King of harvests - Zdabytak potatoes: description of the variety and care features

King of harvests - Zdabytak potatoes: description of the variety and care features

Among the positive qualities of the Zdabytak potato variety are complex resistance to infections and good pulp digestibility. The tubers make everyone’s favorite cream soups, purees, rich thick borscht and cabbage soup (starch level - 20%).

Ripening timeStarch content, %Weight of tubers, gr.Number of tubers in a bushProductivity, c/haKeeping quality, %Peel colorFlesh colorCountry of selection

Diseases and pests

To prevent various diseases, potatoes can be sprayed with iodine solution (20 drops of iodine per 10 liters of water) or garlic water.

To protect against harmful insects, they are treated 1-2 times per season with special preparations. It is forbidden to eat vegetables immediately after spraying with pesticides. After carrying out this procedure, you need to wait 2-3 weeks, and only then start digging up root crops.

Late potato varieties are very popular among the population. They have good characteristics and taste. Also attractive is its good shelf life, which allows you to have a high-calorie and valuable vegetable on the table all year round.

Description and characteristics of the variety

The Zdabytak potato belongs to the mid-late line. The growing season before harvesting lasts 110–130 days. Harvest keeping quality is 88%. Culinary use - type D.

The bushes are of medium height, at the level of 50–60 cm, the stems are semi-erect. The location is compact. The leaves are small, with wavy edges. Up to 6–11 large tubers ripen under one plant. The maximum potential is 22–23 root crops in one root system. Flowering with red-violet buds occurs in July-August.

Taste qualities are rated 4.8 points out of 5 possible. Potatoes have a universal purpose. The pulp has good boilability and does not darken during heat treatment. The tubers are boiled, baked, fried.

Seed material is selected measuring 25 by 55 mm, egg-shaped, weighing 45–60 g. All tubers are elite.

When breeding Zdabytak potatoes, the best imported varieties served as a guide. An agricultural group from Belarus worked on the creation of potatoes. In Russia, the variety has been included in the State Register since 2005.

Planting and growing

In order to grow a good harvest next year, you need to take care of the seeds in the fall, as well as fulfill the minimum requirements for preparing the site. Zdabytak is a potato variety that is not particularly capricious, but simple care steps still need to be performed. Only in this case can you count on good productivity.

Seed preparation

After harvesting potatoes from the site, the tubers are sorted. For planting, you need to select strong, healthy potatoes of medium size.

Important! The seed material is laid out on a ventilated, light veranda so that the potatoes turn slightly green.

This will increase shelf life in winter and eliminate diseases. Then the planting material is placed for permanent storage in a cellar or basement.


Seed material is taken out of storage from the first days of April. They sort through, rejecting tubers with spots, defects or growths. They are germinated for 25 days (temperature: 15–16 degrees). By applying landscaping, productivity can be increased by 14–16%. When the sprouts are 5 mm long, potatoes can be planted.

The soil should not be acidified: pH values ​​for potatoes are 5.1–6. The ridges are plowed in the fall to a depth of 30 cm. Compost (6–7 kg), 50 g of nitrophoska, 1 tbsp. ash (per 1 sq. m).

The best predecessors for potatoes:

Planting time is 1–2 ten days of May. The earth should warm up to 12 degrees. At lower temperatures, compost, rotted straw, and sawdust are poured into the holes.

The beds are arranged from north to south, planted under a rope for evenness. The optimal placement is with a pitch of 60 by 60 cm.

Mid-late varieties

It was selected in Holland, but is well adapted for cultivation in the Far East and the Middle Volga region. It was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia in 1998. The bushes are up to 80 cm high, straight, not branched. The leaves are medium and large. The inflorescences are reddish-violet. From the formation of the first sprouts to harvest, about 110–120 days pass.

The tubers are oval in shape and red in color. The weight of one tuber is 63–109 g, the taste is excellent. French fries and chips are made from potatoes.

High-yielding potatoes - harvested at 300 c/ha. 2 kg of crop is dug from one bush. The culture is immune to fusarium, golden nematode, cancer, scab, and late blight.

It was bred in Belarus. Included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia in 2002. Vetraz is considered a benchmark, a standard for comparison with other varieties.

The bushes are tall. Leaves are medium sized. The inflorescences are white. Collected at 179–285 c/ha. The tubers are oval-round, yellowish. Potato weight 94–156 g, taste excellent. The presence of starch averages 15.4–19.1%.

Windgrass is immune to cancer, banded mosaic, nematode, and leaf curl. Moderately susceptible to late blight.

Vitelotte was developed in France. The growing season is up to 110 days. The tubers are elongated. They have a very dark blue color. Potato weight is 70–100 g. If you cut a potato, you will see blue-violet flesh. Consumption of this variety lowers blood pressure. Tubers contain more antioxidants than those with regular yellow flesh. They can be stored for a long time.

Unfortunately, Vitelotte also has disadvantages. It is not resistant to scab and late blight.

The variety was bred in Belarus and was included in the State Register of Russia in 2005. 100–114 days pass from germination to harvest.

Plants are up to 60 cm high, quite branched, flowers are purple-red. The tubers are red, somewhat rough, weighing 89–139 g. The pulp is cream-colored.

The yields are high, approximately 177–242 c/ha. 16 tubers are collected from each bush.

The bushes tolerate sudden changes in temperature, high and low temperatures well. They are resistant to nematodes, cancer, scab, and blackleg. But there is also a minus - susceptibility to late blight, which is a fungal disease. It can be detected by a whitish coating on the lower part of the foliage and dark brown spots on the upper side of the leaves. To eliminate the disease, spray the tops with Bordeaux mixture, dilute 100 g of copper sulfate and 100 g of lime in a bucket of clean water (10 l).

Related article: Potato variety “Red Anna” - description and photo

The oldest variety. Included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia back in 1930. Suitable for cultivation in the south and center of Russia.

Bushes up to 0.8 m high, straight, purple-red inflorescences. The tubers are pale beige. The weight of one tuber is 90–120 g.

Up to 15 tubers are collected from 1 bush. Lorch has a high yield, harvested at 250–350 c/g. The taste of the tubers is excellent. The presence of starch is 15–20%. Tubers can be stored until the next season without loss of taste and nutritional value. Plants are not affected by bacteriosis or various viral diseases. But they are susceptible to late blight on leaves and tops.

Disadvantage - the bushes cannot tolerate the lack of rain and heat, they need to be watered.

Included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia in 2004. Tall bushes. The inflorescences are reddish-violet. The tubers are reddish. Tuber weight 77–102 g. The pulp is white, of excellent taste. Potatoes store well and are transportable. They collect 117–198 quintals per hectare.

Bushes are immune to cancer. Moderately resistant to nematodes and late blight.

Saturna is grown on an industrial scale. Alcohol and starch are made from tubers. The bushes are tall, the inflorescences are snow-white. Saturna was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia in 2005.

The tubers are oval, yellowish, rough, the flesh is also yellow. They are well preserved and easy to transport. The presence of starch is up to 21%. Tuber weight 90–114 g.

Productivity 155–246 c/ha. The bushes are immune to golden nematode and cancer. Moderately susceptible to late blight.

Included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia in 2005. The weight of one tuber is 89–125 g. Its color is yellow, the flesh is creamy, and the taste is excellent.

The use is universal, you can boil potatoes, put them in soups, make casseroles, and purees. The presence of starch is low 12.2–15.3%.

Up to 11 tubers are collected from a bush. Harvest quantity – 454 c/ha.

The bushes are immune to cancer and golden nematode. Moderately resistant to late blight.


This is a new variety. It was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia only in 2014.

The bushes are medium in height, semi-erect. The leaves are large. The variety has blue oval-round tubers, and the flesh is also blue. They collect 60–209 quintals per hectare. With good care, you can harvest up to 221 centners per hectare, but this is still lower than the yield of the Versal variety, which is accepted as the standard. The tubers are small, weighing 69–80 g per one. The presence of starch is 10.5–14.4%.

The variety is immune to cancer and more or less resistant to late blight. But it is affected by the golden nematode.

Growing and care

The variety loves moderate humidity. No more than 3-4 waterings are required per season. Water for the first time 10–12 days after germination, then during flowering. After flowering, stop watering. The moisture norm is 20–30 liters per 1 sq. m, at the height of budding - 40–50 liters per 1 sq. m.

The bushes are earthed up when the tops grow to 10–15 cm and when the stems are 20–25 cm long. A total of 2 procedures are necessary. The soil is loosened once every 2–3 weeks, always after precipitation and moisture. At the same time, they get rid of weeds.

During the growing season, potatoes are fed with urea (1 liter per 1 bush, take 20 g per 10 liters). Prepare a solution with ash (60 g per 10 l).

When flowering occurs, on the eve of hilling, the potatoes are watered with a solution of superphosphate, potassium sulfate, and copper sulfate. Farmers are advised to irrigate the bushes with manganese-boron compounds to improve the density and taste of the crop.

How to properly care for the variety

Care consists of timely weeding, hilling, and treatment against harmful insects. During the dry season, watering is recommended.

Top dressing

It is recommended to feed potatoes regularly. These can be both organic and mineral fertilizers. Organic matter is traditionally used manure, humus or compost.

Important! To improve the composition of the soil, green manure is sown in the year before planting potatoes.

Root crops are fed with mineral fertilizers in the morning or evening, spraying the solution under the bush in the same way as when controlling pests. This type of feeding supplies the plant with useful microelements and protects against certain diseases. Root vegetables need potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. They actively participate in the development of culture throughout the entire cycle.


General characteristics: mid-season Belarusian table variety with elongated oval tubers. It has a very high starch content.

Ripening period (vegetation): 80-95 days.

Weight of marketable tubers (grams): 101-128.

Number of tubers in a bush: 6-11 pieces.

Productivity (c/ha): 211-298 (maximum – 318).

Consumer qualities: excellent taste, culinary type D, suitable for baking and making purees.

Keeping quality (storage ability): 88%.

Peel color: red.

Preferred growing regions (RF): Central, Middle Volga.

Disease resistance: the variety is resistant to potato canker, slightly susceptible to potato golden cyst nematode. Moderately susceptible to late blight on tops and moderately resistant to late blight on tubers.

Features of cultivation: standard agricultural technology.

Other: the originator of the potato variety “Zdabytak” is the Scientific and Production Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Potato and Horticulture.

Advice from experienced gardeners and reviews

Vegetable growers are generally satisfied with the Zdabytak variety . Particularly noted are its productivity, ease of care, and the versatility of tubers in cooking. Some share their secrets on agricultural technology for growing potatoes:

Oleg Nikiforov, Samara : “I have relatively little land, a little more than 50 hectares. A third of the area is occupied by potatoes. I have been growing zdabytak for three years now, and I purchased planting material only once, before the first planting. The variety is good because it does not degenerate and allows you to save on seed potatoes. I’m not complaining about the yield: I consistently harvest about 220 c/ha. I fertilize the soil with organic matter. I use 30–35 kg of manure per hectare.”

Natalya Stepanishina, Pskov : “I learned about this variety from a neighbor. She provided the planting material; Zdabytka sold the bucket last spring. In the fall, I collected 4 buckets of potatoes from this amount. They say more is possible. Apparently the soil was not very conducive to the yield. This spring I planted 5 buckets of Belarusian potatoes. I hope I’ll collect all 20.”

Alexander Orlov, Ulyanovsk : “The variety is very profitable for cultivation: from the point of view of both agricultural technology (does not require special care, only standard measures), and yield (above average, subject to care rules), and use (potatoes are suitable for cooking, making alcohol, for the preparation of starch in industrial quantities).”

Growing potatoes Zdabytak - what kind of variety is it, characteristics

Zdabytak - late ripening potatoes. This variety was bred on Belarusian soil. However, it soon became widespread in central Russia and today it is chosen by many domestic gardeners and farmers.

What kind of variety is Zdabytak?

The authors of the variety are Belarusian breeders. It was bred at the Scientific and Production Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for vegetable and potato growing.

Many vegetable growers note the positive qualities of the variety. It compares favorably with other types due to its high starch content.

Potatoes Zdabytak, description of variety and characteristics:

Productivity reaches 200-300 centners per hectare. In record years, up to 318 c. There is high resistance to diseases such as potato cancer and cyst nematode. Resistance to late blight, scab and rhizoctonia is moderate. Keeping quality is average and good, 88% survive until spring.

Additional Information! The red color of the peel is evidence that the composition contains anthocyanin, which has an antioxidant effect. It protects the body from exposure to ultraviolet rays. However, anthocyanin is dangerous for people prone to allergies.

The most preferred areas of Russia for breeding:

How to harvest and store crops

Potato harvesting dates begin at the end of August and end in mid-September. To harvest, you need to choose dry weather. This will increase the chances of better storage and prevent the appearance of rot and pathogenic bacteria.

Approximately 1-2 weeks before harvesting the potatoes, remove the tops. This can be done using a scythe or sickle.

After digging, the potatoes are allowed to dry directly on the site for 1-2 hours. Then they are collected, placed in bags and stored.

Harvesting potatoes with a combine harvester

For reference! Mechanized harvesting makes the job much easier.

Store the harvest in a cool, dry place. The conditions for keeping potatoes of the Zdabytak variety are standard and no different from the others. Keeping quality is 88%.

“If it says “bulbachka,” it means the potatoes are unsorted.”

At the seasonal market, the assortment of new potatoes pleases the eye. True, there is also last year’s one - several times cheaper. But what is the use of stale tubers? We focus only on fresh stuff.

- Girls, take the bulba, it’s good! - an elderly woman standing behind a “multi-story” potato counter beckons. Taking a look at these “tiers”, Lyudmila Kozlova hastens to comment:

— You see, the price tags say: “Potato”, “Potato”, “Bulba savory”, but the variety is not indicated. Tubers vary in skin color, size and shape. So it's a mixture of different varieties. I don’t recommend buying this because of the different content of starch and reducing sugars (thanks to them, a golden crispy crust is formed). If you start frying, one part, where there is a lot of starch, will boil, and the other part, where there is little, will remain intact. Where there is a lot of sugar, it will burn, where there is little, it will not. Well, it’s not aesthetically pleasing, after all: you can’t put “mixed-color” tubers on a plate after cooking.

Zdabytak - potato plant variety

Variety characteristics:

Properties of the Zdabytak variety:

Recommended region on the map:

Information on the admission of Zdabytak Potatoes from the Register of the State Variety Commission of the Russian Federation

The originator of the Potato Zdabytak variety is:

Other plant varieties Potato

Variety selection
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How to preserve vitamins when cooking

“Lileya”, “Uladar”, “Lasunak”, “Breeze”, “Vektar”... I don’t even know which variety to choose. I would like a clear and simple answer about how tasty and healthy it is.

— Men often ask me this question, and I immediately ask again: do you prefer blondes or brunettes? — the expert smiles. — Taste is a purely individual matter. Some people turn their nose up at the crumbly stuff, while others just give it that way. As for the biochemical parameters that determine the nutritional value of tubers, the limit of variation in different potato varieties is relatively small. Potatoes that ripen earlier tend to contain more protein and less starch. Late varieties, on the contrary, have less protein, but more vitamin C and starch.

- It makes sense that there is vitamin C in there! - I notice. — Potatoes are not eaten raw, and at high temperatures ascorbic acid is destroyed.

“If you boil peeled potatoes in water or steam, 14-30% of vitamin C is lost, and when cooked in their skins, the losses are quite insignificant,” argues Lyudmila Kozlova. — The largest amount of vitamin, up to 50%, is lost during frying. If you consume 250-300 g of potatoes per day (average daily norm), then as much as 70% of the need for vitamin C can be met only thanks to our main Belarusian product.

We looked for the “Volat” variety on the shelves but couldn’t find it. According to the expert, it contains a high content of vitamin C - 25 mg/%.

Photo: Elena Kleshchenok, TUT.BY

The “Zhuravinka” and “Manifest” varieties are considered rich in antioxidants (substances that protect our cells from toxic effects). Scientists at the Academy of Sciences specially selected them so that the health benefits from lunches and dinners would be greater.

— Here’s “Crane,” buy it to try! - Lyudmila Kozlova points to the reddish-yellow tubers with the corresponding inscription. — The red color of the peel indicates a large amount of anthocyanins, and the yellow color of the pulp indicates carotenoids (provitamin A).

On the recommendation of a specialist, I also purchase a kilogram of “Breeze”. It, together with the mid-season variety “Skarb”, is very popular in our country.

“In general, potatoes are a very nutritious product, and I myself am a big fan of them,” says Lyudmila Kozlova. — It is a source of plant fiber, proteins, vitamin B6, and potassium.

Main advantages and disadvantages

Zdabytak belongs to the category of varieties D , which are characterized by the absence of wateriness, pronounced mealiness and good boilability of tubers. In cooking, such varieties are always in demand: they make soft and tender purees and casseroles of a uniform consistency without lumps.

Benefits of Potatoes:

  • one of the highest yielding varieties;
  • does not succumb to diseases dangerous to the crop;
  • the crop does not deteriorate during storage.

No disadvantages were noticed in the variety . Except that these potatoes are of little use for frying.

Reference . The red color of the peel indicates the presence of anthocyanins in the vegetables. These substances have an antioxidant effect and protect the body from the effects of ultraviolet radiation, but they are dangerous for allergy sufferers: raw potato juice can cause a negative reaction in the body.

Difference from other varieties

Zdabytak potatoes differ from other varieties in the increased starchiness of the tubers and excellent taste (professional chefs consider it ideal).

“If a potato is watery, it doesn’t mean it’s chemical”

It is clear that if potatoes have been approved for sale, the risk that they contain more chemicals than normal is minimal. Nevertheless, I express to the expert my concerns about buying watery potatoes. According to popular belief, this is a sign of an “overdose” of pesticides.

The head of the laboratory says this is a myth:

— Humidity or wateriness, as you call it, primarily indicates a small amount of starchy substances in the tuber. The fewer there are, the worse the potatoes are boiled.

Young potatoes often have this property: if the tubers were removed from the soil early, they did not have time to accumulate a lot of starch. The only exception is the Lileya variety. We also buy it for testing.

“It matters in what part of Belarus the potatoes are grown,” continues the expert. — If in the Brest region, where there are more sandy soils, then it is more likely that the potatoes will be more crumbly. If in the Vitebsk region, where the soils are heavier and retain moisture longer, it is less crumbly. It's worth considering what the summer was like. In rainy and cold weather, potatoes absorb a lot of moisture, and therefore there will be little starch.

As for the level of pesticides and nitrates, according to Lyudmila Kozlova, it is impossible to determine it by appearance. A verdict can only be made after laboratory tests. But a changed taste can serve as an indicator. As a rule, if potatoes are bitter, then when growing them they really overdid it with nitrogenous fertilizers and remedies for pests, weeds and diseases.

“If you have prepared this, don’t risk your health, throw it away without any pity,” recommends Lyudmila Kozlova.

— And if the potatoes turn blue after boiling, is this also a “symptom” of pesticides?

“More often this indicates improper transportation and storage of potatoes: with strong impacts or compression, “bruises” form on them,” explains Lyudmila Kozlova. — The appearance suffers, but there is no danger to health. Only in some cases, when all the boiled potatoes have turned blue, can this really be a sign of excess chemicals.

Photo: Alexandra Kvitkevich, TUT.BT

Lyudmila Kozlova is pleased to state that sellers honestly label the goods and give the correct characteristics to the varieties. But he notices that too many washed potatoes are sold on the market. Yes, it’s more convenient for housewives - but these potatoes need to be prepared quickly. Washed tubers do not store well even in the refrigerator.

“As soon as moisture gets on the potatoes, the processes of rotting and spoilage accelerate,” explains Lyudmila Kozlova. — The only exception is if the washed potatoes were stored and packaged under special conditions, that is, in a controlled gas environment. But such potatoes are more often sold in supermarkets; it shows how and when it was packaged.

Late potato varieties: Zhuravinka variety

The mid-late potato variety Zhuravinka is a crossing of the Polish variety Ceza with the Dutch Sante, it was selected in Belarus and has taken root very thoroughly in Russia. From the moment of planting until the moment of harvesting, approximately 90-110 days pass, for this reason it is classified as a mid-late, rather than late, species. The height of the bushes is approximately 60 cm, the plants are semi-erect, seedlings appear evenly. The variety is “multi-tuberous”, that is, it has a high yield. An average of 16-25 potatoes grow in one nest, the average weight of each is 90-140 grams. From one hectare (10,000 sq.m.) it is possible to collect 60,000 kg. vegetables The Zhuravinka variety is resistant to weather conditions and various disasters such as drought and sharp drops in air temperature. But the only disadvantage of this variety is the high risk of contracting late blight, which affects the foliage and the fruits themselves.

Recipe from a scientist: potatoes in a slow cooker

We return from the market with purchases. Let's go cook Zhuravinka, Lileya and Breeze. Lyudmila Kozlova reminded: the healthiest potatoes are baked in the oven in their skins or steamed.

And she offered her recipe, which allows you to preserve the nutritional value as much as possible.

— Take the potatoes, wash them, peel them and cut them into four parts. If the potatoes are young, you don’t need to peel the peel; for mature ones, you need to cut them as thin as possible. Mix all the parts with salt, add a little vegetable or butter and put in a slow cooker. Cooking mode: “baking”, time: 30 minutes.

Harvest and storage

Zdabytak is a late variety . The harvest period is in September. Farmers are also guided by the signs of potato maturity:

How and when to collect

For harvesting, choose a sunny day without rain , so that both the gardener and the tubers are comfortable. The dug up potatoes are dried in the open air.

Reference. Drying time for potatoes in the garden is 3 hours.

Harvest in a timely manner : tubers left in the ground for a long time will deteriorate and become unfit for consumption.

Storage and keeping quality of the variety

The keeping quality of the variety is high - 88% . If optimal conditions are provided (temperature and humidity levels), the tubers will retain their presentation and taste for 9–12 months.

Keep potatoes in a basement or cellar at a temperature of +2...+4°C and air humidity of 70–80%. The first 2 weeks of storage are a “curing” period, during which the crop is placed in a well-ventilated dark room with a temperature of +15...+18°C. This stage is necessary for scarring mechanical damage on tubers, identifying rot and other diseases.

Characteristics of early varieties of Belarusian potatoes with photos

Early potatoes are used for summer consumption. These are early ripening varieties that form tubers in 80-90 days. As a rule, these are all-purpose potatoes and keep well for several months.

The best varieties among early Belarusian potatoes are recognized:

The Lelya variety has proven itself to be the most productive. In a subsidiary farm, it is possible to collect up to 15 tubers from one bush. The bushes grow straight, compact, well leafy. The leaves are small, slightly wavy, the flowers are white.

The harvest ripens quickly, and the tubers retain their marketable appearance for a long time. Potatoes are large in size, about 200 grams, and oval in shape. The peel is yellow in color, smooth, without ruts. Potatoes have practically no eyes. When cut, the tubers are light yellow. The variety is recognized as universal, suitable for preparing various dishes. The taste is excellent; the potatoes do not darken during processing.

The variety does not degenerate, which allows you to collect your seed material. Rarely gets sick, resistant to many diseases. However, on poor land it produces a small harvest.

The Uladar potato variety is less demanding and produces a good harvest on any soil. The bushes grow up to 60 cm, the shoots are erect. The leaves are light green and small. The bush blooms with purple flowers. The yield is high, up to 10-15 tubers are harvested from one bush, weighing at least 150-200 grams.

Potatoes have good taste. The skin of the tubers is yellow, smooth, without eyes. The pulp is creamy in color and becomes richer after cooking.

The variety adapts well to any climate, easily tolerates drought, and rarely gets sick. Despite the early ripening of the crop, up to 90% of the tubers retain their marketable appearance for a long time.

Manifest potatoes are intended for cultivation in the Kaluga, Orenburg, Vladimir and Moscow regions. This is a pink variety of high-yielding potato.

The bushes reach a height of 50 cm and grow straight. The leaves are dark in color and small. The flowers are lilac with a blue tint.

The fruits are large, about 150 g, round, with a pink thin skin. The flesh is pale pink. The yield is high, the preservation of tubers is good. Up to 96% of fruits are stored for about 6 months. Potatoes do not fall apart when cooked and have an excellent taste.

The best mid-season varieties of Belarusian potatoes: their characteristics and advantages

Medium potato varieties are especially popular because the crop can be stored for a long time. The tubers take more than 100 days to ripen, but acquire a good taste.

The Yanka variety has gained popularity relatively recently. Suitable for growing in central and northwestern regions. It is planted both on an industrial scale and on personal plots.

Potatoes have high indicators:

• good keeping quality of fruits, up to 98%;

• resistant to temperature changes, easily tolerates drought and frost;

• seed material does not degenerate;

• not picky about soils.

The fruits are of medium size, about 80-100 g, round, smooth, with yellow skin, few eyes. The pulp is light yellow and does not darken when cooked. The taste of potatoes is rich, the tubers are well boiled. Suitable for making mashed potatoes, chips, French fries and other dishes.

The variety has only one drawback - weak resistance to late blight. Preventative spraying will be required.

The Zhuravinka variety is one of the best red mid-season potato varieties. The harvest is well preserved for a long time. Bushes are rarely affected by scab, cancer and other characteristic diseases.

Advantages of the Zhuravinka variety:

• large weight of tubers;

• good disease resistance;

• high keeping quality of fruits.

The tubers of this variety are covered with red skin, the flesh is cream or pale pink. It is possible to collect up to 20 fruits from one bush, despite bad weather. The variety tolerates drought well and is not picky about growing conditions and soil.

Difficulties in growing

The main problem when cultivating a variety over large areas is marketing the products. The buyer focuses primarily on the presentation of vegetables, and tubers of this variety seem too small and unsightly to many.

When growing potatoes, farmers face pest attacks . Untimely treatment leads to massive death of bushes and loss of yield.

The moisture-loving nature of the variety will become a problem if the watering regime is not followed and the bushes are over-irrigated.

Late potatoes of Belarusian selection: varieties, description, photos

Late varieties ripen in more than 130 days, so they are not grown in the northern regions without additional shelter. Such potatoes give good results in open ground only in the south of the country.

The Atlant yellow potato variety is rightfully considered one of the most productive. From 1 hectare it is possible to collect more than 70 tons of tubers. Disease resistance is high, crop safety is excellent.

Tubers of universal use, with a dense yellow skin, creamy flesh, shallow eyes. The shape of the tubers is oval, elongated. Average weight from 100 to 120 g. The taste of potatoes is good, the starch content is up to 22%.

No less interesting to gardeners is the Zdabytak potato variety. This is a table variety for the central regions. The tubers are covered with a red, rough skin, large, with white pulp. Excellent taste, boils well.

The variety tolerates the vagaries of weather well and produces a stable harvest. Tuber safety is up to 90%. Potatoes are resistant to nematodes, viral mosaics and other diseases.

Description of the variety

Zdabytak potatoes are distinguished by medium-sized oblong tubers with reddish skin and white flesh.

Origin and development

The variety was bred on the territory of Belarus . For a long time it underwent agrotechnical tests for its suitability for cultivation in certain regions, and in 2005 it was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation.

Zdabytka tubers are bred in accordance with the best foreign samples. Planting material is not renewed every year: the farmer provides himself with seed potatoes.

The main feature of Zdabytka is its ultra-high level of starch content, more than 20%.

Vitamins in potato pulp:

  • retinol (A);
  • ascorbic acid (C);
  • tocopherol (E);
  • thiamine (B1);
  • riboflavin (B2);
  • nicotinic acid (B3);
  • pantothenic acid (B5);
  • pyridoxine (B6);
  • folic acid (B9).


Ripening period

Zdabytak potatoes ripen in 120–130 days . The growing season consists of 4 phases:

  1. Planting in the ground after the soil has completely warmed up (late April - early May).
  2. Shoots - 10–12 days after planting.
  3. Bloom.
  4. Ripening.

The optimal period for the growth of tubers and the accumulation of useful substances in them is 4 months. The harvest is not harvested before the full completion of the growing season.


6–11 medium-sized tubers ripen in a bush. Weight of vegetables - 100–130 g.

Reference. With high-quality regular care and sufficient soil moisture, Zdabytak produces up to 22 tubers per bush.

The maximum yield on large areas is 318 c/ha. Minimum - 211 c/ha.

Disease resistance

Gardeners value the variety for its resistance to major diseases .

Zdabyta is not subject to:

  • potato cancer;
  • late blight;
  • bacterial diseases.

Slightly susceptible:

  • potato nematode;
  • viral lesions.


Bushes of medium height, semi-erect . The leaves are deep green with slightly wavy edges. The flowers are red-violet.

The tubers are oval-oblong in shape with a red, rough skin and small eyes. In cross section they are white with a pleasant pinkish tint. The taste of the pulp is excellent.

What regions is it suitable for?

Zoned for cultivation in Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and some regions of Russia. The most suitable climate for cultivating the variety is in the Central and Middle Volga regions.

Related article: Potato variety “Willow” - description and photo

Interesting things on the site:

The best varieties

The best and most popular species of Belarusian breeders are:

  • Aksamit;
  • Dolphin;
  • Scrub;
  • Dubrava;
  • Volat;
  • Zarnitsa;
  • Rogneda.

The most successful varieties are considered to be ultra-early ones; they produce crops as quickly as possible and allow you to harvest twice in a season. However, storing tubers requires compliance with certain conditions: a cool, dark place with a temperature of 1-3 °C. Later varieties have strong immunity to drought and frost and are characterized by good keeping quality.

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