Ferrous sulfate (iron sulfate): use in gardening and gardening

Spraying trees with iron sulfate in the fall is a procedure that most gardeners carry out. Manipulation allows you to achieve several goals at once. Vitriol has become widespread and used due to its effectiveness, availability and low cost. When spraying trees correctly, the compound does not accumulate in the fruits and has an extremely positive effect on the plant. Therefore, it is so important to strictly follow the step-by-step processing instructions and precautions.

The use of iron sulfate in the garden and in the garden

In gardening, to obtain a healthy and high-quality harvest, it is sometimes necessary to use fungicides, insecticides and, of course, fertilizers. Together with modern means, which often have a high cost, there is a budget, affordable drug that contributes to the death of many pathogenic microorganisms and returns plants to their former healthy state.

Iron sulfate belongs to contact-action drugs. When it is used, there is no accumulation of harmful substances in parts of the treated plants. The formula of iron sulfate is FeSO4 - ferrous sulfate.

The content of the article:

1. Indications for use 2. Which plants can be fertilized 3. How to dilute for treatment 4. Preparation of the solution 4.1 Iron sulfate solution with citric acid 4.2 Solution with ascorbic acid 5. When to spray 5.1 Treatment in spring 5.2 Application in summer 5.3 Application in autumn 6. Instructions by application for processing plants 6.1 For grapes 6.1.1 Spraying grapes with ferrous sulfate 6.1.2 Root feeding of grapes with iron sulfate 6.1.3 How to treat grape seedlings 6.2 Spraying apple trees and other trees 6.2.1 Apple tree 6.2.2 Quince 6.2.3 Apricot and peach 6.2.4 Cherries, plums and sweet cherries 6.2.5 Gooseberries, raspberries and currants 6.2.6 Bush and climbing roses 6.2.7 For indoor plants 7. Precautions 8. Compatibility with other products 9. Questions for gardeners 10. Reviews on the use of iron vitriol

Description, purpose

​Such spring care for apple trees may seem excessively labor-intensive, but if you follow it, you will always have a sufficient number of apples that will delight you with their beauty, aroma and taste.​ ​Thanks to The most valuable is the ash obtained from burning poplar, oak, birch, potato tops, and sunflower. Voliam Destroys fruit mites and codling moth; Thinning

Iron sulfate: indications for use

The microelement iron is very important for cellular metabolism of an oxidative and energy nature. Thanks to iron, chlorophyll is formed, which is important for the respiratory process.

Photo of iron sulfate

Ferrous sulfate solution has the following indications for use:

  • Use on soils that contain high levels of salt, carbonate, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus.
  • Preventive measures for fungal infections. Spraying is carried out, for which a solution is taken with an active substance content of 1 - 3%. For 10 liters of water – 100 – 300 g.
  • To treat fungal diseases, several sprays with iron sulfate are carried out. The protection period lasts up to 2 weeks. For 10 liters - 300 - 500 g of substance.
  • Iron sulfate is used for chlorosis (of a non-infectious nature as prevention and therapy), which is of a non-infectious nature. It is characterized by yellowing of the leaves, which is caused by a lack of iron. Water with weakly concentrated solutions and spray several times. You can add citric acid.
  • To eliminate insect pests and their larvae, take 0.5 kg of iron sulfate per 10 liters.
  • Effective against moss and lichens on many plantings. For 10 liters - 400 to 500 g.
  • Carrying out disinfection of wounds, damage to tree bark, as well as for the treatment of formed hollows. For 1 liter of water, it is enough to take 100 grams of the product.
  • One of the features of the use of the drug is the ability to use it to disinfect cesspools, as well as public places.

Why do you need Iron Vitriol - video

Ferrous sulfate has proven to perform better than, for example, bleach. Eco-friendly and does not harm the environment. It has no unpleasant odor and is affordable.

Iron sulfate can be used additionally against mold from structures made of wood and concrete,

without damage to the building material itself, as well as from rust.

Iron sulfate...is it harmful to fruit trees? When to apply - in spring or autumn?


After pruning, they begin to treat the apple tree against various pests and diseases. It is better to take preventive measures to protect the garden in the spring than to fight pests at the stage of fruit ripening, treating them with chemicals that get inside the apple. Such fruits cause more harm to the body than good. Upright branches grow most intensively, and since all the strength goes into growth, they bear fruit weakly;


Each apple tree needs to be prepared for the new season, which means putting things in order on the site. To do this, they remove all the garbage around, clean the trees from peeling old bark, since either pests or dangerous diseases often linger in these places.​


Iron sulfate also destroys insects and their larvae. They are used to disinfect the walls of basements and vegetable stores. It can be used as microfertilizers to enrich the soil with iron. This is especially useful for apple trees, pears, plums, and cherries. Fertilizing in the form of spraying will not harm vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage. Also apply iron sulfate (1 kg) together with compost (100 kg) into the soil during autumn or spring digging.​

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Iron sulfate (iron sulfate) is a contact eradicating fungicide used on plants during the dormant period. Used against diseases of the trunk and branches, scab, other spots, moniliosis, bacterial cancer. Low toxicity, weakly capable of penetration through the skin and accumulation in the body. I usually spray fruit trees, roses, and grapes in the fall after leaf fall with a 5% solution. And in the spring - blue spraying.

Elena Akentyeva

​You know from scab (I read your comment) that it is good to treat the garden with urea - 3% solution along the crown and even 10% around the tree trunk. This is done in the fall after the final harvest, right along the foliage, by the way, after this you get a friendly fall of leaves. And then you can use iron sulfate, it helps well against gray fungal plaque, it must be cleaned off and then treated with copper sulfate. I alternate, but don't overuse. In general, scab is promoted by acidification of the soil around apple trees, add organic matter to the tree trunks, as well as ash, dolomite flour or lime, look at the apple and pear trees and they will say: Thank you! ))​

​House fungus of wood and walls - 1.5 kg per 10 liters of water​

In order for the plants in your garden to grow healthy and produce a regular harvest, it is necessary to carry out regular treatments. One of the simplest and most accessible means used for this purpose is iron sulfate.

Below we will look at its purpose and features, as well as its use in gardening and viticulture.

What plants can be fertilized with iron sulfate?

Every plant simply needs iron for normal growth and formation. There are cultures that are most sensitive to its deficiency. These are corn, tomatoes, citrus fruits, cabbage, potatoes, legumes, and some ornamental plants.

Photos of signs of iron deficiency in plants

The first sign that determines the use of iron sulfate is the leaves. They turn yellow and lighten.

The tops of young shoots acquire a light, lemon tint. And already mature shoots become yellowish-brown. On them you can see green veins located on the sides and in the center. In the future, such shoots wither and dry out.

To eliminate this problem, spray with a solution of ferrous sulfate in an amount of 5 - 10 grams of product per 10 liters of water. Use an aqueous solution of 0.05 - 0.1%.

Ammonium sulfate Dolomite flour Ammonium nitrate
After treatment, take a week break. When working with the chelated form of iron, additional citric acid is added to the solution. In this form, plants will absorb the microelement faster and better. The same solution is used as a prophylaxis for tomatoes.

Potato tubers are treated with iron sulfate before planting. This will protect them from scab.

To make the soil structure better and more favorable for further planting, as well as to increase the amount of harvest, you need to add 100 grams of vitriol per 10 kg of compost or per 1 m2 during the process of digging the soil. It is important to strictly follow the dosage so that the high level of acidity does not lead to burns of the stems and leaves.

Protecting plants from fungal diseases with iron sulfate - video

Why and how to spray apple trees with copper sulfate

In order for fruit trees to develop well, not get sick and enjoy an excellent harvest, they must be treated with antiseptics. Copper sulfate or copper sulfate, which can be purchased at any specialty store, is excellent for these purposes. Copper sulfate is a blue crystalline powder. It helps fight diseases such as anthracnose, moniliosis and scab. It is also used to control codling moths, mites and other pests.

When to use copper sulfate

The first treatment is carried out in early spring, when the buds have not yet bloomed. It is better to plan spraying for March, when the snow has already melted and the temperature outside is from +5°C to +10°C. The weather should be dry and windless. Otherwise, it is useless to carry out processing. Spraying one apple tree takes 2–5 liters of working solution. The volume depends on the height, age of the trees and other factors. Copper sulfate must be sprayed not only on the branches, but also on the trunk, paying special attention to cracks in the bark. If there are wounds on the tree, they also need to be treated with copper sulfate. For these purposes, you can use a brush.

The solution remaining after treatment cannot be poured into water bodies, as it is toxic. It is prohibited to water the apple tree with it.

Copper sulfate can be used as a fertilizer and a source of the valuable trace element copper, but in this case the solution must be much weaker. To prepare it, you need to dissolve 5 g of copper sulfate in 10 liters of water. The composition of the same concentration can be used for subsequent treatments of the garden (after swelling of the buds, during the period of leaf blossoming and in the fall after harvesting).

Iron sulfate: how to dilute for processing

A solution of ferrous sulfate is prepared in a plastic or glass container using water with a high level of softness. The substance is added gradually, stirring thoroughly until the crystals are completely dissolved.

Photo of the appearance of iron sulfate

How to measure the amount of iron sulfate

When there are no scales at hand, ordinary teaspoons and tablespoons are used to measure the required amount of substance:

  • tsp – iron sulfate (5 g) and citric acid (8 g);
  • Art. l. – iron sulfate (20 g).

What it is

Ferrous sulfate (common name) – ferrous sulfate , ferrous sulfate, ferrous salt of hydrochloric acid. This is a chemical compound of inorganic nature. Chemical formula – FeSO4 .

Active ingredients in iron sulfate:

  • from 47% iron is a valuable microelement, consumed by plants in large quantities; participant in the oxidative and reduction reactions of mitochondria and chloroplasts;
  • sulfur is a natural antiseptic and fungicide, actively fights the germination of fungi, protects plants and soil from harmful microflora; resists the appearance of pests that carry bacterial and viral infections.

Physical characteristics:

  • heptahydrate (FeSO4 7H2O) is obtained by dissolving scrap iron, roofing iron in sulfuric acid;
  • appearance – bluish-green crystals;
  • the substance is non-volatile, there is no specific odor;
  • metallic taste (astringent glandular);
  • hygroscopicity is high;
  • the level of solubility in water is high (at temperatures from 20 C).

It is used in the production of liquid dyes (ink, wool), in medicine and pharmacology, in agriculture, and is a component of measuring instruments (ionized radiation dosimeters).

Ferrous sulfate is available in the form of a 53% technical water-soluble preparation. Packaging varies in dosage, depending on the purpose and the area being treated - 300 g, 500 g, 1 kg, in bags of 10-25 kg.

Use as fertilizer

In agriculture, iron sulfate is used for soil reclamation (increasing fertility), as a microfertilizer for vegetable, ornamental, flower, fruit and berry plants, and for feeding lawns.

Rules for applying ferrous sulfate:

  • light spraying is permissible - moistening along the leaf;
  • use only a fine spray;
  • It is dangerous for the drug to flow down to the ground and the formation of large drops on the foliage of seedlings;
  • Irrigation should be carried out only in the evening;
  • It is important to shed the soil before processing.

Attention! When using copper and iron sulfate, the impact and phytotoxic effect are enhanced under conditions of high humidity and temperature (greenhouses, greenhouses, indoor plantings).

Preparation of iron sulfate solution

To prepare a solution that is close in composition to iron chelate, ferrous sulfate is combined with citric acid or ascorbic acid.

A solution of iron sulfate with citric acid

Take 8 grams of acid and dissolve it in 1 liter of water.

Stir with a wooden or plastic spatula.
Add 5 grams of iron sulfate. Stir again. Add 2 liters of water. When all the crystals are completely dissolved, the solution acquires an orange tint (the concentration of the main substance is 0.5%). Use only freshly prepared solution.

How to prepare a solution of iron sulfate with ascorbic acid

To prepare this solution, take 10 grams of ascorbic acid and 5 grams of iron sulfate per 3 liters of water.

The preparation method is the same as with citric acid.

Photo instructions for use from the manufacturer


Ascorbic acid should not contain glucose or other additives.

Iron oxidation occurs in the shortest possible time, and therefore it must be used immediately.

When using only ferrous sulfate, the indicated dosages must be followed.

Iron sulfate for treating plants - video

Recommendations for the use of drugs

To treat the garden, you need to use only approved products with an acceptable expiration date. When purchasing chemicals, you need to check the quality certificate. Treating the garden against pests and microorganisms in the fall is no different from treating apple trees against diseases and pests in the spring. Be sure to use personal protective equipment. You need to spray apple trees in the fall on a windless day.

It is necessary to try to process all the garden trees in one day. It is better to use a sprayer with good atomization. The solution is distributed more evenly, falling in small drops. It is necessary to ensure that the sprayer and filters are constantly cleaned and kept clean. You cannot work with drugs at subzero temperatures.

If there is any unused working solution left, do not throw it away. It’s better to find a useful use for it and use it the same day. All the preparations described above can be used to treat any fruit trees, flower and ornamental plants, and berry gardens. Perennial plants can be treated with urea against aphids.

When to spray with iron sulfate

Suitable conditions for processing are the absence of wind and precipitation.

Before processing, be sure to check the weather forecast for the near future. The product is not sufficiently resistant to water. When applied, it forms a film over the treated area and is easily washed off.

Photo of the consumption rate of iron sulfate for various plants

To consolidate the effect, re-treatment with iron sulfate is carried out after 10 - 14 days.

You need to spray both the leafy part of the plants and the crown, if we are talking about trees, branches of bushes. It is necessary to treat the soil under the plants as well.

Treatment with iron sulfate in spring

In the spring, fertilization is often carried out using the root method, adding compost mixed with iron sulfate.

For 20 kg of compost, take 0.2 kg of the substance.

For treatment in spring, a halved amount of product is required.

Application of iron sulfate in summer

Use iron sulfate in summer (a disease caused by iron deficiency). Quite common among vegetable crops. For 10 liters of water take 50 grams of the substance. The number of sprayings is from 5 to 7 times.

As a rule, this number of treatments is enough for the chlorosis to disappear.


Plants are sprayed with iron sulfate only before fruit formation begins.

You can prepare your own fertilizer, which is absorbed better than ferrous sulfate - by mixing it with citric acid. To obtain iron chelate, initially dissolve a couple of tbsp in 10 liters of water. spoons of citric acid, after which add tbsp. a spoonful of iron sulfate.

Kinmiks Strobi Glyokladin

Iron sulfate in the fall - use in the garden

Most often, preventive treatments with iron sulfate are carried out in the autumn to avoid infection when spring arrives. The most effective method is spraying after dropping the green mass from the plants.

Photo of iron sulfate crystal

As a rule, iron sulfate is used in the fall in November. Damaged bark, lichens, and moss must be removed from mature trees.

How to dilute iron sulfate for treating trees in the fall:
For prevention, prepare a solution of 1% in the amount of 100 grams of iron sulfate per 10 liters of fresh water - for young plants and berry crops.
When the soil is depleted of iron, the soil is fertilized (50 grams of the substance per bucket of water).

For adult plants, add 200–300 grams of the substance.

At the very end of autumn, plants are treated with iron sulfate to kill insects in the tree bark with a 5% solution.

Autumn treatment with iron sulfate - video

Protecting the apple tree from pests - spraying

To get a generous and high-quality harvest of apples, you need to be prepared to deal with pests and insects. And if you do not spray the apple trees in a timely manner, then all your efforts throughout the year (care, watering, fertilizing the soil, pruning) will be useless. The article will give answers on how to properly spray an apple tree, and which preparations are most effective to use.

When should you spray?

Many gardeners spray their gardens. But to achieve the desired result, you need to know when and how to carry it out. After all, a mistake will cost you your harvest. Care should begin in early spring and continue in summer, when pests are most active. When autumn comes and the harvest takes place, it is also advisable to spray for prevention.

Gardeners, based on many years of observations and experience, have compiled a special calendar. Using it, you can find out what treatment needs to be carried out in a certain season of the year and in each month separately.


As soon as the snow melts and the ambient temperature rises above 5 degrees, the first stage can be carried out. Typically, favorable conditions for processing appear in the second half of March, when buds begin to form. At this stage, special attention should be paid to the tree bark - all kinds of pests can overwinter in it. First, use a special brush to remove the old bark and only then treat the bark with a freshly prepared urea solution. Please note that already on the second day the drug loses all its beneficial properties and, using an expired solution, you can cause burns to the tree, but insects in the bark will not be harmed. Please know that in March the goal is to get rid of wintering, still inactive pests. And already in April, spraying is used to prevent parasites (deer beetles, fungi) from damaging the buds. At the end of spring, when the apple tree has finished blooming, spraying will save it from all kinds of diseases and harmful insects.


In summer, the main task is to feed the plant. Liquid fertilizers are mainly used, as they are easily absorbed by the foliage. And only in isolated cases is spraying used to control pests; more often, insects are controlled using special methods, such as planting repellents and catching belts.


The main task of treating trees in the fall is to prevent all kinds of diseases. Amateur gardeners often complain that apples do not have time to ripen before they begin to rot before our eyes. This disease occurs very often. Most diseases appear only during the fruiting period. However, it must be remembered that spraying during the period of fruit ripening in order to combat diseases is strictly prohibited. They return to this procedure as soon as the fruits are harvested. You will see and evaluate the results of spraying only next year.

Treatment is not carried out in winter, since the life processes of the tree slow down, and all kinds of pests and parasites, if they exist, go into hibernation and are inactive.


Let's get acquainted with the most common and effective drugs that are used for feeding and pest control.


One of the most common drugs. When using urea, remember that it is not used in its pure form, but must be diluted according to the instructions. Depending on the time of year, urea can be used for different purposes. In the spring, it should be used for prevention against overwintered pests that sleep in the bark of the apple tree and its tree trunks (it helps well in the fight against aphid eggs). If you want to get rid of harmful insects in the bark using urea, make the solution more concentrated. If you get rid of apple tree pests by spraying, try to ensure that the solution does not get on the foliage and buds of the tree.

This drug can also be used for feeding in the summer. Urea is rich in nitrogen, the lack of which significantly affects yield. When carrying out foliar feeding, be careful with the amount of urea; large dosages can cause burns on the foliage.

If you have any doubts about the concentration of the prepared solution, do not rush to treat the entire tree at once. To begin, treat only a couple of branches and wait a few days to evaluate the results.

Copper sulfate

This drug is used to prevent the following diseases: moniliosis, anthracnose, scab. Successfully used in the fight against harmful insects. To prevent fungal diseases, the apple tree should be treated with a solution based on it in early spring, before the buds open. Substance consumption: 0.1 kg of vitriol per 10 liters of water.


Unlike copper sulfate, it is used not only to combat diseases and all kinds of pests, but also as a top dressing - it saturates the plant with iron. It is an important mineral for growth and abundant fruiting. If the soil in your summer cottage is depleted and lacks this element, then treatment with iron sulfate is most welcome. Spraying stimulates growth and promotes the formation of chlorophyll. For the greatest effect, treat both the plant itself and its trunk circle at the same time.

Colloidal sulfur

Sulfur is effective in the fight against powdery mildew, scab and spider mites. Colloidal sulfur does not dissolve in water, but mixes well, forming a suspension. The consumption of the substance is 100 g of sulfur per 10 liters of water. Experienced gardeners recommend soaking sulfur in water before using it to make it easier to dilute in the future. Sulfur is practically not toxic to humans, but under the influence of sunlight it forms vapors that have a detrimental effect on pests and their larvae.


To cultivate the garden, most gardeners now use pumps of various systems, from manual to electric, with compressors. Of course, the method using a bucket and a broom has not gone away, but its effectiveness is quite low.


Use a pump attachment that allows you to precisely spray the liquid. The smaller the drops, the better. With this treatment, first of all, you use the solution sparingly, and secondly, the entire surface will be treated evenly.

Before the procedure, be sure to check the operation of the pump, the length of the hose, whether it is enough to reach the highest branches. Install a stepladder if necessary. If the length of the hose is short and you did not worry about this in advance, then spraying the tree in parts will not achieve the desired effect.

Inspect the tree trunk and branches for moss and lichen. If you find them, carefully remove them with a brush. Now you can start preparing the solution. Remember, it should be uniform, without lumps. During the preparation process, mix the active substance with water, trying to achieve homogeneity of the mixture so that there is no separation. If you do not mix well, the plant will be processed unevenly - one side will receive only water, and the other, on the contrary, will receive a concentrated drug. Such spraying will cause the death of the apple tree. During the process, do not forget to shake the prepared solution from time to time.

Processing process

Spray the prepared spray solution evenly onto the trunk, branches of the apple tree and leaves. Try to keep the distance between the tree and the pump tip at least 75-80 cm. Spray so that the solution also reaches the back side of the foliage. After completing spraying, immediately rinse the entire apparatus thoroughly under running cold water.

If you want spraying to be effective, you shouldn't do it selectively. It is advisable to have your entire garden treated at once. If you are fighting insects on one tree, do not be lazy and treat the tree trunks of plants in the neighborhood to prevent the spread of parasites.

Safety regulations

To carry out the procedure, special tools and materials should be prepared. You will need: a piston pump or a special compressor, a respiratory mask (or a multi-layer gauze bandage that you can make yourself), rubber gloves, eye protection glasses. It is also advisable to wear clothing that covers your body as much as possible so that the sprayed substances do not come into contact with your skin.

When spraying, be extremely careful, as the drugs used can adversely affect human health. After completing the procedure, wash your hands and face thoroughly with soap. Take the most common one, since soap with aromatic additives contains a little “chemistry” in its composition. You should not take risks, because an interaction reaction may occur between particles of chemicals from the soap and the remnants of the active substance. Rinse your mouth with plain water. Remember that it is better to spray in calm, windless weather and for no longer than 6 hours in a row.

Knowing what and when to spray, you can easily do it yourself. Now the fight against pests and various diseases will become more effective, and your garden, thanks to proper care, will grow healthy and delight you with generous apple harvests.

Video “Spraying apple trees”

This video will show when and how to spray apple trees in spring.


Iron sulfate: instructions for use for treating plants

Iron sulfate has very different effects, and therefore is used in different dosages for specific crops.

Iron sulfate for grapes

They begin to treat crops in the spring using a weak solution. The next treatment of grapes with iron sulfate is carried out shortly before the onset of frost.

Either spraying or foliar treatment is carried out.

Spraying grapes with iron sulfate

The first treatment is carried out at the very beginning of spring, after removing the cover from the vine after 7 days. The instructions indicate to use a solution with a low concentration of 0.5 - 1%.

Photo of preparing iron sulfate solution

Depending on the type of disease, the following dosages are used:

  • chlorosis – solution 0.05%;
  • oidium, spotting, mildew and various pests - from 4 to 5%.

Before preparing for wintering, the grape vines are sprayed in an amount of the substance from 3 to 5%.


In the autumn, the concentration of the substance is increased compared to treatment in the spring.
This is due to the effect of ferrous sulfate on the rate of bud break: it slows down, resulting in the buds opening a week later. In some cases, this is useful, since it allows you to avoid damage to young sprouts that have not yet ripened if frosts occur in the spring.

Treatment of a vineyard with iron sulfate - video

Root feeding of grapes with iron sulfate

This process can be combined with watering the plants. A sign of the need to fertilize with iron sulfate is a slight increase in the vine, pale leaves, and delayed ripening of the bunches.

Watering with iron sulfate is carried out with a solution with the addition of 10 to 15 grams of the substance per 10 liters.

How to treat grape seedlings with iron sulfate

, experienced winegrowers recommend treating the tops of seedlings with a solution of iron sulfate with a low concentration of 0.5%.

There is a delay in bud opening, but accelerated root formation occurs. As a result, it is these vines that grow powerful and strong.

Spraying apple trees with iron sulfate and other trees

To spray fruit trees in the spring with iron sulfate, use a solution with a concentration of 5 to 7%.

After such spraying, there will be no more mosses and lichens by the summer season. The trees themselves will become more vibrant and healthy. The yield will increase and the quality of the fruit will improve. Treating trees with iron sulfate allows you to better prepare them for winter.


There is no need to add lime to the spray solution with iron sulfate. It is added to the copper solution.

Trees are treated in the spring until the buds open.

The best time for the procedure: early morning or late evening. Take a 1% solution and water the area around the roots. 3 liters are consumed per 1 m2.

Apple tree

For 10 liters of water take 300 grams of the substance.

Irrigation is carried out until green mass is formed. The procedure is repeated after 2 weeks. One apple tree requires from 2 to 5 liters of iron sulfate in a ratio of 1:100. The treatment for pears is carried out in the same way.


If diseases such as scab, phyllosticosis, moniliosis occur, treatment is carried out even before the very beginning of the growing season, for which a 1% solution is taken.

To process one tree, 2 to 5 liters of ferrous sulfate solution are required. When the tree finishes blooming, treatment is not recommended.

Treating trees with iron sulfate - video

Apricot and peach

Can be treated as a preventive measure every spring before the start of the growing season.

Use a weak concentration of 1%. One tree requires an amount of solution from 2 to 3 liters.

Cherry, plum and sweet cherry

Among the diseases that this treatment helps with are:
bacterial cancer, moniliosis, clasterosporosis, coccomycosis . It is important to process before leaves appear. For these crops, a 3% solution of iron sulfate is used at a rate of 2 to 3 liters per tree. After flowering is completed, the treatment can be repeated.

Gooseberries, raspberries and currants

Use iron sulfate for spotting and anthracnose. Only one treatment is carried out until the leaves appear.

100 grams of iron sulfate are diluted in 10 liters of water. From 1 to 2 liters is enough for a bush.

Bush and climbing rose

Roses are treated with iron sulfate in the spring, a solution with a concentration of 1-3%, also before the leaves appear.

You can use a weakly concentrated solution of 1% for roses before flowering. For 10 liters of water take 300 grams of iron sulfate.

To eliminate the disease caused by the fungus, spray the roses with a 0.5% solution after flowering.

How to deal with ants in an apartment and garden

For indoor plants

You should be careful with indoor plants so as not to exceed the dosage. Initially, for flowers, it is better to take 2 times less than the recommended amount. If there is no harm to the plants, you can increase it.

An even more gentle treatment method:
simply pour a certain amount of granules onto the surface of the soil. When watered, it will dissolve properly and will gradually flow to the root system of the plant. This will prevent burns from occurring. Iron sulfate is used for many flowers: petunias, violets and other plants.

When to treat

To treat apple trees with iron sulfate, it is important to choose the right time for the procedure, focusing on the vegetation characteristics of the fruit tree and weather conditions. Untimely spraying can cause the death of the crop or the foliage of the plant.

Spring treatment begins from the moment the snow melts and the sap begins to flow in the tree trunk. After establishment of above-zero ambient temperature (+5 degrees during the daytime) and before bud formation.

In early spring, the main attention should be focused on treating the bark of the apple tree, because it is in its crevices that numerous larvae and oviposition of garden pests spend the winter.

The second stage of processing occurs after the buds open. Its purpose is to protect the future ovary from fungal infections. After flowering comes the next phase of spraying, which is preventive in the fight against adult insects.

And finally, the final stage of treating apple trees with iron sulfate is carried out at the end of autumn, after the end of leaf fall. This is also a preventive procedure, the correctness of which largely determines the quality and quantity of the harvest in the coming season.

Precautionary measures

Iron sulfate has a hazard class of III.

Despite the fact that this is a low hazard class, it is imperative to protect the respiratory tract, skin, and mucous membranes.
To do this, when working with the drug, gloves, a respirator, special clothing, and glasses are used. Children and pets should not be nearby during treatment.

The value of autumn processing

Many novice gardeners are concerned about why they need to do something after the harvest has already been harvested? After all, apples damaged by scab or codling moth cannot be repaired. But is there a guarantee that next year diseases and pests will bypass the garden?

Caring for apple trees in the fall includes a set of measures that are aimed at reducing the amount of infection, increasing winter hardiness, and destroying clusters of pests that overwinter in the garden. If you ignore preventive measures in the fall, then under favorable conditions for pests, you can expect massive damage to apple trees. You could lose your entire harvest. Phytosanitary autumn treatment of apple trees from pests and diseases will protect the future harvest.

Compatibility of iron sulfate with other means

Since the drug has high acidity (pH 3.5),

it should not be mixed with those products that give an alkaline reaction, in particular, calcium, boron, zinc, copper, magnesium solutions.

Can be combined with laundry soap for better adhesion of the substance to the surface being treated. In this case, a neutral reaction is required.

According to the recommendations of experienced gardeners, ferrous sulfate should not be mixed with other preparations.

At best, there may be no effect, and at worst, the plant may be damaged.

How is autumn whitewashing carried out?

Whitewashing trees helps destroy pests and saves you from burns. The older the tree, the more it needs to be whitened. Whitewashing can slow down the progression of bark diseases.

It is most effective to use a simple aqueous solution of chalk or slaked lime mixed with copper sulfate. You can supplement the mixture with laundry soap, clay or horse manure. This mixture is more reliable. It is necessary to carry out whitewashing at the last stage after other treatments.

The trunk of the apple tree is treated with the prepared solution to a height of about 150 cm, so that the skeletal branches are also captured. The concentration of the product should be no more than 20%.

Gardener Questions

How many grams of iron sulfate are in a teaspoon and a tablespoon?

A teaspoon contains 5 grams of iron sulfate, a tablespoon contains 20 grams.

How to prepare a solution of iron sulfate?

The solution is prepared only in a container made of glass or plastic. Contact with metal should be avoided, as it significantly reduces the effectiveness of the product. Only rain or melt water is used. The product is gradually added to the water and thoroughly stirred with a wooden or glass spatula.

Photo of chlorosis in plants

Recipe for iron sulfate and citric acid for chlorosis

The combination of iron sulfate and citric acid is called iron chelate. In this form, faster and better absorption occurs.

A solution of iron sulfate in citric acid can be prepared at home according to the following recipe: Take a liter of cooled boiled water and stir 4 grams of citric acid (half a teaspoon) in it. Then add iron sulfate in an amount of 2.5 g. The result is a light orange liquid, which is used for both watering and spraying.

Chemical protection agents and their use

It is necessary to observe the timing of chemical treatments of the apple tree; they depend on the purpose of the application and the drug used. When spraying on foliage, the recommended doses cannot be exceeded; if the treatment is carried out after leaf fall, you can increase the dose of the drug. It is allowed to use only one of the products on the apple tree.

It is better to use broad-spectrum products to reduce the toxic load on trees. It is not always possible to prepare mixtures in a tank, and repeated treatments can lead to the death of the tree. When choosing a drug, you need to focus on the most pronounced problem and fight it. How to treat apple trees in the fall?

Urea (urea)

Urea is used to treat apple trees throughout the growing season. The concentration of the solution in autumn should be up to 7%, when processing after shedding leaves - up to 10%.

Preparations containing nitrogen cannot be used before leaf fall, as this will reduce winter hardiness. Urea is used when 70% of the leaves have fallen. If there are too many pests, it is necessary to treat the trees and the soil around them. Young trees are sprayed with a 5% solution.

Autumn treatment with urea helps prevent the spread of dangerous pests by destroying larvae and eggs. Spraying is carried out in the evening or on a cloudy day to prevent sunburn. In the fight against aphids, urea is simply irreplaceable.


For local treatment, 3% iron sulfate is used; for spraying, a 0.1% solution is used. The treatment replenishes iron deficiency. In autumn, tree trunk circles are additionally treated. The fertilizer helps get rid of black cancer, scab pathogens, and anthracnose.

Copper sulfate

A solution of copper sulfate (1%) is used against mites and pest larvae. The drug is highly toxic. They carry out local treatment of the affected bark on the trunk. Preventive treatments will effectively protect against fruit rot (moniliosis) and scab.

Bordeaux mixture

This is a less toxic analogue of vitriol. Bordeaux mixture consists of copper sulfate 300 and lime dissolved in water. The finished preparation is sold in a specialized store, but some gardeners prepare it themselves, sometimes adding clay instead of lime. If you seriously decide to take up gardening, you need to include the drug in the mandatory list of drugs in your garden first aid kit. Using Bordeaux mixture, you can treat apple trees against scab and other fungal infections. You can use this drug to treat any fruit and berry trees.

Colloidal sulfur

A 1% sulfur suspension is diluted in a large amount of water. The drug is non-toxic until it is exposed to sunlight. Then vapors are formed that poison pathogens and colonies of mites and aphids. The high effectiveness of the drug has been proven in the fight against scab and powdery mildew.

Drug 30+

Preparation 30+ is a contact insecticide. It forms a film on the surface of the insect and also affects eggs and larvae. The film prevents air from penetrating the pest’s body, which leads to its death. It is believed that Preparation 30+ is the best pest control product for use in the fall.

Systemic drugs

Tank mixtures can be made from systemic drugs that can solve several problems at once. Skor, Strobi, Horus, Topaz will help against diseases in the fall. They are used immediately after harvest. The phytotoxicity of the products is minimal, so they can be used without waiting for all the leaves to fall off. Karbofos and Aktara will save apple trees from caterpillars and aphids. You can add them to the fungicide tank.

Fitosporin, Entobacterin, Lepidocide are bactericidal preparations that should be treated on warm September days. The higher the temperature and the sunnier the day, the better. The use of chemicals is not allowed when biological products are included in the fruit tree protection system.

Compliance with all the rules described above will allow you to spray your apple tree in the fall as efficiently and safely as possible. In addition to spraying in the fall, it is necessary to whitewash the bases of skeletal branches and trunks.

Iron sulfate: reviews on the use of the product

Nina, Tver I have apple trees growing in my garden. Last season we were simply overwhelmed by flea beetles on the leaves. I read that iron sulfate can also be used against pests. At the end of autumn, just before preparing for wintering, I treated all the branches, without, of course, affecting the buds, with iron sulfate. Everything is fine: the buds are healthy and so are the trees themselves. No diseases or pests are expected.

Lyudmila, Vologda region. I always have iron sulfate on hand, since I use it to treat almost all the plantings on my site. Iron sulfate is excellent for berry crops: raspberries, currants, gooseberries, strawberries. I use it to combat spotting. It copes not only with diseases. Effective for treating flowers both in the garden and at home against pests. For example, for roses as a way to get rid of aphids. To prepare the solution, I take only melted, fresh water.

Leonid, Novorossiysk I use iron sulfate for grape chlorosis in the form of sprays. Usually immediately after the onset of spring. To prepare the solution, I mix ascorbic acid (20 g) with iron sulfate (100 g) for a volume of liquid of 10 liters. I water the roots of the plant.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Like any chemical used for agricultural activities in an apple orchard, iron sulfate has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • wide spectrum of action;
  • low price;
  • effectiveness;
  • low toxicity.


  • instability, rapid washing away by rain;
  • rapid loss of fungicidal properties (maximum exposure period does not exceed 2 weeks).

Security measures

As with any chemical, when contacting ferrous sulfate, it is important to take precautions according to the technical specifications (GOST 27575-87):

  • ferric sulfate heptate has a general toxic effect (possible irritation of the skin, respiratory tract and mucous membranes);
  • store in a special well-ventilated area, in sealed containers, away from children;
  • contact of the solution with the eyes, skin and mucous membrane is unacceptable;
  • Contact with the drug is only possible while wearing protective gloves, goggles, a mask and special work clothes;
  • In case of accidental ingestion, contact with eyes, or signs of allergy (burning skin, rash, choking), seek immediate medical attention.
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