Aromatic variety of basil varieties: the best varieties with descriptions and photos

How many varieties are there and how are they divided?

Today, more than 150 types of basil are known . They can differ in stem height (tall, medium, short) and aroma. As for what color they come in, there are two main types of plant color - purple basil and green basil, but rarely does any variety have one rich color. More often there are many shades, including silver and even black.

Reference! The culture belongs to the mint family, so certain varieties are used not only for cooking, but also in medicine.

What harm can purple basil cause and when should you not use it?

Let's consider several options when a real variety can cause harm and when it cannot be used.

Before you start actively using basil, you need to understand when not to do it.

Not all medicines, especially those like basil, help and do not cause harm.

Scientists and doctors do not recommend using various basil-based products during pregnancy. This can harm the fetus and the expectant mother.

If a person has suffered from heart disease such as a stroke or heart attack, he should also avoid treatment with basil.

For hypertension and diabetes mellitus, using basil for treatment is also not recommended.

If you still start taking basil-based medications or some solutions without taking into account contraindications, then it is better not to do this for more than a month.

Essential oils in large quantities can harm the body, and basil contains a lot of them.

Green color

Broadleaf (Ocimum basilicum)

An annual plant with a persistent, strong black pepper aroma . It got its name from its wide and large leaves of bright green color. It surpasses all existing types in the amount of vitamins and essential oils. Gardeners recommend planting this variety in seedlings, since the bushes give a good harvest (up to 300 g per specimen).

Eugenolic (Ocimum gratissimum L.)

It is actively grown in the regions of Kuban and Georgia. It has a straight, woody, dark brown stem that stretches up to 90 cm in height. The leaves are oppositely located, large, dark green in color, serrated along the edges. The lower part of the leaf blade is heavily pubescent. Blooms from August to September, medium-sized buds, white. The described variety requires a lot of light, fertilizer and moisture.


The plant reaches a height of up to 25-30 cm. The leaves are dark green, up to 8 centimeters in length, with a smooth surface. The best planting method is seedlings. Sowing should be carried out 70-80 days before planting the crop in the ground. It grows well in open ground in the southern regions, but can be grown in protected ground. It has a subtle menthol aroma and exquisite taste.

Genoese (Italian)

This variety is best suited for making the classic Italian seasoning “pesto”. It is an annual plant with small milky flowers and large green leaves, oval and pointed at the ends. The leaf blade is glossy and convex. Easily and quickly grown in a pot indoors .

Globular Perfume (Ocimum basilicum Parfum)

Instances of this variety are highly branched, which is why they do not reach a great height (maximum 35 cm). The spherical bush is covered with many small leaves of a soft light green color. The smell is intense, perfume-spicy, slightly cloying. Used both in cooking and in ornamental gardening. It grows well both in greenhouses and in open ground, but is afraid of frost. Requires regular moisturizing and sufficient lighting.

Cinnamon flavor

An early-ripening, relatively new variety that produces a large yield (300-400 g per specimen). Has a pronounced cinnamon aroma. The bush is branched, spreading, covered with small leaves. The trunk grows up to 40 cm in height. A month passes before the beginning of economic suitability. The green mass must be removed before flowering begins.


Often grown indoors . Representatives of this culture grow up to 20-25 cm in height, compact, shoots pressed to the stem. They have small, elliptical leaves with jagged edges. Length – 2-3 cm.

The aroma is sweet and soft, with notes of pepper and cloves.

The variety is mid-season, produces a bountiful harvest 2 months after germination, is unpretentious, and cold-resistant.

The nutritional value

Before planting basil or adding it to dishes, you should familiarize yourself with the composition of this plant.

The plant contains a lot of water, carbohydrates, ash, fiber and even fat in the amount of 0.6 grams per 100 grams of greens. Special mention should be made of vitamins, which are also present in large quantities. The most vitamins in greens are those included in group B. These include folic acid, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin and choline with pyridoxine. The plant also contains vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene and ascorbic acid. Greens contain vitamins PP, K and E in smaller quantities.

Ararat vegetable basil contains a large number of useful microelements. The plant is rich in magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. It also contains about 350 grams of selenium, zinc, manganese and iron. Many people are surprised by the calorie content of greens, since it is even higher than that of cucumbers and is about 25 kcal.

Basil is distinguished by its aroma, which appears due to the essential oils in the composition. Various varieties of greens contain from one to one and a half percent of essential oils such as saponin, ocimene, camphor and methidhavinol.

Purple, red or blue hue


One of the most favorite varieties among chefs. The aroma combines the smells of tea and allspice. A spreading bush variety, the leaves are bright purple with red hues, the flowers are pale pink. The leaf blades are large, oval, with jagged edges, growing opposite each other. It is grown both in open ground (southern Russia) and in greenhouses. In one season, a gardener can cut shoots 2-3 times. To obtain high-quality greens, sowing is carried out repeatedly, with an interval of 3 weeks, until mid-July. In addition to culinary purposes, it is used to decorate flower beds.


An annual crop with a spicy taste and strong aroma. The plant is highly branched, spreading, medium in size (up to 40 centimeters). The flowers are large, light pink. The stems are purple, as are the buds. The leaves are small, toothed, with a silvery tint. It grows quickly both in a pot on the windowsill and in the garden. It is best to plant in March-April.


Mid-season variety, reaching a height of 40-60 cm . The leaves of the Ararat variety are large, dark purple, shiny, and jagged. The flowers are pink with a purple center.

Dark opal

This variety has a bright, pleasant taste and memorable appearance. Reaches a height of 40-60 cm. The leaves are a rich purple hue, oval in shape, with jagged edges, grow crowded and abundantly. The best way to grow is from seedlings, in late March or early April, when the threat of frost has passed. The smell is intense, tart.

Common (Ocimum basilicum)

An fragrant, annual plant with a branched stem. The leaves are ovate, sparsely toothed, petiolate, arranged oppositely. The buds can be white, pink or red, collected in clusters at the ends of branches and stems. The roots are very thin, branched, located superficially. When ripe, the fruit contains 4 elongated, smooth, dark brown nuts. The smell is balsamic, reminiscent of allspice or cloves, with spicy, salty-bitter notes. Collection time is from June to September.

Sacred (Ocimum sanctum, Ocimum tenuiflorum)

What kind of plant is this and where is Holy Basil found? This perennial grows in India, Indonesia, Polynesia and Arabia. The leaf blades are covered with numerous short hairs, ovate, short-petiolate, serrated along the edges. They reach a length of 4-5 cm. The calyxes and stem are covered with fluff, the flowers are milky white with a purple tint. It does not have a distinct aroma; it tastes like cloves. With regular watering and plenty of light it grows quickly .

By growing region

Basil can be classified as a heat-loving plant, so normal outdoor cultivation as an annual plant is possible only in the southern part of Russia. For the temperate climate zone, the Moscow region, Siberia or the Urals, it is recommended to choose resistant cultivars and pre-prepare seedling material. In the northern part of the country and mountainous areas, it is recommended to take the following species:

  • Anise Flavor;
  • Baku basil;
  • Table;
  • Tempter;
  • variety Magician.

Siberian basil varieties are also suitable for central Russia, but the list can be supplemented with less resistant ones - “Gvozdichny Basil”, “Sultan’s Dreams”, “Stella”, “Sharm”, “Smuglyanka”. Such basil cultivars can be grown in unprotected soil, through the preparation of seedlings and growing in a greenhouse, or planted in flower containers when cultivated inside an apartment on a window.

Black color

Ruby of Cairo

The described variety is one of the most popular in cooking and is called the “king” of spices. Unlike others, it does not have green or spotted spots. Reaches a height of 25-30 cm. The inflorescences are red with black splashes. The leaves are glossy, shiny, deep purple, sometimes black, with serrated edges. Length – 4-5 cm, width – 1.5-2 cm. The only planting option is seedlings.


The aroma of this variety is reminiscent of a mixture of tart cloves with a delicate hint of mint. The leaves have a rich purple, sometimes black color with a barely noticeable light border along the jagged edges. The plates are wide and elongated, dense, strongly curved. The veins are clearly drawn. The flowers are small, pale pink. The variety is compact, fast-growing, but demanding care.

Baku basil leaves have a concentrated aroma, so it should be used very carefully, otherwise the food will acquire a very specific taste.

Perennial varieties

In total there are more than 150 varieties of basil. Among such diversity there are also perennials. They are best suited for growing on windowsills. Such crops are distinguished by high decorative characteristics.

The most famous perennial species are Mint-leaf, Evengol, Rama Tulsi or Thin-flowered.

On a note!

For active growth of the crop, select a lighted windowsill, and also provide the plant with a stable temperature of 20-22 ° C. Loosening is carried out every two weeks. Water every 2 days.

With the strongest aroma


Important! Anise basil has a very fragrant and strong anise aroma.

It differs from other species in its bright purple buds and stems. The leaves are large, toothed, growing oppositely, on long and thick petioles. The buds are also large, pink, sometimes with red markings. With good care, it quickly grows green mass .


A spicy-tasting annual plant with a strong clove aroma. Compact (40-60 cm in height), densely leafy bush. The flowers are white, small, collected in clusters. The leaves are toothed, long, ovate, bright green. An early ripening variety - no more than 30-40 days pass from the emergence of seedlings to the first cutting of greenery. Ideal for germination on window sills and balconies.

We can especially highlight the two most prominent representatives of clove basil: Robin Hood and Red Ruby.

Robin Hood grows up to 50 cm in height , has large, serrated purple leaves and a warm clove scent. Belongs to the group of mid-season varieties; one and a half months pass from the emergence of seedlings to the beginning of economic suitability.

Red Ruby is also a mid-early variety and grows over 30 cm in height, but has a richer color and intense aroma. The stem of the plant is dark purple, the leaves are violet-red, convex, elongated-ovate. Gives a bountiful harvest. Suitable for growing both in open ground and in pots.

In the photo there is Robin Hood basil:


Pepper varieties have a pronounced peppery aroma of varying intensity. These are “Aramis”, “East Magic”, “Rosie”. Their leaves are particularly soft and have a rich color palette - from light green to black-violet. The seedlings are ready for the first cutting 50-60 days after emergence. Taste qualities also vary from salty and tart to spicy-hot.

In the photo there is basil Magic of the East:

Pepper Cinnamon (Basilisk)

The maximum height to which Basilisk basil can grow is 20 cm , but this does not reduce its popularity as an ornamental variety grown everywhere. It is distinguished by a lush “cap” of leaves, small and smooth, among which numerous white flowers bloom. Like other pepper varieties, it is ready for cutting 2 months after the first shoots appear.

Lemon (Ocimum citriodorum)

This is an early ripening variety with a delicate and refreshing aroma. However, it is also a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. The bushes of the lemon plant are compact, the straight stems are strewn with small ovoid leaves, light green, with jagged edges and short petioles. The flowers are medium-sized, light purple, spike-shaped.

This variety is unpretentious and can be grown both at home and in open ground, however, when planting on your own plot, you should remember the following:

  • Basil is susceptible to frost, so seedlings can be planted no earlier than June.
  • The area should be sunny and warm.
  • Every 2-3 years you should change the planting location, otherwise the plants may get sick.
  • The buds must be picked before flowering, otherwise the leaves will become inedible.
  • Collection takes place from late July to early September.

Two representatives of this variety have gained popularity among gardeners - lemon miracle and Greek. The first does not have any special distinctive features except for the aroma - a pronounced smell of lemon combined with mint. But the Greek one grows into a miniature bush (no more than 15 cm in height) with tiny leaves and a piquant, bitter taste. The spherical shape of the plant is decorated with white and very fragrant buds .


The fastest growing specimen: it can be cut already 30-40 days after germination. The leaves are wide and fleshy, the bush is spreading, and emits a fruity caramel aroma.


One of the most unpretentious varieties. The leaves of a young plant are green and even; when ripe, they bend and turn lilac. Due to its piquant vanilla flavor, it is used as an additive in confectionery products.

Cinnamon (Mexican)

Individual specimens of this variety can grow up to half a meter in height. The buds are colored in different shades of purple , have the shape of panicles, narrow oblong leaves with finely toothed edges have a cinnamon flavor. A very warm and light-loving variety, grown by seedlings.


The emerald leaves of this variety, elongated and very soft to the touch, emit a pleasant menthol aroma. The socket is down. The petioles are short, the flowers are white. From the moment the first shoots appear until the first cut, 1.5-2 months should pass.

With the smell of lilac (Pearl of the Moscow Region)

The newest selection in Russia is an early ripening variety up to 1.2 m high and with the scent of blooming lilac. The stem is dark green, straight, slightly branched at the base, leaves with a scarlet tint, numerous inflorescences of purple and lilac shades. The root is fibrous, taproot, reaches a length of up to 15 cm. The seeds are small, smooth and oblong. It is resistant to diseases and pests.


It is generally accepted that the plant is used only in cooking, but now it is quite popular among scientists. The uses of purple basil are varied; we will take a closer look at the following options, where and how it can be used

In cooking

Basil is added when preparing poultry or meat dishes. Often used as an additive in sauces. It has become quite popular to add leaves to smoothies, lemonades and tea. Vegetable salad with basil leaves has an aroma and unusual taste.

Vegetable salad with arugula and basil

Basil is also eaten dry and frozen.

When frying, boiling or stewing, it is better to add the seasoning a few minutes before cooking, so that the plant is less subject to heat treatment. This way, more vitamins will be retained in the prepared dish.

The aroma will definitely add piquancy; dishes with basil are very tasty. Moreover, the plant is not only tasty, but also healthy.

In medicine

Previously, the “royal herb” was treated by making various tinctures from it. Now different varieties are used for preparing decoctions and inhalations. You can gargle with the tincture for flu and sore throat. The plant will help cleanse the body of toxins. It has an antimicrobial effect and heals wounds. Often used for burns. Increases immunity. Used as a remedy for spasms, fights worms.

Basil decoction

For women, consuming basil during menstruation helps relieve pain and improve mood; the plant is rich in iron, the deficiency of which is especially noticeable during this period. A decoction of the leaves can help relieve pain from cystitis.

It helps men increase libido and increase potency. The components of the plant help improve attention, restore nerves and strength.

Tincture of seeds is used for weight loss.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, stems and leaves are used as the main components in recipes for cosmetic care products.

Masks and rinses are prepared for hair: basil in such cosmetics adds shine and improves hair growth, stopping hair loss.

For the face, they are used to prepare masks and tonics; the vitamins contained in the plant help improve complexion, refresh the skin and soothe it. The juice in its pure form can be used for problem skin.

Making cosmetics using basil

What to choose for marinades?

Tempter (Ocimum basilicum "Tempter")

A semi-spreading plant up to 80 cm in height, with vesicular, light green and large leaves. The smell is pungent, marinade. Grown by seedlings in a greenhouse . To obtain lush bushes you need timely pinching.

Osmin (Ocimum basilicum "Osmin")

The most heat-loving and tender variety, which is cultivated as an annual. It has serrated, glossy leaves, a thick trunk, and a vibrant purple color. The aroma is spicy-pepper, strong. It is best to grow in pots on windowsills.

What are the benefits of basil?

Note! The essential oil is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. By rinsing the mouth with this solution, stomatitis can be cured.

Also, thanks to the works of Avicenna, it was discovered that the plant has tonic, antispasmodic and relaxing properties.

Basil on the windowsill

Basil is used in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • headache;
  • angina;
  • rheumatism;
  • bladder disease;
  • stomach problems.

Decoctions effectively help against vomiting, otitis, nausea and flatulence. Taking a bath with basil infusion will help you relax and strengthen your body.

In addition to its benefits, basil can also be harmful to human health. Due to the fact that it contains mercury, it should not be abused. It also has some contraindications. It is recommended that pregnant and breastfeeding women and people with cardiovascular diseases refrain from consuming this spice.

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Which ones are suitable for the middle zone?

Good choices would be:

  • "Clove".
  • "Clove scent"
  • "Basil eugenolica."
  • "Greek".
  • "Dark-skinned woman."
  • "Stella".
  • "Dreams of the Sultan."
  • "Dreamer".
  • "Sorcerer".
  • "Charm".

This pretty plant with a unique taste and rich aroma is used not only in Greek, Russian, Italian and other cuisines of the world. The valuable qualities of basil are also used in medicine ; they are grown to please the eyes and heart in home pots and garden beds, and are used as a disinfectant.

By growing method

Types and varieties of spices such as basil can also be divided according to the method of cultivation. For some of them, it is necessary to provide greenhouse conditions or grow indoors. In unprotected soil, even in cold climate zones, types of basil grow and develop normally - “Velvet”, “Lemon Aroma”, “Basilisk”, “Vanilla”. Greenhouse conditions are required for the following cultivars:

  • camphor basil;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Citric.

Greenhouse soil must be pre-prepared - loosened and lightweight soil with a good content of nutritional components. Basil of the varieties “Gvozdichny”, “Dwarf”, “Lemon” is grown indoors. When cultivating in an apartment—loggia, balcony, window—be sure to use drainage and regularly loosen the soil mixture.

On a note!

The herb can be grown at home not only as a spice - individual varietal species are often planted in pots as ornamental plants. Most often these are “Velvet”, “Dark Opal”, “Siam Queen”, “Troll”.

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