How to dry hawthorn, store and use it correctly

Beneficial properties of dried hawthorn and contraindications

Hawthorn has a rich taste and extremely beneficial composition. Due to its natural origin, it is often used as a safer alternative to medications. Berries have a complex effect on the body. When dried at home, the amount of vitamins and minerals in the composition is practically not reduced. The positive effect on health is due to the content of the following elements:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • fructose;
  • pectins;
  • vitamins of groups K, C, A and E;
  • flavonoids;
  • minerals (zinc, iron, potassium, copper, manganese, magnesium, calcium);
  • quercitrin;
  • ursolic acid;
  • vitexin;
  • caffeic acid.

The fruits of the bush have a significant effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system. They improve blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels. That is why berries are widely used in alternative medicine. The beneficial properties of dried hawthorn are as follows:

  • restoration of blood sugar levels;
  • elimination of nervous disorders;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • blood purification;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • removing toxins and free radicals from the body;
  • restoration of liver cells;
  • eliminating insomnia.

The main function of berries is to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system. They prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels by removing harmful cholesterol from the body. Due to the large supply of vitamins and minerals, the fruits of the bush strengthen the vascular walls. All this together helps normalize blood circulation. When vital organs receive the required amount of oxygen, they begin to work better. This has a positive effect on a person’s overall well-being.

The fruits of the bush are extremely useful for the digestive tract. They help cope with constipation and flatulence. Dried fruits are often prescribed to people suffering from duodenitis and gastritis. In case of nervous disorders, they have a slight sedative effect on the body without causing drowsiness. In addition, hawthorn is able to regulate blood clotting. It is very useful for low immunity. Regular consumption of the product prevents the development of vitamin deficiency.

Attention! If you are prone to allergies, have low blood pressure and frequent dizziness, you should use hawthorn with caution.

Timing for harvesting hawthorn for the winter by region

The region where it grows is of great importance. Collection times in different areas may vary by 2-3 weeks. Even in the same locality, in some places the fruits may ripen faster.

In Central Russia

Hawthorn grows well in central Russia. It is collected from the end of August until the last days of September. On garden trees, the fruits ripen a little earlier compared to wild ones.

In outskirts of Moscow

It is better to plan hawthorn harvesting in the Moscow region for September. You should focus on external signs of ripeness.

In the Urals

Hawthorn in the Urals ripens by mid-September. It is better to collect it towards the end of the month to avoid unripe berries. It is possible to do this in October, but you definitely shouldn’t wait until frost, since when the berry freezes, it loses some of its properties.

In Siberia

In the cold climate of Siberia, hawthorn ripens a little later. The optimal time for collecting it is the end of September and the beginning of October.

In Bashkiria

The collection in Bashkiria should be planned for the end of August or the beginning of September. You should not delay this, as the fruits can quickly become overripe. In this case, it will be more difficult to collect them, and the benefits of eating the berries will decrease.

On a note!

Birds love to eat hawthorn. This is another reason why it is not recommended to delay harvesting fruits until frost.

When is hawthorn harvested for drying?

The collection of berries for further fresh use begins in the first half of October and ends with the first frost. It is during this period that the fruits of the bush contain a maximum of vitamins. For drying at home, it is permissible to pick berries in early September. For these purposes, the most suitable option would be the Siberian variety of hawthorn. It is advisable to collect fruits in warm and dry weather. If you harvest hawthorn after rain or when there is dew, it will take a long time to dry, which can lead to rot or mold.

The inflorescences of the bush are usually collected in late May - early June. During this period, flowering is just beginning. When collecting, you need to pay attention to the buds that are still closed. Blooming inflorescences cannot be collected. It is advisable to cut flowers with special scissors. It is important not to damage the petals during the collection process. The leaves are collected at the same time as the inflorescences. From each branch it is necessary to cut no more than 1/3 of the total amount. Leaves should not be damaged by insects or mold.

Cathedral time for drying

The time when berries are picked is mid-September.

Surely many have noticed that hawthorn often grows near roads. It is highly discouraged to collect it, since it is possible that they are most likely saturated with various toxic substances and metals, which are very harmful to the human body.

How to properly collect hawthorn

In order to properly dry the product, and for the plant to be preserved throughout the year, it must be collected correctly. Follow certain rules, namely:

  1. You need to collect only ripe fruits with pronounced color. People also call it “bloody color”.
  2. Do not wait for cold weather, as overripe berries can become very soft and therefore not suitable for drying.
  3. Also, a variety of fungi and microorganisms can develop on overripe fruits.
  4. Fruits need to be collected during the day and always when it is dry.
  5. The fruits are cut not individually, but in whole bunches. They are placed in trays very carefully so that the integrity of the bunch is not compromised.

How to dry hawthorn at home

Dried hawthorn, the photo of which is presented above, has a lot of useful qualities. It is practically not inferior in value to fresh fruits. Moreover, it can be used in winter, when access to fresh berries and fruits is limited. Drying hawthorn at home must be carried out according to a certain algorithm. The benefit of the final product depends on how well the rules are followed. There are several options for drying hawthorn:

  • oven;
  • microwave;
  • air fryer;
  • electric dryer;
  • on air.

How to dry hawthorn in the oven

Drying berries is permissible in any convenient way. One of them involves placing the fruits and leaves in an electric or gas oven. This method will allow the moisture to be distributed evenly. To do this, set moderate power. On average, leaves and inflorescences are dried for one and a half hours. Drying berries at home can take several hours.

How to dry hawthorn in an electric oven

Drying hawthorn at home, in the oven, is carried out at low temperatures. This ensures uniform release of moisture. Before placing the baking sheet with the raw materials inside, you should preheat the oven to the desired temperature. The door must be left slightly open. If the stove has a ventilation mode built in, it must be turned on. It is recommended to dry the berries at a temperature of 50-70°C. A temperature of 40°C is suitable for leaves and inflorescences. It is important to stir the raw materials periodically so that the moisture evaporates evenly. Readiness is determined by the appearance of the fruit. They shrink by half, become hard and darker. You can check readiness tactilely. You need to take several berries in your hand and squeeze them forcefully. Properly dried fruits should not stick together and release juice.

Comment! It is undesirable to collect the fruits of shrubs that have grown in close proximity to highways. The most successful place for collection will be a summer cottage or the edge of a forest.

How to dry hawthorn in a gas stove oven

Before drying, you need to preheat the oven to the desired temperature. Meanwhile, the prepared fruits, leaves or inflorescences are placed on a baking sheet in a thin layer. If there are too many raw materials, several baking trays may be needed. After loading the berries into the oven, reduce the gas supply to a minimum. The drying time in this case varies from 4 to 7 hours. The contents of the baking sheet must be stirred with a wooden spatula every hour.

How to dry hawthorn in an electric dryer

An electric dryer is a special device that has several trays. It is sold at any hardware store. Drying hawthorn in an electric dryer is considered the most convenient way to prepare raw materials. Berries are poured onto each of them. Pallets must be changed once a day. Each layer is raised one step higher. The top pallet is moved to the very bottom. This will allow the berries to dry as evenly as possible.

It is important to know the temperature and time for drying hawthorn in an electric dryer. First set the temperature to 60°C. After 2 hours it is reduced to 40°C. After another 2 hours it is returned to its previous level. In total, drying takes about 6 hours.

How to dry hawthorn in the microwave

Microwave drying is suitable if the raw materials are collected in small quantities. Considering that the berries must be placed in one layer, it will not be possible to make large reserves. The advantage of the procedure is its duration. It is 1.5 hours. If hawthorn is present in large quantities, the drying process at home may take 1-2 days. Berries should be dried at 300 W.

How to dry hawthorn in an air fryer

The advantages of an air fryer include the presence of a fan and a heater. The device is controlled using buttons located on the panel. The disadvantages of this drying method include the inability to load large portions. The total duration of the procedure is 8-9 hours.

How to air dry hawthorn correctly

Often the berries are dried in the sun or in a ventilated area. The duration of the process is 4-5 days. A large tray is covered with paper, and berries and bush leaves are laid out on top of it. To ensure uniform evaporation of moisture, it is recommended to stir the raw materials periodically. After sunset, the tray should be removed indoors. In cool weather, you can leave it in the attic.

Important! During air drying, you should change the paper on the tray daily.

Rules for brewing hawthorn

How to brew berries correctly and how to drink them? These are the first questions that arise after learning about all the beneficial properties of the product and its contraindications. A small amount of berries should be poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1 tablespoon to 1 liter. water. Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire, bring to a boil, add berries, turn down the heat and cook for another five minutes. Remove from heat and leave to steep for at least twelve hours. Strain the drink and store in the refrigerator. For preventive purposes, drink half a glass a day after meals (you cannot drink the infusion on an empty stomach); for medicinal purposes, you need to drink a glass daily. The course of treatment depends on the disease and can last from fourteen to thirty days.

Hawthorn in a thermos

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How to properly brew dried hawthorn in a thermos? To do this, you need to pour seven tablespoons of dried berries into a regular thermos, add two liters of boiling water, close it, shake and leave to brew for at least twenty-four hours. After this, strain the infusion, squeeze out the cake, and store the infusion in the refrigerator. Drink the drink once a day, 1 glass, for 2-3 weeks.

Dried hawthorn wine

The recipe for wine made from dried hawthorn fruits includes: five kilograms of dried berries, four kilograms of sugar, ten liters of water, ten grams of wine yeast. Dried fruits need to be poured into bottles and filled with syrup (half a kilogram of sugar poured with boiling water). The yeast needs to be diluted in warm water and after fifteen minutes also poured into the bottle. The bottle is carefully closed and left in a dark and warm place for seventy-two hours. Pour into a larger vessel, add 1.2 kilograms of sugar, close tightly and leave to brew for another week. Strain the wine, add sugar and water, place in a tightly closed container and leave for another fifty-five days. The healing drink is ready to drink.

How to use dried hawthorn

Dried hawthorn has a wide range of uses. It is often used to prepare various traditional medicines. The beneficial effect on the body is due to its rich vitamin composition. Thanks to this, the fruits of the bush strengthen the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to viruses and infections. They also have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, improving blood circulation. Berries increase the effectiveness of traditional therapy and can be used as a prophylactic agent. Indications for use are as follows:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • prostatitis;
  • heart failure;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • high blood pressure;
  • vascular pathologies.

Based on dried hawthorn, a tincture, decoction, vitamin tea or infusion is prepared. For each disease there is a specific recipe for preparing a medicine. The benefits of berries include their gentle effect on the body. Unlike medications, they rarely cause side effects. Sweet lovers replenish the supply of vitamins in the body by eating jam or hawthorn jam.

Method for preparing hawthorn tincture

Hawthorn tincture prepared with vodka preserves the taste, smell and all the beneficial properties of the medicinal plant.

It is used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, atherosclerosis, cystitis, headaches and severe conditions during menopause in women. Take the tincture 20-30 drops three times a day.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • fresh hawthorn berries - 1.8 kg.
  • vodka - 1.5 liters

Prepare according to the recipe:

  1. Sort out the hawthorn, wash it, remove the dry stems and, before putting it in the jar, lightly press the berry so that the juice is released better.

  2. Place the berries in a jar, filling it up to the shoulders. Then pour vodka into the jar with berries to the very top. Cover with a lid, place in a dark place and leave for 40 days.

  3. Strain the tincture through cheesecloth and pour into clean bottles. Store the finished tincture in a dark place.
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