In what form and how to properly freeze Brussels sprouts for the winter in the freezer

should not be frozen twice - if they have been thawed, they must be used as one of the ingredients for cooking.

Before consumption, frozen Brussels sprouts do not need to be thawed , but cooked while frozen.

This vegetable is used in soups, salads, as an independent dish, and also as part of vegetable stews.

Freezing is one of the ways to store cabbage at home, and you can find out how to store cabbage in a cellar or basement on our website.

Can Brussels sprouts be frozen in the freezer?

Although Brussels sprouts differ in taste from their white cabbage “sister,” they are in no way inferior to them in terms of fiber, vitamins and microelements.

Nutritionists recommend regularly including this vegetable in your diet, because its use has virtually no contraindications. This is most important in winter, when the body is especially in need of vitamins. To ensure that Brussels sprouts are always on the table, they are frozen.

Reference. Experts say that when properly frozen, the product retains its taste characteristics and a significant portion of its nutrients.

After defrosting, the cabbage loses its density, becomes a little softer and less crunchy , loses its characteristic green color and turns a little yellow. However, this does not affect its taste.

Preparing for winter storage at home

You need to make sure that Brussels sprouts are well stored at the harvest stage.

The heads of cabbage must be torn off carefully, with two fingers, simply turning them in a clockwise direction. You can cut the forks with scissors to the very base.

Variety selection

Not all varieties of Brussels sprouts store equally well. This must be taken into account when choosing seeds for planting.

If you plan to store the crop all winter, you should opt for varieties such as:

  • Hercules;
  • Casio;
  • Curl;
  • Sapphire;
  • Sanda.

These varieties are late ripening. They are collected at the end of autumn. Such cabbage can remain in the beds even under snow.

Different varieties are stored separately from each other . Otherwise, you may lose the entire harvest.

Preparing the vegetable

To store cabbage fresh, you do not need to wash it. The main thing is to sort the vegetables, selecting rotten and soft specimens. Dense large heads of cabbage, the diameter of which is at least 3 cm, are left for the winter. A couple of leaves are removed only from the lower forks, since most often they do not fit well to them.

For cellar storage, vegetables can be left on the main stem. There should be several leaves at the top so that the heads of cabbage can gradually ripen.

Loose and soft cabbage is not suitable for long-term storage. It needs to be processed first.

Selecting and preparing cabbage for freezing

It is recommended to choose green (not yellow) heads of cabbage without dark spots, firm and small (up to 2 cm in diameter) , with tightly fitting leaves. They look like tiny cabbage and don't have a spongy or plump texture. Small fruits are the most tender.

Important! Carefully inspect the heads for insects, damage, rot and other defects.

Using a sharp knife, carefully separate the heads of cabbage from the stem , soak the cabbage for 10 minutes in warm water, and then rinse under running water. A kitchen colander or large sieve works great for this. Then trim the heads and remove any browned leaves. The product is now ready to be frozen.

Tips and tricks

Brussels sprouts removed from the freezer can be cooked almost immediately - just pour boiling water over them. Some professional chefs refuse even this, throwing it into a hot frying pan or into a pan of boiling water. Long, gradual defrosting at room temperature is not necessary. The exception is heads of cabbage that have been frozen without prior blanching.

Large Brussels sprouts are difficult to pack compactly into bags or containers. To save space in the freezer, dried after blanching or fresh heads of cabbage are cut in half or into quarters before processing at sub-zero temperatures.

The process of blanching before freezing will go much faster if you put the heads of cabbage in a container with boiling water and cold water, after placing them in a colander or sieve. Now you don’t need to catch them out of the pan one at a time, and the risk of keeping the heads of cabbage in boiling water is significantly reduced.

Not only Brussels sprouts, but assorted vegetables look very original. You can add carrots, corn kernels, green peas, chopped bell peppers, green beans, cauliflower or broccoli to bags or containers. The freezing technology for them is similar.

Larger vegetables are cut so that the pieces are comparable in size to heads of cabbage

Brussels sprouts, after freezing for the winter, are used for the same dishes as fresh ones. It can be stewed, boiled, baked, fried. It turns out to be a very tasty and healthy side dish.

Only a professional taster can differentiate between cabbage heads “from the garden” and “semi-finished product” from the freezer based on taste, juiciness and aroma.

Important! Once Brussels sprouts have been thawed, they cannot be re-frozen. The heads of cabbage completely lose their benefits, become tasteless, and later, when cooked, turn into a very unappetizing slimy gray-green mass.

How to freeze Brussels sprouts correctly

The harvesting technology is simple . Before putting vegetables in the refrigerator, it is better to treat them with boiling water, but if you don’t have time for blanching, you can do without it.

Take note:

The best recipes for pickling Brussels sprouts for the winter

The best spicy cauliflower recipes for the winter


To preserve the maximum amount of vitamins in cabbage, it is frozen without prior heat treatment :

  1. Before storing in the freezer, the heads of cabbage are washed and wiped dry with a kitchen napkin to prevent ice crystals from forming on them.
  2. Place the Brussels sprouts in portions into resealable plastic freezer bags, squeeze out excess air with your hands and seal. Use a permanent marker to write the date of packaging and expiration date. If you don't have bags on hand, plastic food containers are perfect for freezing.


Blanch the product if it is planned to be stored for more than 2 months. This way it will preserve not only the benefits, but also the taste.

Step by Step Actions:

  1. Boil a pot of water and separate the heads of cabbage by size: small, medium and largest. The blanching time for each part varies depending on the size of the heads.
  2. Transfer the Brussels sprouts to a large bowl of ice water immediately after blanching to complete the process. Fill the bowl three-quarters full with one tray of ice. When the pot of water boils, carefully transfer some of the small heads of cabbage into it.
  3. Leave the pan open. After 3 minutes, use a slotted spoon to transfer the cabbage from the boiling water to a bowl of ice water and leave there for another 3 minutes.
  4. Remove the Brussels sprouts from the ice water and pat dry with a rag.
  5. Repeat the same actions with other heads of cabbage. Cook medium Brussels sprouts for 4 minutes, and large ones for 5 minutes. Immediately immerse it in ice water as soon as it is taken out of the pan and allow it to cool for the same amount of time. Remove from ice water and blot dry with a cloth or paper napkin.
  6. Place the blanched Brussels sprouts in resealable plastic freezer bags, press out excess air with your hands, and seal.
  7. The beginning and end of the expiration date are written on the packaging.

Methods and rules

Brussels sprouts are stored in different ways. The heads of cabbage are frozen, lowered into the basement, and buried in a trench . Each method has its own characteristics that you need to know about.

Fresh in the refrigerator

In the refrigerator, store Brussels sprouts in the vegetable drawer. It would be wrong to just dump the heads of cabbage in a pile; they need to be packed.


  1. The forks are not washed, the soil is simply removed from them and placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. During this time they will cool down, due to which less condensation will accumulate in the bag.

  2. When the heads of cabbage have cooled, they are placed in plastic bags, which are tied tightly, expelling excess air.
  3. Using a toothpick, make several holes in them. They are necessary so that the cabbage can breathe and moisture does not accumulate inside.
  4. The heads of cabbage prepared in this way are put away for storage.

Brussels sprouts will stay fresh in the refrigerator for 2 months. A significant disadvantage of this storage method is that large volumes cannot be stored in a vegetable drawer.

A certain microclimate is created and maintained in the packaging, in which the heads of cabbage feel good and do not spoil for a long time.

In order not to compromise the integrity of the container, it is recommended to pack vegetables in small batches.

In the freezer

Vegetables last the longest in the freezer. If everything is done correctly, the cabbage will be edible for a year.


  1. Remove the heads of cabbage from the stem.

  2. Soak them in cool salted water for 15 minutes. This will disinfect the forks and bring out pests that often hide under the leaves. All hidden insects will float to the surface.

  3. After 5 minutes, the forks are dipped into boiling water and then into ice water.
  4. The heads of cabbage treated in this way are placed on a paper towel to dry completely.
  5. Dry cabbage is placed in a storage container, the air is expelled from it and put in the refrigerator.

You can store heads of cabbage in vacuum packaging, in ordinary plastic bags or in plastic containers.

If you do not dry the cabbage after processing and immediately put it in the freezer, then its leaves will freeze. Therefore, you definitely need to spend 15 minutes drying the forks .

How to freeze Brussels sprouts, video recipe:

In the basement

There are several options for storing Brussels sprouts in the basement, namely:

  1. In limbo .
    In this case, the heads of cabbage are not removed from the stems; only the leaves are torn from them. Hang them upside down. When all the trunks are in place, they are wrapped in cling film. If condensation forms under it, it must be replaced. Otherwise, the vegetables will begin to rot.

  2. In boxes of sand . For storage in sand, the roots are not removed from the stems. The leaves are cut from them and planted in prepared containers. The sand needs to be slightly moistened.
  3. Bulk, in empty boxes . The forks are removed from the stems, cleaned of obvious contamination and placed in a clean container. The heads of cabbage should be placed tightly to each other so that as little moisture evaporates from them as possible. The top of the box is covered with cardboard. It should not be sealed to prevent mold from growing inside.

It is not recommended to wash the forks before storing the cabbage in the cellar. They are covered with a natural protective layer, the removal of which negatively affects the shelf life of cabbage.

On the stems, forks can remain fresh for 4-5 months, and when cut, up to 3 months. At the same time, stable conditions must be maintained in the basement: the air temperature should not exceed 0 degrees, and its humidity should be up to 90%.

On the balcony

If there are no other options, the crop is left to winter on the balcony. This is possible provided that the loggia is glazed .

In the open air, cabbage will simply freeze. If the temperature is maintained at a stable temperature, it can be stored in sand, in cling film, or on stems.

In the trench

This method allows you to save space in the refrigerator and in the cellar. Features of storing vegetables in a trench:

  1. Dig the entire bush out of the ground.
  2. Prepare the trench.
  3. Place the plants in it so that they do not come into contact with each other.
  4. Fill the trench with sand and insulate it with straw.

If the air temperature does not fall below -5 degrees and rise above +3 degrees, then the cabbage will remain fresh for 5 months.

How to defrost correctly

The thawing process is intended to soften frozen heads of cabbage . Let them sit at room temperature for no more than 5 minutes. The defrosting process involves heating vegetables for later consumption.

Where to apply

There are a huge number of recipes for cooking Brussels sprouts . It is used as an independent dish or as an ingredient for salads, soups, stews, casseroles or even smoothies. Brussels sprouts can be frozen separately or mixed with other vegetables.

Peas and corn, carrots and sweet peppers will be good companions. Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and broccoli are mixed in one package. Vegetable stew, prepared from assorted dishes with the addition of tomatoes and spices, turns out delicious both as a side dish and as a separate dish.

Attention! If you cook a vegetable for too long, it will become very soft and develop a strong, unpleasant smell.


Depending on the storage conditions, the shelf life of cabbage will differ:

  • at a temperature of +3...+5 degrees – 2 months;
  • at a temperature of + 10 degrees – no more than a month;
  • frozen – up to a year;
  • in the cellar at a temperature of 0...+3 degrees - up to 5 months.

Fresh cabbage is best stored in the refrigerator, cellar and trench.

How to freeze cauliflower. Technology for freezing cauliflower at home

Cauliflower can be frozen for the winter whole or divided into florets, raw or blanched, alone or with other vegetables. Knowledge of technological subtleties will allow you to keep it tasty and healthy for the winter.

  • The color of cauliflower inflorescences and leaves depends on the variety and growing conditions; this has practically no effect on its composition. You can freeze any type of vegetable. When choosing it at the market or in a store, you should pay attention to three points. First: the leaves must look fresh and be pressed against the head, otherwise you cannot be sure of its freshness. Second: the presence of brown spots on the inflorescences is unacceptable, since this is a sign of a fungal disease that spreads very quickly, and diseased vegetables cannot be stored in winter in any form. Third: if a large head of cabbage seems suspiciously light to you, it was grown using accelerated technology or has been sitting for a long time, as a result there is little juice in it.
  • Before freezing, the cabbage must be washed, tearing off the leaves, then soaked in a 2% saline solution to ensure that the bugs are removed (they will float to the surface), then rinsed again and be sure to dry. Next, the cabbage is frozen whole or divided into inflorescences. In this case, the vegetable can be frozen raw or blanched. The latter option is preferable, as it better allows you to keep the inflorescences juicy and bright.
  • Whole cauliflower is usually frozen for soup and used after defrosting. For second courses, cabbage is cut into inflorescences. Inflorescences with a diameter of about 3 cm are considered reference. If small pieces remain after cutting the cabbage, they can be frozen separately and later added to first courses.
  • They freeze cabbage in containers or bags; the second method is more economical and ergonomic.
  • Remember that vegetables cannot be re-frozen, so you need to freeze them in portions designed to prepare one dish.
  • Be sure to indicate the freezing time of the product on the package so as not to expire.
  • The shelf life of frozen cauliflower depends on the storage temperature. If your freezer can only provide a temperature of 6 degrees below zero, then, alas, it will be impossible to freeze cauliflower in it for the winter; you will have to eat it within 2-3 weeks. If the freezer temperature is 12 degrees below zero, you can safely store cauliflower and most mixed vegetables in it for 6 months. In a freezer that provides a temperature below -18°C, cauliflower will not spoil for at least a year.

Frozen Brussels sprouts – how to cook quickly and tasty?

The quality of food directly depends on the raw materials, processing method and storage mode. At low temperatures, most beneficial substances are preserved.

I prefer to buy products from Russian manufacturers. It is cheaper, always in stock, and always of excellent quality.

How to cook Brussels sprouts?

Preparation begins with boiling. This is an important stage. If you skip it, you risk getting something tough and inedible. There is no need to defrost the product.

Do the following:

  1. Take a pan of sufficiently large volume. For 0.5 kg of product – 3 liters.
  2. Place on the stove and wait until it boils.
  3. Add some salt. A tablespoon without the top will be just right.
  4. Empty the contents of the package.
  5. Wait for it to boil. Cover with a lid.
  6. Cook until half cooked.

There are no exact time recommendations. The degree of cookedness is determined with a toothpick or a thin knife. Take out a large specimen and pierce it. If the toothpick fits in freely, place it in a colander. This usually happens within 5-10 minutes.

If you steam it, it will take a little longer to process. I like vegetables to melt in my mouth. If you like, leave them slightly undercooked so you can put them in the oven or frying pan later.

Don't be afraid that the forks will boil over. This is not a threat to them. They are quite strong.

What then?

If you don’t know how to cook frozen Brussels sprouts, then choose a simple method to start with:

  1. Boil half a kilo of cabbage.
  2. Drain the boiling water.
  3. Heat the frying pan.
  4. Melt a piece of butter.
  5. Put down the heads.
  6. Add some salt.
  7. Add paprika, black pepper and sesame seeds.
  8. Brown.

Serve hot as an appetizer on its own or in addition to mashed potatoes.

Brussels sprouts with meat and sweet peppers

I’ll give an example with pork, but it can be replaced with chicken, turkey, or beef. You can cook not only from fresh, but also from frozen cabbage.


  • pork with fat layer – 350 g;
  • cabbage – 300 gr.;
  • bell pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • Red onion;
  • olive oil;
  • parsley, pepper, salt.


  1. Cut the meat into cubes. Divide the cabbage stalks in half. Remove the seeds from the peppers and chop the pulp into strips. Chop the red onion into cubes (not finely).
  2. Fry the cabbage in a frying pan, placing it cut side down. Then add the chopped onion and pepper strips. Fry together for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Separately, fry the pork until done. Place on a baking sheet with vegetables.
  4. Pepper and add salt to the dish. Drizzle with olive oil.
  5. Bake in the oven, preheating it to 180 o C. Cooking time 20 minutes. When serving, garnish the dish with chopped parsley.

Benefits and harms

As you know, frozen vegetables are almost as healthy as fresh ones. Unless some nutrients are lost during storage. Brussels sprouts are a type of regular cabbage.

This vegetable is low in calories and therefore included in the diet of people who want to lose weight. The beneficial properties of the product are almost limitless:

  • reduces blood cholesterol;
  • improve vision and protect the retina from damage thanks to its constituent zeaxanthin and vitamin A;
  • reduces the risk of viral diseases due to the high content of vitamin C;
  • improves brain function;
  • isothiocyanates make the product an excellent cancer prevention agent.

Cabbage also has contraindications . It should not be used if the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted and there is high acidity.

It is recommended to limit the consumption of vegetables for people suffering from thyroid diseases.

Benefit or harm

Brussels sprouts are highly valued in cooking for their combination of low calorie content and high nutritional value. It also contains many substances necessary for the human body. Includes:

  • Vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, E and PP;
  • Microelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, molybdenum, zinc, fluorine, copper, manganese, cobalt;
  • Folic and ascorbic acids;
  • Beta carotene;
  • Indinol-3-carbinol;
  • Vegetable protein.

Beneficial features:

  • An excellent prophylactic for high blood pressure and heart rhythm disorders;
  • Prevents the formation of malignant tumors;
  • Improves brain activity and memory;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Reduces cholesterol levels;
  • Has a beneficial effect on vision;
  • Reduces the likelihood of birth defects in children;
  • Helps get rid of excess weight.

Variety selection

What varieties of Brussels sprouts store best? Before you start harvesting Brussels sprouts for the winter, you need to decide on the variety that grows in your garden. After all, some varieties, due to their properties, can be stored for a long time, while others are not at all suitable for harvesting.

The highest-yielding variety of Brussels sprouts is considered Hercules, whose bush produces 50-60 heads at a time instead of the usual 30-40. Also known are such hybrid varieties as Machuga, Casio, Gornet, Zavitka, Rosella, Groniger, etc.

Therefore, if you grow several varieties on your plot at once, you need to store them separately, since their shelf life is different.


Properly grown and harvested crops last longer. The following rules will help increase the shelf life of cauliflower:

  • do not abuse nitrogen fertilizers;
  • collect the product in dry weather:
  • cut off the heads along with a few leaves;
  • before canning, soak fresh cabbages from the garden in salt water for 10 minutes to release the insects and larvae hidden inside;
  • blanch in salted water to avoid bitterness;
  • freeze once;
  • in the refrigerator, store in the vegetable compartment (bottom shelf);
  • to store forks in a basement or cellar, the cabbage should not be cut, but twisted;
  • Before storing the crop in the cellar, you should check it for the absence of mold and rodents (even an inconspicuous fungus on the walls or ceiling can ruin the entire cabbage).

To extend the shelf life of cauliflower in the cellar, you can use an old recipe: before storing, dip the forks in a mash (clay + water), then dry it, or put it in boxes and cover it with sand.

Are nutrients preserved when frozen?

Fresh heads of Brussels sprouts are valued in cooking for their harmonious balance of low calorie content and high nutritional value. The product contains folic and ascorbic acids, tocopherol, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, retinol, and beta-carotene.

Experts say that the product, when properly frozen, retains a significant proportion of all nutritional components until the onset of the new season. And its taste characteristics are also preserved. During the processing process, only a small part of the beneficial substances is lost.

According to experts, Brussels sprouts, fresh or frozen, must be included in the diet of pregnant women, children, the elderly, people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and malignant tumors.

  • Firstly, it is an excellent prevention of hypertension, tachycardia, arrhythmia, and bradycardia.
  • Secondly, the vegetable, due to the indole-3-carbinol present in the composition, prevents the formation of breast cancer.
  • Thirdly, it stimulates brain function and improves memory.
  • Fourthly, it stimulates the body’s immune functions, which is especially important in the autumn-winter period.
  • And fifthly, small heads of cabbage help remove cholesterol from the body and have a beneficial effect on the organs of vision.

Cabbage selection

When selecting cabbage for freezing, you need to carefully examine all the heads and choose elastic and dense ones, with a diameter of no more than two centimeters. The upper leaves should be fresh and without dark spots, there should be no rot on the heads and stems, without mechanical damage. Larger specimens can be cut in half; this will not affect the taste.

Basic Rules:

  • Repeated freezing of cabbage is not recommended; defrosted cabbage should be used immediately in cooking;
  • Cabbage does not require defrosting; it can be cooked while frozen.

To prepare vegetables for freezing you will need:

  • Blanching pan;
  • Colander or sieve;
  • Bowl with ice water for cooling;
  • Paper towels;
  • Containers for freezing;
  • Ziploc bags.

How to store Brussels sprouts:

Preparation of selected cabbage

For selected beautiful forks, it is necessary to update the cut site. Usually, some time after harvesting, the cut oxidizes under the influence of light and oxygen and darkens. It cannot be frozen in this form.

The long stalk - the tail - is not left. It's not tasty, and we don't need it.

Then you need to soak the cabbage in salted water. This is done so that the larvae of pests that could hide between the leaves of the cabbage heads float to the surface. For 3 liters of cold water, 4-5 teaspoons of salt are enough. If, when soaking, the cabbage heads rise to the top and are not completely covered with water, you can press them to the bottom of the pan with a small plate or saucer.

After this procedure, the forks are thoroughly washed under running cool water.

Storage methods

Next, we will talk in detail about the methods and nuances of storage.

In the cellar

A clean, well-ventilated cellar or basement is the optimal place to store a large harvest of cauliflower.

It is important that the temperature is maintained there from 0 to + 6 ℃ and humidity 90-95%

From time to time it is necessary to check the condition of vegetables. Any rotten or moldy heads should be removed immediately. Avoid sudden changes in temperature and freezing of the vegetable, otherwise it will turn black and become inedible.

To keep cauliflower fresh for the winter, use one of the following methods:

  1. Clean the heads of roots and leaves and place in wooden or plastic boxes, then cover with film. It is advisable that the heads do not touch each other, otherwise the process of rotting may begin. From time to time, wipe the film with a dry, clean cloth or sponge to remove condensation. Cauliflower can be stored this way for up to 7 weeks.
  2. Peel the leaves from the cabbage and wrap each head in paper and cling film, then place in boxes.
  3. Hang the heads by the stalks. In this case, they will remain fresh for about 1 month.

In a refrigerator

If you plan to store cauliflower in the refrigerator, dedicate space for it on the fruit and vegetable shelf. You can use the following methods:

  1. Wrap clean heads without leaves and roots in paper and then place them in separate plastic bags. When drops of condensation appear on the film, the packaging will need to be changed.
  2. Disassemble the heads into inflorescences, sprinkle them with coarse salt and place in glass jars. It is advisable to close the containers not with plastic lids, but with parchment. You can also use a brine consisting of 1 liter of water per 1 tbsp. l. salt. Before using such a workpiece, it must be thoroughly washed.

Cauliflower will stay fresh in the refrigerator for about 1 week. This is the best option for storing 1-2 purchased heads that you intend to eat in the near future.

In the refrigerator, cauliflower is stored on the vegetable shelf.

In an apartment, cauliflower can be stored on an insulated balcony

It is important that the temperature there does not drop below 0 ℃. The shelf life in this case is no more than 1 month.

In the freezer

This is the simplest and most common method. Cabbage lasts the longest in the freezer, up to 1 year. Moreover, in this case, due to preliminary preparation, it can be immediately used for cooking.

Before placing the heads in the freezer, they need to be disassembled into inflorescences, washed thoroughly and immersed in salt water for 15-20 minutes so that there are no insects left inside.

Then the cabbage needs to be blanched. To do this, immerse it in boiling water for 3 minutes, after which it is immediately removed with a slotted spoon and washed with cold water. When the inflorescences are dry, they should be tightly packed in a plastic bag and the freezing date written on it. Food containers are also suitable for storage.

Inflorescences can also be frozen raw, but in this case there is a higher risk of product spoilage

After a while, shake the bag so that the individual inflorescences do not freeze into a solid lump. Re-freezing after defrosting is not allowed.

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