fed forms of plants.

Flowers of wind-pollinated plants:

  • "unsightly"
  • the flowers are small, collected in inflorescences “earrings” or “spikelets”
  • no strong attractive odor

Deciduous forms of trees with small, inconspicuous flowers increase their population only through the production of a large number of pollen grains and their delivery to the flowers of another tree under a natural atmospheric phenomenon - the wind.

  • Blooming leaves for fine dry pollen are a natural barrier that does not allow pollen grains to be dispersed without hindrance. In nature, everything is provided for: first of all, flowers open, pollen grains spill out, and only after that the tree is covered with dense foliage.
  • The reason for the flowering of birch, hazel, and aspen until the foliage fully blooms is that these plants are wind-pollinated forms. The correct botanical name for wind-pollinated trees is anemophilous plants. For pollen grains of these trees, leaves are a serious obstacle during the pollination process.
  • Awakening after winter “hibernation” occurs very early in wind-pollinated plants. Birch is a striking example of this: the flow of sap from this representative of the flora begins even before the snow has completely melted.

Wind-pollinated plants: birch

All wind-pollinated plant forms bloom in early spring. After all, during this period there is no foliage, and these representatives of the flora do not need the presence of insects.

Features of birch flowers:

  • Male flowers produce pollen. It's easy to make them stand out against the background of feminine flowers - these are elongated earrings. Pollen grains are carried by the wind, and some of them fall on female flowers.
  • Having fulfilled their main function - pollination, the male inflorescences fall off over time. Only small catkins remain - female fertilized inflorescences.
  • Thanks to this method of fertilization, by autumn the next “batch” of pollen will ripen, which will be sown everywhere and migrate to other flowers with the help of wind currents.

Birch blossom

Important: Some wind-pollinated plants have small hooks on their pollen grains. This device helps the pollen to cling to other flowers and stay on their surface without falling down.

How and when apple trees bloom

Apple trees bloom profusely and regularly only in well-lit areas. In deep shade, flowering may never occur, or the first single flowers will appear closer to 20 years of the tree’s life.

Apple trees bloom profusely only in well-lit areas.

Usual average dates for the beginning of flowering and fruiting of apple trees in good conditions (table)

Tree typeAverage age at the time of appearance of the first flowers
Wild apple trees and seedlings of cultivated varieties10–15 years
Cultivars on vigorous rootstock5–12 years
Cultivars on dwarf rootstock3–6 years

Apple trees are quite durable and, in favorable conditions, can bloom and bear fruit for up to 100 years or more.

The apple tree blooms simultaneously with the leaves blooming or slightly after it. From the beginning of bud development to flowering, it usually takes about two weeks in hot weather and up to three to four weeks in cool weather .

Timing of bud break and flowering of apple trees in different growing regions (table)

Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, Crimea, southern Ukraineend of March - beginning of Aprilsecond - third ten days of April
Saratov, Volgograd, center of Ukrainesecond - third ten days of Aprilend of April - beginning of May
South and west of central Russia (Tula, Orel, Bryansk), Chernozem region, Belarus, northern Ukrainesecond half of Aprilfirst - second ten days of May
Center of central Russia (Moscow, Moscow region, Nizhny Novgorod), Kazan, Ulyanovsk, Samara, Ufa, Orenburgend of April - beginning of Maysecond - third ten days of May
North-West Russia (St. Petersburg, Leningrad region, Karelia), Kirov region, Middle Urals (Perm, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk), Novosibirskfirst half of Mayend of May - beginning of June

The start of flowering depends very much on local conditions:

  • in the city apple trees bloom earlier than outside the city limits;
  • on the plains earlier than high in the mountains;
  • on the southern slope earlier than on the northern;
  • in an open sunny place earlier than in the shade.

The average duration of apple tree flowering is about 10 days . In hot sunny weather, flowering begins earlier and lasts only 5–6 days. In cool, cloudy weather, flowering is delayed and can last for 2–3 weeks.

Small-fruited apple trees (Ranetki, Chinese), genetically related to the Siberian berry apple tree (Sibirka), usually bloom several days earlier than European large-fruited varieties.

The Siberian apple tree and its descendants (Ranetki, Chinese) are easily recognized by their characteristic long pedicels

In the Middle Volga, the flowering order is as follows:

  1. The first ten days of May - small-fruited (wild or semi-wild, with long pedicels, obvious descendants of Siberian apple trees) on city streets.
  2. The second ten days of May - ordinary domestic apple trees in the city, ranetki and china in country gardens, individual wild apple trees on the open southern slopes along the high bank of the Volga.
  3. The third ten days of May - the bulk of cultivated apple trees in country gardens, wild apple trees on forest edges, random seedlings in the dense shade of city courtyards.

Photo gallery of blooming apple trees

Most domestic apple varieties have pink buds and pinkish-white flowers.

Some varieties of domestic apple trees have pure white flowers.

Chinaworts, ranetkas and sibirkas have white flowers on very long stalks

Ornamental varieties of apple trees often have bright pink flowers

The Niedzwiecki apple tree is the ancestor of most varieties with red and bright pink flowers

Decorative varieties of apple trees with double flowers are very rare.

Most apple cultivars have pink buds and white-pink flowers (paler on the inside of the petals and brighter on the outside). There are also varieties with pure white flowers. Numerous ranetkas, Chinese and Sibirkas are recognized by their characteristic long pedicels; their petals are usually white. The classic apple tree flower has 5 petals; decorative varieties with double flowers are rare in our countries, although in China they are quite common.

In recent years, decorative varieties of apple trees with bright pink or almost red flowers, which originate from the Central Asian Niedzwiecki apple tree, have become very fashionable. Often they have red not only flowers, but also young leaves. Some modern varieties of this type are quite winter-hardy and can grow normally in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and regions with similar climates.

Decorative apple trees with bright pink flowers are often planted to decorate city parks.

All ornamental apple trees (with red flowers, double, weeping, and so on) have edible fruits, but their apples are most often small, sour and tart, like those of wild apples, and are suitable only for processing and canning.

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The fruits of ornamental apple trees are usually small, sour and tart

What trees bloom in April allergies?

Hay fever can occur in spring, summer and autumn. In April-May, allergy sufferers react to the flowering of birch, alder, maple, and hazel; in June-July - cereal grasses; in August-September - weeds. Moreover, an allergic reaction can occur not only in one period, but, for example, in spring and summer.

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Flowering of plants in spring before leaves bloom: what kind of pollination do they have?

Pollination by wind is not a completely controlled process: pollen grains can land on the stigmas of their own flower and fall to the ground without reaching their goal.

Since self-pollination may result in the appearance of plants that are not entirely strong, nature provides various devices due to which the process of self-pollination does not occur.

Wind-pollinated plants: pollen cloud

Here are some of them:

  • The upper parts of plants, which are directly involved in the pollination process, ripen at different times.
  • Some species of wind-pollinated plants have dioecious flowers.
  • Self-pollination is also prevented by the flowering period that occurs before the leaves bloom. For pollen grains moving towards their target, dense foliage poses a serious obstacle.
  • Other adaptations include a high growth rate of stamens (for example, in cereals, during flower opening, the growth rate of the stamen reaches 1-1.5 mm/min).
  • The length of the stamen very soon begins to exceed the original length by 3, and even 4 times. During pollination, the stamens are located outside the flower, hanging down. Only once below the flower level do the pollen grains begin to crack.
  • The anther takes on a slightly curved shape, as a result of which the pollen falls not just onto the ground, but inside a kind of bowl. Here the dust particles “wait” for wind currents, which pick them up and carry them from the anthers to other flowers.
  • The pedicels of cereal plants, which are wind-pollinated, spread out before the anthers open. Thus, an angle of up to 80 degrees is formed between them. Pollen grains are blown away by wind currents at this angle. After flowering, the pedicels return to their normal position.

Signs of wind-pollinated plants

  • Plants such as hornbeam, poplar and birch change the location of the inflorescence at the moment the anther opens: at first the inflorescences “look” upward, but then they hang down, and the stem and catkins stretch out a little. In the inflorescence, the flowers are located at some distance from each other, which allows the wind to reach these parts of the plants unhindered. Pollen ends up on the scales of flowers located below. Here they are blown away by wind currents.
  • It is worth mentioning the “explosive” flowers of anemophilous plants. A peculiarity of nettle stamens is that they become very tense during ripening. After this, the process of getting rid of the grains of the burst anthers occurs. Thick pollen clouds hovering above the flowers can be observed during the pollination period of such plants.
  • Another adaptation is that pollen grains scatter only under favorable weather conditions: dry weather, light or medium wind in the morning.
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