Double-crop potato "Tiras": variety description, photo, care tactics

It is worth starting the description of the Tiras potato variety with an important characteristic - the ability to bear fruit on any soil. The subspecies was bred by Ukrainian breeders. Since 2004, the variety has been tested in the territories of Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, and Russia.

Tiras potatoes are recommended to be grown in the southern regions and the middle zone. Preference is given to natural areas: steppe, forest-steppe. According to its characteristics, the variety is intended for cultivation in open ground, both on personal plots and for farms.


Variety nameTiras
general characteristicsearly variety with high yield, it is possible to obtain two harvests per season
Maturation period70-80 days
Starch content10-15%
Weight of marketable tubers120-140 gr
Number of tubers in a bush9-12
Productivity210-460 c/ha
Consumer qualitiesgood taste and good cooking ability
Keeping quality93%
Peel colorpink
Flesh colorlight yellow
Preferred Growing Regionsany soil and climate
Disease resistancemoderately resistant to late blight, resistant to scab, cancer, nematode
Features of cultivationgermination recommended
OriginatorInstitute of Potato Growing NAAS (Ukraine)

The hybridizer of the variety is the Polesie experimental station of the Institute of Scientific Research of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.
The subspecies is grown in the central zone of the country and in the south . "Tiras" grows in the Krasnodar region, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Ryazan, Kaluga regions. Recommended growing zones: steppe, forest-steppe and woodland.

The subspecies has proven itself well in other countries - in Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Ukraine. It is often found in the garden plots of amateur gardeners, but is also suitable for farms. Bred for cultivation in open ground. Withstands all weather conditions perfectly. Refers to drought-resistant varieties.

Diseases and parasites

The Tiras variety demonstrates high resistance to fruit rust, cancer, and common scab. The subspecies is moderately susceptible to damage by stem nematodes.

Powdery scab

The fungal disease affects the aboveground and underground parts of the plant. Affected tubers dry out or rot during storage. The disease develops on waterlogged soils. Fungal spores remain in the ground for up to 5 years.

Crop rotation will help avoid the development of the disease. Planting material is carefully selected after storage and pickled.


The seed material is treated with 1%. manganese solution or Bordeaux mixture. The required amount of potassium is added, which reduces the likelihood of disease. Once every two weeks, Tiras potato plantings are sprayed with a solution of phytosporin.


The larva of a click beetle with a rigid, elongated body is light yellow in color. It develops in the soil for 3-4 years and feeds on root crops.

Ways to protect the Tiras variety from pests:

Potatoes "Tiras": variety description, photo

The bushes are of medium height. They have a large number of leaves. The leaves are elongated, emerald green, with a jagged edge. The flowers are burgundy-lilac. The length of the stolons is 5-6 cm. The depth of the ocelli is miniature.

The number of tubers on one bush is 9-12 pieces . The tubers are uniform in shape. The fruits are oblong, with smooth rounded edges. The surface of the fruit is flat and smooth. The peel has a pink tint. The color of the pulp is snow-white.

The average weight of one fruit is 115-140 g . The starch content reaches 10-15%.

The taste of potatoes largely depends on the amount of starch in its tubers. In the table below you can see what this indicator is for different varieties:

Variety nameStarch content
Cast iron12-15%
Svitanok Kyiv18-19%
Purple Haze14-17%

For a more accurate idea of ​​what the Tiras potato variety is, the characteristics are not enough. Take a look at the photo:

Features of harvesting and storage

The skin of the Tiras variety is dense, so it is not afraid of harvesting using mechanized means. 2 weeks before the intended harvest, the tops are cut off so that the tubers absorb the maximum amount of nutrients. After being removed from the soil, the tubers are left to dry directly in the garden bed. After this, they are shaken off the ground and placed in boxes, layered with sawdust or straw. For storage, potatoes are placed in a dry room with a temperature range of 0...+3°C, with a humidity of 80–85%. This could be a cellar, a relatively warm but not heated balcony or veranda.


Let's consider the yield characteristics of the Tiras potato. The variety is suitable for obtaining two harvests. Belongs to mid-early varieties.

From the emergence of seedlings to technical ripeness, 70-80 days pass. In the coldest regions, the variety ripens in 90 days. The growing season lasts 60-65 days. Fruit formation occurs 10-15 days after planting.

The harvest is harvested 38-42 days after the first shoots . 210 centners of fruits are harvested from 1 hectare. At the end of the growing season, the total yield reaches 460 centners per hectare.

The yield of marketable tubers is 93%. The variety has excellent keeping quality. It can be stored in cool vegetable stores for more than 5 months. Has a table purpose. Taste qualities are rated 3.7-4.0 points out of 5 .

Read more about the storage time and temperature of potatoes, and about possible problems. And also about storing it in winter, in boxes, on the balcony, in the refrigerator, cleaned.

You can compare the yield and keeping quality of a variety with others using the table below:

Variety nameProductivity (c/ha)Keeping quality(%)
Queen Anne390-46092

The variety is responsive to fertilizing. Read more about how to fertilize potatoes, when and how to fertilize, and how to do it correctly when planting.

It is recommended to remove the tops two weeks before harvest. It is harvested from both seed and food bushes. This procedure accelerates the ripening of fruits. This method also prevents the re-infection of viral diseases by carriers.

Pros and possible disadvantages of the variety

The first difference from other varieties with similar characteristics, as well as the advantage of the variety, is its ability to develop and bear fruit in any climatic conditions and on any soil.

  • Other benefits:
  • early ripening;
  • the ability to harvest twice per season;
  • attractive presentation;
  • resistance to scab, cancer and nematode;
  • transportability;
  • high preservation rates (93% of the total mass);
  • long shelf life - 5–7 months.

The disadvantage is considered to be average resistance to late blight and viral diseases.

The variety is suitable for obtaining two harvests


Agricultural technology is standard. Planting must be done in the first ten days of May . Plots of land are chosen that are well lit. Recommended planting pattern: 35x60 cm. Sowing depth should not be more than 8-10 cm.

Potatoes should be placed after annual or perennial grasses, winter crops, grains or legumes. The variety grows actively on all types of soil .

Before planting, all sprouts on tubers must be broken off . Otherwise, additional stems will not sprout from the eyes. The plant may be skinny, with a small number of leaves and subsequently with a poor harvest.

How to grow potatoes on the plot

The culture is absolutely undemanding to the type of soil and grows in many regions of Russia - even in areas poor in nutritional components. Potatoes perform well in regions with hot and dry climates.

The variety's agricultural technology is simple, it does not require a special approach, but to harvest an excellent quality harvest, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules. Care involves moderate watering, loosening, hilling and weeding of beds, fertilizing and preventive treatments against pests and diseases.

Dates, scheme and rules of planting

Seed material for planting is prepared in the fall. Select medium-sized tubers, without damage or signs of rotting. In the spring, the seeds are re-sorted and taken out of the basement into a bright room with an air temperature of +14-15°C, laid out on a flat surface for germination. The procedure is carried out 20-25 days before planting. During this period, sprouts will appear on the tubers.

To prevent the development of infectious diseases, seeds are disinfected in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, Fitosporin or copper sulfate.

Before planting, the area is sown with wheat, lupine, rye, flax, mustard, and a month later it is mowed and buried in the ground. Green manure plants replenish nutritional deficiencies and prevent the growth of fungi and bacteria.

Planting is carried out in early May in soil warmed to a temperature of at least +6°C. Pits are formed on the site with a depth of 8-10 cm, with an interval of 30-35 cm. 150-200 g of ash and 30 g of superphosphate are poured into each. The row spacing is 65-70 cm. Large tubers are cut into two parts, treating the cut with ash.

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Basic agricultural techniques are as follows:

  1. Maintaining crop rotation. It is not recommended to grow the crop for several years in a row in one place. It is optimal to use beds where cabbage, beans, and peas previously grew and not to plant potatoes next to tomatoes due to common diseases and pests.
  2. Moderate watering. The best way to control moisture levels is to install a drip system. When watering manually, weather conditions are taken into account: at moderate air temperatures, once a week is enough; during periods of drought, the frequency is increased to 2-3 times. It is important not to overwater the bushes, otherwise the tubers will be too watery and lose their taste.
  3. Loosening. The procedure is carried out after each watering, preventing the formation of a hard earthen crust.
  4. Hilling. An important rule for caring for potatoes, which allows you to simultaneously remove weeds and saturate the root system with oxygen. The bushes are earthed up for the first time 2-3 weeks after planting, and again after flowering.
  5. Harrowing. The procedure is carried out on areas exceeding three hundred square meters. A harrow is mounted on a tractor or walk-behind tractor, the teeth of which pull weeds out of the soil and deeply loosen the soil.
  6. Fertilizer. The Tiras variety is not too undemanding in terms of soil composition, but at the same time responds positively to organic and mineral fertilizing, increasing productivity. Before planting, a solution of chicken manure is added to the soil (1 tablespoon of dry chicken manure per 10 liters of water); after flowering, the bushes are treated with foliar fertilizers (2 g of sodium humate per 10 liters, 200 g of urea, 10 g of boric acid per 10 liters) .

Reference. Potatoes have one peculiarity - they absorb only 50% of the substances from root fertilizers and actively absorb minerals when spraying greens.

Nuances of cultivation and possible difficulties

Difficulties when growing Tiras potatoes rarely arise even for beginners. To increase productivity and protect tubers from degeneration, which is typical for many crops propagated by vegetation, experienced farmers recommend purchasing seeds from trusted sellers and promptly replacing the material.

The variety shows the same productivity both with traditional growing technology and with proprietary cultivation methods.

Igor Lyadov’s method involves planting tubers in closed beds and saves a lot of time and effort on care. Boxes with earth are installed on the site in the direction from north to south. Wooden sticks, boards, and bricks are used for production. The height of the sides is 20 cm, width - 1.1 m. The bottom is lined with straw, grass, hay, dry leaves, cardboard or paper. Compost mixed with soil is placed on top.

Before planting, the soil is loosened, holes are formed in two rows 10-15 cm deep and with an interval of 30-40 cm. Next, holes are made at a distance of 0.3-0.4 m. The tubers are planted in a checkerboard pattern, sprinkled with ash and crushed eggshells on top and covered with soil. After the bushes appear, they are weeded and the beds are mulched with straw. Further care does not differ from traditional care.

Kopka Tiras 06/08/2016

Diseases and pests

The crop is characterized by average resistance to late blight of tops and tubers, and is immune to common scab, cancer, nematode and leaf curl virus.

Symptoms of late blight:

  • dark and curled leaves;
  • white coating on the reverse side;
  • dark spots on potatoes.

Preventive measures:

  • crop rotation;
  • maintaining gaps between bushes;
  • selection of a site on the south side;
  • soaking tubers with “Immunocytophyte” before planting;
  • harvesting potatoes in dry and sunny weather;
  • fertilizing with potassium and phosphorus;
  • soil nitrogen control;
  • treatment of bushes with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate (20 g/10 l), Silk or Krezacin.


  • before flowering - treatment with Ridomil Gold MC, Oxyx (twice every 10 days);
  • after flowering - treatment with Bravo every 10 days;
  • before harvesting - a single spraying with the drug "Alyufit".

The following methods are effective against the Colorado potato beetle:

  1. Treatment with birch ash in the morning on leaves damp from dew or rain (10 kg per 100 sq. m). Larvae and adults die after 48 hours.
  2. Infusion of white acacia bark. Pour 1 kg of dry raw material into 10 liters of water, leave for 3-4 days, strain and process the bushes.
  3. Celandine. Fill a 10 liter bucket halfway with fresh herbs, add water and place on low heat. Boil for 20 minutes, cool and dilute with water 1:20.
  4. Dandelion. 200 g of dandelion greens along with flowers, 200 g of horsetail, pour 10 liters of water, boil for 20 minutes, cool and dilute with water in a ratio of 1:5.


Prefers systematic watering no more than once a week. Does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil in the second decade of the growing season.

Water causes fruit to rot . Under such conditions, the root system is not able to develop stably. Rot may appear on the plant. The variety requires loose soil, which means hilling is required.

In rocky soil, potato tubers may be deformed. It is necessary to remove weeds periodically. You can mulch areas. Weeds draw out essential minerals. Bushes overgrown with weeds bring a reduced yield.

Read about how to grow potatoes without weeding and hilling here.

When growing potatoes, additional chemicals are often used to improve yields or control pests. Read all about the benefits and harms of fungicides, herbicides and insecticides in useful articles on our website.

Features of care

Potatoes "Tiras" are not too demanding to care for and are responsive to basic agrotechnical measures.

  • You can accelerate the growth of potato tubers, as well as prevent late blight and protect young plants from the invasion of Colorado potato beetles by deep loosening the rows and hilling the seedlings when they reach a height of 15-20 cm.
  • It is advisable to hill up potato seedlings after heavy watering or rain.
  • At the flowering stage, the crop is planted, and potato bushes experience a significant need for watering during this period. In drought conditions, plants should be watered rarely but generously. Final abundant irrigation is performed during the flowering phase.

  • A necessary measure for caring for potato plantings is fertilizing, the amount of which should be about three per season.
  • Among organic fertilizers, preference should be given to rotted manure, chicken droppings or green fertilizer, which are applied in a liquid state.
  • Potatoes are characterized by very high sensitivity to chlorine, so a fertilizer such as potassium salt should be applied before the main treatment.
  • Good results are obtained by mulching with humus, rotted sawdust or pine needles immediately after flowering.

To increase productivity and protect potatoes from degeneration, which is typical for any vegetatively propagated vegetable crops, you should be careful when purchasing seeds and promptly replace planting material.

Useful video

A convenient way to get a large harvest from each bush:

We also bring to your attention other potato varieties with different ripening periods:

Late ripening Mid-early Mid-late
Picasso Black Prince Blue
Ivan da Marya Nevsky Lorch
Rocco Dark-skinned girl Rowanushka
Slav Lord of the Expanses Nevsky
Kiwi Ramos Courage
Cardinal TaisiyaBeauty
Asterix Lapot Milady
Nikulinsky Caprice Vector Dolphin Svitanok Kyiv Mistress Sifra Jelly Ramona
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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