Radish variety Celeste: characteristics, cultivation techniques

Description of the variety Celeste F1

Radish Celeste F1

Celeste F1 is an early hybrid with high yield. Ripening occurs in 23-25 ​​days from the moment of emergence. The variety is grown mostly in greenhouses, as it produces large yields there, but it can also be sown in open ground.


In order not to make a mistake with the seeds and not end up with “empty” planting material, it is better to buy branded seeds, in bags, and not in bulk.

The root crop has a round shape, sometimes it can be slightly elongated. Weight on average 30 grams. The color is bright red on the outside and white on the inside. The pulp is very juicy and crunches when bitten. Even when overripe, no voids are formed in it; it always has a uniform texture. The taste is excellent. There is bitterness, but it is light, adding piquancy to the taste, and not harming it.

Features of the variety

Radishes of this variety are considered one of the best among the Dutch selection. It is recommended by experts for growing very early product in open ground, as well as for year-round harvesting in greenhouses. When breeding the hybrid, the breeders made sure that, along with a very early ripening period, it combines all the necessary qualities and characteristics: high yield, good adaptation to growing conditions and diseases, beautiful presentation and wonderful mild taste.

With proper care, the variety produces high yields, both in greenhouses and in open ground. Radishes have a beautiful appearance: they have a round shape, a smooth, even surface, completely painted in an intense scarlet color. The pulp of the root vegetables is white, very juicy, crispy, dense, with a slightly pungent taste. The size of the root crops is 3–5 cm in diameter and weighs 25–35 g. Despite its juiciness, radishes can be stored for a long time without loss of taste and are well transported.

What types of soil are suitable?

It can bear fruit very well in areas with light sandy loam loose soils.
Moreover, soil acidity levels should be from 6.5 to 6.8 .

It is incredibly important to ensure proper pre-seeding work.

First of all, apply complex fertilizers. On what soils is it undesirable to plant this crop?

Radishes have difficulty withstanding planting on saline soils . Does not tolerate drought well, and vice versa, overly moist soils.


The hybrid bears fruit well throughout the season, it is not afraid of short spring and autumn days, and in early spring the crops are covered with film.

The sowing process itself goes like this:

  • grooves are made in the loosened bed, up to 2 cm deep. There should be at least 15 cm of distance between the rows.
  • The finished grooves should be watered generously with water heated in the sun.
  • Pre-soaked and disinfected seeds are sown in furrows, at a distance of about 4 cm from each other.
  • After this, the grooves are sprinkled with a small layer of soil, but not trampled down.

After sowing, it is advisable to cover the bed with agrofibre or film. The “cover” should only be removed for watering, and then it should be returned to its place.

It is recommended to remove completely a few days after germination.

Sowing radishes

The nuances of growing Celeste radishes in open ground

To obtain a rich harvest of radishes of the Celeste variety, you need to choose the right site, prepare the soil, sow in a timely manner and provide the plant with proper care.

Site selection and soil preparation

For sowing radishes, it is recommended to choose areas that are well-lit or shaded on only one side.

It is advisable to take into account that Celeste loves slightly acidic, loose soils. You can plant it on soil with a neutral reaction. If you have dense soil on your site, it makes sense to add a little river sand to it when digging in the fall. If you haven’t done this, at least loosen the soil more often directly when growing a vegetable.

Soil acidity can be reduced by liming or adding dolomite flour. This is also done in the fall and separately from the application of fertilizers.

Experienced gardeners always prepare the land for planting crops in the fall. The soil in the place where you plan to place a bed with radishes needs to be dug up to a depth of 20-30 cm, while ridding it of plant debris. To disinfect the soil, water it with a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate or a solution of copper sulfate. At the same stage, it is advisable to add organic fertilizers - humus or manure. Recommended consumption is 6 kg of organic matter per square meter of land.

In the spring, the soil is dug up again and loosened with a rake. At this stage, it will not be superfluous to fertilize the soil with a mineral composition. Preference is given to potassium fertilizers that also contain magnesium and fluorine. If the land was not fertilized in the fall, instead of mineral fertilizers, you can apply organic fertilizers, but not manure.

Preparing Celeste radish seeds

Hybrid seeds do not require soaking, hardening or dressing in a solution of potassium permanganate. They undergo disinfection and other necessary preparation at the production stage. Encrusted seeds often even go on sale. Soaking and other similar procedures can only harm such seed.

It would be a good idea if you germinate the seeds before planting, scattering them on damp gauze and covering them with a second layer of moistened material. The seeds remain in this state until they hatch.

It is important not to forget to moisturize the fabric

Time for sowing radish seeds of the Celeste variety

When growing Celeste radishes in open ground, they usually wait until the air warms up to at least 15 degrees. In some regions this happens already at the end of March - beginning of April, in others - closer to May. Further, radishes of the named variety can be sown until September or even early October. Moreover, you will notice that in spring and autumn it grows even better than in summer.

If you want fresh radishes to be on the table uninterruptedly from May to October, you need to sow the seeds every 2-3 weeks.

Sowing scheme for Celeste radish seeds

To sow radishes of the Celeste variety, furrows are made at a distance of about 15 cm from each other. The interval between seeds in the furrow is maintained at 4-7 cm. The seeds are buried by about 1 cm (preferably even a little less).

Having covered the seeds with a centimeter layer of soil, moisten the bed with a spray bottle and wait for the seedlings to appear.

When seedlings appear, the bed may need to be thinned so that there is a distance of at least 7 cm between the bushes.

Caring for Celeste radishes

Caring for Celeste is not difficult, but to obtain a rich harvest, certain requirements must be met.

  1. Watering is carried out as the soil dries, usually 2-3 times a week. For this purpose, settled, warm water is used. Water radishes in the morning or evening. The preferred method is sprinkling.
  2. After each watering, the soil must be loosened. This will protect the radishes from rotting, serve as a preventive measure for a number of ailments, and prevent weeds from germinating.
  3. Fertilizing is necessary only when fertilizers were not applied to the soil when it was prepared for sowing seeds. Radishes are fed with silage, mullein or ash. Manure is not used, otherwise voids may form inside the root crops.

If agricultural practices are followed, the Celeste radish crop can be harvested 3.5-4.5 weeks after sowing the seeds. At the same time, the root vegetables will be large, smooth and tasty.

Useful properties of radish

Root vegetables are most often used in cooking. Their color palette is pleasing to the eye, and their spicy, specific taste perfectly decorates the first spring salads. However, the most useful part of this crop is the tops. It is used in salads, side dishes, soups and stews.

This culture is quite rich in proteins, fiber, B vitamins, vitamin C and PP. Root vegetables contain 6 essential microelements: iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. The mustard oil it contains gives radishes a slightly spicy taste. Radishes are also rich in natural antibiotics – phytoncides.

Due to the presence of fiber, radishes have a beneficial effect on intestinal function, promote digestion and remove excess cholesterol. Its regular use serves as a good prevention of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.

Features of cultivation

Let's consider the features of growing the Celeste variety in open ground and in a greenhouse.

In the open ground

Radish is an unpretentious and cold-resistant crop, but despite this, you need to take into account some features of growing in open ground. There are 2 factors that affect yield - humidity and temperature. If they are fully satisfied, you will be able to get a bountiful harvest.

If the soil dries out, this will negatively affect the quality of the root crops, the growth of the radish will slow down, and if it is over-moistened, the fruits may crack. As for the temperature, the optimal values ​​are +15-18 degrees - the root vegetables will grow to a normal size and with the appropriate taste characteristics.

In the greenhouse

You need to plant radishes in a greenhouse in the same way as in open ground - the soil and seeds are prepared according to the same scheme, but there are several nuances:

  • in greenhouses there is not enough natural light, so lamps must be installed and the radishes must have 12 hours of daylight;
  • in greenhouses you can regulate the temperature, so radishes can be planted at any time of the year;
  • Make sure that the temperature is between +18-20 degrees, as the variety does not like hot weather;
  • the greenhouse must be ventilated at least twice a day, since fresh air is of great importance for the crop;
  • radishes are planted in a greenhouse in ordinary greenhouse soil - high-quality, fertilized, with low acidity.

The best early varieties of radish

  • Among early ripening fruits, the fastest variety is "16 days"

    . Named after the period of time sufficient for the formation of mature fruits. Due to its taste, it is perfect for fresh salads. The pulp contains a large amount of moisture. The taste is delicate and refreshing. The pink fruit reaches only 5 cm in size. The peculiarity of the variety is that there is a large amount of water in the fruits, so you need to harvest quickly, within 3 to 4 days after its appearance. It develops equally well in open ground and in greenhouse conditions.

  • "Heat"

    - another early ripening variety. Three weeks after sowing, the fruits can already be harvested. All root vegetables have the shape of an even circle.

    Small in diameter, 3-4 cm, weighing up to 30 grams. The color depends on the planting: bright red and crimson are possible. There is a sharpness to the taste. The fruit retains its juiciness for a long time, even a week after picking it is as juicy as on the first day. The variety does not shoot shoots, does not bloom, has good immunity to diseases, as well as to ultra-high temperatures. Because of this, it received such a name. The variety needs to be watered in a timely manner, especially in greenhouse conditions. This will prevent bitterness from appearing in the pulp.

  • "French Breakfast"

    has shown itself to be excellent over the entire period of time it has been used in Russia. Radishes have the shape of a cylinder, 2-2.5 cm in diameter, and reach 6 cm in length.

    The color is bright red, with white tips. This variety has a very powerful, strong rosette and long roots. It should be thinned out much more often than other varieties. French breakfast takes 30 days to fully mature. Radishes love sunlight and do not tolerate wind. Tastes like French Breakfast

    - slightly spicy. It has excellent shelf life: it can be stored for three months, maintaining its taste.

Planting radish Celeste F1 and care

Planting radish Celeste F1
In terms of growing conditions, Celeste F1 is unpretentious both in greenhouse cultivation and in open ground conditions. The soil for planting should be loose, not acidic (6 pH), preferably sandy loam. Before sowing, seeds are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to avoid the development of diseases or pests. They should remain in this water for up to 15 minutes. Then they are placed in a damp cloth for 2 days to germinate. Planting in greenhouses can be carried out as early as the end of April, and in open ground - depending on the weather outside.


Radish Celeste F1 does not tolerate acidic soil, so before planting, if necessary, the soil is treated with lime.

To get beautiful root crops, it is recommended to plant the seeds to a depth of 2-2.5 cm if the soil is sandy or sandy loam. And in heavy soil, the planting depth does not exceed 1.5 cm. Sow the seeds in single file or at a distance of up to 3 cm. The rows should be 20 cm apart from each other. This will be enough for convenient care of the rows.

Seeds usually germinate at a temperature of +15…+18 degrees. Therefore, if they are sown in colder times, then the crops need to be covered with film. After the radish shoots have appeared, you can feed them. Organic substances are usually used - humus, infusions, compost. Humus can also be used, but only well diluted so that the radishes do not become bitter. During the entire growth period, the sprouts can also be sprinkled with ash once to prevent the development of pests and diseases.

Regular watering is needed so that the soil does not dry out, but there should not be stagnation of liquid! The water is taken warm, heated by the sun, but not hot. You should also not loosen the soil around it so that it does not become stone, and it is important to remove all weeds in a timely manner.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

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To better understand the qualities of a hybrid, let's consider its advantages and disadvantages. You need to start with the positive aspects.

Benefits of radish Celeste F1

  • The yield of Celeste F1 radish is up to 3.5 kg per square.
  • Stress resistance. With temperature fluctuations and humidity changes, the sprouts continue to develop at the same pace.
  • This hybrid does not release an arrow.
  • Root crops are resistant to cracking, so the harvested crop has excellent commercial qualities.


To get the maximum yield of Celeste F1 radish, you need to grow it in greenhouses and not in open ground.

  • Radishes can be transported over long distances; they do not spoil on the road.
  • Excellent taste.
  • The hybrid is easy to care for.
  • Ripening is smooth, so you can harvest the entire crop at once, rather than waiting until the rest of the root crops ripen to occupy the area with new crops.

Gardeners either remain silent about the shortcomings, or the hybrid simply does not have them. There are only nuances typical for all types of radishes that have to be taken into account when growing.

  • Planting can only be done in loose soil.
  • Excessive watering harms radishes, but if there is a lack of moisture, the root crop will be small.
  • It is very difficult to grow in summer, especially in the second half of summer, when it is very hot, since this crop requires coolness to grow.

Pests and diseases

Celeste can independently resist many diseases and pests, but sometimes she is too actively affected by such problems. Radishes of this variety are most often attacked by two types of parasites:

PestSymptoms Struggle
Cruciferous flea beetle.These are small black beetles that can turn radish leaves almost into a sieve in a very short time. Female flea beetles lay eggs on the leaves, and the hatched larvae eat the roots of the plants. Mix wood ash and tobacco dust in a 1:1 ratio and spray the plant every week from the moment the leaves appear. You can also use an infusion of ash (250 g per 8 liters of water).
Aphid.A small insect of greenish-yellow, black and brown colors. It feeds on plant sap, attacking it in entire colonies. Because of this, the affected areas become discolored and look like small beige dots. The leaves become deformed, turn yellow and dry out. Radishes are sprayed with foam of laundry, green potassium or tar soap, and after half an hour they are washed with clean water. In case of mass damage, you can use general insecticides - Tanrek, Admiral, etc. (instructions for use on the package.)

And the diseases are the following:

DiseaseSymptoms Struggle
Kila.A disease that radishes can get if they grow in lowlands where water accumulates or if they were planted in acidic soil. Root crops become covered with rounded or elongated growths, and crop growth stops. The roots turn brown and rot. Treat the bed with lime milk (dilute 2 tablespoons of lime in 10 liters of water). To avoid disease, 3 days before sowing, pour ash into the soil at the rate of 100 g per 1 sq.m and loosen it.
Mosaic.A viral disease due to which radish exhibits growth inhibition, mosaic, leaf deformation and mild vein necrosis.Modern means are powerless against mosaic. The only way to get rid of it is to collect all the affected plants and burn them.
Downy mildew.At the base of the rosette of leaves and on their parts located in the ground, dark spots with blurry, indistinct edges appear. Over time, the spots merge and cover the entire root crop, causing it to crack and harden. To prevent disease during the growing season, spray radishes twice with boric acid diluted in water (10-15 g per 10 l) or Rizoplan.
Gray rot.Develops due to high humidity. Brown spots appear on root vegetables, which are covered with a fluffy coating with small black inclusions. The tissues soften and rot, the leaves lose their tone. Radishes can be sprayed with a solution of mustard powder or iodine (50 g or 10 drops per 10 liters of water).

Preventive measures against diseases and pests are as follows:

  1. Agrotechnical:
      carrying out thinning and removal of weeds, preventing overgrowing of beds;
  2. observe the watering regime;
  3. before sowing the crop, lime the bed;
  4. do not leave straw, weeds and manure near the beds;
  5. Carry out regular inspections of your radishes.
  6. Folk:
      periodically sprinkle the bed with wood ash or tobacco dust;
  7. dissolve a piece of laundry soap in a bucket of water and spray the plant once a week.

Further care

Caring for the Celeste F1 radish is not too labor-intensive. Plants need regular irrigation, proper feeding and soil care.


Watering should be sufficient, but make sure that the water does not stagnate in the garden bed, otherwise the root crops will begin to rot.

Shallow irrigation is harmful to this crop, as it promotes the formation of soil crust and the growth of weeds. Irrigation in two or three stages will allow the water to penetrate deep enough into the soil. Use a watering can with a fine sieve for this. The optimal method of watering is sprinkling on the foliage. Use warm, settled water.


The fertilizer needs of radishes are determined by the appearance of the plant. If the tops grow at an accelerated pace to the detriment of fruit formation, then the soil is oversaturated with nitrogen. Feed your plants with phosphorus and potassium to correct the situation. To do this, dissolve 40–50 g of superphosphate and 15–20 g of potassium sulfate in 10 liters of water.

Video: Feeding radishes and controlling their pests

Pale green tops and slow growth of root crops indicate a lack of nitrogen. To replenish it, add urea in one go (1 tsp per 10 liters of water).

Important! Be careful in the amount of fertilizing applied. If you overfeed the beds, then most of the crops will go to arrows.

Soil care

An important technique for caring for the soil under radishes is loosening. The first weeks after planting the seedlings, loosen the soil carefully, to a shallow depth (2-3 cm), then deeper (5-6 cm) to promote better penetration of air and nutrients to the roots. Try to loosen the area after each irrigation or rain.

Along with loosening, if necessary, free the bed from weeds.

You need to mulch the soil with dry humus and compost. Mulch also helps the soil stay warm and moist.

Collection of root vegetables

Collection of radish Celeste F1

The main positive quality of the Celeste F1 variety is its short ripening period. Thanks to this, it is possible to plant radishes 2 or even 3 times in a row. In 25 days it grows completely and then the next batch is immediately sown in the same place.

It is very easy to understand that radishes are ready for harvesting. When turning away the leaves, you need to look at the ground; if the radish is peeking out of the ground, and it is clear that the root crop has developed sufficiently and looks out of the ground well, then you can collect it and eat it or send it for sale. Celeste F1 radishes are sold in bunches or by weight. Depending on the method, after harvesting you need to completely cut off the tops or wash the root vegetables along with the greens.

Why gardeners love Celeste radishes: description of the variety, cultivation features

The Celeste radish variety is one of the most popular. The brainchild of Dutch breeders has gained the love of farmers living in different countries with different climatic conditions. It can be safely grown both in open and closed ground. Chefs consider radishes of this variety worthy for use in preparing a wide variety of dishes. If you intend to grow radishes in your garden or greenhouse, you should take a closer look at the Celeste variety, study its characteristics and growing conditions.

Possible problems

While growing Celeste, they encounter the following problems:

  1. Root vegetables are small, rough and fibrous. This is due to late sowing, when the temperature rose above +22 degrees. Because of this, the radish develops worse. The cause may also be a lack of moisture in the first 2 weeks of root crop growth.
  2. The radishes turned out bitter - the rules of agricultural technology were not followed (there was no watering, the soil was not fertilized).
  3. Celeste began shooting. This means that at the time the growth began, the temperature regime was violated - the temperature was either below +10 degrees or above +25. Another reason is that the seeds are sown too densely.
  4. The root crops are hard and dense - a crust has formed on the bed after rain or irregular watering.

Reviews of radish Celeste F1

Radish variety Celeste F1

Radish variety Celeste F1 is highly respected by gardeners. It is early ripening, has a pleasant taste, and is easy to care for. And what other qualities do gardeners note about it?

Anton Lebedev : “I grow Celeste F1 together with Cherryet F1 and Sora in greenhouses. They grow best there - quickly, without problems. I really like the taste and appearance of the radishes. I buy 2-3 bags every year!”

Marina Yanychar : “Radish Celeste F1 was recommended by friends. They have been planting it in the garden for several years now. This was my first experience and quite successful. It grows really fast and tastes good. I also liked the fact that the plants did not sprout, and the root crops themselves did not crack, even when I forgot to harvest the last harvest.”

Pavel Sovinsky : “Celeste F1 is very profitable in terms of cultivation. Since it can be sown in several stages in the same place. During the season it is possible to get a very large harvest for sale. True, I haven’t sowed radishes since mid-June, there are too many defective products, and the pests are at their peak.”

Description of the hybrid

Celeste F1 is a first generation hybrid bred by Dutch breeders. The originator is the Dutch manufacturer Enza Zaden, well-known in the agricultural sector.

Celeste is not included in the Russian state register.
Nevertheless, the hybrid is popular among gardeners around the world, including in our country. Its main feature is its ability to adapt to any conditions. He is not afraid of cold weather or heat.
Suitable for growing in open ground in all regions of our country, for example, in Moscow. Gardeners love this type of radish for its large and juicy fruits. They have a balanced taste with a light, barely noticeable pungency.

Celeste is immune to culture-specific diseases. This property allows you to grow an environmentally friendly and safe product.

Advantages and disadvantages of Celeste

The popularity of Celeste is due to an extensive list of advantages with an almost complete absence of disadvantages. Thanks to this, even a novice gardener will not be difficult to cope with growing radishes.

Advantages of Celeste:

  • early ripeness;
  • immunity to diseases characteristic of radishes;
  • high keeping quality of fruits;
  • excellent taste and juiciness of root vegetables;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • ease of care;
  • high germination of planting material;
  • uniform ripening of root crops;
  • absence of peduncles and arrows;
  • Possibility of growing in open and protected ground.

The only drawback of Celeste is hybridity: each time you have to use purchased seeds.

Note! A disadvantage common to all radishes is the ability to accumulate harmful substances from the soil in the roots. For this reason, it is not recommended to use chemicals to prevent diseases and pests.

Reviews from gardeners

Lyudmila Petrovna, 52 years old, Omsk. This season I decided to plant radishes of the Celeste variety, as they are considered easy to care for. We harvested an excellent harvest and did not encounter any pest problems. Overall I was pleased with my choice.

Igor Konstantinovich, 47 years old, Vladivostok. I am just gaining experience, and therefore for my garden I choose simpler varieties of vegetables that do not require careful care. That's how I came across Celeste - a seed seller recommended this variety and told me how to care for it. We weren’t able to harvest as much as possible, but even what we got turned out to be very tasty, and everyone liked it.


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By providing the Celeste variety with proper care, you can get an excellent harvest of tasty, bright root vegetables - juicy radishes will be a good addition to summer soups and vitamin-rich salads, which are so beneficial for the body.

Harvesting and storage

The ripening time of the Celeste radish depends on the outside temperature. If at the beginning of spring the harvest is harvested only 1.5 months after sowing the seeds, then at the beginning of summer the root crops are ready for consumption within 25-30 days.

When harvesting, radishes are completely pulled out of the ground. Cut off the tops, which contribute to the rotting of root crops.

For storage, select whole root vegetables without damage. They are wiped off the ground with a dry cloth. Store the harvest in a dry, dark and cool place.

This is interesting! Not only radishes are eaten, but also young tops. It is considered a useful ingredient for salads.

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