Potato Lilac Fog: variety characteristics, yield, reviews

Description of the potato variety Lilac Fog

Potatoes Lilac fog of medium ripening period. The period from germination to technical ripeness takes 90-110 days. The potato bush of the Lilac Fog variety grows moderately spreading, 50-60 cm high. The leaves are large, green, with slightly wavy edges. The corolla is large. The color of the flower is purple.

Tubers of the Lilac Fog variety are oval-round in shape with red skin and small eyes. The surface and color are even. The pulp is light yellow. The weight of one potato is from 90 to 159 g. The variety has high marketability - 94% and keeping quality - 98%. It does not germinate for a long time when stored. 7-10 potatoes appear on the bush. Preserves the qualities of the variety during long-term planting of its own seed material.


  • large tubers, weighing from 90 to 160 g;
  • round-oval shape;
  • the tubers are smooth and neat;
  • the peel is red, evenly colored, moderately thin, smooth;
  • ocelli superficial, shallow, few in number;
  • the pulp is light yellow when cut;
  • the starch content is high, ranging from 14.4 to 17.2%;
  • high content of protein, vitamins, valuable amino acids, beta-carotene.

The taste of potatoes is very pleasant: rich, not watery, tender.

Due to their high starch content, the tubers are crumbly, ideal for making purees.

Potatoes can be baked, stewed, or used to prepare fillings. Not suitable for deep frying.

Pros and cons of the variety

The main advantage of the variety is that it does not degenerate for a long time, unlike other varieties. Lilac Mist potatoes can be grown continuously for about 8-9 years.

Other advantages of the Lilac Fog potato variety:

  • average ripening time;
  • good taste;
  • excellent keeping quality, in which sprouts do not appear for a long time;
  • resistance to certain diseases;
  • high marketability of tubers;
  • low risk of damage during excavation;
  • good transport qualities.

The disadvantages of the Lilac Fog variety include not the highest yield and poor tolerance of elevated air temperatures.

How to properly care for the variety

Blue fog potatoes require minimal care, which consists of periodic weeding, hilling and loosening. Fertilizing, preventive treatments, watering - as needed.

Weed removal and loosening are required. Tubers develop with sufficient access of oxygen to the soil. Therefore, after the first shoots appear, the soil is loosened to a depth of 3 cm in the rows and around the bushes. The procedure is repeated regularly until the tops close.

Important ! On clays and loams, loosening is carried out after each rain and watering.

Hilling opens oxygen to the roots of the Blue Fog potato. As a result, tubers are formed from stolons. Hilling height for the variety is average.

Planting and caring for Lilac Fog potatoes

Growing tubers of the Lilac Fog variety requires standard agricultural technology. To obtain a high yield when planting, it is necessary to observe crop rotation. It is best to plant the crop in areas where green manure and crops such as zucchini, legumes and onions previously grew. Potatoes are returned to their original place only after 3 years.

Selection and preparation of a landing site

For planting potatoes of the Lilac Fog variety, choose dry, level areas. Preferred soil compositions are loose, sandy loam. Air permeability of the soil is necessary for high-quality tuber formation.

During one growing season, potatoes take many useful substances from the soil, so they must be grown on rested and fertile soils. The soil for planting needs to be deoxidized. It is recommended to plant from north to south, for uniform access of light to all plants.

Preparation of planting material

Seed potatoes are harvested after harvest in the fall. The selected seed is greened in the light for 2 weeks before storing. Green tubers are less susceptible to disease and damage by rodents during storage. Seed material must be stored in cool rooms so that it does not germinate prematurely.

Medium-sized tubers are chosen for germination; the greater the number of eyes they have, the better for yield. But whether to cut Lilac Fog potatoes for planting or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

For proper preparation ahead of the planting season, tubers taken from storage must have dormant buds. For germination, they are taken out 3 weeks before planting. There is no need to remove the tubers prematurely; sprouts of about 1 cm are enough for planting. Planting seed tubers with overgrown, thread-like, long sprouts greatly reduces the yield.

Planting potatoes are germinated in the light. In the first week - at a temperature of +18... +20°C. Over the next 2 weeks, the temperature is reduced to +10... +15°C, transferring the potatoes to a dark place. In this case, powerful, bright and healthy shoots appear.

Important! Vernalization - preparing potatoes for planting, increases yield by 20-30%, allows you to reject low-quality tubers.

A few hours before planting, the tubers are treated with preparations with an insecto-fungicidal effect. The treatment provides comprehensive protection of tubers from pests and diseases. After spraying, the seed must be dried. With tuber treatment, there is no need to spray the bush, as well as collecting beetles.

Landing rules

Planting of potatoes of the Lilac Fog variety begins in May. Depending on the growing region, the guideline for planting is the readiness of the soil. It must be mature and warmed up to the planting depth. Typically, the soil warms up to the required temperature after a constant air temperature has been established above +10°C.

The maturity of the soil is determined by the compression of the earthen clod, while it should form and, when falling, break into small and large fractions. This shows that the soil has the right amount of moisture.

Important! There should be no weeds at the place where Lilac Fog potatoes are grown.

Fertilizers are applied during general plowing of the field or directly when planting in a hole. For this purpose, mineral fertilizer complexes and natural nutrients are used. Mustard cake, fish meal or bokashi can replace the effect of manure or humus. When applying mineral fertilizers, they are scattered from below or above the planting, but so that the tuber does not come into direct contact with them. Natural elements are mixed with the soil.

When planting, the tubers are buried 7-8 cm. Potatoes love warm soil. Therefore, deep planting will give a small harvest with a large volume of tops. Potatoes of the Lilac Fog variety require sufficient areas for nutrition and heating, so the distance in the row between the holes is kept at 40 cm, and between the rows - 70-80 cm. In this case, a linear or checkerboard layout is used. Good ventilation of bushes reduces the risk of late blight.

Watering and fertilizing

Potatoes of the Lilac Fog variety are demanding when it comes to watering; on dry soils, the yield is reduced. Regular watering improves the absorption of nutrients, potatoes have good growth, an even shape, and their taste improves. One of the best irrigations for potatoes of the Lilac Fog variety is considered to be drip and in-furrow irrigation.

The plantings are not watered until the shoots appear. For this phase of growth, there is enough moisture in the seed, and the lack of watering provokes the correct development of the root system. After green shoots appear, the plants are watered at the rate of 2-3 liters per bush.

Watering can only be done in the evening or in cloudy weather. On a sunny day, watering provokes the evaporation of moisture, which causes burns of foliage and provides an environment for the occurrence of diseases.

Water the potatoes of the Lilac Fog variety as the soil dries with heated water. In hot weather, water 1 time per week, in moderate weather - 1 time every 2 weeks. Stop watering several weeks before harvesting.

The need for added microelements depends on the soil on which Lilac Fog potatoes are grown. To grow, the culture needs:

  • 100 g potassium;
  • 50 g nitrogen;
  • 30 g phosphorus.

Ash is used separately from nitrogen fertilizers, because this compound neutralizes the effect of nitrogen. The interval between adding elements should be a month.

Important! Excessive application of nitrogen fertilizers causes the accumulation of nitrates in potatoes.

Organic fertilizer such as manure is used only when rotted to avoid the formation of various tuber rot and scab.

If germination is poor, infusions of bird droppings and herbs are used. Before flowering begins, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers without chlorine are applied.

Loosening and weeding

Loosening and weeding are necessary for the crop for better air supply to the tubers. The first loosening is carried out already on the 5th day after planting. Harrowing helps to destroy the soil crust that forms after watering or rain.

Loosening is often combined with weeding, removing or cutting weeds with a hand cultivator. Loosening and weeding, as well as hilling, can be replaced by growing potatoes in a layer of mulch. But this requires a lot of grass cuttings.


The first hilling of potatoes of the Lilac Fog variety is carried out when the above-ground part has germinated 5-7 cm. The earth is raked under the bush so that 2-3 cm of vegetative mass remains. Hilling is required so that additional stolons are formed, on which new tubers are formed. Hilling with the formation of a high ridge allows you to maintain a temperature suitable for cultivation and reduces the number of weeds.

The second hilling is carried out 2 weeks after the first, when the bushes reach 20-25 cm in height. Correct and timely hilling gives a 20-30% increase in yield.

Features of cultivation

The agricultural technology of this variety is standard. Planting is carried out in the second half of May, the soil must warm up completely. The first tubers can be dug up in mid-summer, but the bushes show maximum productivity at the end of the growing season.

Potatoes love light, fertile soil . Periodic watering and one-time fertilizing are recommended. Read more about what to feed potatoes, when and how to apply fertilizers, and how to do it correctly when planting.

It is important to carefully hill up the plantings, forming high ridges and removing weeds. Mulching between rows will help in the fight against weeds.

The Lilac Fog potato variety is planted in the second half of May, in completely warmed soil. Before planting, root crops are treated and treated with growth stimulants. The potatoes are then germinated in the light or in damp sawdust.

Important: Cutting the tubers before planting is not recommended; whole-planting significantly increases the yield.

The soil is carefully loosened, humus mixed with wood ash is laid out in the holes.
The bushes need to be placed at a distance of 35-40 cm from each other; row spacing is required with a width of 60-70 cm. Every 2-3 years, the planting areas need to be changed to avoid infection of the tubers and not to reduce the yield. The best predecessors for potatoes are lupine, meadow grasses, oilseed radish, legumes or cabbage. The vacated fields can be sown with fast-growing phacelia, which enriches the soil with useful microelements.

In moderately hot summers, it is recommended to water the plantings 1-2 times. In regions with drier climates, more frequent watering is necessary. The variety can easily tolerate short-term decreases in humidity, but a constant lack of water causes the tubers to shrink.

When growing potatoes, do not forget about spraying with different means. Read in our articles everything about fungicides, insecticides and herbicides, their benefits and harms, and proper use.

During the season, a single feeding with superphosphate or diluted mullein is possible. You cannot overfeed the plants, as this promotes the accumulation of nitrates in the root crops. It is necessary to hill the plantings 2-3 times, forming high ridges. At the same time, weeds are destroyed.

A week before harvesting, the tops are removed from the potatoes, this will help the tubers accumulate maximum nutrients. The collected potatoes are dried on the boundary or under a canopy, sorted, and then put away for storage.

Tip: Tubers intended for sale can be packed directly in the field. Seed material is selected from the strongest, non-diseased bushes. Seed potatoes are sorted and stored separately.

There are many ways to grow potatoes. On our website you will find detailed information about modern Dutch technologies and getting a good harvest without weeding and hilling, learn how to properly grow early varieties and apply methods under straw, in bags, in barrels, in boxes.

Diseases and pests

A variety of potato pests can destroy and damage all parts of the plant. The vegetative mass is harmed by Colorado leaf beetles, various caterpillars, and cutworms. Tubers are damaged by wireworms, nematodes, and mole crickets.

Weak plants growing in depleted soils are more susceptible to attack by insect pests. Prevention involves preparing the soil and dressing the tubers before planting.

According to the originator of the variety, the crop is resistant to the following diseases:

  • potato cancer;
  • leaf curling.

Moderately resistant to:

  • wrinkled and striped mosaic;
  • late blight.

Plants are susceptible to golden potato cyst nematode.

How to harvest and store crops

You can start digging potatoes of this variety 80-90 days after planting. It is completely ready for use. Mass harvesting occurs after 115-125 days. An approximate sign is wilting of the tops.

Attention ! The Blue Fog variety has tall bushes. Therefore, it is recommended to mow them before harvesting.

Tubers are distributed into groups: for food, for seeds, for animal feed. Next, the potatoes are sent to dry cellars, where the temperature is maintained at +3 - +5°C.

The keeping quality of potatoes is 98%. Seed material is well preserved until next year. The qualitative characteristics of the variety do not degenerate.


A variety of Russian selection, included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2011. Originator: Primorsky Research Institute of Agriculture.

Zoned for the North-Western and Far Eastern regions.
Potatoes are recommended for growing in private household plots, on farms, and can be planted in industrial areas. Large tubers of equal weight and size are ideal for sale. Important: The tubers are not damaged during digging and are stored for a long time. The seed material does not degenerate; it can be collected in your own fields for several years in a row.

Where are purple potatoes grown?

It is worth saying that the geography of purple potatoes has recently begun to rapidly expand. This vegetable is most widespread in countries such as South Korea, Canada, the USA, and Scotland. Moreover, for example, in Korea it is most often used for medicinal purposes, making it the star of various diets.

In addition, Koreans have learned to develop cosmetics based on it, which are in great demand in Korea and abroad. As for America, purple potatoes can be found as a raw material for the production of chips; consumers are attracted by the unusual color of the product.

Popular potato varieties. Description of varieties. Garden and vegetable garden issue 151

Purple potatoes. Tasting.

Blue Danube Potatoes description and features

TOP5 - Ultra Early Potato Varieties!

Now you know about the existence of purple potatoes, you know that there are several varieties of this crop. If you want to try your hand at growing an exotic vegetable, you should pay the utmost attention to the procedure for germinating seeds, since this is the most difficult and time-consuming part of growing a crop; otherwise, caring for a vegetable is no different.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • resistance to cold and drought;
  • unpretentiousness to conditions;
  • excellent commercial quality;
  • ability to transport over long distances;
  • keeping quality reaches almost 100%;
  • high productivity;
  • excellent taste;
  • the pulp is universal in use, boils well, and makes a tender puree;
  • The variety is resistant to some viruses and fungi.


  • suffers from nematodes;
  • may suffer from late blight and mosaic virus.


Tubers are planted after the end of frost, when the soil has warmed up well. Seed potatoes should not be cut before planting. The fruits selected for planting must first be germinated for a month. To do this, lay them out in a warm place with a temperature of + 12-15. Provide good sunlight. It is recommended to select small potatoes, but not the smallest ones, without damage.

The day before planting, the tubers are pickled in a solution of a growth stimulator or fungicide.

The soil is prepared in the fall:

  1. It is carefully loosened and dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet.
  2. Depending on the condition, add up to 1 bucket of organic fertilizers (fresh or rotted manure, compost).
  3. In the spring, the soil is loosened again and enriched with mineral fertilizers - potassium sulfate and superphosphate.
  4. Humate fertilizers are also effective, improving soil fertility.

The planting pattern is 30 by 70 or 35 by 75 cm. A little nitrophoska or wood ash is placed in the holes. To repel Colorado potato beetles, add onion peels or peas.

Rootstock grape varieties

"Richter 57"

Richter 57
The flower is feminine in its functions. The clusters are small, loose, and the berries are dark in color. The variety is frost-resistant and resistant to fungal diseases. Excellent phylloxera resistance. The variety exhibits resistance to active lime in the soil up to 17%. Tolerates dry periods. Most often used for selection.

The bushes grow medium. Upright shoots with a brown monochromatic vine. Internodes reach 14 cm in length. Moderate development of stepchildren. High yield - 180-210 thousand cuttings per hectare.


In Michurinsk, the harvest ripens by the beginning of October. The plant has powerful, medium-sized bushes. The shoots have excellent ripening properties. The flower is bisexual, the growth of the bushes is strong. The clusters are small, branched, and cylindrical in shape. The berries are oval or slightly rounded, black with a rich waxy coating and colored juice. The pulp is slightly juicy and slimy.

During the ripening years, sugar content reaches 12%-17%, and acidity – 22-28 g/l. The plant has large foliage, round in shape. Each leaf is practically solid, three-lobed. The cuttings take root well. The variety has average yields. Often used in the production of juices and wines, as well as for decorative purposes. Immunity to mildew.


Synonyms: Plant des Carmes, Worthington, Plant Pouzin

A vigorous plant that produces numerous harvests. The berries on ripe clusters are dark purple (or black), the seeds are large, the acidity is high, the taste is hybrid.


A mid-season grape variety that is characterized by strong winter hardiness. Large, rounded leaves (sometimes ovoid), three-lobed or five-lobed. They are slightly dissected, dark green in color, and have slight bristly pubescence below. Open petiole recess, wide, vaulted, bottom round or flat.

The flower of this variety is functionally female. Small, cylindrical clusters ripen, with a slightly loose surface. The berries are small, black, round. The skin of the berries is thick, with a strong waxy coating. Surprisingly juicy pulp. The ripening period is 131 days. The yield per hectare reaches 60 centners. The plant is not susceptible to mildew. Most often used in breeding work and for decorative purposes.


Medium-sized, powerful bushes that take root in moderately drained, insufficiently fertile soils. Tolerates acidic soils and is resistant to chlorosis. Also, the variety easily survives dry times.

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