Potatoes Revenge: variety characteristics, yield, reviews

Pros and cons of the variety

Each potato variety has its own positive qualities. The advantages of the Revenge variety include:

  • increased resistance to golden nematode, which can cause significant damage to other varieties. Yield losses due to golden nematode infection can be up to 80%;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • good transportability;
  • long shelf life. In basement conditions, potatoes are stored until the next harvest;
  • adaptability to the climatic conditions of the region;
  • large weight of tubers;
  • good taste and use for preparing any potato dishes.

Description of the potato variety Revenge

The Revanche potato variety is a mid-season variety; after planting the seedlings, the tubers are ready for harvesting at the end of summer. A distinctive feature is good immunity. The bushes adapt well to different growing conditions. The variety is suitable for regions with difficult weather conditions. It is not afraid of slight temperature fluctuations or drought, however, yield indicators are slightly reduced. In addition, Revenge is rarely affected by diseases and is particularly resistant to the golden nematode.

The bushes of the Revanche variety are powerful, tall, and erect. They are developing well. The leaves are rich green, large, carved. The flowers are white with a pink tint.

Important! Revenge potatoes need to be grown on fertile, light, sandy loam soils. The ideal option would be black soil or peat.

Planting and caring for Revenge potatoes

The Revanche variety is suitable for growing in open ground and in greenhouse conditions. To obtain a high yield, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of agricultural technology.

Selection and preparation of a landing site

Revenge potatoes prefer sunny areas, so beds are chosen in the south, southeast or southwest. Lowlands where water accumulates are not suitable for growing potatoes. Clay soils do not allow achieving good yields. The best option is light sandy loam soil with a loose composition, black soil or peat soil.

If the site is located on clay soil, the situation can be corrected by adding sand, wood ash, manure, and humus to the soil.

In the spring, before planting Revanche potatoes, the soil must be loosened. If the soil is good (sandy loam), it is enough to loosen it by 15–20 cm. For clay soil, it is recommended to carry out two-time treatment. First, slight loosening is performed to a depth of 15 cm; when planting, the area is dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet, and the lumps are leveled with a rake. This helps eliminate excess moisture in the area and saturate the soil with oxygen.

Predecessors in the garden bed where it is planned to plant potatoes can be: cabbage, cucumbers, beans, sorrel, lettuce, spinach.

Preparation of planting material

If potatoes are planted with seeds, they are pre-soaked in water for 48 hours. You can use the seed hardening method. To do this, soaked seeds are placed in the refrigerator overnight, and during the day they are pulled out and kept indoors at room temperature. The hardening process takes ten days.

Tubers are prepared using various methods:

  • Germination is the most effective method, accelerating the formation of new tubers and increasing yield. Dry germination is carried out in boxes, the process takes about 30 days. During wet germination, Revanche potatoes are placed in boxes with wet peat or sawdust. The advantages of this method are that the preparatory period is reduced to 15–20 days;
  • The wilting method is used if there is little time before planting potatoes in the ground. The tubers are kept warm for 7–10 days;
  • Potatoes can be warmed up 3-4 days before planting. This is done gradually, for the first 1–2 days the tubers are kept at a temperature of +15 °C, then the potatoes are transferred to a warmer room (+20 °C).

Landing rules

If planting is carried out with seeds, then they are sown at the end of March or at the beginning of April. The boxes are filled with a damp mixture consisting of soil and peat in a ratio of 1:4. Seedlings are planted in rows. The distance between adjacent seeds should be 5 cm, and between rows - 10 cm. The sprouted seeds are covered with sand, the layer should be no more than 0.5 cm. Boxes with seedlings are covered with film or glass and transferred to a warm room, you can use a greenhouse. The first shoots appear after about 7–10 days. After two true leaves appear on the stem, the seedlings are planted in peat or plastic cups.

The seedlings are watered and the soil is loosened. After the threat of frost has passed, the seedlings are planted in the beds. Wells are prepared for this:

  • the depth of the hole is about 10 cm;
  • humus is added to the bottom - 300 g;
  • pour 0.5 liters of water.

The seedlings are deepened so that the top with three leaves appears on the surface.

If day and night temperatures differ significantly, Revanche potato seedlings are covered with film. After warm nights set in, the shelter is removed.

If potatoes are planted as tubers, the soil temperature should be at least 10 °C. The deepening of potatoes depends on the soil:

  • on sandy loam and fertile soils, the tubers are buried 10–11 cm;
  • if the soil is clayey, the depression should not exceed 8 cm;
  • in the southern arid regions, the tubers are laid to a depth of 12 to 15 cm.

The recommended planting pattern is 30x60 cm.

Watering and fertilizing

The frequency of watering depends on the weather in the region and the quality of the soil. Sandy soils dry out faster, so more frequent watering is required. Potatoes of the Revanche variety are a moisture-loving crop that suffers from a lack of moisture. The minimum number of waterings per season is 3 times:

  • after germination, the soil must be moistened;
  • The second time watering is carried out during the appearance of buds;
  • After the flowering process is completed, the plant is watered again.

Approximate water consumption per 1 m² is 50 l. The water should be warm (+23 ÷ +25 °C). To avoid increased evaporation of moisture, watering is carried out in the morning or evening hours.

If the summer is dry, Revanche potatoes need additional watering. It can be carried out in furrows; the drip moistening system is effective. Sprinkling can harm bushes, since a humid environment promotes the development of fungal diseases.

To increase potato yields, fertilizers are used. They are carried out three times per season:

  • 20–30 days after planting, use a mixture of urea and mullein. Mullein or bird droppings are added to water (1:4) and kept for 7 days. Add a solution of litter and 1 tbsp to 1 bucket of water. l. urea. 0.5 liters of nutrient composition is poured under each bush;
  • When buds appear on potatoes, fertilizing with wood ash and potassium sulfate is necessary. For a bucket of water you will need 1 cup of wood ash and 1 tbsp. l. potassium fertilizer. 500 ml of solution is poured under the bush;
  • After the potatoes have bloomed, apply another fertilizer. To 10 liters of water add 200 ml of mullein and 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate. Consumption – 0.5 liters for each bush.

You can use additional fertilizers. To prepare nettle infusion, you will need a bucket of water, crushed nettle shoots and leaves, wood ash (1 cup), yeast - 50 g. After a week of fermentation, the composition is diluted with water (1:10) and the tops are sprayed.

Loosening and weeding

A week after planting potatoes of the Revanche variety, the first weeding of weeds in the garden bed is carried out. Loosening done during the daytime helps eliminate about 80% of emerging weeds.

Loose soil is necessary for the full development of tubers. After rains, the earth becomes compacted, so it is recommended to loosen the soil after rainfall.


The first hilling is carried out after the shoots have stretched up to 15 cm. The procedure is performed as necessary, but at least 2 times per season. The second hilling is carried out approximately two weeks after the first, the potatoes should not yet bloom. Additional hilling may be required if the potatoes are protruding from the ground. Tubers must be covered with a layer of soil.

Landing rules

Revenge can be grown in open ground, greenhouses or film shelters. Potatoes bear fruit equally well in different conditions. However, you should follow all care recommendations.

Recommended timing

You can plant Revenge when the weather is warm outside. It is important that the soil warms up well. At a depth of 10 cm, its temperature should not be lower than +10°C. The timing will be different in each region.

Planting also depends on the growing method. Seedlings are grown from seeds. Plants at the age of 30 days are transferred to the ground. By that time there should be no night frosts. Young seedlings adapt poorly to them.

Sprouted tubers are planted 2-3 weeks earlier, as they are not afraid of the vagaries of the weather. It will take about 2 weeks before the first shoots.

Warning! Early plantings of Revenge potatoes should be covered with agrofibre.

Soil preparation

Before planting Revanche potatoes, they must carry out preparatory work and fertilize the beds, regardless of what planting material will be used.

Choose a sunny place for potatoes. It is desirable that this be the southern, southwestern or southeastern side of the site. It’s good if they grew there before:

  • salad;
  • cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • beet;
  • cucumbers

These crops are good predecessors. You should not plant potatoes after nightshades. They have similar diseases.

Comment! When planting potatoes, take into account the groundwater level. It should be no higher than 40 cm. The culture prefers drained areas.

The depth of soil tillage before planting depends on its composition. It is enough to loosen loose soil by 10-15 cm. Heavier clay areas are cultivated by 25-30 cm. Sand, peat, humus, and mineral fertilizers are added for digging. You can use a new generation organomineral complex, which contains all nutrients in a form accessible to potatoes. It will provide the plants with the necessary elements for a long time; there is no need to fertilize the plantings additionally. This fertilizer is produced in granular form, which makes it easier to use.

How to plant correctly

The depth of planting tubers depends on the composition of the soil. On heavy soils, seeds are deepened by 7-8 cm. On sandy and other light soils, tubers are planted by 10-12 cm. In the southern regions, where drought prevails, potatoes are usually buried by 12-15 cm. When planting seedlings, they are deepened to the first leaves .

Experienced summer residents recommend planting potatoes in rows according to a 30 x 60 cm pattern. Leave 30 cm between plants, and make the passages wider. This scheme is convenient when processing beds and allows hilling without much difficulty.

Diseases and pests

The most common and dangerous pest of various potato varieties is the Colorado potato beetle. The offspring of just one pair of insects can ruin up to 4 hectares of potato plantings. In small areas, it is recommended to collect beetles and larvae manually, but on an industrial scale, treatment is carried out with chemical and biological preparations.

Insects that damage potato tubers are wireworms, darkling beetles, and click beetle larvae. They not only spoil the tubers with their moves, but also spread rot pathogens. Control measures include crop rotation. In the beds after potatoes, it is recommended to plant legumes that are not affected by these insects.

To combat mole crickets in garden beds, deep plowing and loosening of the soil are used. In the spring, before digging, you can spread bait poisoned with chemicals on the site.

Viral diseases (wrinkled mosaic, mottling, gothic) lead to potato degeneration. The disease can be carried by insects - aphids, cicadas. Sick bushes must be destroyed.

Bacterial diseases - rot, black leg cannot be treated. Sick plants are dug up and burned.

Description and characteristics of the variety

The Revanche potato was bred in Russia by breeders of the SeDeK agricultural company. It is grown throughout almost all of Russia, where farming is possible. Suitable for the climate of Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus.

The bushes are strong, of medium height or tall. Root vegetables are smooth, oval-round or round, with a smooth surface. The ripening period is mid-season.

Characteristics of root vegetables:

  • weight - 100–120 g;
  • light yellow or tender creamy pulp, thick yellow skin;
  • universal method of use;
  • high taste qualities;
  • The eyes are small and do not interfere with cleaning.

The variety is not affected by nematodes.

Harvesting and storage

The ripening period for potatoes of the Revanche variety takes from 90 to 110 days, it all depends on the region and climatic conditions. Harvesting is carried out after the tops have dried, when the location of the bushes can still be determined.

Potatoes are harvested in dry weather and allowed to air dry in the shade of trees. Then they are only transferred to basements or cool storage areas.

For the first two weeks, potatoes are stored at a temperature of about 18 °C, then the temperature is lowered to 12 °C, after 10 days the temperature is set in the range from 2 to 5 °C. Under such conditions, potatoes of the Revanche variety can be stored until spring.

Features of cultivation

Revenge potatoes are very demanding on growing conditions. To form tubers, it needs suitable conditions.

Watering schedule

The frequency of watering depends on the soil and growing region. The crop tolerates drought well, but despite this, the minimum amount of watering is 3 times a season. It should be borne in mind that sandy soil quickly loses moisture, so potatoes need to be watered more often. If this is not done, then the Revenge tubers will not correspond to the description.

Regardless of the soil on which potatoes are grown, they are watered after germination, during the flowering period and after it. Water consumption per 1 sq. m area - about 50 l. Use only warm water heated in the sun.

If there is a drought during the formation of tubers, then the potatoes are additionally watered. It is most effective to install a drip irrigation system, since sprinkling is contraindicated for bushes. It promotes the development of fungal diseases.

Loosening, weeding, hilling

After the entrances appear, the first loosening of the soil is carried out, combining it with hilling and weeding. This helps eliminate up to 80% of weeds. It is better to do the procedure after rain or heavy watering.

Spud the shoots when they rise 15 cm above the soil level. After this, repeat the procedure after 15 days. The main condition is that the potatoes should not bloom. Hilling is carried out a third time if necessary. The tubers should not stick out of the ground, so they are covered with a layer of soil or straw.

Do I need to feed

To maintain potato yields, they need to be fed. Especially if the soil was not previously prepared according to all the rules. Feeding is applied 3 times:

  • a month after planting;
  • during the period of bud formation;
  • immediately after flowering.

The first time they are fed with liquid organic matter. You can also use a solution of urea or mullein. For each bush, 500 ml of nutrient solution is enough.

Before flowering, it is better to add potassium sulfate or wood ash. You can sprinkle it under the bushes, then loosen the soil well and water it.

After the Revanche potatoes bloom, the bushes are fed with a solution of mullein or superphosphate.

Foliar feeding is carried out once per leaf. To do this, prepare a nutrient solution from ash, nettles and yeast. After the liquid has fermented, it is diluted in clean water in a ratio of 1:10 and the bushes are sprayed.

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