Description of the breeding tomato Golitsyn and recommendations for growing

Characteristics of tomato Larisa

Tomato Larisa is a specially bred high-yielding hybrid that is resistant to pathogens and major pests.
The amazing quality of this heat-loving crop is its endurance to various climatic conditions and excellent yields even in cold summer conditions. Canadian hybrid tomato Larisa is a typical representative of the determinant type

Productivity of Larisa tomato and fruiting

Fruiting of tomatoes of the hybrid Larisa variety begins in July, approximately 115 days after sowing the seeds for seedlings, and depends on the climatic conditions of the region. Due to the fact that flowering of individual clusters occurs at intervals of 1.5-2 weeks, the ripening of fruits is extended over several stages and lasts more than one month.

Agricultural technology affects productivity. In greenhouse and greenhouse conditions, the crop is capable of producing the highest yields - up to 18 kg per 1 m². In open ground, productivity indicators are more than 2 times lower - up to 7 kg per 1 m².

The hybrid tomato variety Larisa is capable of producing high yields even in open ground, up to 9 kg per 1 m², subject to proper agricultural practices and favorable external conditions

Area of ​​application of fruits

The Larisa tomato variety is a practical and versatile hybrid that can maintain ideal taste and commercial qualities even during long-term storage. The durable skin of ripe fruits makes transportation possible without compromising its presentable appearance.

The fruits are widely used in cooking for preparing:

  • vegetable salads and fresh slices;
  • tomato juice, paste, ketchup, other canned food;
  • first and second courses;
  • whole fruit canning;
  • frozen semi-finished products.

Ripe Larisa tomatoes are an ideal solution for whole-fruit canning

Thanks to their compact size, resistance to cracking under high temperatures, attractive plum-shaped shape and excellent gastronomic qualities, ripe Larisa tomatoes are an ideal solution for whole-fruit canning.

Resistance to diseases and pests

The Canadian hybrid Larisa, like all hybrid tomato varieties, is very resistant to pathogens and vegetable pests. If proper agricultural practices are followed, they are practically not exposed to late blight, Alternaria blight, blossom end rot, brown spot or leaf mold, and tomato mosaic. In addition, universal preventive measures can increase the natural immunity of the crop:

  • compliance with the planting scheme to ensure comfortable conditions for the development of bushes;
  • planting tomatoes away from potatoes, physalis, bell peppers, eggplants;
  • reasonable, sufficient watering;
  • regular ventilation of greenhouses and greenhouses.

In the case of using chemical means to combat diseases and pests, harvesting is carried out 20 days after treating the plants with insecticides and fungicides.

Timely removal of weeds in tomato beds will protect the crop from attacks by known pests

Assessment of summer residents

Reviews from gardeners about Golitsyn are positive. They like: yield, universal use of fruits, taste. The berries can withstand transportation to the place of storage or processing.

Summer residents are upset by the need for pinching and staking of plants and the lack of uniformity of tomatoes. Gardeners note: the fruits of the first harvest are 1.5 times larger than the rest.

Features of cultivation, planting and care

Sowing the seeds of this variety of tomatoes for seedlings is carried out 50-55 days before the intended planting in the ground. Seedlings dive at the stage of two true leaves. When planting seedlings in a permanent place per 1 sq. It is recommended to place up to 5 plants per meter of plot.

Further care for tomatoes consists of timely watering, fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer, pinching and preventive measures to protect against diseases and pests.

If you grew Golitsyn tomatoes, please write whether you liked them or not. What was the yield and taste of the fruits like under your climatic conditions? How do you rate the disease resistance of this variety? Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of this tomato in your opinion. If possible, attach a photo of your tomatoes to your comment. Thank you!

Your reviews of the Golitsyn tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this variety more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

Maria Sukhorukikh

How to get a good harvest?

These plants are described on the seed packet. Breeders promise to get a certain number of fruits. But there is a condition: follow the tips for growing tomatoes. The combination of the required lighting, soil nutrition, heat and watering will give the gardener delicious tomatoes.

Advice from agronomists:

  • evaluate the possibilities of a vegetable garden (plant in a greenhouse or outdoors);
  • it is required to start driving out seedlings 40 days before placing them in a permanent place;
  • select dishes for placing plants (shallow trays: germinate and pots: plant tomatoes when picking);
  • clean from dust, dry soil;
  • disinfect containers (use alcohol, pink solution of potassium permanganate);
  • become familiar with the nutritional value of the soil mixture;
  • prepare light fertile soil (make it yourself or buy it);
  • disinfect your own seeds in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, treat with a stimulant (aloe juice, potassium humate);
  • sow planting material at a depth of 1–2 cm;
  • germinate in a dark, warm place (provide an ambient temperature of 25 ⁰C);
  • cover the containers with film with holes for gas exchange;
  • place on the windowsill after the first loops;
  • provide 18 hours of daylight;
  • it is enough to maintain a temperature of 18 ⁰С;
  • with two true leaves, dive with depth;
  • to strengthen the bush when planting, use calcium nitrate (a tablespoon for each plant);
  • The planting site must be prepared in advance (loosen, add a mineral complex (nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus);
  • plant in a permanent place after returning cold weather;
  • choose a sunny place;
  • for the first 2 days, shade the plantings from the sun with white non-woven material;
  • plants should be tied up, lightened and pinched;
  • planting scheme: distance between plants 40 cm, between rows - 60 cm;
  • bury the elongated seedlings;
  • mulch the beds with rotted organic matter or dark non-woven material;
  • water moderately.

See also

Characteristics and description of the tomato variety MorozkoRead

You should monitor the weather forecast: before a long cold spell, cover the bushes with film or white non-woven material.

Before the August cold, tomatoes should be removed and put to ripening.

Patisson plus...

The most interesting fruits come from open-pollinated varieties of hard-bark squash. For example, a dark green zucchini, which begins with a “patch” of squash. It's a pity, this miracle will disappear in the next generation.

To obtain pure, homogeneous pumpkin, zucchini or squash material, it is necessary to isolate the buds of male and female flowers on pre-selected plants of the same variety, choosing those that would bloom on the same day. Having waited for the long-awaited event, pollinate the female flowers and close them again so that the nimble bees do not add pollen of unknown origin at their discretion.

Characteristics and description of the Golitsyn tomato variety, growing tips

The Golitsyn tomato ripens early. Gardeners love the taste of the fruit. Tomatoes can be eaten fresh or canned. It bears fruit in several stages. This tomato is worth growing!

Why do gardeners like the plant?

Agro represents plants with different ripening periods. Golitsyn attracts gardeners with its rapid ripening and extended fruiting.

Technical characteristics of tomato:

  • ripens under temporary shelters, on open ridges and in film greenhouses;
  • the Golitsyn bush is limited in growth (on the street it stretches up to 0.8 m, in a greenhouse - up to 1.2 m);
  • ripens in 90–95 days from the loops (early ripening);
  • leaf blades are dark green, large;
  • Proper planting and care will give a yield of 10 kg/m² (or 3 kg/bush).

Golitsyn is prone to fruit overload. Plants break. The harvest is lost. It is necessary to tie the bushes to a support.

Fruiting in Golitsyn is extended. The variety produces tomatoes in 3–4 waves. To speed up ripening, you need to step the plant: the bush will give strength to the ripening tomatoes.

Rapid ripening makes it possible to enjoy tomatoes right up to the cold night dew; the bushes are not affected by late blight. The fruits collected green are ripened in the warmth.

Why did gardeners fall in love with Golitsyn?

Early varieties of tomatoes are not always pleasant to the taste. Their value is their ripening period. Then the delicious tomatoes ripen. Gardeners are starting to eat salad fruits. Golitsyn combines fast ripening and dessert taste.

  • the shape of the berries is ovoid;
  • tomatoes grow up to 70–90 g;
  • color - bright red, matte;
  • the pulp is dense, juicy;
  • fruits without ribs;
  • tomatoes are smooth when stroking;
  • moderately strong skin;
  • fruits have up to 5 chambers with seeds;
  • tight attachment of tomatoes to the bush;
  • sweetish taste with sourness;
  • pronounced tomato smell.

The fruits stick tightly to the bushes. Shedding does not occur. Gardeners are pleased with the opportunity to enjoy the harvest from July to August. Golitsyn's value: extended fruiting, rapid ripening, universal purpose of berries.

Thick skin ensures preservation of marketability during transportation. Breeders advise picking brown fruits and ripening them indoors. This technique will increase productivity.

How to get a good harvest?

These plants are described on the seed packet. Breeders promise to get a certain number of fruits. But there is a condition: follow the tips for growing tomatoes. The combination of the required lighting, soil nutrition, heat and watering will give the gardener delicious tomatoes.

  • evaluate the possibilities of a vegetable garden (plant in a greenhouse or outdoors);
  • it is required to start driving out seedlings 40 days before placing them in a permanent place;
  • select dishes for placing plants (shallow trays: germinate and pots: plant tomatoes when picking);
  • clean from dust, dry soil;
  • disinfect containers (use alcohol, pink solution of potassium permanganate);
  • become familiar with the nutritional value of the soil mixture;
  • prepare light fertile soil (make it yourself or buy it);
  • disinfect your own seeds in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, treat with a stimulant (aloe juice, potassium humate);
  • sow planting material at a depth of 1–2 cm;
  • germinate in a dark, warm place (provide an ambient temperature of 25 ⁰C);
  • cover the containers with film with holes for gas exchange;
  • place on the windowsill after the first loops;
  • provide 18 hours of daylight;
  • it is enough to maintain a temperature of 18 ⁰С;
  • with two true leaves, dive with depth;
  • to strengthen the bush when planting, use calcium nitrate (a tablespoon for each plant);
  • The planting site must be prepared in advance (loosen, add a mineral complex (nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus);
  • plant in a permanent place after returning cold weather;
  • choose a sunny place;
  • for the first 2 days, shade the plantings from the sun with white non-woven material;
  • plants should be tied up, lightened and pinched;
  • planting scheme: distance between plants 40 cm, between rows - 60 cm;
  • bury the elongated seedlings;
  • mulch the beds with rotted organic matter or dark non-woven material;
  • water moderately.

You should monitor the weather forecast: before a long cold spell, cover the bushes with film or white non-woven material.

Why do gardeners like the plant?

Agro represents plants with different ripening periods. Golitsyn attracts gardeners with its rapid ripening and extended fruiting.

Technical characteristics of tomato:

  • ripens under temporary shelters, on open ridges and in film greenhouses;
  • the Golitsyn bush is limited in growth (on the street it stretches up to 0.8 m, in a greenhouse - up to 1.2 m);
  • ripens in 90–95 days from the loops (early ripening);
  • leaf blades are dark green, large;
  • Proper planting and care will give a yield of 10 kg/m² (or 3 kg/bush).

Golitsyn is prone to fruit overload. Plants break. The harvest is lost. It is necessary to tie the bushes to a support.

Fruiting in Golitsyn is extended. The variety produces tomatoes in 3–4 waves. To speed up ripening, you need to step the plant: the bush will give strength to the ripening tomatoes.

Rapid ripening makes it possible to enjoy tomatoes right up to the cold night dew; the bushes are not affected by late blight. The fruits collected green are ripened in the warmth.

Local varieties

Meanwhile, of course, so-called local varieties can still be found not in holiday villages near big cities and not in gardening associations, but in remote villages. They were grown in natural isolation for many years, sometimes for many generations of gardeners, constantly selecting “for the tribe” the best specimens for a given area, also adjusted for local tastes. Usually it is the taste that is the “crown” of local varieties, because their creators and keepers were not dominated not only by the requirements of industrial production: smooth ripening and resistance to disease, but also by modern trade: gloss and transportability.

Less than a century ago, the bulk of vegetables supplied to markets were represented by local varieties. Imported ones were in the minority and were also varietal, so collections could be collected in the markets, but those days are gone. Now no one can control whether you are using imported vegetables for seeds.

It's better to refrain from this. There were already many imported sources of infection in the 90s. Let introduction - the introduction of imported plants into culture - be carried out by specialists who can keep the situation under control.

Description of the breeding tomato Golitsyn and recommendations for growing

The Golitsyn tomato, which can be planted in greenhouses and greenhouses, as well as in open beds, is popular among gardeners. The variety is characterized by excellent productivity throughout the entire growing period. The Golitsyn variety was created by agro breeders who specially developed a new type of tomato so that summer residents could quickly get fruit.

What is a Golitsyn tomato?

The tomatoes that gardeners receive 95 days after sowing the seeds in the ground for seedlings are distinguished by their excellent taste. In early-ripening fruits, the taste qualities do not always give the expected effect.

Characteristics and description of the variety:

  1. Plants can reach a height of 80-120 cm: in greenhouse conditions the figure is 1.2 m, and in open ground - 0.8 m.
  2. The bushes grow well in greenhouses and open beds.
  3. Tomato bushes form strong clusters with fruits and large leaves that are dark green in color.
  4. The harvest can be quite large, depending on the conditions of planting, care and feeding. From one bush you can collect an average of 3 kg of fruit. Thus, from a plot of 1 m² you can harvest 10 kg of tomatoes or more.

During the growth process, bushes must be tied to supports and trellises, since the stem is prone to breakage, which causes crop loss.

The harvest from the bushes is obtained in stages, in 3-4 periods. First, after 95 days, the first harvest of hearths will be obtained, further ones - as the tomatoes ripen. To make ripening faster, it is necessary to plant the bushes. This will allow the plant to correctly distribute forces for fruit formation.

At the end of autumn, tomatoes usually do not ripen, so they need to be picked green and then placed in a dark place so that the tomatoes turn red and ripen completely.

Positive reviews from gardeners concern not only the appearance of the plants, but also its tomatoes.

First of all, it is a taste that is characterized by sugar content with a slight sourness. It is recommended to make fresh salads from these tomatoes, adding other vegetables. Many housewives use the fruit to make tomato paste, juice or puree, which young children adore.

Tomatoes of the Golitsyn variety also have other excellent parameters:

  1. Tomatoes have a regular egg shape.
  2. The weight of tomatoes varies from 70 to 90 g.
  3. The skin of the fruit is elastic, dense, and has a matte bright red color.
  4. The core of ripe tomatoes is juicy and dense, without a large number of seeds.
  5. There are 5 cameras inside.
  6. The fruits do not have ribbing, so the outer side of the tomatoes is even on all sides and sides.
  7. Tomatoes have a distinct tomato aroma.

The fruits of the Golitsyn variety are tightly attached to the plant's brushes, which allows the tomatoes to withstand changes in weather and wind. The fruits do not fall to the ground; they are collected only from the bushes.

To increase productivity, experienced gardeners advise picking tomatoes brown and placing them in boxes to ripen there. This gives the plants the strength to bear fruit further.

The harvested crop can be used for sale to industrial enterprises, sealed, salted in barrels or preserved in jars.

Nausea with pressure

  • 1 Causes of nausea with blood pressure 1.1 With low blood pressure
  • 1.2 For hypertension
  • 1.3 With normal blood pressure

2 Other symptoms 3 What to do?

  • 3.1 Medications

3.2 Folk remedies 3.3 Massage that normalizes blood pressure 4 Danger of disease

Headaches and nausea from pressure are unpleasant symptoms, this is how the body reacts to a pathologically altered state, as a result of which the cortex of the cerebral hemisphere and hypothalamus is disrupted. Let's consider what causes nausea when blood pressure rises or falls, what other signs occur in pathology, what should be done in case of high or low blood pressure?

Tomato Tamina - description and characteristics of the variety

Tamina tomatoes are an achievement of German breeders. The popularity of this species is growing every year, due to the characteristics of the variety.


German tomatoes are distinguished by their versatility, and this variety is no exception. Tamina tomatoes can be grown in different conditions:

  • In open ground.
  • In an indoor greenhouse.
  • Under film cover.

Breeders identify a number of varietal characteristics that distinguish Tamina from a huge number of other tomatoes:

  1. Plant size.
    An adult bush grows up to 170 cm in height and is distinguished by an even, slender stem.
  2. Maturation period.
    Tamina is classified as an early ripening variety. From the appearance of the first shoots to the harvesting of ripened fruits, 2-3 months pass.
  3. Fruit ripening.
    The berries ripen simultaneously and in large volumes.
  4. Productivity.
    The variety has an average yield level. 4 kg of ripened fruits are collected from one bush.
  5. Unpretentiousness.
    The plant does not require special care.
  6. Transportation.
    Ripe fruits tolerate transportation well without losing their appearance.
  1. The fruits are formed on the plant's clusters. Each brush grows 7-8 medium-sized tomatoes, the weight of each of which varies from 80 to 100 g.
  2. The berries are colored a bright shade of red. They are distinguished by their regular, rounded shape and strong, smooth skin.
  3. The fruits are not prone to cracking, both during ripening and during heat treatment.


The Tamina tomato has good taste characteristics, which allows housewives to use it in the preparation of many dishes. This variety is often consumed fresh, added to salads, squeezed out juice, and also used in the preparation of first and second courses. In addition, the fruits of this species are often prepared for the winter, both as a whole and in salads.

Features of cultivation

Agronomists recommend growing the Tamina variety by sprouting seed material. This process should begin 2 months before the planned planting of tomatoes in the ground. Experienced summer residents recommend adhering to the rules for germinating seed material:

  1. Seed disinfection.
    Seed material is disinfected using a solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Sowing.
    To sow seeds, you should purchase a nutritious and loose soil mixture intended for growing tomatoes. The seed is placed in a container with soil to a depth of 1-2 cm and covered with film.
  3. Ventilation.
    Containers should be ventilated daily to prevent the formation of fungus.
  4. Temperature conditions.
    To achieve one hundred percent germination, the room temperature should be maintained. It should be 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius.
  5. Watering.
    Before the first shoots appear, the soil is irrigated with a spray bottle. When the seeds have sprouted, you should switch to moderate watering, carried out as the soil dries.
  6. Lighting.
    The plant needs a lot of bright, diffused light. If natural light is not enough, ultraviolet lamps are used.
  7. It is recommended to harden off grown seedlings.
    To do this, containers with plants are taken outside for a week, gradually increasing the period of their stay in the air.

Young bushes are replanted using the transshipment method. Planting in a permanent place of growth should occur in the evening or on a cloudy day to prevent leaf burns. When placing bushes in a garden bed, agronomists advise adhering to the rule of placing 3 plants per 1 square meter.

Features of care

Experienced summer residents who have been growing Tamina for several years claim that the plant does not require complex care. However, you need to adhere to standard procedures necessary for good plant development and fruiting:

  1. Timely watering.
    Tamina loves water, so dry periods are unacceptable.
  2. Loosening the soil.
    Regular loosening of the soil will provide access to moisture to the root system and prevent the development of microorganisms dangerous to the plant.
  3. Feeding.
    The entire period of tomato growth is fed with both mineral and organic fertilizers.

Gardeners who grow the Tamina variety say that it is impossible to refuse to grow it. Fast ripening, minimal care and a high-quality, rich harvest make you return to planting these tomatoes year after year.

Why did gardeners fall in love with Golitsyn?

Early varieties of tomatoes are not always pleasant to the taste. Their value is their ripening period. Then the delicious tomatoes ripen. Gardeners are starting to eat salad fruits. Golitsyn combines fast ripening and dessert taste.

Description of berries:

  • the shape of the berries is ovoid;
  • tomatoes grow up to 70–90 g;
  • color - bright red, matte;
  • the pulp is dense, juicy;
  • fruits without ribs;
  • tomatoes are smooth when stroking;
  • moderately strong skin;
  • fruits have up to 5 chambers with seeds;
  • tight attachment of tomatoes to the bush;
  • sweetish taste with sourness;
  • pronounced tomato smell.

The fruits stick tightly to the bushes. Shedding does not occur. Gardeners are pleased with the opportunity to enjoy the harvest from July to August. Golitsyn's value: extended fruiting, rapid ripening, universal purpose of berries.

See also

Characteristics and description of the Nikola tomato variety, yieldRead

Thick skin ensures preservation of marketability during transportation. Breeders advise picking brown fruits and ripening them indoors. This technique will increase productivity.

What is a Golitsyn tomato?

The tomatoes that gardeners receive 95 days after sowing the seeds in the ground for seedlings are distinguished by their excellent taste. In early-ripening fruits, the taste qualities do not always give the expected effect.

Characteristics and description of the variety:

  1. Plants can reach a height of 80-120 cm: in greenhouse conditions the figure is 1.2 m, and in open ground - 0.8 m.
  2. The bushes grow well in greenhouses and open beds.
  3. Tomato bushes form strong clusters with fruits and large leaves that are dark green in color.
  4. The harvest can be quite large, depending on the conditions of planting, care and feeding. From one bush you can collect an average of 3 kg of fruit. Thus, from a plot of 1 m² you can harvest 10 kg of tomatoes or more.

During the growth process, bushes must be tied to supports and trellises, since the stem is prone to breakage, which causes crop loss.

The harvest from the bushes is obtained in stages, in 3-4 periods. First, after 95 days, the first harvest of hearths will be obtained, further ones - as the tomatoes ripen. To make ripening faster, it is necessary to plant the bushes. This will allow the plant to correctly distribute forces for fruit formation.

Positive reviews from gardeners concern not only the appearance of the plants, but also its tomatoes.

Description of the hybrid tomato Ashkelon and cultivation on the site with your own hands


First of all, it is a taste that is characterized by sugar content with a slight sourness. It is recommended to make fresh salads from these tomatoes, adding other vegetables. Many housewives use the fruit to make tomato paste, juice or puree, which young children adore.

Tomatoes of the Golitsyn variety also have other excellent parameters:

  1. Tomatoes have a regular egg shape.
  2. The weight of tomatoes varies from 70 to 90 g.
  3. The skin of the fruit is elastic, dense, and has a matte bright red color.
  4. The core of ripe tomatoes is juicy and dense, without a large number of seeds.
  5. There are 5 cameras inside.
  6. The fruits do not have ribbing, so the outer side of the tomatoes is even on all sides and sides.
  7. Tomatoes have a distinct tomato aroma.

The fruits of the Golitsyn variety are tightly attached to the plant's brushes, which allows the tomatoes to withstand changes in weather and wind. The fruits do not fall to the ground; they are collected only from the bushes.

The harvested crop can be used for sale to industrial enterprises, sealed, salted in barrels or preserved in jars.

Description and characteristics of the Golitsyn tomato, reviews, photos

An early ripening , productive variety of tomatoes for open ground and film greenhouses. The period from germination to the beginning of ripening is 90-95 days.

The bush is of a determinate type, 60-70 cm , up to 120 cm in greenhouses. Requires tying to a support and pinching. The leaves of this tomato are medium long and green in color. The inflorescence is simple.

The Golitsyn tomato variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for cultivation in film greenhouses and under film covers on private farms.

Basic qualities of fruits

The fruits are slightly elongated cream with thickening towards the bottom, medium density, red in color at the ripe stage, weighing 70-90 grams , juicy, good taste. These tomatoes are good for pickling and canning; they are also suitable for fresh consumption and home cooking.

Productivity of the variety : up to 3 kg of fruits from 1 plant (with watering and fertilizing).

Proper care

Regardless of what kind of tomatoes you planted - tomato Forty Sotok f1, tomato Fidelity f1 or tomato Important Person - you need to organize regular watering with warm water in the morning and evening, and after that the soil should be thoroughly loosened.

In order to get the harvest that the description of the variety promises, you need to plant the tomatoes in a timely manner. This is also done with such varieties as tomato Seven forty f1, Spetsnaz tomato, Fat Monk tomato, Golitsyn tomato, Fitous tomato. This process removes excess shoots that can weaken the plant and lead to poor fruiting.

Experts recommend, in addition to the main branch, to leave another strong stepson, on which there is a formed flowering brush. The rest should be broken off so that only two-centimeter cuttings remain, which will interfere with the appearance of new shoots. The plant should not be tied up.

Regular fertilizing significantly increases productivity. There should be at least four of them during the entire growing season. A mineral complex is perfect for this. It is also ideal for the Izyuminka tomato, the Lord of the Steppes tomato, and the Evgeniya tomato. Tomatoes also respond well to organic fertilizing. Nettle infusion is suitable for this. Weeding and loosening of the soil should be carried out throughout the season. In this case, the grass can be used to mulch your beds.

Description and main characteristics of the tomato variety “De Barao”

Tomato Golitsyn

Variety Golitsyn in the center.

Description and characteristics of the tomato variety Golitsyn, reviews, photos

An early ripening, productive variety of tomatoes for open ground and film greenhouses. The period from germination to the beginning of ripening is 90-95 days.

The bush is of a determinate type, height in open ground is 60-70 cm, in greenhouses up to 120 cm. Requires tying to a support and pinching. The leaves of this tomato are medium long and green in color. The inflorescence is simple.

The Golitsyn tomato variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for cultivation in film greenhouses and under film covers on private farms.

Basic qualities of fruits

The fruits are slightly elongated cream with thickening towards the bottom, medium density, red in color at the ripe stage, weighing 70-90 grams, juicy, good taste. These tomatoes are good for pickling and canning; they are also suitable for fresh consumption and home cooking.

Productivity of the variety : up to 3 kg of fruits from 1 plant (with watering and fertilizing).

Features of cultivation, planting and care

Sowing the seeds of this variety of tomatoes for seedlings is carried out 50-55 days before the intended planting in the ground. Seedlings dive at the stage of two true leaves. When planting seedlings in a permanent place per 1 sq. It is recommended to place up to 5 plants per meter of plot.

Further care for tomatoes consists of timely watering, fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer, pinching and preventive measures to protect against diseases and pests.

If you grew Golitsyn tomatoes, please write whether you liked them or not. What was the yield and taste of the fruits like under your climatic conditions? How do you rate the disease resistance of this variety? Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of this tomato in your opinion. If possible, attach a photo of your tomatoes to your comment. Thank you!

Your reviews of the Golitsyn tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this variety more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits of this variety are pink (raspberry) in color. The shape of the fruit is round. The surface of the skin is smooth. Weight is about 170 g, but individual specimens can grow up to 220 g. Given their excellent taste, they are suitable for freshly prepared salads, as well as for tomato products (juices, fruit drinks, purees, etc.).

The variety stands out for its increased fruiting. If agricultural practices are followed, the yield of one bush is up to 5 kg of tomatoes. It is quite resistant to fruit cracking and is not susceptible to the main types of diseases of nightshade crops.

Tomatoes are very sensitive to heat. Favorable temperature conditions for seed germination, plant development and fruit growing are 20-25°C. When the temperature drops below 15°C, flowering and ovary formation stop, and if the temperature drops below 10°C, their vegetation stops. Plants die at 1-3°C, and if the temperature is above 35°C, pollination stops.

Tomato Golitsyn: growing features, description with photos

The Golitsyn tomato ripens early. Gardeners love the taste of the fruit. Tomatoes can be eaten fresh or canned. It bears fruit in several stages. This tomato is worth growing!

Why do gardeners like the plant?

Agro represents plants with different ripening periods. Golitsyn attracts gardeners with its rapid ripening and extended fruiting.

Technical characteristics of tomato:

  • ripens under temporary shelters, on open ridges and in film greenhouses;
  • the Golitsyn bush is limited in growth (on the street it stretches up to 0.8 m, in a greenhouse - up to 1.2 m);
  • ripens in 90–95 days from the loops (early ripening);
  • leaf blades are dark green, large;
  • Proper planting and care will give a yield of 10 kg/m² (or 3 kg/bush).

Golitsyn is prone to fruit overload. Plants break. The harvest is lost. It is necessary to tie the bushes to a support.

Fruiting in Golitsyn is extended. The variety produces tomatoes in 3–4 waves. To speed up ripening, you need to step the plant: the bush will give strength to the ripening tomatoes.

Rapid ripening makes it possible to enjoy tomatoes right up to the cold night dew; the bushes are not affected by late blight. The fruits collected green are ripened in the warmth.

Why did gardeners fall in love with Golitsyn?

Early varieties of tomatoes are not always pleasant to the taste. Their value is their ripening period. Then the delicious tomatoes ripen. Gardeners are starting to eat salad fruits. Golitsyn combines fast ripening and dessert taste.

  • the shape of the berries is ovoid;
  • tomatoes grow up to 70–90 g;
  • color - bright red, matte;
  • the pulp is dense, juicy;
  • fruits without ribs;
  • tomatoes are smooth when stroking;
  • moderately strong skin;
  • fruits have up to 5 chambers with seeds;
  • tight attachment of tomatoes to the bush;
  • sweetish taste with sourness;
  • pronounced tomato smell.

Delicious varieties

Messages: 527 Registered: 12/07/2007, 1:05 pm Occupation: gardener From: V. Novgorod Thanked: 2 times

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Delicious varieties

Message from Petrov » 12/07/2007, 15:13

The topic is about tasty and productive varieties. Many people plant De-barao and boast about the high yieldb. And I’m talking about the really growing and most importantly delicious Mammoth varieties

Katrina F1

Extreme Erofeich F1 Important Person Magician

That's how it is with us! And you?

Status: Offline

Re: Delicious varieties

Message from Sofia » 07.12.2007, 15:34

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Gardeners' opinion

Good day to all! I have been growing Sinichka tomatoes at home for a long time on the balcony. The variety is early and unpretentious. A decorative bush decorates the apartment, and delicious berries bring joy even in the cold season. Bright, yellow tomatoes are small in size, but very sweet. I recommend!

Ekaterina Voronina, 55 years old

Good afternoon! I advise all cherry tomato lovers to try the Sinichka variety. It can be easily cultivated right at home, on the balcony. A box or a regular old pan is suitable as a container for planting. The plant responds positively to feeding and loves watering. It is advisable to regularly ventilate the room and install fluorescent lamps. The bushes are low-growing, very compact. The berries weigh about 20 grams, are regular in shape and taste sweet. I recommend!

Valentina Varshavina, 43 years old

Resignation for tomatoes

Tomatoes do not tolerate drought and poor nutrition very well. Therefore, during the summer season, it is imperative to water the bushes as needed and feed them with fertilizers. Loosening the soil also has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of plants. Despite the presence of high immunity from diseases and pests, tomatoes should be treated with special means for prevention. Removing weeds and hillocks will also bring only benefits. It is not a sin to nourish the roots of plants with mullein infusion. It is a safe nutritional product that does not contain chemical compounds.

Eggs are a universal product, without which a complete human diet is indispensable. In order to enjoy processed tomato products all year round, it is advisable to can and freeze tomatoes. Following the rules for caring for tomato bushes will help you get a rich harvest.

The principle of planting and growing

Sowing seedlings at the end of March/beginning of April. Picking - in the phase of the first true leaf. Planting of seedlings - in May, at the age of 40 days. As a rule, plants are placed in rows on the site. The main condition for choosing a tomato planting scheme is its growth vigor. For standard and low-growing varieties, the recommended planting scheme is: 60 cm between rows and 35 - 40 cm between plants in a row. A thickened planting scheme of up to 6 plants per square meter is used. With a planting pattern of 40x60 cm, you can harvest at least 10 kg of beautiful tomatoes from 1 m².

Seedlings are planted in holes that are prepared in advance, according to the chosen planting pattern. It is advisable to add 15 g of superphosphate to each hole before planting, mix it with the soil and pour 1 - 1.5 liters of water per hole well. Properly grown seedlings are planted vertically, buried in the soil at the level of the cotyledons. As soon as the first couple of inflorescences begin to bear fruit, plastic substances are primarily directed by the plant to fruit formation and they need more water and nutrients. Watering should be done more often and regularly. Sudden changes in soil moisture at this moment cause the growth of green tomatoes to stop and cracking of mature tomatoes, which can lead to the development of blossom end rot.

It is better to give mineral fertilizers to plants in liquid form after watering. The first feeding is carried out three weeks after planting the plants in the soil, during the formation of ovaries on the first inflorescence. It mainly consists of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (20 - 25 g of superphosphate and 15 - 20 g of potassium sulfate per m².) Nitrogen fertilizers should not be applied at this time, but if the soils are very poor and the plants grow poorly, you can apply them with fertilizing up to 10 g/m² ammonium nitrate or calcium nitrate.

The second and subsequent feedings are carried out during the period of massive growth and ripening of fruits. These fertilizing must be done with complex fertilizers with microelements (Fertika, Kemira, Nitrofoska, etc.) 30 grams of fertilizer are dissolved in 10 liters of water and this volume of solution is consumed per 2 square meters. In greenhouses, such fertilizing is carried out once a week, alternating it with watering with plain water. In open ground, such fertilizing is carried out once every two weeks. If the soil becomes swollen and compacted after watering, the activity of the root system deteriorates sharply. During cultivation, it is loosened 3-4 times to a depth of 8-10 cm.

The fruits do not need to be picked green, they turn red on the bush and can be picked at the same time. The varieties of this group are the earliest ripening, and the harvest is very intensive. During the first 20 days of fruiting, 70-80% of their fruit harvest ripens. The Golitsyn tomato is distinguished by its rapid ripening and dry fruit separation. These properties allow tomatoes to be processed and preserved after harvesting without loss of quality.

Varieties such as “Golitsyn”, “Nakhimov”, “Ushakov” require almost no shaping and tying to a support. The “Golitsyn” variety is of a determinate type and requires moderate pinching - removing part of the stalks and transferring growth to them, which prolongs the fruiting period, and also optimally uses the area, increasing fruit weight and yield. Plants can be formed into one, two or three stems. The first additional stem is left from the stepson under the first inflorescence, the second additional stem is left from the axils of the second leaf under the first inflorescence. In the absence of formation, all stepsons are preserved.

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