Review of the best varieties of zucchini for open and closed ground

Vegetable growing » Zucchini



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Kira Stoletova

A popular and unpretentious vegetable in the garden is white zucchini. It is often canned. Thanks to selection, many varieties and hybrids have appeared on the market with different characteristics in size, taste, and ripening time. They are suitable for growing in temperate and northern climates.

Varieties of white zucchini and rules for growing them

Early ripening varieties of zucchini

For gourmets, early zucchini is of particular value. After winter, the body requires replenishment of vitamins. When other vegetables in the garden have not yet ripened, early ripening zucchini can already be fried, casseroles and other dishes prepared.


If you ask several gardeners to make a rating of varieties, then this early ripening zucchini will most likely be in the first positions. The culture is cold-resistant, bears fruit on all types of soil. The fruits grow up to 40 cm long. The bushes are compact and produce up to 10 kg of harvest per season. Young fruits with green skin. When it turns yellow or orange, it indicates full maturity.

Advice! For eating, it is better to choose zucchini with green skin. After it turns yellow, the flesh becomes coarser.


The unusually shaped fruits ripen in 40 days. They resemble orange balls, similar to an orange. A neat, non-spreading bush has a decorative appearance. The diameter of the fruit rarely exceeds 15 cm. The vegetable is in demand by people who follow a raw food diet.


Bush culture takes up little space in the garden bed. The crop begins to ripen after 38 days. The cylindrical-shaped fruits have a smooth surface and weigh up to 1 kg. They reach 20 cm in length. The crop grows well in warm regions on illuminated plantations. The plant is afraid of frost.


Gardeners fell in love with the variety for its fertility. The fruits ripen in 41 days, have greenish skin and weigh 0.5 kg. During this period, they need to be collected for consumption. The cream-colored flesh is juicy and has a sweetish taste. When the fruit ages, it takes on the shape of a pear. Ribs appear along the skin. The tender pulp becomes coarse, suitable only for animal feed.

Advice! The variety is ideal for pickling and preparing a delicacy - squash caviar.


Fruit ripening begins after 45 days. Their shape resembles a cylinder up to 25 cm long. Weight varies from 0.5 to 1 kg. The skin is green, dark, but bright with gloss. The surface is densely covered with light inclusions. The plant is cold-resistant. Productivity reaches 10 kg/1 m2.


A small, neat plant needs little space in the garden bed. The Altai variety brings harvest in 40 days. The fruits have the shape of an elongated cylinder. The skin is smooth, greenish. Mottling is expressed in small stripes. The average yield is 3 kg/1 m2. The plant is resistant to cold, bad weather, and diseases.


Housewives loved the hybrid for its versatility. The fruits are suitable for all types of winter preparations and cooking. The plant has strong immunity to powdery mildew. The fruits grow weighing up to 900 g, 20 cm long. Ripening begins 45 days after germination. The hybrid can be grown open or closed.

Aliya F1

The culture has won the love of summer residents due to its resistance to diseases and fruit rot. The powerful plant grows tough foliage that is unable to be damaged by small hail. The hybrid bears fruit abundantly and produces its first harvest in 49 days. The fruits grow 30 cm long and weigh up to 1 kg. The skin is smooth without ribbing and greenish in color. Can be grown in a garden bed where tomatoes, potatoes or onions used to grow.


The culture is considered thermophilic. Grows well in the sun, loves moist soil. Harvest ripening begins after 45 days. The fruits weigh about 700 g. The skin is greenish, sometimes almost white. Lightened inclusions are slightly visible. From 1 m2 of beds up to 11 kg of crop is harvested. The variety is suitable for growing in the garden and greenhouse.


The round shape of the fruit makes the variety unusual. The spherical vegetable has a green skin with light spots. Externally, the fruit looks like a young pumpkin. The pulp is tender, juicy, suitable for many culinary dishes. The plant is compact and takes up little space. Harvest ripening begins after 55 days.


The vegetable ripens 45 days after germination. The plant produces cylindrical fruits that grow weighing up to 1 kg. Thin green peel. It is so dark that it appears black. The pulp is light, sweetish in taste, and dense in consistency. The yield per 1 m2 reaches 20 kg. Young, established zucchini can be used in a salad instead of cucumbers.

The best varieties for the Urals

The climate of different regions differs in temperature, amount of precipitation and other factors. Taking into account these nuances, it is necessary to select varieties of zucchini that will give an optimal harvest under these conditions.


The domestic variety adapts well to the local climate. The crop bears harvest in 45 days. The cylindrical fruits grow weighing up to 1 kg. The skin is light, more milky. The pulp has a dense consistency and a rich, sweetish taste. Caviar is often prepared from the vegetable and used for preservation.


The orange fruits make the vegetable decorative. They have an unusual pear-shaped shape. A faint ribbing is visible on the surface of the skin. The flesh is similarly orange in color. It tastes sweet and tender. The harvest ripens in 90 days. Zucchini grows weighing up to 2 kg. The plant is thermophilic and produces optimal yields at temperatures from +25°C.


The variety got its name from the color of the zucchini. Their skin consists of dark and light green stripes. The alternation resembles a zebra pattern. Harvest ripening is early. The plant is cold-resistant and has strong immunity to diseases. Young fruits up to 7 cm long, suitable for preservation, are popular.

Recommendations for cultivation

The Zolotinka zucchini variety will produce a good harvest if certain conditions are met:

  1. The landing site should be sunny.
  2. The soil is either fertile or neutral. If the soil on the site is acidic, then it must be artificially limed. It is also recommended to apply organic and mineral fertilizers.
  3. The best predecessors are onions, early vegetables, potatoes and other root vegetables.

Sowing seeds in the ground can be done immediately after spring frosts at the end of May. It is worth preparing the holes in advance. The optimal distance between holes is about 60 cm. Several seeds can be planted in each hole. After the first true leaves appear, weak shoots can be removed

It is important not to damage good seedlings.

Zolotinka can also be grown for seedlings. This is done in early May, followed by planting in the ground in early June.

Caring for planted plants includes:

  1. Using covering material immediately after planting.
  2. Regular watering, loosening and hilling.
  3. Application of mineral and organic fertilizers.

Advice! It is necessary to carefully remove the remnants of the petals that are located on the corolla of the young ovaries. If they are left, then under the influence of incoming moisture they can become a source of rot on the fruit. This advice applies more to open ground plants.

If you follow agrotechnical recommendations, you can get up to 8 kg of zucchini from one square meter.

Marina, 42 years old, Pereslavl-Zalessky

The variety is distinguished by its fertility. I decided to plant it as an experiment and didn’t know where to put the harvest next. The bushes are neat, small, like nests. There is no such spreading as with some varieties. I have from 13 to 15 fruits on the bushes. Their taste is very delicate and pleasant. I picked all sorts of them: small and not very big. It seemed to me that small ones are more suitable for canning. But the larger ones are ideal for all kinds of stews and the like. At the same time, the fruits do not spoil. They can lie there without rotting. And the color! It is simply magical, so bright yellow.

Olga, 38 years old, Kharkov

Ksenia, 51 years old, Astrakhan

I have been growing this variety for about 5 years. The variety is ordinary, you shouldn’t expect anything extraordinary. In general, this variety should be compact in size. But for some reason it grows like a weed for me. I’ve already bought different seeds – the result is the same. My Zolotinka is not sick and pleases with abundant flowering. The harvest is large. Each bush produces up to 15 zucchini. In this case, the fruits can be collected before the first frost. The zucchini tastes, in my opinion, like pumpkin. The pulp is a little loose, but not much. The only downside, in my opinion, is that they quickly become overripe. If you miss the moment, their skin becomes very rough and the flesh becomes looser. I leave these zucchini for seeds. I can recommend the variety.

The most productive varieties of zucchini

When a vegetable is grown for commercial purposes, they rely on the high yield of the variety. It is equally important that the zucchini have a marketable appearance. It was preserved longer during transportation and storage.


The camouflage color gives the zucchini its marketable appearance. The green skin of the fruit has alternating light and dark areas of different shapes. The plant is resistant to bad weather conditions and is immune to common diseases. The total duration of fruiting reaches 2 months. During the season, 9 kg of crop is harvested from 1 m2. Elongated fruits grow weighing 1 kg, and overripe fruits weigh 1.5 kg.

Belogor F1

The plant is ideal for small areas, as it has a compact shape. The harvest ripens in 50 days. Zucchini grows weighing up to 1 kg with white skin. For consumption, it is optimal to pick fruits weighing 500 g. The yield per 1 m2 reaches 14 kg. A disadvantage is considered to be weak immunity to powdery mildew and other fungal diseases.

Mini zucchini

The most popular variety brings harvest in 90 days. Zucchini grows small, weighing up to 400 g. The vegetable is valued for its excellent taste and delicate pulp. The green-skinned fruits are cylindrical in shape. Fruiting lasts 3 months. During this period, 5 kg of crop is harvested from 1 m2.


The first fruits are ready for harvesting after 53 days. A bush hybrid takes up little space in the garden bed. The plant bears green oval-cylindrical fruits. The skin is smooth without ribs. The cream-colored flesh is highly fibrous. The weight of the fruit exceeds 0.7 kg. When overripe, the weight reaches 1.5 kg. The yield indicator is 14 kg/1 m2.


Ripe zucchini is harvested 90 days after germination. The plant is characterized by resistance to heat and rot during prolonged rains. Pear-shaped zucchini has orange skin and flesh when ripe. The weight of one specimen reaches 3-5 kg. The yield of one bush is 8 kg.


Among the variety of late varieties, gardeners highlight several of the best.

Winter Russian size (late)

This is one of the largest climbing varieties.

The fruits are long, reaching 1 m, circumference - 20 cm, sometimes 30 cm. The surface is pink-orange. They have excellent taste.

Thanks to the dense and thick surface, the crop tolerates transportation well. Ripens 3-3.5 months after planting the seeds in the ground.

Lagenaria Calibasa (serpentine)

The bush is vigorous, with green, large leaves and long vines. The fruits are pear-shaped, light green in color, with white patches, weighing 500-900 g.

The yield is high - up to 43 kg per plant.

Overripe vegetables are used to make various decorative crafts - jugs, vases, ladles, etc.

Lagenaria vulgaris

A climbing, liana-like plant with long, elongated fruits reaching 1.5-1.7 m. Large zucchini - up to 11 kg.

Harvesting is carried out three months after planting the seeds. One bush of the lagenaria variety can produce about 40 kg of fruit.

The best self-pollinating zucchini

Weather conditions are not always favorable for pollinating insects. Cold, rain, and wind prevent bees from fulfilling their duties. In order not to be left without a harvest, you need to plant varieties of zucchini with self-pollination.

Cavili F1

The early ripening hybrid produces a harvest in 45 days. The Dutch selection culture is suitable for open and closed growing methods. 4 compact bushes fit per 1 m2. Up to 9 kg of crop is harvested from them. Fruiting lasts until autumn. The fruits grow 20 cm long, weighing about 320 g. The shape of the zucchini is cylindrical, the skin is greenish.

Medusa F1

In terms of ripening time, the hybrid is considered super early. The first harvest is harvested after 35 days. The compact plant bears fruit equally well in the greenhouse and in the garden. The shape of the fruit resembles a club. The greenish skin is thin and smooth. The pulp similarly has a greenish tint and tastes sweet and tender. Zucchini grows up to 30 cm long and weighs 0.8 kg. Productivity is 9 kg/1 m2.

Parthenon F1

A high-yielding hybrid of Dutch selection brings up to 15 kg of fruit from 1 m2 of bed. The plant is compact with limited growth. Zucchini ripening begins after 45 days. Fruiting lasts until September. The vegetable is characterized by a cylindrical shape, smooth skin of dark green color. The length of a mature specimen reaches 25 cm, and its weight is about 300 g.

Suha F1

The crop is considered early ripening, capable of producing the first harvest in 30 days. The hybrid consistently bears fruit in the greenhouse and in the garden. Cylindrical fruits are recognizable by their greenish color, from which light spots are clearly visible. The length of the zucchini is 18 cm, and the weight is about 0.7 kg. The yield per 1 m2 reaches 13 kg.

Important! The zucchini skin contains a high concentration of dry matter, which preserves the juiciness of the pulp in the autumn fruit.

Sangrum F1

You can enjoy the first zucchini after 38 days. The hybrid is suitable for open and closed cultivation methods. The plant is tall, but the bush itself is compact and not spreading. Zucchini has a cylindrical shape with a salad-colored skin and greenish flesh. The average weight of the fruit is 350 g. The harvest can be stored for a long time.


It is advisable to collect zucchini regularly, at least once every 3-4 days, without allowing the fruits to overgrow. This stimulates the formation of new ovaries and extends the productive period.

If you remove zucchini from the bush in time, you can significantly increase the yield.

Fruits that have reached the optimal size (18–20 cm) are carefully cut with a sharp, clean knife. These zucchini have the most tender and juicy pulp. You cannot twist, pull, or sharply pull the lashes. Be sure to leave a stalk 5–6 cm long, especially if long-term storage is planned.

In the latter case, the zucchini must reach full maturity. This can be easily checked by tapping the fruit. The sound should be dull and the skin should be hard.

The best varieties of zucchini for open ground

Not every gardener is capable of installing a greenhouse. The reason for this is high costs, lack of space or simply no need. For a small family, it is enough to plant a few zucchini bushes in the garden. However, to get a good harvest, you need to again choose the right varieties.


The variety gained popularity recently, but is already rapidly spreading among vegetable growers. What makes it unusual is the structure of the pulp. In a mature fetus it consists of individual fibers. When separated, the threads look like spaghetti. The taste is similar to the pulp of ordinary zucchini. The appearance of the vegetable resembles a ripe melon in shape and color. The fruit is elongated to 30 cm and weighs about 1.2 kg. The ripening period is late - from 95 to 130 days.

See also: What are the benefits of zucchini for the health of men, women, and children?

Black handsome

Early ripening vegetables are ready for harvesting after 50 days. The variety belongs to zucchini squash, so the skin of the fruit is recognizable as dark green. The pulp is light in color and has a dense consistency. There is no bitterness. The fruits grow 20 cm long and weigh up to 900 g. The plant is immune to powdery mildew and requires proper care.

Lagenaria Calabash

The liana-like culture can be used for landscaping the area and arranging a hedge. The plant drives out lashes up to 15 m long. To tie them up, a vertical trellis is installed. The fruits can grow up to 1 m long and weigh up to 10 kg. When they age, they take on the shape of a pear. Ripening begins after 80 days. The plant can produce up to 40 kg of harvest. The color of the peel is greenish, sometimes white.

Important! The young fruits of legenaria are eaten. An aged vegetable is tough. You can make dishes from its peel: a ladle for a bath, a jug for milk.


The zucchini variety of Ukrainian origin is considered to be an early variety. The first harvest is harvested after 40 days. The vegetable is recognized by its elongated cylindrical shape. The skin is milky in color with mottling. The juicy, sweet pulp may be yellowish or pinkish. The plant is frost-resistant and has strong immunity.

Yellow-fruited varieties

The only difference between yellow zucchini and zucchini is that it is decorative. Bright fruits decorate the area. They taste no different from vegetables with white and green skin.


The bush type plant produces a mature harvest in 40 days. The fruits grow 15 cm long and weigh 0.5 kg. The golden skin adds decorativeness. The sweetish pulp is crispy and rich in juice. Each bush bears up to 15 fruits.


An early vegetable is ready for harvesting after 40 days. The plant forms a neat bush and bears fruit abundantly all summer. The cylindrical fruits show off their golden skin in the garden. The pulp retains its delicate structure for a long time. Zucchini is suitable for canning and preparing side dishes.

Goldline F1

Czech scientists obtained early culture. The hybrid produces a harvest in 40 days. The golden-skinned fruits have a sweet pulp that can be eaten without prior heat treatment. The fruits have a cylindrical shape, grow 30 cm long with a diameter of up to 6 cm. The yield from 1 m2 of bed reaches 6 kg.

Gold Rush F1

The plant has strong growth and a strong bush. The hybrid of Dutch origin bears fruits weighing 200 g. The length of some specimens reaches 32 cm. On a plot of 1 m2 it is possible to grow 12 kg of zucchini. A hybrid recommended for growing in open ground.

Sunlight F1

Zucchini comes from France. The hybrid produces medium-sized fruits up to 18 cm long. Weight is limited to 200 g. Smooth yellow peel. When fully ripe, a golden hue appears. Harvest ripening begins after 40 days. Up to 12 kg of zucchini can be collected per 1 m2 of beds.


The bush culture bears cylindrical fruits, slightly tapering towards the stalk. The skin has a bright yellow color. Zucchini grows weighing up to 1.4 kg. The length of each specimen reaches 20 cm. Depending on growing conditions, the yield is 5-12 kg/1 m2.

Planting seeds for seedlings, in the ground and preparing for it

Zucchini is grown from seeds or seedlings. In the first case, they are planted in the soil when it warms up to 10–12ºС at a depth of 8–10 cm. You can focus on the beginning of dandelion flowering. This usually happens in the first ten days or closer to mid-May. Zucchini seedlings are planted about a month earlier.

Pre-planting treatment of seeds increases their germination and disinfects

To improve the germination of seeds, before planting, they are soaked for 1–2 days in a solution of any biostimulant, wrapped in damp gauze. If you take a denser fabric, unrolling it, you will definitely break only the roots that have appeared. The solution is prepared by diluting Ideal, Rostock, ROST-1, Gumistar, potassium humate and other preparations of similar action in water at room temperature according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Before doing this, some gardeners advise placing the seeds in an oven heated to a temperature of 50–60ºC for 15–20 minutes, or leaving them hanging in a linen bag next to the radiator for a month.

Zucchini seeds are germinated, wrapped in damp gauze.

There is another option for preparing seeds for planting. They are placed in the refrigerator for a day, then left on a windowsill well heated by the sun for a week.

It is recommended to disinfect seeds obtained independently by soaking them for half an hour in a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate or Streptomycin. Then they are washed in warm clean water.

When planting, leave 75–90 cm between adjacent holes, 80–100 cm between rows. The norm per 1 m² is a maximum of three (preferably two) plants. Place two seeds in each hole. If sprouts appear from both, one of them, the weaker one, is removed. The seeds are buried by a maximum of 5–6 cm, if the substrate is heavy, clay or peat – by 3–4 cm.

Shoots from zucchini seeds appear quite quickly - within 5–7 days

Seeds should be planted no later than the last ten days of May. To extend the fruiting period, you can carry out several procedures with an interval of 5–7 days. To create a “greenhouse effect” they are covered with cut-off plastic bottles.

The best bush zucchini

The popularity of bush varieties is explained by the compactness of the plant. The absence of long vines ensures that the zucchini will not overwhelm neighboring garden crops. The vegetable can be grown by a summer resident in a small plot.


Zucchini ripens early, after about 45 days. The harvest can be stored for a long time. The fruits are smooth and shaped like an elongated ellipse. The length of each specimen is about 16 cm. The skin is dark green in color. The pulp is white and contains seeds. The variety is suitable for growing outdoors and in a greenhouse.

Iskander F1

The plant forms a large bush that is rarely susceptible to disease. The hybrid belongs to the Dutch selection. Harvest ripening begins after 45 days. Zucchini grows in the shape of a narrow cylinder or club. The skin is smooth, greenish in color with white speckles. There is weak ribbing. Fruits grow 20 cm long and weigh 0.7 kg. Each plant produces up to 17 kg of harvest.


The popularity of the variety is due to its undemanding nature in terms of soil composition. The first harvest is obtained after 55 days. The fruiting period lasts 1.5-2 months. The structure of the bush is neat, but there is strong branching. The fruits grow in an elongated cylindrical shape. The smooth skin is white-green with a yellowish tint. The pulp has a dense structure and is rich in juice.


Garden crops belong to the group of early hybrids. The shape of the zucchini is cylindrical. The peel is glossy dark green in color. The white flesh is dense, but not hard. Zucchini grows weighing up to 0.5 kg. Harvest ripening begins after 42 days. Productivity is 9 kg/1 m2. The plant loves frequent watering and light soil.


Early zucchini is harvested after 40 days. The fruits weigh about 1 kg, have a cylindrical shape with a thickening at the end. The skin and flesh are white. The variety is popular among housewives involved in conservation.

The best zucchini with thin soft skin

The thinner and softer the zucchini skin, the tastier it is. However, such vegetables cannot be stored for long periods of time. It is wise to choose these varieties of zucchini when they are intended to be immediately eaten after ripening.


The culture of Italian origin produces a harvest in 35-60 days. The large time difference is due to growing conditions. In the greenhouse, the crop ripens earlier, and in the garden the time before harvesting increases. The fruits weigh a maximum of 1.7 kg. The skin and the pulp are equally soft and retain their properties for a long time.

White Bush

A representative of Dutch varieties brings harvest for 6 weeks. At the time of harvesting, the zucchini has an excellent presentation and is suitable for sale on the market. The fruits grow in a perfectly regular cylindrical shape, elongated. Soft greenish skin. The flesh is white, sometimes creamy. The plant is rarely affected by pests and diseases.

Rules for choosing seeds

The modern market offers the buyer a choice of zucchini seeds of Russian and foreign selection.

Experience shows that the use of domestically produced planting material allows one to obtain good results in cultivation. This is due to two factors:

  • it is endowed with increased frost resistance, so it sprouts and bears fruit well not only in the Moscow region, but also in other regions of the country - the Middle, Central zone, the Urals and Siberia;
  • Zucchini is superior in taste and vitamin content.

Climbing liana-shaped varieties of zucchini with unusual fruits

For lovers of exotics, separate varieties have been bred. The crops combine decorative qualities and productivity. Zucchini is edible and tasty, despite its often odd shape.


Italian scientists obtained a liana-like climbing crop. The plant grows stems more than 5 m long. For weaving, a trellis must be installed. Fruit length is difficult to determine. They come in different shapes, some are slightly curved, while others are rolled into a donut. Zucchini has a creamy skin and crisp white flesh. The harvest is stored for a long time, can be transported, and does not lose its presentation.

The Amazing Giant

In terms of ripening time, the variety is considered ultra-early ripening. The plant grows long vines and climbs along the installed trellis. Zucchini grows up to 1 m long. Giants weigh 6-10 kg. The color of the skin consists of light green and dark green stripes. The liana is cold-resistant and does not get sick if it is constantly damp. The harvest has a record shelf life of 1.5 years.

The best varieties of zucchini for Siberia

The cold climatic conditions of the region do not allow the cultivation of any garden crops. However, a vegetable grower should not limit himself. Certain varieties of zucchini have been bred especially for Siberia, and some can simply adapt to the cold.


The plant is so frost-resistant that it is grown by vegetable growers in all regions. Zucchini does not grow only in the far north. Early ripening of the crop begins 45 days after germination. The vegetable has an elongated cylindrical shape, pale white skin, and dense milky pulp. The harvest is stored for a long time and can be transported. The variety is more suitable for open cultivation.

Video clip

The plant grows in all types of soil and produces an early harvest 35 days after germination. The fruits are shaped like an elongated barrel. The skin is greenish, the flesh is white. After harvesting the first zucchini, the yield gradually increases. Fruiting lasts until the first frost. The harvest is stored for long-term storage.

Lagenaria long-fruited

The vegetable is popularly known as Vietnamese zucchini. The fruits grow incredibly long, weighing up to 1.7 kg. Zucchini hangs from a vine climbing along a trellis. The first wave of harvest is harvested after 45 days. Planting method: open ground. The plant loves fertilizing, watering, and frequent loosening of the soil.

Important gentleman

The variety is considered a new product, but has managed to appear among almost all vegetable growers in Siberia. Early ripening of zucchini begins after 45-60 days. The vegetable has a green dark skin and a ribbed surface. The creamy flesh is tender. Zucchini weighs a maximum of 1.3 kg.


The plant is capable of two growth forms. A bush or 2 lashes up to 0.5 m long are formed. In terms of ripening, the variety is early. It takes 39 days from the moment of germination before harvesting. The dark green fruits with fine mottling weigh 1 kg. When grown outdoors, the yield is 9 kg/1 m2. In greenhouse conditions, the figure increases to 15 kg. The harvest can last until March.


Early ripening zucchini was bred for cultivation in Siberian conditions. Fruiting begins after 45 days. The plant likes infrequent watering, but the soil should always remain damp. The yield from a plot of 1 m2 reaches 7 kg. Fruits with thin, salad-colored skin. The pulp is white and contains little sweetness.


The plant forms a bush. After 36-40 days the first harvest appears. The fruits weigh about 1 kg. Elongated cylindrical shape. There is ribbing near the stalk. Young skin is greenish. After ripening it turns white or yellowish.

Important! With frequent watering or rainy summers, zucchini are prone to rotting.

Indian happiness

The variety has undergone complete adaptation to Siberian conditions. The plant can withstand cold weather and does not always disappear at the first frost. Fruiting begins after 45-60 days. The fruits are light green, smooth. There is ribbing near the stalk.

Reviews from gardeners

Many gardeners who grow white-fruited zucchini on their plots speak only positively about them. These crops are unpretentious in care and always produce a stable, friendly and good harvest.

These varieties are highly resistant to adverse environmental factors, so they can be grown in all regions of the country.

The best reviews about these crops are left by gardeners who cannot afford to visit their plots every day. It is important for them to choose those varieties that are characterized by low maintenance requirements, and white zucchini has this advantage.

When growing such zucchini, you should take into account several important nuances. Choose varieties that will grow well in your region, or use seeds of universal crops. If you plant a variety for a temperate climate in northern conditions, then you can forget about good yield.

The best varieties of zucchini with high shelf life

It’s not enough to grow a crop; it still needs to be preserved. Vegetables that are best stored are those that have a high shelf life due to their varietal characteristics.

F1 Festival

The culture is used for decorative purposes, but can be eaten. The fruits are shaped like a ribbed ball or a round pumpkin. The color comes in stripes with the presence of white, orange, green and other shades. The mass of one ball is 600 g. Zucchini is used to decorate a private yard and is used for stuffing and baking in the oven. Some housewives pickle the vegetable in slices.

Aral F1

For lovers of winter preparations, the hybrid will be an excellent choice. The early harvest is harvested after 30 days. The fruits are oval-cylindrical in shape with greenish skin. A network of light veins is visible on the surface. The plant forms a neat bush, rarely susceptible to diseases and pests.


Harvest ripening begins after 40 days. Zucchini is a regular cylindrical shape, but with a very dark skin. There is an almost black tint against the green background. The fruits weigh about 1 kg. Dense thick skin helps to increase shelf life. The plant is compact, bushy, and takes up little space in the garden.

Golden Key

After harvesting, the harvest can be stored until the end of February. An early variety with a long fruiting period. Zucchini grows 18 cm long with yellow skin. The bush bears up to 5-6 fruits at a time.

Breeders are constantly developing new varieties of zucchini, often hybrids. New items have better characteristics. However, you shouldn’t forget about old proven varieties either. Sometimes they are even better, because they have already adapted to local conditions.

For long term storage

Still, it’s nice to try homemade zucchini in winter.


This is a hybrid species that is distinguished by its early ripening period. Has the following advantages:

  • high yield;
  • excellent keeping quality;
  • resistance to frost and viruses.

The fruits weigh up to 800 g, and from 1 m2 you can get about 22 kg of ripe zucchini.


The variety is very beautiful and can be used for long-term storage. Its fruits are round, striped and have tender flesh. This variety holds the record for shelf life among zucchini. Vegetables do not lose their quality even 10 months after harvesting.

Golden Cup

This variety is of bush type, its fruits can be stored until February, while the taste does not go away. About 5-6 vegetables ripen on one bush. Their color is light green, the flesh is juicy and crispy.


This is a mid-early variety, which is characterized by high yield, long fruiting period and excellent keeping quality. The weight of the fruit is up to 800 g, and harvesting occurs after 60 days.


This is a high-yielding variety, which is characterized by an unusual color. The vegetables are cylindrical in shape and black-green in color. The pulp is green, juicy and tasty. The harvest is stored for up to 2 months.

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