Description, cultivation and care of the hybrid onion variety Candy

Description of the hybrid

This is an early variety of onion; it grows from seeds in one season. Plant characteristics:

  • Taste: sweet.
  • Size 300-800 g.
  • Diameter 15 cm.
  • Round shape.
  • Golden brown color.
  • The harvest volume is 5 kg per 1 m2.
  • Ripens within 90-100 days.
  • Shelf life six months.

The stated criteria for the Candy onion variety are confirmed provided that the requirements of agricultural technology are met.

Characteristics of the variety

Candy onion is a hybrid variety distinguished by its golden-bronze husk and juicy, sweet flesh. Therefore, the bulbs are used for preparing salads and adding to first and second courses. The variety was created by employees of the Dutch company Seminis Vegetable Seeds.

The main characteristics of Candy are:

  1. An extra early variety of onions. The average duration of obtaining the first harvest varies from 85 to 90 days after sowing seeds or planting seedlings.
  2. The bulb is round in shape, with smooth sides and a thin neck.
  3. The weight of 1 turnip is 500-800 g.
  4. The husk is golden and dry.
  5. Cultivation occurs through seedlings or seeds that are placed in open ground.
  6. Onions are unpretentious in care and cultivation.
  7. The variety is distinguished by simple agricultural technology.
  8. Versatility in use.
  9. The average shelf life is 4-6 months.

Turnips can be grown in different regions of Russia, but summer residents get the highest yield in the southern regions of the country. If in the central, northern and northwestern regions gardeners pay more attention to growing the hybrid variety, creating excellent conditions for growth, then they can get a high-quality harvest of bulbs.

Landing dates. Preparing the site for the plant

Sow Candy seeds. To obtain large heads, they are planted in greenhouses at the end of March. Or at the end of April in the ground to obtain medium bulbs.

If you plant the selected bulbs, they will develop a peduncle that prevents the heads from developing normally.

It is advisable not to grow the crop for 2 years in a row in the same place. It is best if the following grew in the beds before:

  • Cabbage.
  • Legumes.
  • Cucumbers.

The plant does not require special conditions to grow. The site is chosen in the sun, away from trees and drafts. The soil must be nutritious. To do this, add sand, black soil, wood ash and onion fertilizers before planting. The grooves are made 4 cm deep, the distance between rows is 25 cm.

How to grow onions?

Important attention must be paid to choosing the location where the area for planting seedlings or sowing seeds will be located. The place for the Candy variety should be illuminated as much as possible by the sun, protected from the wind, and located away from trees. The most ideal soil for bulbs of this variety is sandy loam, which allows you to get an excellent harvest of Candy turnips.

If the soils are acidic, the variety will not yield as much. To reduce the acid level, it is recommended to add lime or dolomite flour to the soil.

The soil for spring sowing is prepared in advance:

  1. The soil on the site needs to be dug up.
  2. Remove all weeds and roots of previous plants and bushes.
  3. Add humus or compost, wood ash. For 1 m² of plot, add 1.5-2 buckets of compost or humus, or 2 liters of a solution of wood ash and water (2 l/1 m² of plot).

You should not add fresh manure to the soil that will later be used for sowing onions. It is not recommended to do this either in spring or autumn. For planting onions, you should use an area where cucumbers, legumes and cabbage were previously grown. Make grooves in the area, between which there should be a distance of 25-30 cm and a depth of 3-4 cm.

The seedling method, like sowing seeds, requires taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region. Features of growing seedlings include:

  1. Seedlings must be almost 60 days old before planting in a greenhouse or open ground. This is enough for the seedlings to become stronger and healthy.
  2. Seeds are purchased only at specialized retail outlets.
  3. Before sowing for seedlings, the grains must be treated in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Next, the nigella is processed in a growth stimulator.

After treatment, the seeds need to be germinated by placing them in a damp cloth for several days. When the nigella germinates, then the seeds are sown in containers - boxes, special cassettes for seedlings or containers in which the prepared soil is placed. The soil should be loose, nutritious and light.

It is necessary to make grooves in the soil where the seeds are placed, then they are sprinkled with earth and sprinkled with water, always warm. Cover the containers with film, place the pots in a warm place, at a stable temperature of +22…+25ºС.

See also

Description of the Sturon onion, cultivation and pest control


The seedlings begin to germinate amicably and quite quickly, and as soon as this happens, the temperature in the room should be reduced to +18ºС. Seedlings need to be regularly watered, loosened, and fed. Watering is carried out at the root, but so that the liquid does not fall on the green feathers of the onion. When the leaves have grown enough, they are pruned, which helps the root system grow. Additionally, additional illumination of seedlings is carried out, as well as their thinning.

Before planting in the beds, seedlings of the Candy onion variety must have 3 or 4 true feathers, developed roots, which must be healthy and strong. The seedlings must be planted in the ground, and then the soil must be carefully compacted, mulched with peat (the next day), and watered.

Planting seeds with sprouted nigella into the ground is carried out when the air temperature allows this. Usually sowing is carried out in mid-April. Planting should be carried out according to a 25x25 cm pattern. Seeds cannot be planted too thickly, otherwise the harvest will be of poor quality and small.

The onion bushes need to be thinned a second time when the seedlings sprout and form several true leaves.

Growing by direct sowing in the ground

Onion planting material is thrown 2-3 seeds every 5 cm. 4 g of seeds should be enough for 1 m2. Summer residents recommend covering with covering material to speed up the germination process. After emergence, it should be removed.

Place the plants on raised beds if the soil is damp, or on flat beds if the summer is dry.

Further care involves thinning, since Candy onions do not like thickened plantings. This should be done when the seedlings become stronger. Some housewives leave it in the beds and dig it up during the season and use it for cooking.

See also

What can you plant in the garden after onions next year? Read

Growing by seedling method

To obtain an earlier onion harvest, seeds are planted on seedlings. The sowing time is calculated by each gardener individually. Since the climatic characteristics of all regions are different. The approximate age of seedlings when transferred to a permanent place is 60 days.

Candy onion seed needs to be prepared by first soaking it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To speed up the germination process, seeds are wrapped in damp cloth for 2-3 days.

Then they are dried and planted in prepared soil. The composition should be loose and nutritious. The planting material is laid out, sprinkled with earth and watered with warm water. Then tighten it with polyethylene. Observe the temperature regime, maintaining + 22-25 ⁰С. The containers are kept in a dark but warm place. As soon as the seedlings appear, they are transferred to a lighted place and the temperature is reduced to +16-18 ⁰C.

Characteristics and description of the onion hybrid Stardust F1, cultivation and care

Onions are a very healthy vegetable that can easily be grown in your garden or dacha. Moreover, today there are many different varieties and hybrids, from which you can always choose the one you like. Stardust F1 onions have been grown by Russian vegetable growers for almost 2 decades, and during this time they have already become popular and in demand. Let's consider the description of the hybrid, its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, as well as the method of cultivation.

Characteristics and description of the hybrid

White onion of the Stardust hybrid was obtained by Dutch breeders of the company BEJO ZADEN BV In the Russian State Register since 1999. It can be cultivated in all regions of the Russian Federation in private household plots and small farms. An early or mid-season hybrid, the onion harvest can be harvested 2 months after planting the seeds in the ground and 110-135 days after sowing the seeds. Its special feature is that it can be grown from seeds to produce green feathers that grow quickly and are powerful.

The originator gives the following description of the Stardust bow:

  • rosette erect, lush;
  • the leaf is bright green, with a moderately pronounced waxy coating;
  • the head is medium in size, from round to rhombic in shape;
  • integumentary and succulent scales are white, dry ones adhere loosely to the succulent ones;
  • the taste is sweet, mild or semi-sharp, delicate.

The yield of Stardust onions when grown for greens is up to 3 kg/m2, one plant weighs 30-50 g. The yield of heads is from 3-5 kg/m2 with a weight of 1 onion of 40-60 g.

Characteristics of the hybrid Stardust F1:

  • has excellent germination;
  • capable of producing crops with minimal care;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • high productivity;
  • excellent keeping quality.

The collected onion heads Stardust F1 are used fresh for food, added to all dishes where a vegetable is needed, canned, frozen and dried. Suitable for transportation and storage.

It is stored well, in a ventilated room at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C it can last until mid-winter, and remains just as tasty and juicy.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • quickly sprouts and increases green mass;
  • you can get both a green feather and a turnip;
  • the bulbs are medium-sized, moderate in size;
  • has excellent taste;
  • It is stored for a long time, which is uncharacteristic for early white onions.

Among the disadvantages is the need to annually purchase seeds or onion sets, since this is a hybrid.

Agrotechnics of cultivation and care

This white Dutch onion can be grown in 2 ways: from seeds or sets. If you choose to grow from seeds, they are germinated indoors before planting in the ground. First, they are placed in a container with plain water and those that float are selected. Such seeds are removed. The rest are soaked in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 20-30 minutes for pickling, then washed with water. Clean seeds are laid out on a damp cloth, wrapped in it, covered with film and left until germination. From time to time, the film is opened to allow air to penetrate to the seeds. When they sprout, you can sow them in the ground.

They also prepare a plot in the garden where the seeds will be planted. Choose a place where legumes, cruciferous vegetables, pumpkin or nightshade plants, spinach, lettuce, and greens grew before the onions. Beds after garlic and all types of onions, corn and sunflowers, cucumbers, and carrots are not suitable for its cultivation.

The best soils for Stardust onions are chernozem and loams with a neutral reaction. Acidic soils need to be limed in the fall or spring 1 month before planting. Just before planting seeds or sowing, dig up the soil well, add compost or humus mixed with ash, and level it. Cut grooves and plant sprouted seeds in them at a rate of 250 pcs. for every m2 of plot area. This seeding density is recommended for producing onions. Planting can begin in early May, in the southern regions even earlier. White onions, although less cold-resistant than hot varieties, still tolerate small drops in temperature.

Seedling care

Like any other plant, it is recommended to properly care for onions. Water, loosen and feed in a timely manner. For irrigation, use water at room temperature, preferably settled.

When watering, make sure that water does not fall on the leaves, strictly under the root.

Once every 10 days, fertilizing is done by taking chicken manure and diluting it in a ratio of 1:20. It should be remembered that you should not overfeed the plants either. After 2 leaves appear, carefully trim the tops, this promotes better development of the root system.

As with direct sowing in the ground, you need to thin out the onion crops. The torn out seedlings are planted in a separate container.

Hardening off seedlings will help them adapt faster when transplanting and reduce stress. When transferred to the ground, onion seedlings are discarded, choosing large and strong plants. After replanting, the soil is compacted a little.

Onion Candy F1 (Agros) 200pcs

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Provide on-site care

It is not difficult to grow onions in the garden; it is enough to follow the agrotechnical measures familiar to any summer resident:

  • Removing weeds.
  • Irrigation.
  • Fertilizer application.
  • Hilling and loosening.

Weeds in garden beds develop much faster than cultivated plants, so control over them is necessary. You should not leave torn plants in the same place from which they were removed. Since they are a source of bacteria and insect pests.

See also

How to fight powdery mildew on onions with folk remedies? Read

Water the onions as needed, avoiding excess moisture. Drip irrigation is recommended. It does not allow the soil to be compressed, it remains loose and does not become covered with a crust, which limits the access of oxygen.

Loosening of row spacing is carried out very carefully. Do not damage the onion roots. Fertilizers are applied once every 21 days. Use mullein, bird droppings or complex fertilizers.

Description of the variety

Let us consider in detail how the Setton variety differs from others.

Origin and development

Setton onions originated in the Netherlands specifically for cultivation in northern Europe. It is precisely for its resistance to low temperatures that Russian gardeners and farmers fell in love with it. Growing Setton onions does not cause difficulties in our northern regions.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties

Onions are rich in B vitamins, as well as C, E, H, K, PP, and beta-carotene (provitamin A).

The vegetable contains the most carbohydrates (8.2 g per 100 g of product) and dietary fiber (3 g per 100 g of product).

Onions are rich in macroelements such as potassium, sulfur, calcium, chlorine and magnesium. It also contains:

  • essential amino acids (arginine, valine, histidine);
  • nonessential amino acids (alanine, glycine, tyrosine);
  • omega-3 and omega-6.


It is characterized by increased productivity, which is why gardeners love it so much. The yield is 6 kg per square meter. m. Ripening before harvesting itself is 96%, in comparison with other varieties this is an increased figure.

Disease resistance

Setton, like other representatives of onions, is not immune from diseases. The risk of disease will be significantly reduced by preventive measures. It is recommended to treat the feather with a solution based on copper sulfate when it reaches a height of 15 cm. This will ensure resistance to fungus.

It is also necessary to treat the seedlings before planting. The seed material is soaked either in a special solution (“Quadris”), or proven folk remedies are used (saline solution, then a solution of potassium permanganate). By preparing the material in this way, you will protect it from most diseases and pests - such as downy mildew, neck rot, nematodes, and onion flies.

Characteristics of the bulb

Dense golden bulbs grow up to 120 g. Their rounded shape tapers towards the tail. “Turnips” are perfectly stored. The surface of the onion is covered with dry brown scales. Inside contains white pulp with a pleasant, mild taste.

The feather reaches a height of 30 cm. The bulbs weigh 150-170 g.

The vegetable can be consumed fresh and for processing.

Climate requirements

The Dutch variety is resistant to cold weather. The bulbs feel great at a temperature of -15°C, provided there is no snow cover.

Since the variety is unpretentious, it is grown in both the southern and northern regions.

Plant immunity

Onions of the Candy variety are a hybrid, therefore they are not susceptible to pink rot and bottom rot. But this does not mean that you need to leave the plant without proper care.

Crop rotation, weed removal and cultivation of beds are used against the development of diseases characteristic of a particular crop.

Dust with tobacco or ash. Infusions of Bordeaux mixture or hot pepper are used against pest attacks.

All infected bulbs are burned or taken off site.

Advantages and disadvantages of a hybrid

Before choosing which type of onion to grow, any summer resident must become familiar with the presence of positive and negative characteristics.


  • Early maturation.
  • Great taste.
  • Low maintenance requirements.
  • High yield.
  • Immunity to certain diseases.


  • Poorly stored.
  • Does not produce seed material.

Everyone has the right to decide for themselves which of the characteristics of a plant hybrid are decisive when choosing.

The opinion of summer residents regarding the Candy hybrid

Analyzing the reviews of vegetable growers gives a complete picture of the merits of the variety; in addition, novice summer residents find specific recommendations and tips for growing onions in their plots.

Vadim: “I sow directly into the beds. Candy's bulbs are excellent. “Everything goes into salads, there’s nothing left until November, so I can’t say anything about storage.”

Svetlana: “I grew onions for 2 years in a row using seedlings. I like it because the hybrid is productive and tasty, without bitterness. It requires watering and practically does not get sick.”

Candy is a godsend for many summer residents, it is unpretentious and produces a rich harvest.

Candy onion: description, characteristics, growing tips

7200 UAH

10000 sem (zipper)

  • .
  • Type – early maturing onion hybrid for growing turnips in one season.
  • Maximum weight – 360g-680g.
  • Packaging – impenetrable packaging from the manufacturer with calibrated processed seeds.
  • The yield yield is 6kg-7kg per square meter.
  • Growing conditions: open ground and closed ground of any type.
  • Resistance – powdery mildew, rust, bottom fusarium.
  • Application: fresh, processed, stored.
  • Shelf life: 5-6 months.

Main characteristics and tips for growing Candy F1 onions

Being a first-generation hybrid, the Candy onion variety was created by Dutch originators to obtain an early harvest in areas of risky farming. From the beginning of germination to full technical maturity, 85-110 days pass . It has the shape of a slightly flattened ball. The maximum weight of the hybrid at technical maturity reaches 680 g-780 g. The protective scales of the fruit are yellow-brown. Underneath them are snow-white ones, distinguished by a spicy, sweet-spicy taste. Dry scales - 2-3 pieces.

Technology for growing Candy F1 onions in all regions. However, the largest harvest of turnips is harvested in the southern regions. It is characterized by increased resistance to damage to the bottom by rot. It has a powerful root system and vegetative mass with a pronounced coating of a waxy substance. Its main purpose is to obtain commercial bulbs of excellent quality. At the same time, when feeding the plant in April with the universal fertilizer “Master 18-18-18” and thinning in May, an excellent harvest of feathers is obtained, which can be used for salads and for sale on the market.

Has increased resistance to pathogens:

Relatively resistant to:

  • mosaic virus;
  • wet bacterial root rot.

The hybrid has excellent taste and healthy qualities. The purpose of the vegetable is to select a marketable bulb in early July. And also getting a Candy F1 bow on a feather in the spring. Greens cut in the spring contain a large amount of nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the body after the winter period.

When grown, the Candy F1 onion variety is not whimsical. To produce a good yield, the vegetable must be provided with a sufficient amount of nutrients. To do this, in mid-May, young seedlings need foliar spraying with microelements. Using the Master 3-11-38-4 fertilizer as a top dressing, you can fully provide young plants with minerals important for active growth.

To prevent attacks by onion flies and thrips, the crop should be treated with Aktara or Oppercot once or twice a season. All products are distinguished by excellent germination, great potential and improved characteristics. Therefore, the price of Candy F1 onion seeds corresponds to high quality.

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