Salad tomatoes - Morning Dew tomato: description of the variety and its characteristics

The variety is interdeterminate, intended for cultivation in closed ground. In the southern regions it can be planted in beds without shelter. In the greenhouse it can grow up to 2-2.5 meters (on average - 1.7 m), so it is necessary to pinch off the tops of the plants. The expensive bush is quite compact; it is better to form it into 1 stem. Registration of stepson is mandatory. Without this, you can grow a tomato tree, but you won’t get a healthy harvest. The stepsons are removed above the second brush and beyond. The lower leaves and deformed inflorescences are also removed.

In a greenhouse and open ground, seedlings reach 150 cm in height. It is allowed to form a bush in the garden with 2 stems. It is necessary to carry out stepsoning on time.

Note! The variety is self-pollinating; only when grown in greenhouses, plants can be shaken during the flowering period; if more ovaries were formed, the yield would be higher.

Just as in protected soil, as well as in open ground, the tomato needs support so that the heavy clusters of fruit do not break it. Use trellises, pegs or other methods of garter. In some cases, the tomatoes are poured, then the brushes on which the pomona gifts ripen are tied up.

The variety is mid-early - 118 days pass from the emergence of seedlings to the harvesting of the first tomatoes. For a cluster, up to 5 cone-shaped fruits weighing up to 300 grams are formed. When ripe, the tomatoes are red-pink, dense, fleshy with delicate but elastic skin, pink flesh, which has a touching sweet and sour taste. When cut, the pulp is sugary, there are few seeds and chambers.

Tomatoes of the Morning Dew variety are consumed fresh and processed. Due to the large size of the fruit, pickling is only possible in barrels. They don't fit far into jars. But they are great for juices, tomato paste and other preparations.

The variety has a fairly high yield. Approximately 3 kg of tomatoes are harvested from one plant. The yield per square meter is about 15 kg. A friendly harvest is noted. The advantages include long-term fruiting. Tomatoes will begin to ripen after late autumn, delighting the gardener. Ripe tomatoes tolerate the transport of indium over considerable distances. The thick skin protects well from damage during transportation.

The Morning Dew variety is resistant to tobacco mosaic, bacterial spot and other diseases, and is easily damaged by pests. Tolerates temperature fluctuations well. In summer it is resistant to heat, and in spring - to frost.

The keeping quality of the fruit is average. They can be stored for a short period of time: more than 1 month. It is best to use tomatoes as food immediately or process them.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Morning Dew variety

The variety is productive, up to 14-15 kg per square meter, and this is the first and very important “plus” of Morning Dew. They also note the good taste of tomatoes, resistance to a number of diseases, and fairly early ripening.

The Morning Dew tomato does not reduce yield even during slight cold snaps and is resistant to temperature increases, although the best results are obtained under optimal growing conditions and proper care.

This variety successfully combines early ripening and fairly large fruits, which is not so often the case with similar tomatoes. At the same time, fruiting is very long, and tomatoes in the greenhouse can be harvested until late autumn. You can also take seeds from the fruits and use them for sowing for the next seasons.

As for the disadvantages, we note the need to form plants, mandatory pinching. Without these agricultural techniques, the results will be noticeably lower, so when choosing Morning Dew, try to follow all care recommendations. This will allow you to get a good harvest of tasty and very beautiful tomatoes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Powdery mildew on petunia - how to fight

This versatile variety of tomatoes is successfully grown by gardeners in Russia. Advantages of the Morning Dew variety:

  • Early ripening;
  • Large harvest of large tomatoes;
  • Excellent tomato taste of the fruit;
  • Ripe tomatoes do not crack;
  • Plant resistance to diseases;
  • Possibility of growing seeds in open ground and in a greenhouse;
  • The variety tolerates increases or decreases in temperature well;
  • Easy to care for.

The disadvantages include:

  • It is necessary to have a trellis for gartering the bush;
  • Not suitable for whole jars.

By growing Morning Dew tomatoes on the plot, gardeners are satisfied with the resulting harvest and the taste of the vegetables. Ease of care combined with the positive characteristics of the variety have made it a leader among early-ripening tomatoes.

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Description and characteristics of the variety

The Morning Dew tomato was bred at once by two agricultural enterprises (Moscow) and the Pridnestrovian Research Institute of Agriculture (Tiraspol). The cultivar is recommended for cultivation in all regions and was included in the register in 1999.

The variety is early ripening, ripens 3.5 months after the appearance of true leaves. The fruits are shaped like a heart, with faint ribs running close to the stalk. When ripe, tomatoes are bright red, without any hint of pink or raspberry color. There are 4 or more seed chambers, few seeds. The average weight of the fruit is more than 200 g. The taste is excellent.

The plants are tall, the stem height is up to 2 m. In open ground, the bush will grow up to 160 cm, so even at the stage of choosing a variety you need to think about the option of securing and gartering. The leaves are colored gray-green, the plates are medium in size.

Main qualities and characteristics of this tomato

This variety is indeterminate, so vegetable growers have to pinch the tops of the shoots to form bushes of these tomatoes. This procedure is necessary, for example, when growing the Morning Dew tomato variety in greenhouse conditions, where plant height is important. Since the ripening fruits are quite voluminous and heavy, the bushes should be tied up so that the stems do not break under the weight of the harvest. It is best to use trellises as supports for this variety.

According to reviews from vegetable growers who have been growing these tomatoes for several seasons, it is better to form the plant into one shoot in order to achieve higher yields. The description of this variety should begin with its versatility - tomatoes are suitable both for planting in garden beds and in greenhouse conditions. But these tomatoes are intended for growing in small farms.

It is best to use ripe fruits fresh - in salads, or add them to main courses when cooking.

The shoots can grow up to 2-2.5 m in height, the foliage is smaller than average in size, green in color with a gray tint. The ripening fruits are large in size and heart-shaped. The color of ripe fruits is red and bright. Fleshy ripe tomatoes of this type can weigh up to 0.25-0.3 kg. The taste of the fruit is excellent, with moderate sourness, slightly sweet. Due to the large size of the fruits, they are not wrapped in jars, but can be used to cover salads, squash and eggplant caviar, and other types of preservation.

The productivity of the Morning Dew tomato is quite high - up to 3-3.5 kg is harvested from one bush per season. 3 plants are usually planted per 1 m², from which up to 14 kg of mature fruits are collected. Characteristics of ripe fruits would be incomplete without talking about their transportability and keeping quality. Transportability of ripe tomatoes is high; fruits can be transported over a fairly long distance. After picking, ripe fruits can lie for more than a month in a cool place.

Planting in the ground and care

The first days of June, when it gets warm, is the best time to plant the Gazpacho tomato variety. In the southern regions, you can shift the deadline by a whole month.

For the first two weeks, the plants do not need to do anything other than watering.

Then vegetable growers will need to devote time and attention to tomatoes:

  1. Weeding, loosening, mulching beds. According to reviews from summer residents, these procedures should not be ignored when growing Gazpacho tomatoes.
  2. Feeding. The variety responds well to nutrition with mineral fertilizer complexes. During the growing season, 2-3 fertilizing is enough for the tomatoes to bear fruit well. At the beginning of tomato growth, formulations containing more nitrogen components are used. During the period of flowering and formation of ovaries - potassium.
  3. Preventive treatments. To avoid having to deal with pests and the consequences of diseases, at least 3 treatments of the Gazpacho tomato are carried out during the season. The first time is 2 weeks after planting the seedlings, then at intervals of at least 14 days.

Among the pests that can harm Gazpacho tomatoes are mole crickets, Colorado potato beetles, aphids and slugs. Vegetable growers are recommended to use the following drugs to combat parasites:

  • Aktofit;
  • Bioslimax;
  • Nature Guard.

Important! When working with such substances, precautions must be taken. For those who prefer natural remedies, folk recipes are suitable. Infusions of garlic, nettle and soap have proven themselves well

Infusions of garlic, nettle and soap have proven themselves well.

For those who prefer natural remedies, folk recipes are suitable. Infusions of garlic, nettle and soap have proven themselves well.

Sometimes vegetable growers note poor germination of the variety's seeds, so there is an alternative solution - collecting tomato seeds yourself. To do this, choose the best fruits, which are located on the first or second cluster.

Important! The selected Gazpacho tomato fruits must have all varietal characteristics. Fully ripe tomatoes are placed on a plate and left in the light

After a week, the fruits are cut, the seeds and pulp are removed and again left to ferment. Then the seeds are washed, dried in the shade and sent for storage.

Fully ripened tomatoes are placed on a plate and left in the light. After a week, the fruits are cut, the seeds and pulp are removed and again left to ferment. Then the seeds are washed, dried in the shade and sent for storage.


The Morning Dew tomato is a versatile tomato variety. This means that it can be grown in any region of our country. It grows equally well both in open ground and in greenhouses.

The Morning Dew variety is recognized as one of the best in terms of early ripening - already 3-3.5 months after planting the seeds, a rich harvest is obtained.

Tomato fruits are heart-shaped, fleshy, large and heavy (300-350 g), and have an excellent taste. A distinctive feature of the variety is its large fruits when they ripen early.

The plant is indeterminate, that is, tall. Therefore, when growing, its top must be pinched for better growth and a higher yield.

Productivity is high, up to five fruits on one cluster. One bush produces up to 3 kg of tomatoes. What is especially appreciated is that when the outside temperature changes, the bushes do not reduce their fertility.

Ripe fruits are not afraid of transportation over long distances and are stored in the cellar for more than 1 month. An obvious advantage is resistance to fruit cracking, which is observed in many similar varieties.


The variety is interdeterminate, intended for cultivation in closed ground. In the southern regions it can be planted in beds without shelter. In a greenhouse it can grow up to 2-2.5 meters (on average 1.7 m), so the tops of the plants must be pinched. Although the bush is quite compact, it is better to form it into 1 stem. It is necessary to carry out stepsoning. Without this, you can grow a tomato tree, but you won’t get a good harvest. Stepchildren are removed above the second brush and higher. The lower leaves and deformed inflorescences are also removed.

In a greenhouse and open ground, the plant reaches 150 cm in height. You can form a bush in a garden bed with 2 stems. It is necessary to carry out stepsoning on time.

Note! The variety is self-pollinating, but when grown in greenhouses, plants can be shaken during the flowering period so that more ovaries are formed and the yield is higher.

Both in protected and in open ground, the tomato needs support so that heavy clusters of fruit do not break it. Use trellises, pegs or other methods of garter. When the tomatoes are filled, the bunches on which the fruits ripen are tied up.

Tomatoes of the Morning Dew variety are consumed fresh and processed. Due to the large size of the fruit, pickling is only possible in barrels. They don't fit in jars. But they are great for juices, tomato paste and other preparations.

The variety has a fairly high yield. About 3 kg of tomatoes are harvested from one plant. The yield per square meter is about 15 kg. A friendly return of the harvest is noted. The advantages include long-term fruiting. The tomatoes will continue to ripen until late autumn, delighting the gardener. Ripe tomatoes can withstand transportation even over long distances. The thick skin protects well from damage during transportation.

The Morning Dew variety is resistant to tobacco mosaic, bacterial spot and other diseases, and is slightly damaged by pests. Tolerates temperature fluctuations well. In summer it is resistant to heat, and in spring - to frost.

The keeping quality of the fruit is average. They can be stored for no more than 1 month. It is best to use tomatoes directly or process them.

Agricultural technology

Preparing seedlings

To get the expected result from the Morning Dew variety, you need to take into account the characteristics of the crop.

Seeds can be planted directly in open ground or seedlings can be prepared. Seed material is usually purchased annually, since seeds collected independently will not inherit all parental characteristics, and the yield will decrease every year.

Tomato seeds

Instructions for growing seedlings:

In the last days of March, seeds are sown in containers or individual cups or pots; The soil must be nutritious. It is sold ready-made, you can make a soil mixture yourself (soil, humus, peat, sawdust); Plant the seeds 1-1.5 cm deep; you can sift the soil on top and “sprinkle” the planting material. The soil that will cover the seeds should preferably be loose and without lumps. To do this, you can sift it through a sieve; Afterwards, the seeds should be watered with warm water.

Water very carefully so as not to wash away the seeds; it is better to do this with a spray bottle; After moistening the soil, the container with the seeds should be placed in a bright place and covered with glass or film. Optimal temperature +25 degrees

If you put it in the shade, the seedlings will appear later, the sprouts will stretch upward, become long and weak; At the stage of seed germination in the soil, it is necessary that it is moist. The film should be periodically opened and the seeds watered; With proper care, seedlings will appear in 10 days. The seeds germinate evenly, the temperature should be reduced to +18-20 degrees. This temperature regime must be maintained for a week, then again maintained at +23-25 ​​degrees; After the emergence of seedlings, the covering material is removed and the container is placed on a sunny windowsill or table; When 2 true leaves form on the sprouts, the seedlings are ready for picking; For seating, you need to take plastic or peat cups, individual pots; As the seedlings grow, the soil is fed once with mineral fertilizers. You can use complex fertilizer or preparations Agricola, Kemira; 10-14 days before planting tomatoes on the plot, the seedlings must be prepared and hardened. To do this, you can take it outside for several hours or put the pots on the balcony. Gradually increase your time in the fresh air every day.

On a note. Seedlings are planted in the garden at the age of 4-5 weeks. It can be planted in heated greenhouses in mid-April, and under a greenhouse - after May 15.

Landing in the ground

The foliage is not spreading, but the bushes grow quite tall

When planting seedlings in open ground, it is important to maintain a distance between bushes of at least 40 cm, between rows - 50-60 cm. Per 1 sq.

m should fit about 3 bushes.

The time for planting seedlings in a garden bed in central Russia is the end of May, in the Urals and northern regions - the first days of June.

On a note. When planning the time of planting seedlings on a plot, you can focus on the soil temperature. It should be heated to +14-16 degrees.

To plant seedlings, you need to choose well-lit, level areas. It is recommended to prepare the soil in the fall. Organic and mineral fertilizers are added to it:

  • Rotted manure;
  • Compost;
  • Humus;
  • Wood ash;
  • Superphosphates.

Seedlings are planted in pre-prepared holes. If the soil is depleted, then you need to add a nutritious soil mixture to the holes. After planting, the seedlings are well watered. The next watering should be done in a week.

Rules of care

Morning dew tomatoes are an unpretentious plant. To grow, you will need to carry out standard care procedures:

  • Watering;
  • Tying to a trellis;
  • Feeding;
  • Stepsonning;
  • Weed removal;
  • Loosening;
  • Mulching.

It is better to water tomatoes in the morning or evening, when the sun's rays are not active. It is advisable to prepare the water in the evening. It is necessary to water at the root; in hot weather, it is enough to moisten the soil 2 times a week.

After watering, the area is cleared of weeds, the soil is loosened and mulched. Sawdust and peat can be used as mulching material.


In order for the fruits to be large, the soil must be fertile. Mineral preparations and organic matter are used to feed tomatoes

It is important to follow the dosage when applying fertilizers; an excess of drugs can harm the plant. The main fertilizer for growing tomatoes is phosphorus, it is contained in superphosphates

During flowering and during fruiting, the soil is fed with potassium and phosphorus. Wood ash is used as potassium fertilizer.

On a note. The Morning Dew variety is self-pollinating, but to produce more ovaries, you can shake the bushes a little during the flowering period, so the yield will be higher.

How to grow

Let's take a closer look at the features and nuances of growing Morning Dew tomatoes.

Planting seeds

When purchasing planting material, pay attention to its freshness, since seed germination directly depends on this. Sowing time is the end of March.

Sow seeds in containers according to package instructions. Choose nutritious soil, preferably special soil for tomatoes. The depth of planting the seeds is 1.5 cm. After this, sprinkle the seeds on top with dry sifted soil, moisten them with water at room temperature from a spray bottle and cover with a plastic bag.

As the soil dries, the bag should be removed and the soil moistened. Make sure that the soil in the containers does not dry out. This is especially important at first.

Important ! Do not put containers in a dark place, as this will increase the germination time of the seeds.


Already on the tenth day, the first shoots appear. We immediately remove the bags and place the containers in a well-lit place. When the first two leaves of the tomatoes appear, we transplant each seedling into a separate glass or peat pot.

Before transplanting the sprouts into the soil, we add mineral fertilizers to the soil several times (according to the instructions on the package). If you plan to plant tomatoes in open ground and not in a greenhouse, we recommend that you begin to “harden off” the seedlings approximately 1 or 2 weeks before planting, that is, take them outside for a short time.

At the age of one and a half months, we plant the seedlings in open ground or in a greenhouse. The recommended planting density is no more than three to four plants per 1 square meter. m. This will ensure a higher yield.

Important ! You can start planting tomatoes in a greenhouse as early as the second ten days of April, but if you plan to plant them in open ground under film, no earlier than mid-May. This applies to central Russia.

Growing and care

Caring for tomatoes of this variety consists of timely watering, loosening the soil and regularly pinching the top of the plant stem. Tie the bushes to supports in a timely manner so that branches and brushes do not break under the weight of the fruit. Pinching the stem is especially important for greenhouses, where low growth of bushes is most important.

To increase the yield of tomatoes, it is recommended to stepchildren, that is, remove useless side branches. As a result of this, you will get the correct formation of the plant. Only fruiting branches will remain on the bush.

Water the tomatoes sparingly, at the root, as the soil dries. Tomatoes do not tolerate stagnation of water in the hole. It is best to do this in the evening or early in the morning. Remove weeds and loosen the soil. Perform all spraying against diseases or pests in dry, cloudy, windless weather, preferably early in the morning or in the evening after sunset.

Diseases and pests

The Morning Dew variety is resistant to various diseases: tobacco mosaic, brown and bacterial spot.

To prevent late blight, regularly ventilate greenhouses and do not over-moisten the soil, since late blight is a fungal disease. Mushrooms are known to grow where it is damp. It is also recommended to spray the bushes with whey once a week or use the preparations “Fitosporin”, “Barrier” or “Barrier”.

The main pests of tomatoes are spider mites, whiteflies, cutworms, wireworms, root-knot nematodes and mole crickets. You need to fight them at the first sign of their appearance.

Spider mites are small arachnids that feed on the sap of leaves and entangle them in a thin web. Dots first appear on the sheet, after which the sheet dries and falls off. Most often, the mite attacks tomatoes with poor watering and rare ventilation of greenhouses. Prevention measures: water the tomatoes in a timely manner and ventilate the greenhouse. Control measures: spray the bushes and soil with Fitoverm (1 ml per 1 liter of water), treat the tomatoes with an infusion of garlic or onion peels (200 g of husk per 1 liter of water).

Whitefly harms tomatoes at the larval stage. Pale green oval larvae feed on the sap of the leaves, and with them a sooty fungus appears on the plant. The leaves dry out and die. Prevention methods: Inspect plants regularly and if larvae are found, immediately remove affected leaves. Control methods: spraying with “Phosbecid” (10 ml per 10 liters of water) or “Cytcor” (1.5 ml per 10 liters of water). If necessary, repeat treatment after 15-20 days.

Gnawing armyworm - caterpillars 3-4 cm long, black, brown or gray. They eat stems and leaves at night. Prevention methods: Remove weeds regularly and dig the soil deeply. Control methods: manually collect caterpillars, spray the plants with the Strela biological product (50 g of powder per 10 liters of water).

Wireworms are yellow caterpillars, the larvae of click beetles, that eat the roots and stems of tomatoes. Prevention methods : Regularly dig up the soil, manually collecting caterpillars. Before planting tomatoes in the greenhouse, place 15-20 cm long sticks in the soil with raw potatoes, carrots or beets strung on them, root side down. After 2-3 days, pull these traps out of the ground along with the root crops and burn them.

Control methods: in case of mass accumulation of caterpillars, mix the drug “Bazudin” with sand or sawdust, bury it in the soil next to the tomatoes.

Root-knot nematodes are small worms that penetrate the soil along with planting material. They feed on plant roots, forming growths and swellings on them. Affected tomatoes grow poorly and bear little fruit. Prevention methods: before planting seedlings, remove the top layer of soil and dig up the remaining part, add 1 Glyocladin tablet to each planting hole.

Control methods: water the plants with Ecogel solution every 2 weeks; in case of severe nematode infestation, treat the soil with Basamil.

The mole cricket is a fairly large pest, reaching a length of 10 cm. It affects the root system of tomatoes, arranging its nests in the soil. The mole cricket lays up to 300 eggs in one nest, from which the larvae then crawl out and begin to eat the roots of the plants. Prevention methods: do not over-moisten the soil; mole crickets most often make their nests where there is an excess of moisture.

Control methods: when an insect is found, pour 2 cups of table vinegar or 0.5 liters of hot pepper infusion (150 g of chopped pepper per 10 liters of water) into each hole; use granular preparations, such as “Medvetox”, “Granula”, “Rembek”, “Thunder”, “Force” or “Grizzly” (bury the granules in the soil to a depth of 10-15 cm).

Recommendations for agricultural technology of the Morning Dew variety

This tomato is grown by seedlings, as well as by sowing seeds directly into the ground. It is clear that the second method is used in the southern regions, where even late-ripening tomatoes have time to ripen. But in the conditions of the regions of Central Russia, the Urals, Siberia, and the North-West, tomatoes are grown only through seedlings.

Preparing seeds and growing seedlings

Sowing for seedlings - March, since when planting tomatoes in beds or shelters, they should be about two months old. Tomatoes usually sprout within 10 days; a lot depends on the quality of the seed material.

The soil mixture, as well as containers for seedlings, are prepared in advance. Approximate mixture options:

  • turf soil, peat, peat, sawdust;
  • humus, peat, soil, baking powder (for example, sand).

Sow in boxes, pots, cups, kefir and milk bags, cardboard boxes. When sowing in common containers, tomatoes will need to be picked (about two weeks old, when 2-3 true leaves appear).

The temperature at sowing should be around +22ºC...+25ºC, but as soon as shoots appear, the indicators are reduced to +18ºC. This is done so that the plant begins to expend its energy searching for nutrients. At high temperatures, tomatoes can immediately stretch out quickly, but if you lower it slightly, this will not happen.

The reduction mode is maintained for about a week, then the values ​​are again set to +23ºC...+25ºC. Tomatoes that initially grow in common boxes are picking up, but it is important not to miss the deadline. The best time is when the plants have 2 true leaves. After diving, the tomatoes should be covered from the bright sun for 2-3 days.

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It is enough to feed the seedlings twice, and this is done 8-12 days after picking. They use Kemira, Agricola (“the favorite drink of plants”), and complex fertilizers are also suitable.

When 14-16 days remain before planting, the seedlings are hardened off. Open the vents and windows (weather permitting), take the tomatoes out onto the balcony or directly onto the street. Many people neglect hardening (most often due to lack of time), but as reality shows, such seedlings tolerate transplants into open ground or a greenhouse, nothing more, and quickly take root.

Planting tomatoes

Morning dew is a tall tomato, so do not forget to maintain distances between plants when planting. It is optimal to plant 3-4 bushes per square meter.

Planting time depends on the climate of the region, weather, as well as plant cultivation conditions (greenhouse or open beds). It is clear that when stable heat sets in, tomatoes are planted in the greenhouse earlier than in open ground.

Usually in the middle zone they start planting in greenhouses at the beginning of May, and on ridges at the end. But in the north, beyond the Urals, the timing shifts; in these areas, planting in greenhouses is usually done in mid-May, and tomatoes are planted in ridges no earlier than the first week of June.

General form

The Morning Dew tomato was bred by Transnistrian breeders at the end of the last century. Recommended for cultivation throughout Russia.

General form:

  1. The plant does not stop growing on its own (indeterminate type). The tomato reaches a height of 2-2.5 m.
  2. There are few leaves on the shoots. The plates are smaller than usual in size, green with gray edges.
  3. The flowers are simple. Raceme inflorescences.
  4. Heart-shaped fruits. Ribs are visible on the surface.
  5. When ripe, the skin and flesh turn red.
  6. The weight of one is 250-300 g.
  7. The inside of the fruit is fleshy. The taste is dominated by sweetness.

In the kitchen, tomatoes are often used fresh. Large-sized “hearts” are not suitable for pickling in jars. Tomatoes are used for pickling in a barrel and processed into juice.

Description of the Morning Dew tomato

The characteristics of the vegetable made the variety the best among early-ripening tomatoes. The bushes will bear fruit until late autumn. Tomatoes are suitable for fresh consumption, for making sauces and vegetable snacks. Canning tomatoes is inconvenient due to their large size, but they can be used for pickling in barrels.

Tomato Morning Dew

Description of the variety and characteristics of the Morning Dew tomato:

  • A variety of early ripening, indeterminate variety;
  • Bushes grow up to 2-2.5 m in height when grown in greenhouses, and 1.5-1.6 m when seedlings are planted in open ground;
  • The leaves are small in size, the bushes are not very spreading, they take up little space, the color of the leaves is dark green with a purple tint along the edge;
  • Ripe tomatoes can be harvested 3.5 months after planting the seeds;
  • The fruits are large in size, average weight – 200 g, maximum – 350 g;
  • The tomato is heart-shaped, the color is deep red, sometimes with a pink tint;
  • 4-5 fruits are formed on one brush. The heavy weight of tomatoes can bend and break the bush, so be sure to tie the stems to the trellis as the plant grows;
  • From 1 sq. m you can get up to 15 kg of harvest, up to 3-4 kg of tomatoes are harvested from 1 bush;
  • The pulp is fleshy in structure, juicy, there are some seeds in the chambers. The skin is soft but dense. The taste of ripe tomatoes is slightly sweet, tender, with sourness;
  • The shelf life is average, the tomatoes are firm to the touch, transport well, in a cool, dark place they retain their marketable appearance and do not crack;
  • The variety rarely gets sick (resistant to bacterial spot, cladosporiosis, mosaic) and is attacked by pests.

What is a Morning Dew tomato?

Let's look at the characteristics and description of the variety:

  1. The plant is indeterminate.
  2. When growing, you need to pinch the top of the stem for better growth and a higher yield.
  3. This procedure is very important for tomatoes that grow in a greenhouse, since thanks to this the bushes will not be too tall.
  4. Ripe tomatoes are large and heavy, so the bushes need to be tied to a support or trellis so that the branches do not bend under the weight of the fruit.
  5. When growing plants, they need to be pinched to form bushes into one shoot. In this case, the yield will be high.
  6. Since the Morning Dew tomato is universal, the seedlings can be planted both in a greenhouse and in a garden bed.

Typically, such tomatoes are planted on small farms and in summer cottages. Tomatoes have excellent taste. They are best consumed fresh, for making salads. You can also make juices, pastes, sauces, gravies from tomatoes, and use them for cooking hot dishes.

Let's consider what qualities the Morning Dew tomato has, and reviews from those who planted this variety. Bushes of plants can reach up to 2-2.5 m in height. The leaves are small in size and green with a grayish tint. The tomato is distinguished by large, heart-shaped fruits.

Ripe tomatoes are red in color. Ripe tomatoes can reach a weight of 250-300 g. The taste of tomatoes is sweet and sour. Tomatoes can be salted in barrels. Since the fruits are very voluminous, they are not preserved entirely in jars, but are used for dressing salads and vegetable caviar.

According to reviews from gardeners who grow these vegetables, the Morning Dew tomato variety has excellent yield, which is 3-3.5 kg per bush per season. The plant is planted in 3-4 bushes per 1 m², from which you can harvest about 14 kg of crop. Ripe fruits can be transported over long distances without compromising their quality. The Morning Dew tomato can be stored in boxes in the cellar for more than a month. At the same time, the fruits do not lose their taste.

Advantages of the variety:

  • excellent taste of ripe fruits;
  • plant resistance to diseases and pests;
  • unpretentiousness when growing;
  • resistance of bushes to cold and heat;
  • large fruit size.

The disadvantage is that the whole fruit cannot be preserved. They are consumed fresh or salted in a barrel.

Pros and cons of the variety

Breeders generously endowed the variety with positive characteristics:

  1. Precocity. Harvesting begins at the end of June.
  2. The tomato does not lose its ovary when the temperature rises and there is drought.
  3. Good yield indicators. During the season, each bush brings 3-3.5 kg.
  4. Tall plants take up little space. It is profitable to grow tomato in small areas.
  5. The tomatoes fit well and can be transported without problems.
  6. Tomato is resistant to most diseases.
  7. Representatives of the variety bear fruit together. Gardeners harvest a large number of tomatoes at one time.

No particular shortcomings were noted.


According to farmers' reviews, tomatoes of this variety have excellent yields, are easy to care for and resistant to diseases. Gardeners especially highlight their wonderful rich taste and meatiness. Although there are negative reviews, they are few.

Here are some of the reviews:

Valentina: “The Morning Dew variety (improved Red Bull's Heart) always pleases with a large harvest - up to 6 kg per plant. The fruits are bright red, dense, weighing up to 400 g, and have high taste.”

Antonina Ivanovna: “In different years, my morning dew was either productive or not at all, that is, there was no stability. I decided, reluctantly (it’s delicious), to refuse it.”

Nikolay: “I grew it in the summer of 2022 in a greenhouse. I liked the variety and was the first to ripen. The taste is pleasant. Fruitful. The only drawback of my pack is a lot of clumsy tomatoes. Perhaps this is a mistake in agricultural technology.”

Reviews on growing the Morning Dew variety

Svetlana, Chelyabinsk

I can’t say anything bad about this variety of tomatoes. An excellent tomato, indet, it grew in my OG, its height was only 130 cm. Red hearts literally covered the bush, it was very productive. The taste of the fruits is very balanced, there is both sweetness and acidity.

My tomatoes did not weigh more than 200 grams, perhaps because they grew in beds. In a greenhouse, I think the weight would be greater. But I was happy with everything, especially since there were a lot of tomatoes on the bush. I put it in three stems, although I think that two is the most suitable option.

Lana, Stavropol region

Morning Dew tomatoes are real masterpieces. They are very pleasant to hold in your hands. The tomatoes I got were not heart-shaped, but in the form of a wide cone, bright red, almost purple near the stem. They grew in beds, the height is just over a meter. The tomatoes took a very long time to ripen; the bush was pulled out in late autumn. We ate little fresh and mostly used it for processing.

Agricultural technology: recommendations from experts

Tomatoes are watered rarely, but the volumes of water should be significant. In hot weather, 2 abundant waterings at the roots are enough, in cloudy weather - once a week.

It is very convenient if the greenhouse is equipped with a drip irrigation system, which eliminates excess moisture and drought. Water is supplied portionwise and gradually, which is very important for tomatoes.

It is also necessary to control the humidity level in the greenhouse, since after watering the levels increase. Tomatoes do not like humid air, they begin to get sick, and to prevent this, they open the vents, windows, and doors in the shelter.

Also, after watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil or apply mulch (hay, grass, sawdust, peat).

During the period of mass fruiting, it is especially important to control the volume of water. If there is an excess of moisture, the fruits will be watery and sour, so you need to slightly reduce the water supply, but gradually. A sharp decrease and reduction in the amount of water will affect the filling of tomatoes; also, due to changes and irregularity of watering, cracks may appear.

Fertilizing is a mandatory part of tomato farming, especially for tall varieties that produce a lot of fruit. Tomatoes grow well in loose soils rich in organic matter, the composition of which is completely balanced. Both a lack of nutrients and their excess are equally harmful to plants, so it is necessary to calculate all doses of fertilizers.

  1. During the period of increased plant growth and fruit formation, tomatoes need nitrogen. But an excess of it results in intensive growth of green mass, a decrease in the number of clusters and ovaries, and also leads to the accumulation of large amounts of harmful nitrates in the soil, and therefore in the fruits.
  2. During flowering and fruiting, potassium and phosphorus must be added. Tomatoes are considered a crop that is very demanding of potassium. There is a lot of it in wood ash.
  3. Phosphorus is contained in superphosphate, and this fertilizer is one of the main ones when growing tomatoes.

Fertilizer application at the root is alternated with spraying, which allows not only to diversify the plant diet, but also to ensure easier digestibility.

A necessary step is the formation of the plant. The Morning Dew variety is usually grown in two stems, for which, in addition to the main trunk, the most powerful stepson is left.

All other shoots are removed in a timely manner, and this is done regularly, 1-2 times a week in the morning. The length of the shoots should not exceed 5-6 cm. Also, the lower leaves are removed from the tomato stem so that by the time the fruit ripens, there is nothing on the first cluster below it. The leaves are not removed all at once, but gradually, 1-2 at a time.

The tomato is a self-pollinating plant and does not need insects. But you can “help” tomatoes in this process, since the more ovaries there are, the higher the harvest will be. For better pollination, it is recommended to lightly shake the plants in the morning during the flowering period. You can also plant honey plants - mustard, coriander, basil - near the greenhouse or in the beds next to the tomatoes.

Additional pollinators will never hurt plants, and herbs will be used for cooking or canning.

Agricultural technology

The principles of growing Tomsk f1 tomatoes are similar to other varieties, but do not have certain nuances.

Seeds of hybrid tomato varieties do not require hardening and disinfection procedures. They already have a very high immunity to diseases of Solanaceous crops and pests.

It would be useful to carry out:

  • Sorting. It will allow you to get rid of weak, empty seeds at the initial stage. To do this, you will need a saline solution (take a teaspoon of salt per glass of slightly warm water), into which the seeds are placed for 20 minutes. Poor quality seed will float to the surface, while good seed will remain at the bottom. After the procedure, the seeds should be rinsed with clean water and dried on a paper towel;
  • Testing for germination - germinating seeds in damp gauze. To do this, take a plate with low sides, place gauze on it, and soak it with water. Seeds are evenly placed on top of the gauze and covered with a thin layer of cotton wool moistened with water. They should be moistened if necessary, and avoid excessive moisture and drying out.

On a note! The purchased soil mixture does not always turn out to be of high quality: who knows, maybe the manufacturer poured soil into it from a construction site, or it is pure peat. It would be safer to prepare the soil yourself.

The following is added to the soil mixture for planting seedlings:

  • Peat. An indispensable component that gives looseness to the soil, absorbs moisture and perfectly retains it;
  • Sand or perlite. Be sure to use only coarse, clean river sand. Used as a leavening agent;
  • Leaf soil. Gives the soil lightness and looseness;
  • Humus. Only well rotted;
  • Sawdust is an excellent substitute for peat and sand.

Tomsk seeds are sown in prepared soil in the first half of March, covered with film and removed in a warm place before sprouts appear. After which the film is removed, and the seedlings are placed in a well-lit room. There should be regular watering.

Attention! It is better to use soil from the area where the seedlings will grow - this will speed up the establishment process. Picking is carried out after the formation of the first 2 leaves

Late picking is possible, after 3-4, but there is a possibility of poor survival of the tomato and its weak immunity

Picking is carried out after the formation of the first 2 leaves. Late picking is possible, after 3-4, but there is a possibility of poor survival of the tomato and its weak immunity.

Forty-day-old seedlings can be planted in open ground, according to the scheme - 40x60 cm.

Note. Seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of +12…+14°C.

The Tomsk tomato loves loose, porous, light, fertile and living soil that can absorb moisture well and retain it, with a normal level of acidity.

Necessary conditions for growing in open ground:

  1. No more than 2-3 plants per 1 square. m;
  2. Standardization of flowers;
  3. Pinching the inflorescences, leaving 4-5 ovaries on them, and preferably 3 - then the fruits will be large and uniform;
  4. Regular weed removal;
  5. Stepsonning;
  6. Removing the lower leaves;
  7. Regular watering, as the top fertile layer of the soil dries, using only warm, settled barrel water.

Despite good frost resistance, the Tomsk f1 tomato is a heat-loving crop. However, temperatures above +32°C negatively affect the viability of pollen grains and the efficiency of photosynthesis.

The Tomsk tomato variety needs to provide a high level of light so that all stages of vegetative growth occur with maximum efficiency, since the tomato is very light-loving.

Mandatory Garter

Tomsk is a variety of tomatoes that require mandatory tying to a support and pinching.

On a note. It is recommended to form a plant with 2-3 stems when grown in open ground conditions. For a greenhouse, it is better to form a bush with 1-2 stems.

Fertilizing is not a prerequisite for growing tomatoes, and many gardeners ignore it, but it certainly affects the yield of tomatoes. The better you feed the plant, the greater the result will be obtained. You can't overdo it either.


  1. On the 21st day after planting, the seedlings are fertilized with nitrogenous substances, which promote the growth of greenery. After 3 days, the bushes are watered at the root with a solution of urea (1 tbsp per 10 liters of water);
  2. When the first flowers appear, the plant is fed with potassium. Chicken manure in the form of a solution is perfect (0.5 liters of manure per bucket of water);
  3. When flower clusters appear, feed them with potassium humate;
  4. 14 days after the 3rd feeding, superphosphate is used.

If necessary, fertilizing can be carried out during the period of fruit formation.

Harvesting tomatoes

Fruit harvesting can begin when the tomatoes reach the size and weight specified for the variety, and it is not at all necessary to wait until they are fully ripe.

The color of the fruit may vary according to the degree of ripeness:

  • green;
  • pinkish;
  • brown;
  • dairy;
  • full (red, yellow, pink, orange).

The Morning Dew variety has red tomatoes in a state of biological maturity, and if time permits, you can let the fruits ripen directly on the bushes. If you plan to transport tomatoes, it is better to pick them when they are milky or brown so they can ripen at home.

They also leave the fruits on the bushes until fully ripened if they need to get their own seeds for planting.

Harvesting brown or blanzhe tomatoes promotes faster formation of fruits on other clusters, which increases the overall yield. At the same time, if you wait until the tomatoes are fully ripened, the growth of the tomatoes on the plant is delayed.

In general, the Morning Dew variety deserves attention, and if you carry out proper care and do not forget about the recommendations of specialists, the harvest will be great!

Planting and care

To get the harvest earlier, tomatoes are grown through seedlings, which are placed in the open ground under temporary film covers, protecting them from spring cold snaps.

Unsoaked seeds germinate in about 10 days. To speed up the emergence of sprouts, keep the seeds wrapped in wet cotton cloth for 24 hours.

It is first necessary to free the surface of the grains from bacterial spores and pathogenic fungi. To do this, they are immersed for 20 minutes in a medium-strong solution of potassium permanganate. The potassium permanganate must be washed off well, otherwise the seeds may not sprout. To do this, the pickled seeds are washed several times in clean water.

Seeds are sown in the first half of March, planted in the ground in the second half of the month or early June. The harvest can be harvested from July to September.

In open ground, plants are formed into two stems and side shoots must be removed. Agrotechnical measures will require:

  • watering,
  • weeding,
  • loosening,
  • fertilizing

Growing and caring for tomatoes

Proper agricultural technology is the key to obtaining a high yield. Basic recommendations for growing and caring for tomatoes:

  • Tomatoes thrive in neutral soils. Wood ash is used to reduce the acidity of the earth. It will not only reduce acidity, but also saturate the soil with useful microelements (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, sulfur, zinc).
  • Sow the seeds in a previously prepared greenhouse (greenhouse). Peat and humus are added to the soil for planting seeds. These substances are necessary to make the soil loose.
  • The soil in the furrows is compacted, watered with warm water, only then can the tomato be sown. Maintain a distance of 2 centimeters between future plants. The densely sown seedlings are planted in separate pots after the first two leaves appear. If you do not replant, the sprouts will stretch out and be very weak.

Important! A few days before planting seeds in the soil, they need to be disinfected. For pickling, you can use proven folk recipes or synthetically produced preparations

Traditional methods include soaking in garlic (25 grams of softened garlic and 100 ml of water) or manganese (1 gram of potassium permanganate and 100 ml of water) solutions.

Soaking in Fitosporin and Trichodermin will help against fungal diseases at the initial stage of plant development. The presented drugs protect against attacks of pathogenic bacteria, and also increase the overall resistance of plants.

  • The air temperature in the greenhouse should be at least +23 degrees, and the air humidity 60-65%. Humidity and temperature must be constant; sudden changes in these factors can slow down the development of young plants.
  • Seedlings need to be grown for 55-60 days. During the growth period, monitor the soil moisture and water with warm water (30-40°C) as necessary. Excessive waterlogging is fraught with rotting of the roots, and drying out of the soil threatens withering of the plants. Follow the watering norm, and then your tomatoes will grow strong and healthy.
  • Before planting tomatoes in open soil, you need to harden off the plants. Hardening is carried out 10-15 days before the day of transplanting the seedlings.
  • In order for the plants to grow quickly, the holes need to be watered and fertilized. As a fertilizer, use complex fertilizers containing potassium, boron, phosphorus, manganese, etc.
  • Despite the fact that the bushes are medium-sized, they will need to be tied up. This measure is necessary to maintain large fruits that can break the tomato stem. Excess shoots are removed immediately after tying.
  • The crop needs to be watered at least once every five days. To reduce water consumption, mulch the soil under the plants. Covering the soil will reduce water evaporation and also protect the root system from overheating in the sun.
  • Remove young weeds, do not let them grow and take nutrients from the soil.
  • Harvest at the end of July and August. Until this moment, the fruits gain sugar content and turn pink.

Pest Control

The variety is resistant to cladosporiosis, tobacco mosaic, and bacterial spot. In open ground, the Colorado potato beetle can settle on plants, and the roots can be chewed by mole crickets. Pests are controlled with insecticides.

When fruits begin to set, poisons should not be used. Traps are set for mole crickets, and beetles are collected by hand.

Potash fertilizers will help prevent the appearance of sucking pests and guarantee good taste. Potassium improves the sweetness of the fruit, and makes the leaves tough and unpalatable to aphids. Potassium fertilizers are applied at the root, dissolving two tablespoons of potassium humate or a tablespoon of any potassium salt in 10 liters of water.

Disease and pest control

Hybrid "Nastenka" is immune to many diseases and pests. Most often, tomatoes suffer from attack:

  • Spider mite;
  • Whiteflies.

Pest control methods:

  • Using a soap solution is effective against ticks. Cleaning the affected areas with it will help completely destroy the pest;
  • Confidor solution (1 ml per bucket of water) helps fight whiteflies;
  • Sprinkling the soil near your bushes with wood ash and ground hot pepper will help get rid of slugs.

REFERENCE: Adjusted watering and temperature modes will save tomatoes from cracking.

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