Pear grafting: how, when and what the procedure can be done
Author's rating Author of the article Yakov Pavlovich Professor, Head of the Department of Vegetable Growing Articles written 153 If
What is ACH for the garden. AKCH: what is it, why use it and how to prepare it
What is ACH for the garden. AKCH: what is it, why use it and how to prepare it
Compost tea is a fairly new natural remedy, even for organic farmers.
'We grow a rich harvest of ultra-early tomatoes "Solerosso"
We grow a rich harvest of ultra-early Solerosso tomatoes and protect them from pests and diseases
We present to your attention the unusual Dutch tomato Solerosso. The early ripeness and high productivity of the crop are appreciated
Experienced gardeners recommend - “Pink Spam” tomato: variety description and photo
Tomato Pink Spam: description of the variety Variety name Pink Spam General description Early maturing hybrid of indeterminate
How to properly graft an apple tree with a bridge: features and advantages of grafting methods
A fruit tree is like a person: it needs help from time to time. Sometimes you even have to
Tomato “Lyubasha F1”: description of the hybrid variety, photos and reviews
Ripening period: early Shape, fruit weight: round, 80 g Bush type: determinate Regions for
Tomato Nevsky: description of the variety with photos, its yield
Characteristics and description of the variety The determinate early variety Nevsky differs from other tomatoes in its low growth,
'A variety with an exotic taste and amazing appearance - the Irish Liqueur tomato: we grow it and surprise our neighbors' width="800
A variety with an exotic taste and amazing appearance - the Irish Liqueur tomato: we grow it and surprise our neighbors
The green color of tomatoes does not always indicate their immaturity. Breeders have developed varieties whose fruits
How to plant and grow gooseberries correctly? Step-by-step recommendations
Selection of planting material Seedlings are selected from standard varietal plants. About the best gooseberry varieties for
Seedlings in plastic cups
Practical recommendations for growing tomato seedlings the Chinese way. Nuances of the method from “A” to “Z”
Every vegetable grower wants to get rich harvests of tomatoes on his plot. The key to a good result is
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