Feeding tomatoes with potassium monophosphate: application features

How to use the composition

The taste of tomatoes grown using the composition in question is significantly improved.
The drug has the following features:

Available in brown powder or granule form

It is very important that the powdered version does not have a yellowish tint, as this indicates the content of iron or sulfur impurities. And this indicates the low quality of the fertilizer.

Potassium content in the composition is 32-33%, and phosphorus 50%

This ratio guarantees the effectiveness of fertilizing and the rapid effect after applying fertilizer.

The powdered version dissolves well in hot water. And the granules dissolve well in cold liquid, which is important for those who prepare fertilizers at their dacha and do not have the opportunity to heat water.

The components in the drug are in an easily digestible form. Thanks to this, plants increase resistance to temperature changes, increase immunity to diseases and various pests, and improve fruiting.

Fertilizer application stimulates the growth of side shoots with flower clusters. As a result, many more buds are formed and the yield increases by an order of magnitude.

Plants consume as much fertilizer as they need. The composition does not accumulate in tomatoes and soil, so the likelihood of excess is minimal. Even without experience, you will not harm the plantings.

It is possible to use the drug together with pesticides. Therefore, during planned treatments with protective agents, there is no need to shift the feeding schedule.

Potassium and phosphorus provide high immunity of vegetable crops to diseases

  1. Periodic application is an excellent prevention of powdery mildew and other fungal diseases. When tomatoes have enough phosphorus and potassium, their immunity increases and it is more difficult for fungi to infect plants.
  2. There are no impurities in the composition. This eliminates soil contamination when constantly using potassium monophosphate.
  3. The fertilizer does not affect the acidity of the soil. It also helps improve beneficial microflora in the soil, which automatically improves the absorption of moisture and nutrients by the root system.
  4. Tomatoes become much more beautiful and smoother. Taste is improved by improving the accumulation of sugars, vitamins and microelements.
  5. Suitable for both traditional and foliar feeding. This ensures rapid absorption of microelements through the ground part and significantly reduces the dosage of the drug.

The drug is also sold in small packages, which is very convenient if you need to feed a small garden bed.

The author of the video recommends fertilizing seedlings in the phase of 2-3 true leaves and 2 weeks after picking or planting in open ground.

Foliar feeding for seedlings
Prepare a solution at the rate of 1 g per 2 liters of water. It is better to use hot liquid so that the fertilizer dissolves well; after mixing, you need to wait until the solution becomes warm.

It should be processed in the evening or in cloudy weather so that the wet plants are not illuminated by the sun. The composition is applied in a generous layer to all above-ground parts of the tomato. It is recommended to use rubber gloves to protect your hands. If spraying is carried out in a ventilated area, it is not necessary to wear a respirator and safety glasses.

Watering seedlings
Prepare a solution at the rate of 1 g of fertilizer per 1 liter of water. Mix well so that there is no sediment left at the bottom. This composition should be used instead of regular watering of plants.

Use liquid at the rate of 5 liters per square meter. It is necessary to water the seedlings abundantly so that the soil is saturated deeply. Such watering is carried out once during the growing of seedlings, this is quite enough

Spraying plants after planting in open ground or greenhouse
Prepare a solution at the rate of 10 g per 10 liters of water. It is best to dissolve the granules, as they can be diluted without problems in cold water.

Carry out the treatment during the period of plant flowering and ovary formation. During this period, foliar treatment has the best effect. The best period is the evening after sunset, when moisture evaporation decreases and the plant absorbs nutrients better

Water adult plants at the roots
Prepare a solution at the rate of 20 g per bucket of water. Carry out this work approximately 2 weeks after transplantation or during the ripening period of tomatoes, if there are signs of a lack of nutrients.

When watering newly planted seedlings, observe the norm of 4 liters per 1 m². If adult, fruit-bearing bushes are fed, then at least one and a half liters of liquid is poured under each one. It is better to work in the evening

Fertilizer reviews

Potassium monophosphate is not the cheapest fertilizer. However, the need for its small quantity and complexity makes it in demand among gardeners. Those vegetable growers who have already used granules for fertilizing are convinced of its effectiveness.

Antonina Ivanovna

Moscow region

Place of application: vegetable garden

I have been using monophosphate for a long time. I always buy it for future use so that I don’t have to look for it in the summer. The granular preparation is very good, it does not cake and can be used gradually. Once I got into powder, I suffered and transferred. It became a lump and fell to the bottom like a stone in the water. Now I try to be careful when purchasing. I feed tomatoes and peppers. I'll look at it. In a bucket of water 1 teaspoon without top. The first time the landing field was done in a week, the second time after 2 weeks and the third time after three. I can say with confidence that it works. Somehow there wasn’t enough solution, and I decided to do an experiment, but then I regretted it. I recommend feeding it annually - this is the key to harvest and taste.



Place of application: vegetable garden

I use this fertilizer as a means of fighting diseases. As soon as I plant the seedlings, I spray them every 10 days and add more copper sulfate. Place copper sulfate on a bucket of water (5-6 liters) and monophosphate on the tip of a knife. The neighbors have already adopted my experience. Tomatoes do not suffer from late blight and are not affected by the top. Tested on many varieties, it works 100%. But you can’t be lazy; you need treatments every 10 days. As soon as I gape, I leave. I feed organic matter from my neighbor’s goats, and foliar feed only monophosphate.

Ekaterina Andreevna


Place of application: greenhouse

The fertilizer is very good. I checked it a long time ago. I fertilize 3-4 times at the root and 2-3 times along the leaves. Since I started feeding the tomatoes they have become very tasty, I think it’s all thanks to the monophosphate. I couldn’t buy it for one year, so I replaced it with superphosphate, but that’s not it. Tomatoes do not need superphosphate; with monophosphate, the yield and taste are excellent. I noticed that even late tomatoes that ripen on the shelf taste much better in the house. The only drawback is that it is not always free to buy small packages.



Place of application: greenhouse

Our region is harsh, not for tomatoes, but I do it and eat my own tomatoes. Monophosphate is a godsend. They recommended it to me at the store. Bought. The only organic material I have is compost; I have nowhere else to get anything else. I started feeding, and in the first year I was even surprised. Both the yield and the taste are all there. I don't allow overfeeding. I prefer to feed in small doses, but often. I think that in this case the plant will gradually absorb the substances it needs. Judging by the yield, I'm right.

Victor Viktorovich


Place of application: vegetable garden

From year to year the heat overcomes more and more. There is a problem with water and organic matter. The harvest has gotten worse. They advised feeding with potassium monophosphate. I've been very pleased for several years now. The neighbors are surprised at my tomato yield. I don’t add it under the root, but externally all the time. I made it a rule: every Saturday I make a solution of 1 teaspoon per 12 liters of water (I have exactly this mark on the sprayer) and go over all the tomatoes and peppers. I am very pleased with the result. It is not burdensome, it takes a few minutes, and the result is visible.

Positive and negative sides

Potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate, used in agriculture as complementary food, has a number of advantages:

  • allows you to save water for irrigation;
  • applicable for greenhouse crops;
  • simultaneous use of the product with pesticides is possible;
  • the risk of burning the green organism is minimal (it is acceptable to use powder and granules in dry form, without diluting the product with water);
  • it is impossible to poison the planting with fat (overdose is excluded);
  • good water solubility of the substance;
  • the composition is well and quickly absorbed by vegetation;
  • increasing the quantity and quality of the harvest;
  • improving the quality of garden soil by saturating it with useful minerals.

Despite the many advantages, it also has disadvantages:

not suitable for slow-growing crops and some indoor flowers;

  • provokes more active growth of not only cultivated plants, but also weeds;
  • does not give a long-term effect;
  • not compatible with fungicidal agents rich in calcium and magnesium;
  • is not stored (deteriorates) in open packaging.

Composition and properties of the drug

Potassium monophosphate (dihydrogen orthophosphate) is a white crystalline powder, concentrated fertilizer with the chemical formula KH2PO4. Its percentage composition:

  • phosphorus oxide (P2O5) – 52;
  • potassium oxide (K2O) – 34.

Large agricultural enterprises often use granular monophosphate. It is usually packaged in large bags, costs less, and is light brown or beige in color.

A yellow color or shade of granules and crystals indicates impurities of sulfur or iron. This is a manufacturing defect.

Potassium monophosphate has the following properties:

  • completely and quickly dissolves in water;
  • safe for humans;
  • acidifies the soil;
  • in tank mixtures it is combined with most pesticides (except metal oxides) and other fertilizers;
  • softens water that is too hard for watering tomatoes.

Monophosphate cannot be used simultaneously with calcium - insoluble, difficult-to-digest compounds are formed

Signs of deficiency with photos

Deficiency of micro- and macroelements necessary for the normal functioning and fruiting of tomatoes should not be allowed. You can understand what they lack by looking at the plants themselves. External signs of nutrient deficiency:

  • Nitrogen. Due to its deficiency, the growth of the bushes slows down, they begin to stretch out, the leaves become smaller, they have a pale green tint with yellowness, the stem becomes thinner and softens.
  • Potassium. Signs of element deficiency are expressed in the curling of the tips of the leaves; they acquire a brown border along the edges.
  • Phosphorus. Due to its lack, the color of the aboveground part becomes darker, the leaves become lilac with purple veins. It is possible to wrap the leaves inside.
  • Bor. The leaves become lighter and curl.
  • Zinc. Symptoms of microelement deficiency are expressed in fragile, rough, rough leaves, leaves may curl downwards, and orange-brown chlorosis may form on old leaves.
  • Copper and sulfur. The lack of substances leads to the withering of the leaves, after which they can change their shade to bluish-green and curl into a tube.
  • Calcium. The deficiency causes white veins to appear on the leaves and the leaves curl upward.
  • Iron. With iron deficiency, the leaves turn yellow and droop, and in some cases they may curl.

If tomato bushes do not have enough potassium nutrition available in the soil, they begin to actively signal this by necrosis of the edges of the leaf blades - the appearance of a yellowish border, similar to a burn injury.

If potassium fertilizing is not applied at the first signs, the affected area will grow and cover all vegetative parts of the bush. The branches stop growing and become woody. The leaves turn yellow-bronze and fall off.

The harvest from such dried-out plants will also not please you: its ripening will be uneven, spots and unripened “butts” will form on the fruits, and their taste will become sour.

Below you can see what tomatoes with these symptoms look like.

If you notice these symptoms on your plants, you need to feed them as soon as possible. Even if you doubt whether they can be saved, it’s definitely worth a try.

Your plants may be lacking other nutrients. Deficiencies of manganese, magnesium, calcium and nitrogen are especially common. You can learn about the symptoms of their deficiency by using the links.

What do tomatoes like?

Potassium fertilizers for tomatoes help accelerate metabolism, which has a good effect on fruit set and ripening. Feeding helps the plant survive spring temperature fluctuations and protects it from pathogens. Transplantation and rooting occurs faster. At the same time, other substances, nitrogen and phosphorus, must also be present in sufficient quantities.

Video: Expert advice on fertilizing tomatoes, including potash

The tomato bush feels good when the nutrition is balanced. To do this, you should follow the sequence of feeding:

  1. In the spring, before planting seedlings, you need to fertilize the soil with nitrogen so that the plants can gain green mass and be ready to set fruit.
  2. Towards the end of flowering, the most important moment comes - fertilizing with potassium mixtures. If time is lost, some part of the plants may shed flowers or ovaries. At this moment, you should watch the tomatoes especially carefully in order to notice the lack of substances in time. Gardeners usually water their plots every evening. There is time to take a closer look at the foliage - if it begins to change color, then urgent action must be taken. One foliar feeding is enough for the plant to come to life.
  3. In the fall, after harvesting, you need to restore the soil by digging it up with phosphorus and potassium. Fertilizers will dissolve over the winter, and in the spring it will be easy for plants to absorb nutrients.

There are different types of potash fertilizers, but not all of them are suitable for the type of soil. Knowing the characteristics of each type of mineral fertilizer, taking into account the composition of the soil - its pH, you can choose the optimal nutrition for plants (more on this in the section on types of potash fertilizers).

Existing analogues

If you don’t have potassium monophosphate on hand, you can replace it with superphosphate, which contains a small amount of nitrogen, which does not cause rapid growth of green mass, and 16-20% phosphorus.

Potassium nitrate, containing 13% nitrogen and 44% potassium, is actively used in gardening and horticulture. As a result of its use, the protective forces of plants are increased, the taste and commercial qualities, and the shelf life of the crop are improved.

Potassium monophosphate has earned its popularity due to its high performance characteristics. The mineral composition has a beneficial effect on all agricultural and ornamental plants. But in order to avoid negative consequences, it should be used according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Instructions for use

Gardeners use potassium monophosphate for root watering and leaf spraying of plants. Pre-prepare the hydrate, observing the proportions specified in the instructions for the fat. Typically a solution is made with a concentration of 0.05 to 0.15%.

To do this, dissolve the powder (from 5 to 15 g) in water (10 l). For foliar spraying, make a hydrate with a concentration of 0.2% (20 g per 10 l).

The consumption rate of mineral fertilizer hydrate at the early stage of development of garden and ornamental crops varies from 3 to 5 liters per 1 m² of planting. After several leaves appear, it is increased to 5-10 liters per 1 m².

It is recommended to water the planting with potassium monophosphate hydrate in the evening hours (in the absence of sunlight). Otherwise, the nutrient liquid will evaporate. This also applies to foliar spraying of crops. Water only pre-moistened beds with garden crops.


When growing tomatoes, use potassium monophosphate no more than 2 times during the season. The first time this is done the day before the bushes begin to bear fruit. The second complementary feeding is carried out 2-3 weeks after the first treatment.

When diluting the powder, follow the dosage specified by the manufacturer. From 7.5 to 15 g of mineral product are dissolved in 10 liters of water. The resulting nutrient liquid is enough to feed 4 tomato bushes.


Monopotassium phosphate is used for cucumber bushes in the form of watering. Let's use the hydrate and application schedule as for tomato crops. Spraying of the planting is carried out with a solution (0.2%). Manipulation is also carried out when the fruits become deformed (twisted) and become pear-shaped.

This is evidence of potassium deficiency. The culture should be treated with monopotassium phosphate to prevent the cucumbers from becoming bitter.


Monopotassium phosphate is not suitable for potatoes in the form of root feeding. Irrigation with the drug is carried out exclusively on the leaf. When applied by root, the root system of the crop grows, and fewer fruits are formed.

Hydrate for irrigation of green mass should be 0.05%. Spray the planting 2 times during the season.


To get garden plants to flower earlier, they should be watered for the first time with 0.05% hydrate (5 g of the drug per 10 liters of water). The second feeding is carried out when 3-4 leaves appear (consumption - 3-4 liters of liquid per 1 m²). During the growing season, a hydrate of 0.07-0.1% is used.

After precipitation, foliar feeding of the flower bed is carried out with a solution of the drug 0.02%. For petunia, we use 0.01% hydrate. Potted flowers should be watered twice with an interval of 14 days with a solution of 0.1%. When buds appear, potassium monophosphate is not added.


To water strawberry beds, you need to dilute potassium monophosphate 10-15 g of the product per 10 liters of water. They feed the crop in the garden during the flowering period. After fertilizing the beds, the soil should be watered so as not to burn the crop.


To feed the vineyard, potassium monophosphate should be diluted at the rate of 10 g per 10 liters. water. The vine is sprayed with hydrate in the spring to reduce the likelihood of powdery mildew. In the last days of August and September, irrigation will help increase the yield and frost resistance of the crop.


Carrot beds cannot be fed with the drug by applying root fertilizer. Let's feed the plant only one leaf at a time using a fine spray bottle. To prepare a working solution, the drug is diluted with water to obtain a 0.05% hydrate. Irrigation is carried out twice during the season.

Is it possible to combine different fertilizers?

In almost all cases, it is allowed to apply several fertilizers to the soil at the same time. To save time and labor, they are mixed in certain dosages. The combination is not always successful, since some substances do not interact well with each other. It is worth considering forbidden combinations:

  • superphosphates conflict with ash, synthetic urea and ammonium nitrate, as well as phosphate rock;
  • phosphate rock and bone meal are not combined with superphosphate and superphosphates, calcium nitrate, lime;
  • precipitates cannot be used with chalk and ash, chicken droppings and manure, lime;
  • phosphate slags are not used with ammophos, ammonium nitrate, litter and manure;
  • complex fertilizers do not interfere with ash, manure, and lime.

Scope of application of fertilizer

Taking into account the individual characteristics and principle of action of the mineral fertilizer, it can be used for:

feeding young plants in a season with favorable weather

If the year turns out to be rainy and cold, for better root formation it is more advisable to use Kornevin; effective flowering and solving problems with ovaries, which, due to a lack of nutrients, begin to fall off; increasing crop productivity indicators; long and abundant flowering, which is especially important for indoor flowers and those grown in open areas; carrying out emergency foliar feeding of flowers in which the edges of the leaves have begun to curl down, wrinkle, and change their color to brown.

For a drug to be effective, you need to know how to use it.

For tomatoes

Tomatoes are fed 2 times per season, the interval between procedures is at least 14 days. The working solution is prepared at 0.15%, where 15 g of the product is used per 10 liters of water. The consumption of such liquid is 1 bucket per 4 bushes. In favorable years, the interval between treatments is best done at 3 weeks. The leaves of the vegetable crop are sprayed with a 0.02% solution between the main treatments.

For cucumbers in greenhouses and open ground

For this crop, potassium monophosphate is used, as for tomatoes. Depending on the condition of the developing fruits, irrigation is done with a solution with a concentration of 0.02%. During normal development, the cucumber has a regular shape, with the tip slightly thinner than the petiole. Potassium deficiency in a crop can be determined by its pear-shaped or curved appearance. For cucumbers, foliar feeding is a priority rather than watering with nutritional compounds. After applying the working solution, at least 1.5-2 weeks must pass before using the mineral complex again.

For potatoes, root vegetables, onions, garlic

It is more rational to apply this fertilizer on the leaf. If you water at the root level, there is a high probability of excessive growth of the root system due to loss of weight, taste, boiling of root crops and a decrease in their quantity. The concentration of the working solution is 0.02-0.05%, the frequency of fertilizing procedures is two per season. Similar measures are provided for saturating other root crops and bulbous edible plantings with potassium monophosphate.

For fruit and berry crops

Unlike other crops, it is more effective to use fertilizing irrigation here. It is necessary to carry out unscheduled (emergency) procedures on the crown only after heavy precipitation and during the harvest season

Only the vegetative organs of plants are sprayed; it is especially important to treat the lower leaves with a large amount of solution

It is recommended to apply fertilizer at the root to pre-moistened soil 2 hours after irrigation. To avoid loss of the working solution, adult garden plantings are treated with a working liquid prepared at the rate of 20 g of mineral fertilizer per 10 liters of water. For grapes, a similar water-mineral solution is used.

For flowers

Fertilizing of ornamental plants is done even before the buds begin to bloom and during the period of abundant flowering. In favorable years, in order to speed up the flowering process, the sprouts are treated when 3-4 true leaves appear. The working fluid is prepared with a concentration of 0.05%, consumption per 1 sq. m is 3-4 l. At the stage of active vegetation, a 0.07-0.1% solution is used, and leaf spraying is carried out with a 0.02% liquid.

To feed petunias when 2-3 leaves appear, the fertilizer is diluted at the rate of 5 g of the drug per 10 liters of water. 10 days after transplantation to a permanent place, the concentration of the solution is increased to 7 g per 10 liters of water.

Seedlings, garden and vegetable garden

The standard regulations for the application of potassium monophosphate to horticultural crops and seedlings in average and favorable years in the Central Belt of the Russian Federation are given in the figure:

Regulations for seasonal feeding of open ground plants with potassium monophosphate.

The dosage within the specified limits should be selected according to the habit (large, small, thin, lush) and the speed of plant development (early ripening, late ripening). Errors within the limits of the indicated doses are insignificant, but an experienced plant grower, using them, can achieve the maximum yield in a given year with minimal costs for agrochemicals.

The optimal effective dosage of potassium monophosphate for foliar feeding is 0.05% (5 g per 10 liter bucket of water); the minimum for spraying decorative potted and hanging flowers after a rainstorm and in other cases (see below) is 0.02% (2 g per bucket). The same dosage is valid for planned foliar feeding in productive years. Maximum, for watering fruit trees after heavy rain or prolonged rains – 0.3% (30 g per bucket).

The rules for watering and spraying are general: in the evening, preferably on a cloudy day, or in the morning until light. Watering - into pre-moistened soil. Consumption rates for irrigation solution:

  • Fruits and vegetables in the early stages of development (before budding) - 3-4 liters per 1 sq. m of plantings.
  • They, at the maturity stages, are 5-6 liters for the same area.
  • Decorative flower crops - 5-10 liters per 1 sq. m of planting depending on the habit.
  • Berry bushes - 7-10 liters per 1 sq. m of area shaded at midday. Water at the roots, not between the rows!
  • Fruit trees - 15-20 liters per 1 sq. m of tree trunk circle.
  • Ornamental trees - 20-30 liters for the same area.

Spraying - with small “foggy” sprays until the leaves are filmy surface moistened; the appearance of rolling drops is unacceptable. For certain crops, some specific features of fertilizing with potassium monophosphate apply.


Watering with a 0.15% solution of potassium monophosphate (15 g per bucket of water) for tomatoes should be carried out no more than 2 times per season with an interval of at least 2 weeks. Watering rate is a bucket of working solution for 4 bushes. In productive years, it should be extended to 3 weeks or more in accordance with the observed phases of plant development (see standard regulations). In this case, spray the leaves with a 0.02% solution in the intervals between waterings. The same solution is used for emergency spraying after heavy rains, see above.


Cucumbers are fed by watering with a solution of potassium monosulfate in the same doses and on the same schedule as tomatoes. The working solution for spraying is also 0.02%, however, foliar fertilizing with potassium and phosphorus for cucumbers should be carried out with an eye on the developing fruits. A normally ripening cucumber is straight and thicker at the petiole than at the tip. If the fruits, starting from the ovaries, are curved and/or pear-shaped, they lack potassium, they need to be fed by spraying. Foliar feeding of ripening cucumbers takes priority over fertilizing by watering, because If the cucumbers turn brown from a lack of potassium, there is no way to fix it. That is, if, for example, on the next watering is scheduled for a week, but the cucumbers are crooked, fertilizing watering needs to be postponed, because... the time interval between fertilizing with potassium monophosphate should be at least 1.5-2 weeks.

Potatoes, root vegetables, onions, garlic

It is advisable to feed potatoes with potassium monophosphate only by spraying on the leaves. Fertilizer irrigation will lead to excessive growth of the root system by reducing the number, weight, taste and boiliness of tubers. Solution – 0.02-0.05%; processing - twice per season according to regulations. In exactly the same way and for the same purpose, root crops and bulbous edible plants are fed with potassium monophosphate.

Fruit and berry plants

Fruit trees and berry bushes are regularly fed with potassium monophosphate, on the contrary, mainly by watering. Emergency/unscheduled feeding of the crown is carried out in productive years and after heavy rains, see above. Spray only the vegetative (green) parts, trying to get more of the solution onto the undersides of the leaves. Watering is carried out 1.5-2 hours after the treated area is well moistened. You can water trees and shrubs with potassium monophosphate in the morning, as long as the ground is moist, but not in rain or fog - most of the fertilizer will be lost. Mature stably bearing fruit trees can be watered with a 0.2% solution (20 g per bucket of water).


Potassium dihydrogen phosphate performs multiple functions at all stages - from sowing to harvesting. Among the main effects:

  • stimulation of ripening;
  • increasing cold and frost resistance;
  • strengthening immunity against most pathogens, especially powdery mildew;
  • increasing stress resistance;
  • increased fruiting;
  • improvement of product and taste characteristics - more sugars accumulate in the pulp, the skin becomes stronger.

Using potassium monophosphate, the shelf life of the crop is prolonged.

Plants absorb all ingredients well; it is recommended to use liquid based on the drug for watering.

Application and dosage

Feeding tomatoes with potassium monophosphate is effectively done through foliar irrigation. The product can be used for root watering. Solutions are prepared in different concentrations.

Instructions for use:

  1. For irrigation, add 2 g of product to 1 liter of water, obtaining a 0.2% solution.
  2. For standard watering in order to feed, 15 g of monophosphate is added to 10 liters of water.
  3. Treatment of bushes is carried out only in the evening after 6 o'clock in order to avoid burns from sunlight.

Monophosphate should be fed to tomatoes according to the instructions no more than 2 times during the entire cultivation period.

Pre-sowing seed treatment cannot be carried out using potassium monophosphate. The drug inhibits activity and inhibits germination.

Feeding seedlings

Feeding tomatoes with potassium monophosphate at the stage of caring for seedlings is carried out using a solution - 10 g of the drug per 10 liters of settled water.
Irrigate through a sprayer. The temperature of the product should be between 22-24 degrees. Fertilizer stimulates the growth of the vegetative part of seedlings.

Dose per 1 m2 - 5 liters of solution.

Feeding bushes on the ground

After planting the bushes in a permanent place, spraying with potassium monophosphate for tomatoes is prescribed for further plant growth and better survival.

Dosage and correct use:

  1. The mineral contains potassium and phosphorus salts in an ideal tandem combination.
  2. Use in dissolved form, if diluted 10-15 g per 10 liters of liquid.
  3. Fertilizing is carried out independently or as part of a mineral mixture.
  4. Spray only in the evening hours.

Potassium monophosphate for tomatoes in a greenhouse will be needed from the moment the first ovaries appear. Dilute 1 tbsp. for 1 bucket of water.

Foliar spraying of greenhouse varieties with monophosphate:

  • accelerates ripening;
  • prevents infection by pathogens, especially fungal strains.

For irrigation you will need up to 4-6 liters of solution per 1 m2 of bed. For young plants, the norm that can be sprayed is 2-3 liters per 1 m2. Feeding is carried out comprehensively. Do not apply any nitrogen preparations during the first spraying.

The benefits of foliar feeding of tomatoes with monophosphate are undeniable:

  • improvement of ovary formation;
  • formation of inflorescences;
  • stimulation of flowering;
  • strengthening the hands.

Potassium monophosphate for tomatoes during flowering is a super fertilizer for root watering. The drug is diluted at a rate of 1 to 10. The concentrated solution is extremely beneficial for tomatoes. The quality indicators and composition of the fruits improve, which provides significant health benefits to humans.


Potassium monophosphate - application

The fertilizer is used for different crops - potassium monophosphate; the instructions for use recommend dissolving it in water. For root feeding, take 10 g per 10 liters of clean, cold water. If nitrogenous fertilizers are also needed, they must be applied after 5 days, since the use of monophosphate with them is contraindicated.

The use of potassium monophosphate for plant nutrition guarantees:

  1. Good flowering and yield for garden crops.
  2. Abundant flowering for indoor plants.
  3. Excellent nutrition with foliar feeding.
  4. An excellent effect when sprayed in calm weather, preferably in the morning or evening, a couple of hours before dew.

Feeding cucumbers with potassium monophosphate

Fertilizing with potassium monophosphate is very useful for cucumbers; they will grow evenly and maintain a neat, rather than pear-shaped, curved shape

But this must be done carefully, since the vegetable does not like an overdose of potassium. First, you should try the solution on several plants and see what happens after a couple of days

If yellow-green stains appear on the leaves, then the concentration should be reduced.

It is important to consider that:

  1. Fertilizing in the greenhouse is carried out three times during growth, and in the garden - 5-6 times.
  2. The pauses between feedings should be the same.
  3. If the soil is rich, two procedures will be enough.
  4. For the solution, dilute 15 g per 10 liters of water - for 3-5 bushes.
  5. Root feeding is applied with watering.
  6. When spraying, the foliage and vines of plants are captured.

Feeding tomatoes with potassium monophosphate

Tomatoes take this fertilizer best of all plants; fertilizing tomatoes with potassium monophosphate brings a very generous harvest of delicious vegetables. Tomatoes grow large and juicy because monophosphate increases the sugar content and speeds up ripening. Gardeners advise alternating root and foliar feeding for the best effect.

Processing Features:

  1. Foliar feeding
    . A solution is made from 1 tbsp. spoons of fertilizer per 10 liters of water, calculating 1.5 - 2 liters per bush. The plant must be watered before application.
  2. Spraying
    . Dissolve 4 g of powder in 10 liters of water; apply the mixture only in dry and windless weather.

Potassium monophosphate for potatoes

The use of potassium monophosphate is also very useful for potatoes. This vegetable loves complex fertilizers; it is best to do this together with hilling. Weed the beds first, since weeds also respond well to feeding. The only negative is that liquid can drain from clods of earth, so you need to hill up more carefully.

Processing Features:

  1. For spraying, a solution is made at the rate of 15 g per 10 liters of water, the procedure is carried out twice per season: after hilling and when buds form.
  2. For watering, the solution is made the same and distributed between the bushes. Then you need to add soil.

Potassium monophosphate for indoor flowers

Since monophosphate is a very highly active fertilizer, so-called “dormant” flowers cannot tolerate it: cyclamens, abutylenes, dodecatheons, succulents, orchids, azaleas. But potassium monophosphate is very useful for other plants living in the room, the main thing is to strictly follow the dosage. The flowering period will be longer, and the flowers will look much more magnificent and beautiful.

Valuable tips:

  1. You need to fertilize with a 2% solution every 2-3 weeks.
  2. The procedure is carried out at the beginning of the buds opening and when the plants bloom profusely.
  3. The solution is applied at the rate of 3-4 liters per square of plantings.

Compatibility with other drugs

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A positive result from the use of potassium monophosphate can only be observed when the soil is optimally saturated with nitrogen. Therefore, it is allowed to combine this product with nitrogen fertilizers. But the main thing here is to observe the correct ratios of both means.

Also, experts strongly do not recommend using these types of fertilizers at the same time. Therefore, adding a potassium-nitrogen mixture to the soil or spraying the leaves of fruit asthenia should not be carried out. There should be a gap of at least 2-3 days between the applications of both types of fertilizers.


Please note: the higher the air humidity, the shorter the interval between the use of drugs should be.

But nitrogen is given only after the phosphorus-potassium solution. However, when processing legumes, alfalfa and clover, which tend to accumulate nitrogen, the fertilizer application scheme changes exactly the opposite.

Pros and cons of potassium monophosphate

high efficiency;

increased fruiting;

stimulation of flowering of non-fruiting plants;

promoting the formation of side shoots in flowers not intended for cutting;

quick and easy absorption of nutrients, their accumulation in plant cells;

absorption of fertilizer components by all parts of flowers and plants;

the impossibility of oversaturating plants with substances included in the fertilizer;

compatibility with pesticides (up to the possibility of producing a complex solution using both types of substances at once);

the ability to treat and prevent the development of certain fungal diseases and powdery mildew;

the absence of ballast substances, which eliminate the risk of side effects from crops on the applied fertilizer;

almost complete absence of influence of the drug on soil acidity;

beneficial effect on soil microflora.

rapid decomposition of solution components;

Possibility of use only in the warm season in non-hot weather with moderate humidity;

hygroscopicity, that is, when wet, potassium monophosphate powder can lose its beneficial properties, so it must be purchased in packages suitable for single use.

Another disadvantage is that the product gives vitality not only to fruit crops and flowers, but also to weeds. In view of this, be prepared for the appearance of unwanted vegetation on the site.

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