Tomato “Lyubasha F1”: description of the hybrid variety, photos and reviews

Ripening period:early
Shape, weight of fruits:round, 80 g
Bush type:determinant
Growing regions:all Russia
Productivity:7 kg/sq.m

Tomato Lyuban is a universal variety for planting in Russia. It is valued for its early fruiting, high yield and unpretentiousness. The tomatoes underwent variety testing and were included in the state register in 2008. The plant is unpretentious, slightly susceptible to diseases and pest attacks. Lyuban bears smooth, round fruits, which are used fresh and for canning.

Characteristics and description of the variety

Lyuban tomatoes produce crops early. The period from the appearance of sprouts to the ripening of fruits is 95-100 days. The standard variety is determinate, so its growth vigor is limited. The bush is compact, reaching a height of 60-80 cm. The leaves are small and green. The peduncle has an articulation.

Fruit characteristics:

  • round shape;
  • smooth surface;
  • loose pulp;
  • color changes from green to bright red;
  • number of nests from 2 to 3.

The first ovary appears above the 6th leaf. Tomatoes ripen in 5-10 pieces. in the brush. The photo shows that the fruits are small to medium in size. Their weight is from 70 to 90 g. These tomatoes are convenient to use for whole-fruit canning. They are used to prepare assorted items for the winter and other preparations. Lyuban tomatoes are also used fresh. They are added to salads, appetizers, soups and other dishes.

The tomato is resistant to unfavorable climates. They tolerate temperature changes well. Designed for growing in open ground. In cold climates, planting under film is recommended. This will ensure smooth ripening of the crop.

Tomato “Lyubasha F1”: description of the hybrid variety, photos and reviews

Do you know that:

The homeland of pepper is America, but the main breeding work on developing sweet varieties was carried out, in particular, by Ferenc Horvath (Hungary) in the 20s. XX century in Europe, mainly in the Balkans. Pepper came to Russia from Bulgaria, which is why it received its usual name - “Bulgarian”.

In Australia, scientists have begun experiments in cloning several varieties of grapes grown in cold regions. Climate warming, which is predicted for the next 50 years, will lead to their disappearance. Australian varieties have excellent characteristics for winemaking and are not susceptible to diseases common in Europe and America.

“Frost-resistant” varieties of garden strawberries (more often simply “strawberries”) need shelter just as much as ordinary varieties (especially in those regions where there are snowless winters or frosts alternating with thaws). All strawberries have superficial roots. This means that without shelter they freeze to death. Sellers’ assurances that strawberries are “frost-resistant,” “winter-hardy,” “tolerates frosts down to −35 ℃,” etc. are deception. Gardeners must remember that no one has yet managed to change the root system of strawberries.

Convenient Android applications have been developed to help gardeners and gardeners. First of all, these are sowing (lunar, flower, etc.) calendars, thematic magazines, and collections of useful tips. With their help, you can choose a day favorable for planting each type of plant, determine the timing of their ripening and harvest on time.

You need to collect medicinal flowers and inflorescences at the very beginning of the flowering period, when the content of nutrients in them is highest. Flowers are supposed to be picked by hand, tearing off the rough stalks. Dry the collected flowers and herbs, scattered in a thin layer, in a cool room at natural temperature without access to direct sunlight.

In little Denmark, any piece of land is a very expensive pleasure. Therefore, local gardeners have adapted to growing fresh vegetables in buckets, large bags, and foam boxes filled with a special earthen mixture. Such agrotechnical methods make it possible to obtain a harvest even at home.

It is believed that some vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, stem celery, all varieties of cabbage, peppers, apples) have “negative calorie content,” that is, more calories are consumed during digestion than they contain. In fact, only 10-20% of the calories received from food are consumed in the digestive process.

Both humus and compost are rightfully the basis of organic farming. Their presence in the soil significantly increases the yield and improves the taste of vegetables and fruits. They are very similar in properties and appearance, but they should not be confused. Humus is rotted manure or bird droppings. Compost is rotted organic remains of various origins (spoiled food from the kitchen, tops, weeds, thin twigs). Humus is considered a higher quality fertilizer; compost is more accessible.

Oklahoma farmer Carl Burns developed an unusual variety of multi-colored corn called Rainbow Corn. The grains on each cob are of different colors and shades: brown, pink, purple, blue, green, etc. This result was achieved through many years of selecting the most colored ordinary varieties and crossing them.

Sowing and growing seedlings

Lyuban tomatoes are grown in seedlings. Work begins in March. Containers made of plastic or other material are prepared for seedlings. Tomatoes grow well in fertile, loose soil. The substrate can be purchased at a garden store or soil from the site can be used.

If the soil is taken from the site, then it is first disinfected: heated for 30 minutes in the oven. Then river sand and humus are added.

It is convenient to grow tomatoes in peat tablets. 2-3 seeds are placed in each. With this method of planting, picking is not necessary.

Before planting, the seeds are soaked in Epin solution, which improves their germination. The containers are then filled

soil and make grooves 1 cm deep. Seeds are placed in increments of 1.5 cm and covered with soil. Leave 3-5 cm between the rows. The soil is moistened with a spray bottle.

Tomato seeds germinate within 7-10 days. The first time of planting is covered with film or polycarbonate. Every 3 days the soil is sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle. When the first shoots appear, the covering material is removed.

For normal development of tomato seedlings, a number of conditions are provided:

  • temperature about +20 °C;
  • regular watering with warm water;
  • absence of drafts;
  • sunlight.

When two true leaves appear on Lyuban tomatoes, they are plucked. Use containers with a volume of up to 1 liter. The plants are carefully removed along with the earthen ball and replanted. Then water the soil and put it in a dark place for a day.

2 weeks before planting tomatoes in open ground, they begin to harden the seedlings. Plants are transferred to the veranda, balcony or loggia. After hardening, tomatoes quickly adapt to new growing conditions.

Planting in the ground and caring for tomatoes

Tomatoes are transferred to a permanent place at the age of 1-1.5 months. The beds for planting are prepared in the fall. The soil is dug up and fertilized with compost or humus. It is best to choose an area where carrots, cabbage, garlic, onions, and herbs grew a year earlier. Planting after potatoes, peppers and any varieties of tomatoes is not recommended.

Experienced vegetable growers recommend planting tomatoes on a cloudy day or in the evening. Holes up to 30 cm deep are dug in the garden bed. A handful of wood ash or 30 g of nitrophoska is placed in each.

The tomatoes are removed from the containers along with a lump of earth and transferred to the garden bed. The roots are covered with soil, which is watered abundantly.

During the season, tomatoes require care:

  • watering every 5-7 days;
  • fertilizing with organic matter and mineral fertilizers;
  • loosening the soil;
  • mulching with straw or peat.

Tomatoes are watered as the soil dries. Do not allow the formation of a crust on the surface of the earth. Up to 5 liters of warm, settled water are consumed per bush.

It is convenient to combine watering with fertilizing. Before the ovaries appear, nitrogen fertilizers are used: urea, ammonium nitrate, herbal infusions. During the period of fruit setting and filling, potassium salt and superphosphate are added. 30 g of each fertilizer is required per bush.

Video: Lyubasha tomatoes

If you grew Lyubasha F1 tomatoes, please write whether you liked them or not. What was the yield and taste of the fruits like under your climatic conditions? How would you rate the disease resistance of this tomato? Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of this tomato in your opinion. If possible, attach to the comment a photo of the entire bush as a whole or individual fruits that you grew. Thank you!

Your reviews of the Lyubasha tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this hybrid more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

You can see other interesting varieties and hybrids of tomatoes with photos, descriptions and reviews in our Tomato Catalog. Enjoy watching.

Diseases and pests

Lyuban tomatoes are resistant to diseases and pest attacks. Due to early fruiting, the bushes do not suffer from late blight and other fungal infections.

To protect the plantings, they are periodically sprayed with a solution of Fitosporin. If signs of disease appear, the bushes are treated with Bordeaux mixture, Quadris or Topaz.

Tomatoes are susceptible to attack by cutworms, aphids, spider mites and other pests. The insecticides Iskra, Fitoverm, and Karbofos are effective against them. If insects are detected, the preparations are diluted with water and the plantings are treated.

Chemicals are abandoned if there are less than 3 weeks left before harvest. Natural remedies are chosen against diseases and pests: wood ash, tobacco dust, onion peel infusion.

Similar varieties

Standard varieties of tomatoes are popular among gardeners. Their height is limited, so the crop ripens earlier. Such plants do not need to be formed and shoots tied up. It is enough to install a small support and secure the central stem to it.

According to the description of the varieties, the following tomatoes are similar to Lyuban:

  • Betta. Ultra early ripening variety. The bush is standard, weakly branches. The fruits are round and red. Weight from 50 to 70 g.
  • Valentine's card. The variety is grown indoors. The fruits are round, ribbed, red. Weight from 20 g. Taste is excellent.
  • Alpha. The plant bears spherical red fruits. Their weight ranges from 60 to 80 g. The harvest is used for canning and fresh consumption.
  • Watercolor. A variety with round fruits of rich red color. Weight is about 50 g. The bushes tolerate open ground conditions well.
  • Severin. Early fruiting tomatoes. The main purpose is salad. The fruits are small, smooth, slightly elongated. Average weight 40 g. Productivity is stable, taste is good.

Description and characteristics of tomato Lyubasha F1, reviews, photos

Ultra-early (period from germination to ripening 70-75 days), productive , unpretentious tomato hybrid for open ground.

The bush is medium-sized, up to 1 meter high , requiring tying to a support and pinching. The manufacturer recommends forming the plant into 2-3 stems. In the first case, leave 1 stepson under the first flower brush. In the second case, there are 2 stepsons, under and above this flower brush. All other side shoots are mercilessly removed. The first inflorescence of this tomato is laid above the 5-6 leaf. The inflorescence is simple, with 7-8 fruits.

Basic qualities of fruits

Lyubasha tomatoes are round and flat-round, smooth, dense, red in color at maturity, weighing 110-130 grams , fleshy, excellent (for a hybrid) taste. Not prone to cracking, high transportability. These tomatoes are universally used - they are suitable for both fresh consumption and canning and processing.

The hybrid is distinguished by friendly fruiting in any growing conditions. Resistant to blossom end rot, tolerant to TMV, Alternaria and late blight.

yield in open ground: 9.0-11.5 kg per square meter. m, in film greenhouses: 13.5-15 kg per sq. meters, of course, subject to agricultural technology.

Seed producer : agricultural company Partner.

is included in the State Register in 2022 for cultivation in open ground and in film greenhouses in private household plots.

A site about tomato varieties with truthful reviews from gardeners - Tomatland.

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